The Biden-Harris Administration

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DOOCY TIME: “John, has President Biden considered maybe beefing up the public Iran posture to be more than just one word?”

WH’s John Kirby: “You — you’re referring to, ‘don't’?”

Doocy: “Yeah.”

Kirby: “And so, let's —”

Doocy: “Because he said —”

Kirby: “— talk about —”

Doocy: “— ‘don’t’ and they did it anyway.”

Kirby: “— and let's talk about —”

Doocy: “So, now what?”

Kirby: — what we did. Peter. Let's talk about ‘don’t’ and did. Let's talk about Saturday night. He made it clear that he didn't want to see escalation in the region.”

Doocy: “And yet, there was.”

Kirby: “Eh, let me finish. He added military resources to the region right after October 7 and then, when we had an inkling that this kind of thing was coming, he added even more military resources to the region, more destroyers that were capable of shooting down ballistic missiles, fighters — fighter squadron that was able to shoot down drones and that's what we did. So, you can talk about the ‘don't’ word all you want, but let's talk about what did happen. And what did happen was Iran utterly failed. And if I'm sitting in Tehran right now, I'm betting that President Biden takes it pretty seriously. When he says, ‘don't’ escalate, he’s going to act to make sure that you can, and they didn't. Yes, they fired an unprecedented amount of munitions, but how much of a success that they have, Peter? None. Zero. Very little infrastructure. It was an embarrassing failure for the Supreme Leader for the IRGC.”

🤡: "Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't."


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BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Uncovers who is really running the White House. Undercover cameras catch Special Advisor @SBAgov call former @facebook Board Member @WHCOS @ZientsJeff27574 “the second most powerful person in Washington” where “whatever this guy says, it’s what the President says.” Asked by OMG’s American Swiper Citizen Journalist “is Jeff [Zeints] more powerful than Kamala,” Robinson confirms “Yeah.” @VP @KamalaHarris. Robinson also states that @BarackObama and @HillaryClinton are still involved behind the scenes at the White House.

Tyler Robinson, Special Advisor to the Chief of Staff of Administrator @SBAIsabel Guzman, details how @WhiteHouse directs @SBAIsabel Guzman to campaign for @POTUS so constantly that “[Guzman] is the most traveled member of the cabinet. Like pretty much every week.” Under the guise of talking to small business owners, Guzman travels across the country to help elect Democrats – especially swing state Democrats like @SenatorTester: “The White House was like, yes, go. Invite Senator Tester. Don’t invite the other Senator because he’s a Republican. And don’t invite the two members of Congress because they’re Republicans.” Such actions may be considered potential violations of the Hatch Act, which restricts federal employees from taking an active part in partisan political management and forbids them from campaigning for or against candidates.

Robinson says Guzman acts “as a spokesperson for Biden” as “...we try to visit with a member of Congress if they’re a Democrat…Just because then we can help them get re-elected as well.” @US_OSC @JudicialWatch



If this is true then JQ operative Jeff Zients should be brought up on charges of high crimes and misdemeanors and treason for subverting the elected power structures of the US. This jew has no right to be "the second most powerful person in the US," as he was not elected to dog catcher, much less VP.
It's not a unique situation. The White House chief of staff - be it Zients, or anyone else for that matter - always holds an immense power, this is the person who controls the flow of people and information in the White House (including who and what the President will see), and oversees the work of all White House offices and staffers. So, yeah it's the second person in the US because even the VP needs to contact him to schedule a meeting with POTUS. You might even say that the President is just a regular member of the White House staff, serving under the chief. All of this without a democratic mandate or any oversight.
It's not a unique situation. The White House chief of staff - be it Zients, or anyone else for that matter - always holds an immense power, this is the person who controls the flow of people and information in the White House (including who and what the President will see), and oversees the work of all White House offices and staffers. So, yeah it's the second person in the US because even the VP needs to contact him to schedule a meeting with POTUS. You might even say that the President is just a regular member of the White House staff, serving under the chief. All of this without a democratic mandate or any oversight.
Yup, end of the line. Giant history nerds know this is normal at the end of an empire or dynasty. Some power behind the throne calls the shots. Chinese had their bureaucrats and Rome had the army. The Islamic world had a combination of wealthy merchants and the army. The so called “head of state” is usually a little kid or some old man (heh) used to address the public while the real action happens behind the scenes.

The US’ power behind the throne is a tag team of corporate America wanting their own enslaved perpetual market and sponges, both welfare and bureaucratic trying to avoid real jobs. The DNC seems to be so powerful right now because they are the public face of these “powers.” Republicans are just there to play a heel. Reminds me of how the Russian revolution was a tag team of drunken peasants who wanted the communal farms of serfdom back and wealthy yet useless intellectuals that couldn’t make it so their only path to power was communism.
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I don't follow this American stuff that closely. Well, if Trump gets in again I'll start following but no point watching that old fart who's in at the moment.

Someone I know however who follows it more closely - an older gentleman who thinks America still is as it was perhaps fifty years ago was telling me that Biden these days is non compos mentis.

Have they put in someone half useless over there?

What reminded me of it was this latest gaffe -
Biden warns Israel against attacking Israel

A funny headline but you'd just expect someone in that position to pay more attention to detail.

He muddled it because 'Rafah' rhymes with 'Haifa'.
It's not a unique situation. The White House chief of staff - be it Zients, or anyone else for that matter - always holds an immense power, this is the person who controls the flow of people and information in the White House
Right. I tend to believe every politician is garbage, and that the presidency is really just a figurehead, but for the sake of argument, let's say you elect an honest and based leader as president and that he wields real power.

If I were an evil chief of staff, I could put whoever I want in front of the president, telling him whatever lies needed to force his hand. Want a missile strike on a nation the Jews don't like? Tell him the CIA found nuclear material and they are preparing for launch--we need to act pre-emptively to halt them. Want to punish your enemies? Tell him you have reports from US agencies that country X is [selling drugs / harboring terrorists / doing sex slavery] and that they should be "sanctioned". Want him to sign a new health care law? Bring in a bunch of doctors telling him it will do some small good thing. Want him to mandate a vaccine? Tell him millions are dying and we have found a cure.

It's a nation of 400 million people, the president is so insulated and out of touch that he has no idea what the people actually want or think anyway, (remember McCain not knowing how many houses he owned and Biden having no idea what bread costs), so the chief of staff is a necessary function--it's just ALWAYS a Jew in our system.

99% of people are going to cave in such a situation. JFK was our last president who stood up to his "advisors." He averted nuclear armageddon but he was murdered for it.

At some level, I don't even blame the presidents. We have been without true leadership and strong figures for so long, I wouldn't really expect any president in current year to think outside the box or challenge his advisors. I just realize that a president can be completely manipulated, even if you do think he is a "good guy." I think Obama was heavily manipulated in this way. Biden too, just believes whatever he is told. In an honest, Christian nation, you can do that. In a multicultural subverted democracy, it's terrifyingly dangerous. Trump pushed back a couple of times, but of course completely fell for Jewish tricks most of the time.
It's a nation of 400 million people, the president is so insulated and out of touch that he has no idea what the people actually want or think anyway, (remember McCain not knowing how many houses he owned and Biden having no idea what bread costs), so the chief of staff is a necessary function--it's just ALWAYS a Jew in our system.

Hard to believe that it wasn't always that way. When Harry Truman left office, him and his wife took a train home to Missouri - not the Presidential rail car, a regular scheduled train. He bought a new Chrysler New Yorker and he drove around town and on trips around the country - no secret service escort, no chauffer - just a retired man and his wife. Google his home in Independence. Its just a house. A very nice house, but a house. Not a huge fortified compound - a house on a two-lane street in anonymous middle America.
I am listening to Tucker Carlson on the Joe Rogan Show now.

Carlson has just said that Harris went to Munich and told Zelensky in front of the cameras that Ukraine should join NATO and that other NATO members had no idea that she would do this.

Is this true?

If so, this has resulted in the worst possible outcome from a DEI hire.
I am listening to Tucker Carlson on the Joe Rogan Show now.

Carlson has just said that Harris went to Munich and told Zelensky in front of the cameras that Ukraine should join NATO and that other NATO members had no idea that she would do this.

Is this true?

If so, this has resulted in the worst possible outcome from a DEI hire.

Yes, Blinken has been saying the same thing for weeks now. She's just following orders. Ukraine WILL be in NATO, and there WILL be WW3, whether or not anyone wants it.
Hard to believe that it wasn't always that way. When Harry Truman left office, him and his wife took a train home to Missouri - not the Presidential rail car, a regular scheduled train. He bought a new Chrysler New Yorker and he drove around town and on trips around the country - no secret service escort, no chauffer - just a retired man and his wife. Google his home in Independence. Its just a house. A very nice house, but a house. Not a huge fortified compound - a house on a two-lane street in anonymous middle America.
Right, and at some point (I can't remember the last president where this was the case but some time in the last century) you could pull right up to the White House and go in and see the president (I assume you would need to wait or something, but this is kind of how it worked when I was in elementary school visiting Congress. We went to the Congress person's office (no security checks) and after a while he came out and briefly talked to us.

Getting onto the White House grounds is not easy, even when you have an appointment to be there.
But once upon a time it was possible for just about anyone to stroll into the president's home during an open house and partake in the free-flowing booze. Like that time people nibbled on a 1,400 pound block of cheese and ground the crumbs into the upholstery.
it was Thomas Jefferson who saw the White House as the "people's house" and opened it to the public. He built a stone wall around part of the mansion's perimeter, but it was to corral livestock that grazed on the lawn, not people.

Jefferson and subsequent presidents, along with their wives, would greet visitors in the East Room around lunchtime. People were not allowed in during the morning, when the president was sleeping, or while he was out of town. People were, however, allowed to have essentially unfettered access to the White House grounds.

I am firmly anti-Democracy more than I am pro any particular form of government, but it's possible that the 1700s and 1800s form of "democracy" we had would have been tolerable.

According to this article it was -- surprise, surprise! -- WW2 which ended the practice of the White House being the people's house.

The 1983 bombing of the U.S. Embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut caused officials to erect concrete jersey barriers outside the White House perimeter. After the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the streets surrounding the White House were closed down to vehicle traffic.
Did Americans suddenly become dangerous to their leaders, after being peaceful for the first 210 years? Why?

[The Secret Service] grew from a White House police force of 80 officers in 1942 to 1,200 members by 1995.
Looks like the wrong side won WW2. What other explanation is there?