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Search results

  1. TooFineAPoint

    2024 Election Lounge

    I'll do my tinfoil now. ZOG wants a completely controlled right wing leadership now. In Europe, in Canada, in USA. A toothless right wing that only serves ZOG goals, where Israel and global corporatism are the highest ideals. They're quite happy with 4 years of Trump who is completely beholden...
  2. TooFineAPoint

    2024 Election Lounge

    Yeah because they ONLY REALIZED JUST TONIGHT that he was compromised. Lol, what a WWF show.
  3. TooFineAPoint

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    Zherka had some really good advice about this very topic at some point about a year or two ago. He was saying to tell the woman in your life some fake thing you are self-conscious / worried about. Something ridiculous like "I just can't seem to get good at playing Mario Cart." Then just wait a...
  4. TooFineAPoint

    Kanye West & His Troubles With The Tribe

    Supposedly Kanye is working with Fuentes and Sneako again. If that's true, it's good to hear.
  5. TooFineAPoint

    Not taking revenge, turning the other cheek

    I'm from Canada and I'm of European descent. My post was a bit tongue in cheek because obviously running around knifing everyone who looked at you funny is retarded. GodfatherPartTwo got what I was saying, and Rodion did not. Having a gate, locking your door, and having some tools of self...
  6. TooFineAPoint

    The bear vs. man meme

    Enjoy: https://www.glamour.com/story/what-does-choosing-the-bear-mean-all-about-this-simple-yet-profound-trend I have a joke (really a truth wrapped in a thin veneer of humor) among friends that in order to never ever be subservient to their fathers and then husbands, women will be subservient...
  7. TooFineAPoint

    Words and Phrases You Don't Hear Anymore

    I re-heard two things last week that I have not heard in a decade, and it reminded me that I miss these phrases: 1. Let's blow this popsicle stand. 2. He/she is a big galoot. At the very least we need to bring 'galoot' back as an insult, since "faggot" and "retard" and "cunt" get such an...
  8. TooFineAPoint

    Not taking revenge, turning the other cheek

    Attacking, in a rage, someone who wronged you is beneath most thinking men. But letting it go is also, in my opinion, cowardly. If the threat and the damage is real. I mean, if someone tricks you like in a shell game on the street for a quick bet, shame on you. Shouldn't have played. But if...
  9. TooFineAPoint

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    Hung herself or was hung by her handlers?
  10. TooFineAPoint

    Marketing and Sales Thread

    Marketing & sales here. Lots of good advice in this thread so far. House cleaning is ultra local so focus on driving your happy customers to review you on Google (make it really easy for them; QR code, link, clear instructions, whatever... just ask for reviews). Social media like IG and FB...
  11. TooFineAPoint

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    In a Christian European world, wise Grandfathers would chastise us middle aged and younger men for ignoring the warnings and advice of women, as Nonnas berate younger women for being foolish and impulsive. Women (the category, if not the reality) are amazing and make life worth living, else...
  12. TooFineAPoint

    Donald Trump

    It all seems a bit too convenient though, doesn't it? I want to believe. Since the 80s my father spoke to me in an inspired and amused way about Trump. He's something of an icon in our family. But just at the moment when the Jewish stranglehold on media seems to be cracking, and just after the...
  13. TooFineAPoint

    Gems From Heartiste

    On the surface you are right and I agree with you. Every time I romanced a girl, or saw a friend romance one, they took initiative and showed (playful) interest. However I believe the deeper lesson here is outcome independence. You put out something like "you are fetching and the way you move...
  14. TooFineAPoint

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    Great line and young guys should burn it into their brains. And even when she's in love with you, she'll be emboldened by the current culture at least 1/4 the time to try to get out of pocket in the convo while claiming victimhood. Outside of the sole romantic relationship plus the females...
  15. TooFineAPoint

    Gems From Heartiste

    He was the most insightful (by far) of the PUA/red pill crowd. Roosh was the best community builder. And Rollo was the best at speaking to the young millennials' "I f_cking love Science!" culture.
  16. TooFineAPoint

    Latest Canadian Lunacy

    Actually that tracks for my retarded, fake, and gay country of birth. Our national hero is a crippled marathon runner. They could herald Freeland as "the first female with Tourette's to....". They love doing that here. Apropos of nothing, my mid-sized town is now completely taken over by...
  17. TooFineAPoint

    Scott Adams Thread

    Pretty sure he was referring to his first wife and he did something spectacular to fix that problem: he became influential and rich and got himself that young dimepiece.
  18. TooFineAPoint

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Oh he definitely wants to do things to under 25 age males. Draft them, maybe not so much.
  19. TooFineAPoint

    TikTok Ban

    This is the entirety of Anglo politics in a nutshell.
  20. TooFineAPoint

    TikTok Ban

    Everything you guys wrote in here is part of the reasons, imo. Well done, and yet another reason why I am proud to be a member of this forum. Oh that plus TikTok ad revenue has apparently been eating the lunch of Meta and Google.