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Gems From Heartiste

He has a Germanic name that sounds chewie, but I don‘t think he’s a chew. He is very aware of the JQ and posts frequently about chews.

He goes by ”king of all nads” on Gab.

A deliberate attempt to demoralise "the Easter worshippers".

It struck me that the transgender is the bisexual Baphomet new man who is to counter the Second Adam, the First Born from the dead, the God-Man.

It is even a slur against the pagan concept of the return of fertility to the earth (symbolised by the rabbit and the eggs) after the barrenness of winter. Every single socially progressive and fiscally liberal law passed in the West has one thing in common: it has reduced pair bonding and the fertility rates.
Making assumptions on members without proof
Marriage and children take money, not game. Utterly irrelevant to this topic. Birthrates are crashing all over the world because usury is killing civilization while 80% of people can barely afford their rent, let alone marriage and children.

Game is slang for female psychology, and attracting them based on that psychology. And yes, if you understand game, you or anyone else will absolutely get desirable women into your life. Using game to get speedy sex is extremely harmful to one's soul however, and is condemned on this forum.

So the answer is no. You have not had success and are not in a financial state to get married and have children.

Does you will know them by their fruits ring a bell? Why are you giving advice here? Also why not go back to school to earn more money?

Actually many of the poorer classes have children and don’t even think about the money aspect.
Why would my success with women be tied to this one aspect of courting? There are many different reasons why someone like me isn't married or has no girlfriend. The big ones are (1) trying to meet younger women when you're middle-aged, and (2) the logistics of meeting a woman while going out solo when 95% of women are usually out with a friend.

I'd like to know what you're suggesting as a better strategy than playing it cool? To be the guy in the movie determined to get the girl he's in love with and not stopping your advances until she agrees to go out with you?
Why would my success with women be tied to this one aspect of courting? There are many different reasons why someone like me isn't married or has no girlfriend. The big ones are (1) trying to meet younger women when you're middle-aged, and (2) the logistics of meeting a woman while going out solo when 95% of women are usually out with a friend.

I'd like to know what you're suggesting as a better strategy than playing it cool? To be the guy in the movie determined to get the girl he's in love with and not stopping your advances until she agrees to go out with you?

A better strategy? How about finding women who share your values in your social group whether that be church, your workplace, or whereever you frequent. Then build a connection through light flirting and getting to know them as a real person, then ask them out. At the same time you are building and portraying your value as a man and husband. You know how most people meet?

Tell me, first the reason you are going out solo. Do you think women want to meet a guy who is out solo? This pick up solo thing was glamorized by people who failed unless it made them tons of money.

I am laughing in the fact that we all believe in you know them by your fruits yet you are following advice from men who totally failed at what the goals of a Christian life are, marriage and children.
So the answer is no. You have not had success and are not in a financial state to get married and have children.

Does you will know them by their fruits ring a bell? Why are you giving advice here? Also why not go back to school to earn more money?

Actually many of the poorer classes have children and don’t even think about the money aspect.

I won't be telling you anything about my life, troll, and the fact you're making assumptions about me has earned you a week ban. Furthermore, no one needs to justify anything to you.

Most of the world goes to school and gets nothing for it, troll, which any cursory examination of the stats will reveal. Your pathetic shaming attempts will not work here.

Finally, the 3rd world breeding rates are utterly unsustainable and would result in mass starvation without the responsible 1st world providing for them.
Going into an interview with a not giving a damn attitude will have you, more often than not, lose out to the more energetic candidate.
You either have low reading comprehension skills or just want to argue because you don't believe in God. There is nothing more freeing than not needing a "job" (because you live like Jesus did and require very little money to comfortably exist), and therefore you don't have to show up to any interviews ever where the humiliation ritual requires you to jump through hoops like a circus animal in an attempt to out-clown the more "energetic" candidate.

You've already lost the long game of life if everyday you spend all your time and energy helping another man build his business and fortune. I don't care how much money he's paying you to bend over and take it. F*ck him, start a competing business and put your "boss" out of business. I'll sleep in my car before ever again bowing down to a landlord, woman, or an "employer."
There are a few problems with all of this back and forth, and sadly, all are explained by my theory of ecology. I'm unsure why it doesn't get more traction, perhaps it is too complex or controversial for those who have faith in God (as I do). The essence of what's going on is population boom, and for whatever reason (there are many), the reversal to the mean is coming, and there's nothing we can do about it at this point. All the credit expansion, government programs, usury, etc led to this moment, not at all hindered by the technological "progress" we had in all things efficiency, and in medicine. Now that that game is played out, but "they" still haven't killed off a large portion of all the world's population, we see the game morphing into godlessness, lack of tradition, drugs, promoting women and lying to them, and gaslighting with propaganda to the max. For a lot of us, there might have been an out, but the working takes so long, and the accumulation phase so important, we had to consider many other things than women, who largely didn't want to pair early in their 20s due to the above switch/game that was played on them.

Now we're here. You can marry a fatty or someone of low SMV, but you have the catch 22 of justifying that after all the years of work, when only 1% of women anymore are actually above average in attractiveness - women who will not be all that pleasant and will cost you even more $ and beyond. I personally choose the higher risk of not having children to try to get with women of better behavior and genes, and that means ... overseas.
I'm reading Heartiste On Game right now and I'm reminded how good his writings were. Since there are many quotable lines from his books and blog, I thought we could use a thread to discuss his beliefs and tactics for meeting and wooing women.

"Female engineers are the Holy Grail of male nerddom. Every nerdo anime fanboy with Dungeon Master on his resume dreams of meeting and falling in love with a cute nerdgirl WHO IS EXACTLY LIKE HIM so that his autistic social retardation doesn't get pushed to the breaking point like it would with a normal girl."

Dungeon Master...lol :D
He was the most insightful (by far) of the PUA/red pill crowd. Roosh was the best community builder. And Rollo was the best at speaking to the young millennials' "I f_cking love Science!" culture.
This is incorrect advice. Women have so many choices today that acting aloof will just have her move on to men number 2 to 50 in her queue. That you are #1 in her mind is almost always wrong. There is one exception. When you’re social status is much higher than hers or you are much more attractive.

It’s also wrong on the job front, because companies want enthusiastic candidates who will be motivated to work for the company. Going into an interview with a not giving a damn attitude will have you, more often than not, lose out to the more energetic candidate.

I question a lot of you guys who swallow this red pill advice, as much of it does not work in the real world.
On the surface you are right and I agree with you.

Every time I romanced a girl, or saw a friend romance one, they took initiative and showed (playful) interest.

However I believe the deeper lesson here is outcome independence. You put out something like "you are fetching and the way you move is intoxicating and I want to be inside you physically and spiritually... but also if it doesn't happen I'll be just as happy to walk outside, pet a stray cat, go home and read a few aphorisms and go to bed."

Because then it really means you chose her. As in, you have a choice. That is the catnip.

The way you are pitching it, it's like the guy doesn't notice her, doesn't make eye contact, doesn't smile. But I don't think that is what Roissy meant.
I had a printout from his sidekick GreatBooksForMen of all the great books but lost it. If anyone has it, I'd be interested in seeing it again as I hadn't read many of them.

I'm not entirely sure if this is the same source but I have a note with the same title and the following list:
0. The Bible

1. Homer’s Iliad

2. Homer’s Odyssey

3. Exodus & Ecclesiastes & The Psalms

4. Virgil’s Aeneid

5. Socrates’ Apology

6. The Book of Matthew & Jefferson’s Bible

7. Plato’s Repulic

8. Seneca’s Letters from a Stoic

9. Aristotle’s Poetics

10. Dante’s Inferno

11. The Declaration of Independence

12. The Constitution

13. John Milton’s Paradise Lost

14. Shakespeare’s Hamlet

15. Newton’s Principia

16. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations and Theory of Moral Sentiments

17. Henry David Thoreau’s Walden

18. Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn (& all of his work)

19. Shakespeare’s Hamlet

20. Ludwig von Mises’ A Theory of Money and Credit

21. F.A. Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom

22. Herman Melville’s Moby Dick

23. Einstein’s The Meaning of Relativity

24. Joseph Campbell’s The Hero With a Thousand Faces and The Power of Myth

25. Ron Paul’s Revolution & End the Fed
On the surface you are right and I agree with you.

Every time I romanced a girl, or saw a friend romance one, they took initiative and showed (playful) interest.

However I believe the deeper lesson here is outcome independence. You put out something like "you are fetching and the way you move is intoxicating and I want to be inside you physically and spiritually... but also if it doesn't happen I'll be just as happy to walk outside, pet a stray cat, go home and read a few aphorisms and go to bed."

Because then it really means you chose her. As in, you have a choice. That is the catnip.

The way you are pitching it, it's like the guy doesn't notice her, doesn't make eye contact, doesn't smile. But I don't think that is what Roissy meant.

To add to this:

Remember that women thought for most of their lives that men thought like them. That we would spend our evenings doom scrolling on our phones and wondering what the women we fancied were doing at that moment. We don't. And when they learned that, it gave men the critical component to be her number one. Social media really did open up women's world to that of men, and they really can't believe that bachelors live the way they do. And if you do it unashamedly - with some naivete sprinkled in for fun - she will rack her brain at the idea that you probably did spend too much time petting a cat and probably did read some Ecclesiastes while enjoying a glass of wine or whiskey before bed.

That is the catnip. That is the 'being noticed' component that guys who are confused about women miss out on.
To add to this:

Remember that women thought for most of their lives that men thought like them. That we would spend our evenings doom scrolling on our phones and wondering what the women we fancied were doing at that moment. We don't. And when they learned that, it gave men the critical component to be her number one. Social media really did open up women's world to that of men, and they really can't believe that bachelors live the way they do. And if you do it unashamedly - with some naivete sprinkled in for fun - she will rack her brain at the idea that you probably did spend too much time petting a cat and probably did read some Ecclesiastes while enjoying a glass of wine or whiskey before bed.

That is the catnip. That is the 'being noticed' component that guys who are confused about women miss out on.
The problem is that it's too late for them now in the west, and the young girls even aren't in very good shape, and are addicted to phones. I don't see that changing for some time.
The problem is that it's too late for them now in the west, and the young girls even aren't in very good shape, and are addicted to phones. I don't see that changing for some time.
No, it's not too late.

Having school aged kids will put you into a more referential mindset. There are plenty of kids out there bucking the trend and girls especially are talking openly. 5 years ago these girls went 'tomboy' in order to avoid the social anxiety that came with phones. Now these same girls are healthy and happy in their late teens and early 20s. Women talk, and younger girls took the hints. It was teen girls that got phones banned in our school 3 years ago, now it is being debated in the legislature to make it a provincial rule.

I agree it won't be easy. Coming off any addiction never is.
No, it's not too late.

Having school aged kids will put you into a more referential mindset. There are plenty of kids out there bucking the trend and girls especially are talking openly. 5 years ago these girls went 'tomboy' in order to avoid the social anxiety that came with phones. Now these same girls are healthy and happy in their late teens and early 20s. Women talk, and younger girls took the hints. It was teen girls that got phones banned in our school 3 years ago, now it is being debated in the legislature to make it a provincial rule.

I agree it won't be easy. Coming off any addiction never is.
I meant too late for us men in the 30s and 40s (in America). I'm praying the Americans turn around, but I'm not holding my breath.
I meant too late for us men in the 30s and 40s (in America). I'm praying the Americans turn around, but I'm not holding my breath.

Unfortunately, for most men of that age, you are correct. It's a bitter pill to swallow but in the game, not everyone gets out unscathed.

Two of my very good friends are in this category. These are top 1% guys in health and looks for their age and one said to me the other week that he hasn't intimately hugged a woman in almost 2 years. There was very real pain in his eyes.
Unfortunately, for most men of that age, you are correct. It's a bitter pill to swallow but in the game, not everyone gets out unscathed.

Two of my very good friends are in this category. These are top 1% guys in health and looks for their age and one said to me the other week that he hasn't intimately hugged a woman in almost 2 years. There was very real pain in his eyes.
Do they not have the ability to go to different places (resources)?
Unfortunately, for most men of that age, you are correct. It's a bitter pill to swallow but in the game, not everyone gets out unscathed.

Two of my very good friends are in this category. These are top 1% guys in health and looks for their age and one said to me the other week that he hasn't intimately hugged a woman in almost 2 years. There was very real pain in his eyes.
I can totally relate to your friend. The other day I went to physical therapy for my neck which I always look forward to because my therapist is an attractive, young lady. She did this one move where she had to practically hug me to stretch certain muscles. And I was thinking, that was the closest thing I've had to a hug from a woman in quite a while.

The other day I watched a news report that said some men book a massage with women just to have the woman put their hands on them. Because that's the only touch from a woman they're going to get.

We are a nation of men starved for affection and it is killing us.
We are a nation of men starved for affection and it is killing us.
Addiction is killing us. It's the addiction to women, physical touch, affection, unhealthy food, money, and material possessions that are killing us. Men, when conditioned properly, need very little to be free and to thrive. But when they are raised to be sex and food and gambling addicts they become unhappy slaves.

Physical touch and companionship can no doubt help certain types of men, but if men are going without women, then that means that women are going without men. Sure, women have the luxury of riding the c*ck carousel via serial monogamy, but they can still only be with one man at a time.
I can totally relate to your friend. The other day I went to physical therapy for my neck which I always look forward to because my therapist is an attractive, young lady. She did this one move where she had to practically hug me to stretch certain muscles. And I was thinking, that was the closest thing I've had to a hug from a woman in quite a while.

The other day I watched a news report that said some men book a massage with women just to have the woman put their hands on them. Because that's the only touch from a woman they're going to get.

We are a nation of men starved for affection and it is killing us.
I can't remember your exact situation, but you are aware of Heartiste and that's good. I don't know if you also followed Roosh or were on RVF 1.0 back in the PUA days. Both are controversial now that this is a Christian forum but I strongly believe that there was a lot of essential advice about women there that's largely lost now and that's a bad thing because it can be used for good. My wife is a traditional, devout Catholic from Latin America. I constantly use the "game" I learned from Heartiste and pre-Christian Roosh on her and our marriage is smooth more than 99% percent of the time. I wonder if you could go somewhere like her country and use what you've learned from Heartiste and end up in a situation similar to mine.

As an illustration, this year we had an appointment downtown in the huge American blue city where we live that happened to be on Valentines Day. I've never cared about Valentines Day and consider it a fake holiday, so I'd completely forgotten about it. Downtown was packed with couples at expensive restaurants, guys doing cute V Day stuff for their girlfriends and wives, that sort of thing. My wife became envious and chided me for not doing the same. I instinctively responded with just the right amount of smirking and making fun of her, sticking to my guns that Valentines Day is meaningless and stupid, but in that aloof and slightly amused way that Heartiste used to talk about rather than getting upset myself. I've internalized "game" enough to recognize what she was doing as a "shit test" of the type Roosh used to talk about, so I knew that if I got upset too or, God forbid, if I gave in and tried to improvise some kind of Valentines Day activity to "make it up to her" I'd fail the test, her attraction to me would take a big hit, and both of us would be worse off for it. I also know that, as a woman, this is her nature and she can't help hitting me with a "shit test" from time to time.

Anyway, much later that evening as I laid in bed next to her after hours of intense, deeply satisfying sex I wondered how many of those guys downtown who dropped hundreds of dollars on the nice restaurants, flowers, gifts, and cute little planned displays of affection got the same that night. Definitely not all of them, likely not most. Most men don't understand women and would find this confusing, but it's exactly what you'd expect if you understand game.
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