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Search results

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    Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

    I have seen one video on Twitter which shows one of the bystanders (with bloodstains on his clothes) claiming the attacker shouted "Allahu Akbar" before the attack. My own personal take is that I would not find it at all strange for a Muslim to have done this. It may be easy in the West to...
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    Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

    By the way, I was not addressing my post to anyone in particular. I'm not "calling out" anyone. I just noticed many jibes along the way as I was reading the thread. I also don't think there is some sort of intentionally coordinated attack. But keep in mind, most people can tolerate a jibe here...
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    Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

    I find the direction of this thread concerning. Why is there such borderline hostility towards paternos, and even warnings of closing the thread? Is this not just a harmless topic of discussion? Even if paternos is wrong, is he not allowed to be mistaken? Maybe you think he is being stubborn...
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    Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

    Who do you mean when you talk about the elites? I'm not asking for names, but my understanding is that those really in charge have no need for money, I believe they control the entire financial system and desire to do the bidding of a higher spiritual power. The ones below (most of them) who...
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    The Climate Change Delusion Thread

    I don't know about the WEF situation, but I do agree about the goal of spreading fear. I believe fear of anything other than God is of the devil. Maybe we need a separate thread on Satan's encompassing control grid. It seems to me that almost everything is a distraction. Everything on the...
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    Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

    I have heard this theory some time ago, and am open minded to it. My rule is if you don't understand it, be skeptical. The invisible threat has always been useful to the elites, whether it be CV19 or the perpetual war with Eastasia. It is also often seen in Hollywood movies which feature...
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    Rules for Protestant Thread

    1) Thanks. It was removed, but that makes sense :) 2) That also makes sense. However, I would put it on the same level as female ordination, which you have included on the list. In my view, they are linked if looking at the reasons Paul gives behind head coverings. 3) It's rarely practiced...
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    Rules for Protestant Thread

    Just noticed I lost the Heritage tag, I wonder what that means 😐
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    Rules for Protestant Thread

    Thanks for all the replies to my questions earlier. The way #11 was phrased, I might've assumed some other kinds of responses. It's good to see where everyone stands. On another note, I'm so glad there is a Protestant forum now. It warms my heart to see such people are out there. Of course...
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    Conspiracy Theory Thread

    Try this instance: https://nitter.cz/ Also, make sure to view "Tweets and Replies", and not just "Tweets". That usually fixes it for me when only old posts are showing.
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    Rules for Protestant Thread

    I have some questions about this forum's position on this. 1. Which commands must we obey to be saved? 2. Is there a point in which one is saved in this life, or is it determined at the end, in the afterlife? 3. What if one trusts in Jesus as savior, but falls short in obeying his commands?