The Climate Change Delusion Thread


Other Christian
Yes, the climate is always changing (naturally), and some people are always scamming in order to get rich...

The Earth's Climate in the Past | A Student's Guide to Global Climate  Change | US EPA
This year I've enrolled in The Agriculture University in Cracow.
I've been out of the education loop for two decades, and it is interesting to see how Agenda 2050 has creeped in all over the place. During this month, I have encountered:
- CO2 and methane conference leaflets (cow farts will kill us all)
- In my Chemistry book (off topic infographic how CO2 is dangerous for humanity)

- IT class: how new technologies will enable to bring forth Agenda 2050 and control all aspects of energy consumption (presented as a good thing!)
and finally the kicker:

- Meteorology class: Our professor explained matter-of-factly that measuring CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is very problematic. Plants breath and it fluctuates depending on night/day, season and location. So what's the solution? Computer models. The supposed rise of 0.03% to 0.04% concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is caclucated, not measured.

My conclusion: Again - analogous with the virus scare - we see a global histeria based on computer models and not on real science. That's my opinion.
"It's not a conspiracy" It 100% is, it's just not just a "theory". Why do so many people struggle with this?

I know she means "I'm not tin foil hat" but she's still saying the opposite of the truth.
I, too, struggle with it.

There's a wave of what's deemed WEF malevolence, the notion that "you'll own nothing and be happy," and the portrayal of Bill Gates as evil on social media.

I'm quite doubtful because it seems to only incite fear for now. There are significant parallels with the COVID scam.

It all appears to be a fear operation: 90% "fear the flu," and 10% "fear the vaccine," leading to an overall climate of 100% fear.

The fact that these narratives haven't been deleted indicates something to me as well; they're all present on tightly controlled platforms.

Let’s see how it unfolds, but my personal belief is that the goal isn’t actually to leave us with nothing. The real goal is to instill fear of what’s coming.

90% fear the climate change, and 10% fear the WEF.

Do you see the parallel with the "covid" flu?
It all appears to be a fear operation: 90% "fear the flu," and 10% "fear the vaccine," leading to an overall climate of 100% fear.

I don't know about the WEF situation, but I do agree about the goal of spreading fear. I believe fear of anything other than God is of the devil.

Maybe we need a separate thread on Satan's encompassing control grid.

It seems to me that almost everything is a distraction. Everything on the internet, fear, the news, culture, entertainment, careers (I don't mean having a job), red pill discussions (Fresh n Fit, Pearl) etc.

Everything is to keep people from the most important thing - to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Because if this happened, it wouldn't matter what the elites do.

Matthew 10:28 - And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Yet it is also true that we ought to be informed of the world, not be unaware of the devil's schemes. For example, if RVF did not exist, how would I have acted during the CVD psyop? I cannot say for sure. Maybe God would have revealed the truth to me in another way.
I don't know about the WEF situation, but I do agree about the goal of spreading fear. I believe fear of anything other than God is of the devil.

Maybe we need a separate thread on Satan's encompassing control grid.

It seems to me that almost everything is a distraction. Everything on the internet, fear, the news, culture, entertainment, careers (I don't mean having a job), red pill discussions (Fresh n Fit, Pearl) etc.

Everything is to keep people from the most important thing - to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Because if this happened, it wouldn't matter what the elites do.

Matthew 10:28 - And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Yet it is also true that we ought to be informed of the world, not be unaware of the devil's schemes. For example, if RVF did not exist, how would I have acted during the CVD psyop? I cannot say for sure. Maybe God would have revealed the truth to me in another way.
Everything is to keep people from the most important thing - to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Because if this happened, it wouldn't matter what the elites do.

Matthew 10:28 - And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
I think this is the essence. You spot it perfectly.
This is the Truth. Most I posted on RvF or here is related to this essence.

They are working hard to make us fear man; fear the nuclear bomb, fear climate change, fear the flu, fear Russia, fear China, fear Israel, or fear muslim terrorists, or fear the state, or losing our job, or fear losing our "freedom", fear the weather, fear nazis, or fear antifa etc etc.

Meanwhile people on TV and around us are using the Lords name in vain. I have friends cursing god several times a day. They don't even realize what they are doing.

What if we take the radical position that Christ taught us?

Matthew 10:28 - And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Christ is right, and Christ is serious, his words are not a joke.

I have been praying the psalms every morning according to the Benedict traditions for a few months now. They are such a revelation to me.

Psalm 111:
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.
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I, too, struggle with it.

There's a wave of what's deemed WEF malevolence, the notion that "you'll own nothing and be happy," and the portrayal of Bill Gates as evil on social media.

I'm quite doubtful because it seems to only incite fear for now. There are significant parallels with the COVID scam.

It all appears to be a fear operation: 90% "fear the flu," and 10% "fear the vaccine," leading to an overall climate of 100% fear.

The fact that these narratives haven't been deleted indicates something to me as well; they're all present on tightly controlled platforms.

Let’s see how it unfolds, but my personal belief is that the goal isn’t actually to leave us with nothing. The real goal is to instill fear of what’s coming.

90% fear the climate change, and 10% fear the WEF.

Do you see the parallel with the "covid" flu?

You obviously didn't understand what I wrote, it is still a big conspiracy, not just a theory. And of course I understand the fake flu parallel, did you miss my posts on the old forum?

We might not know what they want for the final outcome but we know they're all in it together. That's a conspiracy.
Explicit reminder that you are the carbon they want to reduce.

Whether it's eating less meat or cycling instead of driving, humans can do many things to help prevent climate change.

Unfortunately, breathing less isn't one of them

That might be a problem, as a new study claims the gases in air exhaled from human lungs is fueling global warming.

Methane and nitrous oxide in the air we exhale makes up to 0.1 per cent of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions, scientists say.
And that's not even accounting for the gas we release from burps and farts, or emissions that come from our skin without us noticing.