Conspiracy Theory Thread

General Mike Flynn has very belatedly poured cold water on the Q psyop.

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I've been saying for 3 years at least that Q is a psyop, regardless of who is pushing it. It makes me think of the Bolsheviks' Operation Trust after their revolution 100 years ago. It's meant to get normal people to sit on their hands and wait for knights in shining armor to come in and save the day at the last minute. I don't buy it.
General Mike Flynn has very belatedly poured cold water on the Q psyop.

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Can anyone tell me why twitter/X on a mobile phone omits some posts, like this one? I just looked it up on my phone (and yes I'm signed in) and it's not posted on there between many Oct 18 posts of his. I recall this happening on other posts I was looking for at a different time, completely different subject (something financial).
Like @Caduceus said, this is about three years too late but I'm glad he finally said something. I'm genuinely surprised Q is still a thing and if so, it's somewhat heartbreaking that people are still following this stuff when, I'm assuming, none of the predictions ever came anywhere close to fruition.

Hopefully this will wake some people from their slumber.

I wonder if he deleted the tweet? I looked and don't see it either.
I found this 6 part documentary on Q last night called "Q: Into the Storm". Coincidentally it was released just a few months after Jan 6. I wouldn't necessarily trust their portrayals of everything but they certainly use some of it to tie into Jan 6 to push the idea of conspiracy research and patriots being dangerous. It was on HBO as well which surprised me. They seem pretty interested in using this for narrative shaping. I watched parts of Episodes 1 and 2 but not the others yet.

(By the way, I have no idea why the above IMDB link is displaying the title in Cyrillic while the bottom one is normal English)

There is another series called "QAnon: The Search for Q". Haven't watched any of that but it appears that Gen. Flynn is featured in that one.

It seems pretty clear that some faction of the regime was involved in this online LARP because of how they want to use it to discredit anyone questioning the non-stop lies of the media/corporate/government complex. Two series about QAnon seems absolutely ludicrous and unnecessary. For some truther types following a goofy conspiracy puzzle mystery? Good grief. The regime really wants to destroy people's lives over nothing.
🤷‍♂️ I found this on Telegram. Not sure if someone is just joking around, or if they really believe this. I thought it was worth posting.


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The Harold E Holt naval communications base in Australia clearly has the star of David in the alignment of its structures when viewed from above in Google Earth.

I also noticed that the large clock tower in my city has the Star of David:
I'll assume that the Star of David on the clock face is some occult/Masonic symbolism. Here in Victoria BC, Canada, the City Hall clock face has a similar design, though I couldn't find a good close-up of it. It was designed by the same architect in the same style and built in the same year (1878) as the Masonic Temple one block north. Victoria is widely considered to be a hotbed of occult activity within North America. It even has a chapter of Aleister Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis, some of whom I've met :(⚡☄️🔥

Victoria City Hall:

Victoria Masonic Temple:
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The Schifty Schiff thing is no surprise. They are all kiddy diddlers. You do not get into those nepotistic positions without some kind of leverage on you, or you are a willing participant in their demonic furies in which case one would be "eligible" for most jobs. For anyone with the stern stomach, go search "frazzle drip" and see what these US politicians are capable of. Don't follow any Qtard links, follow the actual story on bitchute or rumble, to see how the police detectives who killed themselves after watching the alleged incident. The sad thing is, this is tame compared to other things they do. I won't post the links myself as its too disturbing, and too many sensationalist reprints of it that ignore the cold hard facts. It's up there with "Hellstorm" level of disgust.

At some point all these "theories" about the politicians and the kids stop becoming theories and are just accepted facts. The impetus for the truthseeker is to keep asking questions, and get enough people asking questions until the other side is uneasy.