The Destruction of Modern Women

As if women couldn't get any more unappealing these days...

It seems as though 70s fashion is back with women wearing those stupid bell-bottom jeans again. Regular jeans are bad enough but these immediately knock down the women a full point. If a girl wore this crap out on a date with me, I'd make her change before we headed out the door.



There has to be addressing of the idea that traditionalism is not just "I'll have a family" or the supposed desire to want one at some point in the future, but a sincere action on being traditional, meaning having children at a young age and committing to a man giving your youth as part of the deal for marriage. Nothing else matters as there really isn't an incentive for a man to marry unless it's a girl who is younger. In modern life, it's not like "young" is really all that young anymore, either.

All of it comes down to there being excess "money" or resources for women in an economy, or not. Fewer men, as I've said, means an economy that is less robust, of course, and a higher F:M ratio, both of which are the only real selection pressures on women (be better looking, be thin, be young).
Exactly. The issues women and libs are worrying about are luxury issues brought about by easy times and excess money.

This only stops when the money printing machine stops going brrrr
As if women couldn't get any more unappealing these days...

It seems as though 70s fashion is back with women wearing those stupid bell-bottom jeans again. Regular jeans are bad enough but these immediately knock down the women a full point. If a girl wore this crap out on a date with me, I'd make her change before we headed out the door.

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As if the sporty spice 90s look of the last 6 months wasn't bad enough. I hate boomer fashion.
The way a lot of the guys were writing about their interactions with women when I was looking back on the previous posts on this thread made it pretty clear that they really don't enjoy being around women.
The history of the world and relationships was men not being around as much, which also worked out better.
In addition, like @Blade Runner stated above I do not have the "value" that I think I have, and I am only attracted to top tier beautiful women who are mostly already locked down by Giga Chad's, and so I have therefore accepted my self-imposed fate. I had my "fun," I made my bed, and now I have to lie in it.
Urkel is honest. It's very refreshing to see someone reflect on their situation and whether right or wrong, accept how things are. Captain Capitalism was talking about how women just aren't all that interested in men the other day (again) - and this is an interesting point - but he gets it wrong because they are just as hormonally affected and influenced by social consensus and the status quo as they are purely motivated for sex, which I agree, isn't high (and less than ever given birth control etc). The mistake is to look at them as being sexual beings like men. The real issue isn't that they aren't interested in men, it's that for now we have a society that takes care of their resource demands. If those went away, effectively they'd be "wanting sex" all the more. Whether they enjoy it or why they do it has always been relatively immaterial, as they can convince themselves of anything.
As any married man can tell you, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, and you will invariably end up sacrificing a lot to keep your wife happy.
It's generally a biblical or time old principle. The problem is that we're around each other too much, and people pay far too much mind in general to women and children. Most modern married guys aren't aware of that historical reality because it isn't theirs and they an't do much about it. All men have complained about their wives nonsense since time immemorial though. When you think about how societies used to be, it's funny to think how awful it is for a modern man.
I pointed out earlier in the thread that historically men probably spent less time with their wives than they do today. Women and children tended to hang around with other women and children and men spent time with other men.
This. As above.
As if the sporty spice 90s look of the last 6 months wasn't bad enough.
The problem is that those aren't even true bell bottoms. And those women aren't particularly thin or good looking, the bigger issue.
Think about every conversation that you have ever had with a woman and just think if I was having this conversation with a man how interesting would it be? 99% of the time the answer is not very interesting. But as men we overlook it when we the female is attractive.
This brings it back to a point I raised in my long post: for the guys who are super picky about age like Blade Runner is, if he gets married, for the majority duration of their marriage his wife will be post wall in his eyes. Even if a man manages to score big and get a girl in her teens to early 20s, you get about a decade of her youth to enjoy. I don't how this is a good deal where you marry a girl and get to enjoy her for about 10 years and then after that there's decades after decades of being stuck with someone you don't find interesting to be around.

In your case, you aren't as big on youth and would be happy with a woman that takes cares of herself and thinks that such a woman can still be attractive up to about 40, but even in that case you are still going to be spending about close to half of the marriage or more than half of the marriage in the case you both end up living a long life viewing her as unattractive. You will no longer be able to overlook how uninteresting or vapid she is since as you said, we can overlook this as men if the female is attractive. So what happens what her attractiveness is gone? Getting to enjoy being around a woman for half of a marriage and then having it be a mind-numbing experiences for the second half is a better deal than enjoying her for 10 years and then having to endure being around her for another 50+ years but to me, it's still a deal I wouldn't want to enter into if I was type of guy that doesn't enjoy being around a woman outside of her sexual/physical allure.

The response that I have been getting is that you should lower the amount of time you spend around your wife which to me just seems absurd. Someone is going to invest massive amounts of time, energy, endure setback and set back, and in some cases even venture to a foreign country to look for a wife only to marry her and then try to avoid being around her too much? It seems as strange as going out of your way to pick your perfect car and then investing a load of money on it only for you to leave it in the garage and avoid driving it. If you are going to move heaven and earth to get a wife and then put as much energy into avoid being around her except when absolutely necessary (I'm assuming you'll want to be around where your kids are born), then to me the better choice would to be not get married in the first place. If you don't want to be around your wife, then not having a wife to begin with seems to me to be the best way to avoid the unpleasant experience of having to be around your wife. If you are a Christian guy, then celibacy should be what you embrace. If you are a secular guy, then it seems like the most efficient solution would either be whoremongering or if you want children, trying to set up a relationship where a woman has your kids and raises them while you are out there doing what you want in the world outside of the home.
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It's generally a biblical or time old principle. The problem is that we're around each other too much, and people pay far too much mind in general to women and children. Most modern married guys aren't aware of that historical reality because it isn't theirs and they an't do much about it. All men have complained about their wives nonsense since time immemorial though. When you think about how societies used to be, it's funny to think how awful it is for a modern man.
According to your logic, it seems like modern men actually have it better since there's no longer the societal expectation for most men to get married which means they can spend even less amount of time around their wives (being around your wife too much being seen as negative here) since they no longer have wives to deal with. Modern men don't have to complain their "wives nonsense" since a lot of them aren't married now. In the modern world, men that aren't suited for marriage (ie. men who don't enjoy being around women) can now choose to MGTOW without the social penalty there was in the past for being an unmarried bachelor past a certain age.

It seems strange for me that in the paragraph you wrote about men of the past complaining about about their wives nonsense and then follow it immediately about how awful it is for a modern man. I'm presuming you think dealing with someone's nonsense is a negative thing which means that removing it is a positive. In this case, when I think about how societies how used to be it would be funny to me think how GREAT it is for a modern man under that framework. If being around women too much is negative, then you should find modern society to be great since you can now disengage with women much more then you could in the past where you would have been pushed into a marriage even if you don't actually enjoy married life. If being around women too much is negative, your life as a modern man is superior to the married guys of the past since you can spend even less time around women then these guys did.
and I am only attracted to top tier beautiful women who are mostly already locked down by Giga Chad's, and so I have therefore accepted my self-imposed fate. I had my "fun," I made my bed, and now I have to lie in it.

This is a general question that most likely has already been discussed but what is a top tier beautiful woman? If they are the ones picked up by Giga Chads I'd argue they are actually mostly hype. I've never been attracted to those types (outside of the tv/screen realm) and only recently have I been able to put my finger on it. Most of those women, although extremely beautiful in dry assessment sort of way, are already pushing it in an artificial way - make up / fillers / whatever. Maybe when they are extremely young there is a window where they are natural but it's not a big window (and even the young ones are usually too afraid to just keep it natural). Ever since the tranny thing took hold I can't help but seeing most of these so called 10s or top tier women getting dangerously close to looking like trannies. My eyes are essentially more sensitive to picking up this hyper-femininity attempt. And you can definitely see it as they get just a little older and are artificially trying to keep their 10 looks.
Anyways, I'm curious if anyone else figures the more natural component into the scale.
men that aren't suited for marriage (ie. men who don't enjoy being around women)
It's rather sad that this is viewed negatively. Perhaps having no escape valve, no brotherhood to hang out with, and being forced to constantly be around women and obsessing about "women's things", like how to decorate the house, are part of the cause of the high rates of divorce. Familiarity breeds contempt.
To me a top tier woman just has to be cute, girly, nice and not sleep around. They don't even have to be a knockout, but that obviously helps. Most women are so boring, unpleasant to talk to and have no idea how to be feminine. So when you start meeting girls under 25 that are "top tier", it's hard to pay attention to other women.
This is a general question that most likely has already been discussed but what is a top tier beautiful woman? If they are the ones picked up by Giga Chads I'd argue they are actually mostly hype. I've never been attracted to those types (outside of the tv/screen realm) and only recently have I been able to put my finger on it. Most of those women, although extremely beautiful in dry assessment sort of way, are already pushing it in an artificial way - make up / fillers / whatever. Maybe when they are extremely young there is a window where they are natural but it's not a big window (and even the young ones are usually too afraid to just keep it natural). Ever since the tranny thing took hold I can't help but seeing most of these so called 10s or top tier women getting dangerously close to looking like trannies. My eyes are essentially more sensitive to picking up this hyper-femininity attempt. And you can definitely see it as they get just a little older and are artificially trying to keep their 10 looks.
Anyways, I'm curious if anyone else figures the more natural component into the scale.
Strikes me that most women are wearing so much make up these days so they can look in real life like their Instagram filters.
To me a top tier woman just has to be cute, girly, nice and not sleep around. They don't even have to be a knockout, but that obviously helps. Most women are so boring, unpleasant to talk to and have no idea how to be feminine. So when you start meeting girls under 25 that are "top tier", it's hard to pay attention to other women.

I think a big thing men should consider when they are deciding if they are suited for marriage is how they feel about and react to feminity.

If a man enjoys the feminine energy that a woman gives off and feels inspired when surrounded by it, then such a man should get married. I have friends who are married and who I think for these guys, they made the right choice since in their case, they seem to actually enjoy a lot of the lovey-dovey activities with their wives that men like us tend to find cheesy and silly. They enjoy the qualities about women that guys of a more introspective and more self-aware nature (ie. guys like the ones you found on forums like this) would find maddening and tiring to encounter.

Schopenhauer in his "On Women" essay wrote about them: "a woman lives more in the present than a man, and that she enjoys it more keenly if it is at all bearable. This is the origin of that cheerfulness which is peculiar to woman and makes her fit to divert man, and in case of need, to console him when he is weighed down by cares" If you find that cheerfulness and "in the moment" thinking that women tends toward to have a certain charm, then you should look into get married. If you are neutral about it but you also have some other big purpose behind wanting to get married such as creating a family, then I would still think marriage is likely going to be way for you. If you however you find yourself repulsed and irritated when encountering people with these sort of prototypical feminine traits, then marriage would be a bad value proposition for you. Yes I would say that even if you have an overwhelming sex drive. I think it's actually the better path to deal with how to handle this drive as a single man rather than plunge into a marriage where you can get your sexual needs met but you are otherwise miserable being around a woman all the time - even if you are somehow able to secure more time away from her than your average husband would get.
If a man enjoys the feminine energy that a woman gives off and feels inspired when surrounded by it, then such a man should get married.

There is a subset of women that have more masculine energy. They retain femininity in general (and can be beautiful in the physical sense) but don't tend towards the lovey dovey stuff or some of the other negative feminine things (passive aggression). This subset can be quite enjoyable to be around depending on your personality
can now choose to MGTOW without the social penalty there was in the past for being an unmarried bachelor past a certain age.
While it was not common in the past, I don't think there was that much of a social penalty for a man to be unmarried. If there was, it could hardly be unjustified, since many women actually were raised to be wives and mothers, and at young ages back then. It's all relative, since there are so few social penalties at all anymore for women, it's clear what the real change in society has been.
It seems strange for me that in the paragraph you wrote about men of the past complaining about about their wives nonsense and then follow it immediately about how awful it is for a modern man.
I think one of the problems you have in understanding much of this is a rather slanted or awkward assessment of what people do and why. That is, the incentives to do things. My point about the past was that if men complained then, it seems like it's a universal, but they had it good generally speaking. That's my point on how bad it is now.
If being around women too much is negative, your life as a modern man is superior to the married guys of the past since you can spend even less time around women then these guys did.
This is where I think you are missing the proper analysis. It isn't the case at all that being around women is negative, it's that in the modern day you don't meet many women who are actually feminine that makes it not a big deal to endure, or even, enjoy.

You miss another part of the incentive, given that marriage is always going to be a compromise or different form of life. That is, you get enjoyment from growing with your (young, but not anymore) wife and raising your children. That's the tradeoff that you have to be OK with - legacy and youth, with loyalty from your wife. Not "hey, marry me and let's quickly have kids while you don't get me until I'm used up and don't even know how many guys I slept with before. Oh, and by the way, I now legally have half of your assets, in case you think of leaving my old ass." I shouldn't have to explain this, really.
Anyways, I'm curious if anyone else figures the more natural component into the scale.
I do, and that's my main point that Wutang is leaving out: the feminity side of things has essentially gone, so whatever you deal with in the women realm of the modern day, it's more commonly a loud headache than a peaceful, calm atmosphere.
It's rather sad that this is viewed negatively.
Yes, women want men to support everything they do, whether directly or indirectly (.gov or taxes) and these same men get very little in respect or authority. I see very few exceptions when assessing most of the marriages I see, and many of these people came from "traditional" families of yesteryear. The daughters largely don't do what their mothers did for their fathers.
I think a big thing men should consider when they are deciding if they are suited for marriage is how they feel about and react to feminity.
In summary, a man wants a young, loyal wife that he gets early in (her) life. Since the window is short, and having/raising kids isn't easy, a reasonable man will trade that for the love and legacy of a family. It's really not all that complicated or controversial. What I'm complaining about, if anything, is that modern culture doesn't produce good faith wives, or women who are young or thin, for marriage by and large. They are out there, but they are a very small percentage for those men who have even done the work, and mean well. It's just a crisis time, what can I say.
I think a big thing men should consider when they are deciding if they are suited for marriage is how they feel about and react to feminity.

If a man enjoys the feminine energy that a woman gives off and feels inspired when surrounded by it, then such a man should get married. I have friends who are married and who I think for these guys, they made the right choice since in their case, they seem to actually enjoy a lot of the lovey-dovey activities with their wives that men like us tend to find cheesy and silly. They enjoy the qualities about women that guys of a more introspective and more self-aware nature (ie. guys like the ones you found on forums like this) would find maddening and tiring to encounter.

Schopenhauer in his "On Women" essay wrote about them: "a woman lives more in the present than a man, and that she enjoys it more keenly if it is at all bearable. This is the origin of that cheerfulness which is peculiar to woman and makes her fit to divert man, and in case of need, to console him when he is weighed down by cares" If you find that cheerfulness and "in the moment" thinking that women tends toward to have a certain charm, then you should look into get married. If you are neutral about it but you also have some other big purpose behind wanting to get married such as creating a family, then I would still think marriage is likely going to be way for you. If you however you find yourself repulsed and irritated when encountering people with these sort of prototypical feminine traits, then marriage would be a bad value proposition for you. Yes I would say that even if you have an overwhelming sex drive. I think it's actually the better path to deal with how to handle this drive as a single man rather than plunge into a marriage where you can get your sexual needs met but you are otherwise miserable being around a woman all the time - even if you are somehow able to secure more time away from her than your average husband would get.
I very much enjoy being in the presence of a feminine woman's radiance and lightness of being. There is something they give you that goes beyond just their looks, something that you cannot get from a man. Schopenhauer is right, if you cannot bring yourself to enjoy a woman's nature you will not be happy in marriage. If you are expecting intellectual stimulation from her, prepare to be disappointed.

It is rare to find a woman in the US with that level of innate femininity. Many of them here have absorbed the worst of men's character while having none of the advantages of men. But in meeting with girls in other countries in Latin America or Eastern Europe, you can still come across plenty of feminine women who are pleasant to be around.

Some guys on here also seem to have the idea that women are somehow beneath them. They don't want a wife, they want a slave. With that attitude, along with being unchristian, you'll hardly be able to find happiness in marriage. A woman's place is to submit to her man but in a loving and dignified relationship, where you respect her for who she is.
This is where I think you are missing the proper analysis. It isn't the case at all that being around women is negative, it's that in the modern day you don't meet many women who are actually feminine that makes it not a big deal to endure, or even, enjoy.

The impression I was getting from a lot of the posts from men on here is that they actually find the feminine aspects of women to be a negative. When people were complaining about women on here, they seemed to be complaining about based on the fact that they were acting like stereotypical women. A poster wrote earlier It's why I brought up the point about how a man should base his decision on whether to marry or not he finds these feminine traits endearing or a source irritation.

A poster on this thread had written about women: "for 99% of females, prepubescent to post-menopausal, their most basic desire is to dance around with their eyes closed at a pop music concert for hours on end. That is their highest state of being." I would say this is a pretty good description of prototypical feminity. In the context this guy was writing, he clearly saw it as a negative (he's also the same guy that said if he wanted a friend with ears he would talk to his dog rather than his wife) and if you are like this guy, marriage would be a bad deal for you. However, there are guy that would actually find this sort of personality trait to be desirable in a women. The whole "manic pixie dream girl" movie trope that you saw in the late 2000s/early 2010s is based on this and for a lot of guys, they actually see this kind of women as their ideal mate; the reason this trope existed is because it was a fantasy ideal for a lot of guys. My impression that I've gotten from being around this community for years is that there's a lot of men that would actually find this sort of prototypical feminity to be off-putting.
You miss another part of the incentive, given that marriage is always going to be a compromise or different form of life. That is, you get enjoyment from growing with your (young, but not anymore) wife and raising your children. That's the tradeoff that you have to be OK with - legacy and youth, with loyalty from your wife. Not "hey, marry me and let's quickly have kids while you don't get me until I'm used up and don't even know how many guys I slept with before. Oh, and by the way, I now legally have half of your assets, in case you think of leaving my old ass." I shouldn't have to explain this, really.

I do, and that's my main point that Wutang is leaving out: the feminity side of things has essentially gone, so whatever you deal with in the women realm of the modern day, it's more commonly a loud headache than a peaceful, calm atmosphere.

In summary, a man wants a young, loyal wife that he gets early in (her) life. Since the window is short, and having/raising kids isn't easy, a reasonable man will trade that for the love and legacy of a family. It's really not all that complicated or controversial. What I'm complaining about, if anything, is that modern culture doesn't produce good faith wives, or women who are young or thin, for marriage by and large. They are out there, but they are a very small percentage for those men who have even done the work, and mean well. It's just a crisis time, what can I say.

In my initial long post I have posed the hypothetical scenario where you end up meeting an 18 year old 10/10 looks virgin that wants to get married and who is going to give you that peaceful, calm atmosphere in life. Even in this highly improbably scenario, could you imagine yourself actually being happy in the long term if you actually managed to achieve this dream outcome? Remember that according to you, even in the good old days men were still constantly grumbling about their wives and the reason why their marriages were easier to handle is because they were able to spend less time around their wives. And remember this is the world that you were saying was actually SUPERIOR to what is offered to men today ("When you think about how societies used to be, it's funny to think how awful it is for a modern man." being the quote from you). The point here is that even when you write about situations when marriages and the state of women were more to your liking, you still seemed mostly negative about marriage and women so even if you did manage to escape the modern world and get into the type of marriage you see more ideal, my impression is that you would still be unhappy.

Of all the posters on here, there hasn't been one that was written about women more than you and the theme I've seen over and over again is that you primarily prize youth and thinness and beauty. These traits with the exception of thinness are the most fleeting of a woman's traits and the ones that she will lose first. Be perfectly honest with yourself: Given what you have written on this forum and the old forums about the nature of women and how silly you find them to be in general, would you actually find spending your life with a woman enjoyable once she is past say the age of 30?
There is a subset of women that have more masculine energy. They retain femininity in general (and can be beautiful in the physical sense) but don't tend towards the lovey dovey stuff or some of the other negative feminine things (passive aggression). This subset can be quite enjoyable to be around depending on your personality

I need to qualify what I mean by the good type of masculine energy I see in some women. It's basically the ability to suck it up. I feel like that is an actual manly trait. Some women can do it. The best example I can think of is a woman who can do a home birth. That takes some courage. They are basically sacrificing for the sake of the child. That same woman will very likely be able to suck it up and be submissive to their husband. That's a pretty awesome trait if you can find it these days. Funny how a manly trait can help them be more feminine, but I think this is the case, at least in these times.
The point here is that even when you write about situations when marriages and the state of women were more to your liking, you still seemed mostly negative about marriage and women so even if you did manage to escape the modern world and get into the type of marriage you see more ideal, my impression is that you would still be unhappy.
I'm just emphatic. For the record, I think Australia Sucks has talked for more stringently about younger women and virgins for marriage. I just talk about how it's hard to find women in the west that are very good looking, thin, or feminine - and that's mostly because they've been talked out of their younger years and socially they are basically disallowed to link up with older guys.
would you actually find spending your life with a woman enjoyable once she is past say the age of 30?
Of course. One of the other things that I don't come across are women that are particularly godly or have that kind of interest in the modern day. If they are open to most things, including a man's lead, they'll typically be older and then it's also indistinguishable if they are just humbled finally/now due to rapidly declining SMV. All in all, I guess shorthand for what I'm saying is that I don't find many attractive, and if you take young women out of it it's nearly impossible. That's all. I don't find the marriage thing to be worth it unless you are getting some sincerity from a woman, whether she knows it or not. That sincerity has to be at least some portion of her higher value years. Why get married otherwise, when this includes the ability to have children (easily), as also a biological prerequisite?
Most of society is ass backwards and full of idiots, and I have no desire to be like them. Their advice is terrible and their marriages seem awful. It does not matter what they think about an older man having a family with a younger woman. All that matters is if the girl and her family are ok with it. And assuming you're a good man and sincere Christian, lots of conservative Christians would be ok with the age gap. Do not overthink this. I used to as well, and probably missed out on some opportunities.

If we want to have happy families, we have to meet the right women. And younger Christian women are the most likely to make that happen.
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