Hitler enabled White genocide. Hitler only went to war with White countries and gave the Talmuds the moral high ground to oppress Whites for decades afterwards. Hitler was funded by Zionists as a useful idiot.
Cars as weapons! Two major operations for the Vienna police: While panic broke out in the pedestrian zone around the plague column in the heart of the city, a second rampaging driver raced towards an officer at almost the same time - 16 shots from service weapons in extreme danger of death.
Fear and Wild West scenes on the day of the tragic rampage with two deaths by a psycho perpetrator in the German city of Mannheim on Monday evening in the federal capital. Two drivers caused a double terror alert. The "Krone" knows the details.
Rampaging driver 1:
It all began at 5.40 p.m. on a construction site in the 14th district of Vienna. The van of a well-known local family business was stolen there. 35 minutes later, a major alarm went off in the city center. In panic, passers-by and tourists barricaded themselves in nearby shops. The man at the wheel of the stolen minibus raced through the pedestrian zone and finally, as reported, crashed into the 21-meter-high plague column.
After the accident, the 35-year-old rampage driver tried to flee, but was arrested. A brave pedestrian who tried to help was injured. The arrested Austrian was probably receiving psychiatric treatment, like the German rampage driver in Mannheim - and had been reported missing from a sheltered accommodation. The suspect, who also uttered the Islamist battle cry "Allahu Akbar", is likely to have a pre-existing mental illness. He had a blood alcohol level of 1.2 per mille in a breathalyzer test and is being investigated for endangering the public.
Rampage driver 2:
Practically at the same time, at 6 p.m., a wild chase with Wild West scenes began on the south-east tangent, which was crowded with evening commuters on their way home. The driver of a Mercedes with expired German transfer license plates raced along Vienna's main traffic artery in zigzags at well over 100 km/h. Finally, the rampage driver took the Sankt Marx exit on the A23. When he had to slow down because of a traffic jam, police cars blocked his way.
16 shots from the service weapons
But the driver had no intention of giving up and sped between the radio patrol as a roadblock and a road divider directly towards an emergency officer. Attempted murder! In extreme danger of their lives, the uniformed officer and other colleagues fired a total of 16 (!) shots at the limousine from their Glock service weapons.
edited. the real traitors are the allies for coming to aid the jews. is that not obvious at this point still. why is europe in such a poor state after hitler being defeated, white genocide ongoing. how is hitler involved in the genociding of ukrainians and russians today. Seems the same things are happening with or without him, strange.HitlerThe USA & britain enabled White genocide.HitlerThe USA & britain only went to war with White countries and gave the Talmuds the moral high ground to oppress Whites for decades afterwards.HitlerThe USA & britain was funded by Zionists as a useful idiot.
edited. the real traitors are the allies for coming to aid the jews. is that not obvious at this point still.
America was already involved through the lend lease act way before hitler declared war. The same way they support ukraine today in the proxy war. If hitler was 100% useful idiot the allies are 1000% so.
He risked everything and that is the only way. you either win or lose there is no safe path to be free of jewish oppression. You have to gamble it all because to jews this is an existential struggle and they will not give you any other option.
No it absolutely is not ridiculous. Like everyone else who cowardly refuses to search for unbiased truth on WW2, Hitler is your convenient scapegoat. I want you to understand these truths, but you insist on pushing these historical falsehoods.That's ridiculous. Imagine if Putin declared war on America for supporting Ukraine. Russia would be destroyed (and most of the world in nuclear fire).
Imagine if Britain had declared war on Russia back when America was revolting against Britain (because Russia was supporting the colonies).
Picking more fights with more countries in addition to the ones you are already struggling against is called suicide.
Hitler enabled White genocide.
Hitler only went to war with White countries
and gave the Talmuds the moral high ground to oppress Whites for decades afterwards.
Hitler was funded by Zionists as a useful idiot.
Hitler declared war on America, not vice versa. He was 100% useful idiot
You run cover for Trump and Putin when it is obvious they are in the pocket of the jews
In what parallel universe do you envision such thing to occur? This is a preposterous assumption to say the least. Britain and France were funding the Bolshevik revolution while the Milner group sought to destroy German economy since the start of 20th century. They would not move a muscle like they didn't when Poland was invaded.If Hitler had half a brain he would have waited, built up Germany, and waited for the USSR to invade. Then Britian and France would have started off the war on his side against the USSR.
I didn't misspell it.^Is it Dr. Johnson, or Jones, as in EMJ?
I didn't misspell it.
Ah OK, Matthew Raphael Johnson, good guy and interesting perspectives on Russian history. Also know Quinones from the Tim Kelly Our Interesting Times podcast, as a longtime listener, he's nearly always on target, one of the best political podcast from a Catholic perspective.
The 200 Years Together looks like a long series where Quinones reads the book and Johnson comments, a really long listen.
How would you suggest undoing nearly a century of lies then? With simple phrases and short sentences? It is literally deprogramming the spoon-fed fake history, it is not going to come undone easily.The problem with WW2 is that most of it (if not all) is misdirection and disinformation. NMFP might be right be right about a lot of things but he still took information from wherever he which is most likely also infiltrated. Best to stick with current affairs.
And yes, the walls of text don't help any argument either as it shows inconfidence so I'll leave it at that.
How would you suggest undoing nearly a century of lies then? With simple phrases and short sentences? It is literally deprogramming the spoon-fed fake history, it is not going to come undone easily.
No, I assess information from sources that are not compromised or infiltrated. Pre-war publications, pre-war speeches, pre-war logistics, wartime publications, wartime speeches, wartime logistics. Post-war sources diverge into the Allied victor narrative and its fanfiction of truth repression, and the few accounts of the Axis survivors who did not have their testicles crushed by jackboots at Nuremberg to force a fake confession. The rest of the information requires a strong filtering mechanism and a retinue of knowledge of that time, geopolitics, laws, geography, demographics, etc.
There is no need for infiltration on WW2 because the entire official narrative is a psyop, along with any of the works it has spawned. This means every single mainstream publication from 1945 onwards, be it a book, movie, documentary, or interviews, are fake history. They are lies, that's it.
The reaction of those who hate Hitler and misdirect curious minds away from the only solution that dispels jewish power are where most of the friction in settling the debate comes from. Too many people's irrational hatred of Hitler prevents them from seeing Germany's economic miracle and the trajectories of the time. Saddam and Gaddafi were both on the same trajectory to empower their own people similar to how Hitler did to the Germans, but both were capped before they had a chance to achieve what he did.
Current affairs are all kabuki theater, you have to go to the root to understand the setup.
Gaddafi is a good stand-in for Hitler here, he wrote a lot of good things, even red pilled items, but he was a very flawed and unstable leader, one who also miscalculated and ended up destroying his country. He was also, like nearly all other Arab leaders, put at the helm by foreign powers.
Saddam was a little more sane than Gaddafi, but as a smalltime thug lacked intelligence and fell into the traps that were laid for him over and over. He was also put in power by the CIA.
Gaddafi's story is whole lot more interesting than that mate (starting his own currency away from FIAT, bringing water to the people in the Sahara etc). I'm sure @MusicForThePiano can fill me in here.
I don’t know, because I don’t even know where I heard this years ago, it could have been mainstream media and suspect… but I heard that saddam was no slouch either.
They tried every trick in the book to take control of Iraq.
Economically, he wouldn’t take the “investments”.
Assassination, he was too cagey.
Finally they had to send in boots.
Gaddafi is a good stand-in for Hitler here, he wrote a lot of good things, even red pilled items, but he was a very flawed and unstable leader, one who also miscalculated and ended up destroying his country. He was also, like nearly all other Arab leaders, put at the helm by foreign powers.
Saddam was a little more sane than Gaddafi, but as a smalltime thug lacked intelligence and fell into the traps that were laid for him over and over. He was also put in power by the CIA.
Gaddafi's story is whole lot more interesting than that mate (starting his own currency away from FIAT, bringing water to the people in the Sahara etc). I'm sure @MusicForThePiano can fill me in here.
Can you name me one leader in history who was not "flawed?" What does this even mean to you? All humans are flawed to a certain degree. It's not a very descriptive term to call someone that distinguishes them from others.
Both leaders took control of countries whose banks were incorporated into the Rothschild international jewish finance system, but they both pulled out prior to, and causing their downfalls via warfare, not by destroying their countries. The CIA wasn't so keen on understanding national politics in the late 1970s so whatever influence they had their intention was to set the various Middle Eastern powers against one another (which was partially successful with the Iran-Iraq war and all the israelis who sold to both sides).
Saddam's government nationalized Iraq’s oil industry in the 1970s, cutting out Western corporate interests that had previously exploited Middle Eastern resources. Saddam refused to trade oil in U.S. dollars and attempted to transition to the Euro in 2000 directly challenging the petrodollar system controlled by Western financial institutions. Iraq implemented state-controlled economic policies limiting foreign ownership of Iraqi industries similar to how Hitler restricted jewish and foreign ownership of German industries.
It is very early 2000s neo-con to call Saddam a smalltime thug. The Ba'athist party was a more brutal Iraqi version of National Socialism, but Arabs need a strong-arm leader because most of them are barbaric people. Someone with a whip has to keep them in line. They are not polite Germans.
Saddam promoted Pan-Arab Nationalism, seeking unity among Arab nations based on shared ethnicity, history, and language, just like National Socialism sought. Like Hitler’s Germany, Iraq had little debt and strong state-led industry before Western interventions and the ZOG coalition invasion.
Iraq was invaded under the false pretense of WMDs but the real reason was economic sovereignty, just like Germany. The only difference between Saddam's economic starting point and Hitler's economic starting point is that the pre-WW2 Nationalist and Fascist movements were the last truly grassroots movements to never receive big jew funding to start with. What Saddam tried to do is still honorable. I've talked with Assyrian Christians who lived there in the years before the invasion and they said that it was much better, despite him being portrayed as a *monster*.
Yes Gaddafi was one of the last visionaries in recent times, which makes him a monument among north Africans. He was much more closer to a Hitler figure in his aims, they were like African versions of Hitler's peacetime programs. His aims were outlined in his book "Green Book".
He proposed the African Gold Dinar which was a gold-backed currency for trade between African nations aiming to free Africa from IMF and World Bank dependency (both of which are under jewish financial control).
Like Hitler he bypassed the traditional debt-based monetary system and aimed for direct trade using resources-backed value (gold in Libya’s case, labor and barter in Germany’s case). Libya was one of the few nations without a Rothschild-controlled central bank before ZOG’s 2011 intervention.
He implemented state-funded housing, healthcare, and education (similar to Hitler’s welfare programs). Libya under Gaddafi had the highest standard of living in Africa (after previous Apartheid SA and Rhodesia), with zero-interest home loans, free healthcare, and free education. Gaddafi promoted Pan-Africanism which paralleled Germany’s Pan-Germanic vision of uniting ethnically similar peoples. Do you see how ethnic unity can be achieved, whether it be among Germanics, Arabs, or Africans?
Gaddafi started the Great Man-Made River Project, the largest irrigation project in the world that was designed to transform Libya into a fertile, self-sustaining nation. ZOG drones bombed the aquifers after the "Arab Spring" and it's just a series of ruined concrete pipes now. He also promoted state-subsidized farming and industry that encouraged agricultural growth and aimed for food self-sufficiency, similar to Germany’s push to reduce reliance on imports.
Gaddafi’s Gold Dinar project threatened the Western financial order leading to the violent coup and assassination. Libya was falsely framed as committing mass atrocities despite evidence proving otherwise.
When his Pan-Africanism ideology was scuttled, the true invasion of Europe picked up exponentially. The HIAS groups ushered in the biggest invasion of Europe in history that is still ongoing. The throngs of the dark continent could go live on welfare and rape and murder with abandon in Europe, rather than fight over food and water with their neighbors, so naturally the choice for these millions of fiends was easy. The non-White races need to have strong leaders to corral their people in their own lands, and who knows, Gaddafi's vision for a fertile Sahara may have actually worked and all of them would never want to set foot in Europe.
@Cooper you use the same inverted moral logic here that you use against Hitler, that Gaddafi and Saddam "destroyed" their own countries by opposing the jew world order. You cannot sell this morality in a flea market to a penny-pinching jew. All three built up their countries, and all three were destroyed by overwhelming odds of the thugs enforcing submission to jewish international finance. You do understand that all wars are economic and the other aspects of them come afterwards. That is the crux of jewish power, money, and the value they want for it to be. It literally hurts a jew to know there are people out there who are happy and free and not paying debt to some hebraic scam.