The Corrupt Courts of America

The Supreme Court has ruled that President Trump must unfreeze $1.9 billion in foreign USAID payments. Unbelievable.

Justice Samuel Alito BLASTS the majority with Justices Thomas, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh joining in dissent:

"Does a single district-court judge who likely lacks jurisdiction have the unchecked power to compel the Government of the United States to pay out (and probably lose forever) 2 billion taxpayer dollars? The answer to that question should be an emphatic “No,” but a majority of this Court apparently thinks otherwise. I am stunned."

In her absurd and poorly reasoned anti-free speech opinion in the Missouri v. Biden case, Amy Coney Barrett repeatedly and egregiously misstated facts about illegal government censorship activities. So it’s not surprising to see her go along with an abominable decision made up out of thin air that ignores the Constitution, federal law, basic rules of standing and jurisdiction, and even her own precedents on the matter. What an embarrassment.
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Hopefully the DOGE gets on the case and follows the money for ACB. Totally unacceptable and shows you how ridiculous the money laundering has become when even the sitting, elected President cannot halt blatantly corrupt "funding." If they find a smoking gun, perhaps they can do it again and have her recuse herself.
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Angry Watch Out GIF by BrownSugarApp
The biggest red flag for Amy is that Democrats weren't accusing her of rape or some other heinous crime. If they don't give you the Clarence Thomas or Brett Kavanaugh treatment, then it means the democrats don't fear that judge very much.
I'm seeing some people predict more than 60 Republicans in the Senate for 2026. If so, then it's time to start impeaching Supreme Court justices, along with many of the lower court justices.
Best flavor of mints:
'Peach mints!

Seriously though, if Pres Trump can work with congress and actually get some massive tax cuts, who will possibly vote against that? Republicans stand to benefit tremendously if they play ball, voters are really feeling the pain in their wallets but won't be satisfied with half measures. Time to do something for the people for once.
It's a do nothing job. No liberal judge will retire. Not while Trump is President. Especially not when your side is rewarding you handsomely for staying in there and playing arm chair activist. The only reason Breyer retired was because Bidet was still the President, so it was a tactful move on their part.