Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

Most of the dissident right, and the men on this board, do not think like MusicforthePiano, who is easily fooled by trash he reads on 4chan or twitter. You can safely ignore his long-winded posts of nothingness most of the time. He's severely confused on many topics and it is a work of charity to try and re-educate him. He thinks Hitler did a great job in WW2 despite Germany being genocided and conquered as a result of his actions.
I spend zero time on the chans and twitter. The best direct sources for updates on the Russian government is pretty much everything they release themselves, along with the chatter on Russian telegram channels and exposure content that is not moderated on places like Gab. Bitchute, Rumble, Odyssey, to a lesser degree have much higher content than anything on youtube.

You are still wrong about and know very little on Hitler and World War II, you still have the reductionist faux-morality and understanding of the sequence of events, and confuse a provocation for a reaction and that is why you do not understand that conflict and keep comparing it to ancient battles like they are the same.

Normal men understand Russia is better than any country in the West at the moment. They understand Russia is defending itself against NATO aggression, and that Talmudic Jews, lead by (((Zelensky))), are using Ukraine to attack Russia. No one believes Russia is perfect, that is strawman promoted by Talmudic Jews on twitter or 4chan pretending to be right-wingers.

That is why the majority of White men elected Trump, since he can clearly see how things actually are.

This topic is not confusing at all, just ignore the fools.
Samseau you are not European. You do not have roots on this continent, even if you did generations ago, you have distanced yourself from them. If you are Middle Eastern like Roosh is, then you have even less of a connection to continental Europe. If it hurts your ego enough to downvote my posts because I have legitimate reasons not to admire the current Russian government and their policies, then get over it. I despise zionist America and the globohomo EU just as bad if not more, all 3 are hostile to my people and their way of life.

@mountainaire Do you see the difference now? How can someone sitting cozy in the west accurately describe the centurial strife that continental Europeans have to endure? They can't. That is why Samseau and Cooper hate that there are intelligent opinions outside of their feed on this subject. They do not know the struggle of what we now call the Nationalists, who were just the people of Europe a century ago subjugated to the forces of west and east all under the umbrella of international jewry. Yes Zelensky is a degenerate jew and the Ukrainian government is corrupt, but the laws in Russia regarding imprisonment for questioning WW2, the holohoax, and expressing nationalist sentiment are just as hostile to Europeans as western jewry's own policies. What Russian law defines as extremism is insane because it prevents any kind of Slavic reconstitution of their homeland above appeasing foreigners and jews.
If I wanted to destroy any chance of a viable counter-reaction to the talmudic/frankist takeover of western societies, I would push exactly the kind of line you have been pushing, glorifying Hitler, because it has zero chance of working. That is why most of these movements are actively promoted by the deep state.

Once again you prove my above post correct, you revert back to your old argument that it's all controlled by the deep-state when it is actively discriminated against and we can see this in real-time everywhere by both the laws discriminating against as well as the de-banking of nationalists. You are a liar when you say these movements are actively promoted by the deep state.

Adolf Hitler is the most lied about man in history, and hated by the jews second to none after Jesus Christ Himself. By upholding the lies about Hitler, the lies about National Socialism, Fascism, and Nationalism, you are doing the work of a jewish proxy.

The stuff you post here, memes, pictures of blacks or muslims in Russia meant to convey the image of that country as a giant Bradford or Molenbeek, 25 year old pictures of upstart politician Putin with a yarmukle - this content comes from glowie boards.

Can you prove that these sources come from "glowie boards"? You cannot fathom that the "glowie smear" doesn't work anymore. The whole point of the glowie smear was to make the audience deny the opposition any credit. You resort to this ad nauseum. Every time you cannot counter an argument, you call it a glowie, like a little girl crying wolf. Your worldview is a literal jewish intelligentsia think-tank expression, unlike those who admire Hitler's struggle and cause, because it is literally the same struggle as a century ago just magnified.

The man who is behind many of this new Russia craze is Alexander Dugin. Let's see what he believes:


Anton LaVey the luciferian espoused that phrase quite frequently.


All the accusations of occultism that uneducated parrots level at Adolf Hitler and National Socialism without evidence are actively seen in this mystic kook's own writings and followers, who fully push this new Eurasian nonsense that you swallow like a horse pill.

That's why you never post your sources.

Your line is a carefully produced poison pill.
The source is literally in the Putin picture. It's a speech from 2005 on an israeli channel:

I know how lazy you are since reading is hard for you, so here is the speech from the image word for word:

"Question: Many people in Israel express concern about the anti-semitism that exists in Russia.

Mr Putin: Anti-semitism is a complex ethnic and historical phenomenon. And it is not a Russian invention. I think that in some countries that are traditionally considered Israel’s strategic partners, unfortunately, the phenomenon of anti-semitism is quite noticeable. And in a number of countries in the post-Soviet area, as strange as this may seem to you, jews and Russians are considered to be the same. And unfortunately, we must deal with all this mess.

We are categorically opposed to any manifestations of xenophobia or nationalism. I don’t think that in Russia today anti-semitism can decide anything or present any threat, although this needs to be treated with much caution. It is necessary to react to any manifestations of this kind to protect the interests of national minorities, in this case the jewish people, but no less importantly, to maintain Russian statehood itself: Russia was created and exists as a multinational and multi-religious state. And for us, combating anti-semitism, just like combating any nationalism or chauvinism, is the basis of our internal policy.

Question: But then how do you regard the inciting letter signed by many artists, even Duma deputies, calling for judaism to be removed from the political and legal system?

Mr Putin: They did not call for judaism to be removed from the political system. No, there were different appeals with references to certain sources of Judaism.

I can tell you that judaism, along with Islam and the Orthodox Church, are classified as traditional Russian religions, are classified by law as traditional Russian religions, and thus are protected by law.

As for the letter you mentioned, I have essentially already answered it. I would like to say that it is always necessary to react to such manifestations adequately, very carefully and timely, but according to the doctor’s principle of doing no harm. If you followed the events in public life in Russia after this letter, then you could not help but noticing what society’s reaction to this was.

Question: As you have already said, Mr President, on 9 May there will be a major celebration – the anniversary of Victory over Nazi Germany. There are 20,000 veterans living in Israel. What is the historical lesson that should be learned from this?

Mr Putin: First of all I would like to say that I had the opportunity ten years ago, probably, when I was in Israel, to meet with Israeli veterans of the Second World War. And this was a very emotional meeting. For me it was to a certain extent also another discovery of Israel, just like visiting memorial sites connected with the Holocaust. I think that this, as I have already said, is also something that unites Israel and Russia.

The jewish people suffered the tragedy of the Holocaust, while about 30 million of our people were also killed during the Great Patriotic War. And this is why I am not surprised that when we see manifestations of sympathy for Nazis, turning SS troops into heroes and so on, including in the post-Soviet area, then among the first to openly oppose this, and consistently and in harsh forms, are jewish organisations. And the main conclusion from the tragedy of the Second World War should be that we do not have the right to ignore or close our eyes to manifestations of fanaticism, nationalism, and extreme views in politics and religion. A policy of appeasement ultimately ends tragically. Extremism needs to be fought where and when it arises, where it tries to achieve its goals – and this is the most important conclusion."

Here's another:
So according to you, both of these Russian state media and israeli sources are from "glowie boards". Genius logic.
There isn't a country on the planet where these criticisms cannot be applied...
Exactly and thank you for proving my point. Putin is exactly the same as all other current world leaders (with the possible exception of Trump) so please stop supporting comments and notions that he is somehow different and more noble and more "Christian" and less corrupt than anyone else who has ever ascended the throne of power. And while you're at it will you and @Cooper and @Nevsky please finally address what you think Putin's net worth is and how he acquired it while holding down a full time government job for the last 30+ years of his life?
... which is why your argument is baseless.
Huh? This makes no sense. This is exactly why my take on Putin is justified. We've got all these Putin boot lickers on here defending every single move of his without criticism and you admit he is as corrupt as any other world leader yet say my criticism is "baseless" because "everyone is doing it"? This is not a Christian ideal. Two wrongs don't make a right. But then again, I am talking to someone who defends every single word and action of Trump no matter how wrong he is so at this point I'm basically pissing in the wind. Sychophants gonna sychophant.
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Exactly and thank you for proving my point. Putin is exactly the same as all other current world leaders (with the possible exception of Trump) so please stop supporting comments and notions that he is somehow different and more noble and more "Christian" and less corrupt than anyone else who has ever ascended the throne of power. And while you're at it will you and @Cooper and @Nevsky please finally address what you think Putin's net worth is and how he acquired it while holding down a full time government job for the last 30+ years of his life?

Huh? This makes no sense. This is exactly why my take on Putin is justified. We've got all these Putin boot lickers on here defending every single move of his without criticism and you admit he is as corrupt as any other world leader yet say my criticism is "baseless" because "everyone is doing it"? This is not a Christian ideal. Two wrongs don't make a right. But then again, I am talking to someone who defends every single word and action of Trump no matter how wrong he is so at this point I'm basically pissing in the wind. Sychophants gonna sychophant.

Claiming everyone is a sinner is a trivial point which says little. Leaders amassing wealth and abusing laws to their own advantage has always been the case. If you are going to make criticisms about a particular leader, then you need to make claims that are unique to that leader otherwise it's just hypocrisy and based in emotion.

In Christ's time the leaders were scum yet Jesus said to pay taxes and Paul said that authorities are put into place by God in order to maintain basic laws of justice. These were the same leaders Paul said to obey who ultimately beheaded him.

So the idea that we should disdain a leader because they are sinners is clearly contradicted by Scripture, and is not Christian. Christians follow the laws and pragmatically work with whatever leaders God is generous enough to give us. It is not for us to judge if our leaders are going to heaven or hell. We simply look for the best deal we can get. When leaders become too abusive we look for a better one.

Things get better for the people under Trump and Putin. They get worse under Democrat leaders or Eurohomo leaders. That's it. There's no emotion involved, there's no need to look deeply beyond these basic facts. Who the leaders are is trivial because they are all sinners.
Once again you prove my above post correct, you revert back to your old argument that it's all controlled by the deep-state when it is actively discriminated against and we can see this in real-time everywhere by both the laws discriminating against as well as the de-banking of nationalists. You are a liar when you say these movements are actively promoted by the deep state.

Yes, the neo-nazi movements are either astroturfed or at best, severely infiltrated. The reason for this is that they are the worst possible conduit for the nationalist right, for two reasons, because nazi doctrine is inherently flawed, and because people have been so conditioned against it that it has become a poison pill on any cultural or political movement that draws from it.

Adolf Hitler is the most lied about man in history, and hated by the jews second to none after Jesus Christ Himself. By upholding the lies about Hitler, the lies about National Socialism, Fascism, and Nationalism, you are doing the work of a jewish proxy.

Hitler was a decent orator in the style of his period, but a poor leader and a disastrously bad military commander who ended up destroying his country and people. Franco on the other hand was a real hero who saved his country from the Bolsheviks and held up Spain for 40 years, until his last breath in 1975.

Some aspects of the NASDAP were clearly very good, but the movement had fatal flaws including being rooted in the occult and built around the cult of the personality of a flawed person. It's too bad Germany wasn't ruled by a Franco-like Christian figure instead of Hitler.

You are so attached to the nazi philosophy as to end up lying about its very nature in its defense, like your claim of the swastika being a Christian symbol instead of a south Asian pagan symbol that was popularized in the west by that occult ugly witch Rottenstern aka Blavastky, whom Hiler admired.

Can you prove that these sources come from "glowie boards"? You cannot fathom that the "glowie smear" doesn't work anymore. The whole point of the glowie smear was to make the audience deny the opposition any credit. You resort to this ad nauseum. Every time you cannot counter an argument, you call it a glowie, like a little girl crying wolf. Your worldview is a literal jewish intelligentsia think-tank expression, unlike those who admire Hitler's struggle and cause, because it is literally the same struggle as a century ago just magnified.

You posted about a year or two ago a JPEG of a picture set with half a dozen pictures of black men in Russia, trying to portray that country as being overrun by blacks, when there are hardly any black men in Russia. The actual percentage of blacks in Russia is less than 0.03%. Many of those are foreign students from foreign countries on scholarship who return to their country to occupy high positions in the military or civilian sectors. Good for them, and for Russia. I did a search on that picture set of black men in Russia and it was posted on what looked like an anti-Russia glowie board.

You're the one who is lying here. I've asked you to post the source of your material, which is clearly lifted from other boards, but that is something you never do.

The man who is behind many of this new Russia craze is Alexander Dugin. Let's see what he believes:

I dislike Dugin because I did research on him way back and found a video where he went on stage and praised that scumbag Crowley in a weird theatrical ceremony - zero respect for this Russian clown. As if it couldn't get worse, he also praised the kabbalah on a roundtable discussion show (might have been with Charlie Rose IIRC). Maybe he's seen the light since and has gotten over this, but that is still a black mark on his character and intellect.

Dugin is portrayed by anti-Russians as some kind of a svengali figure who runs Russian nationalism and is Putin's guru. Not true at all on both counts. He is in fact used as a strawman, exactly the same way you are using him here.

The source is literally in the Putin picture. It's a speech from 2005 on an israeli channel:

Throwing a bone to that constituency 20 years ago when he wasn't as strongly established. Putin is a pragmatic and skillful politician, if he wasn't so, he would have never been able to rise to where he is today in the cutthroat wild east dystopia of post-communist Russia.

That is the flaw in your reasoning, and in the reasoning of the handful of guys who support you here, it's almost as if you lack real life experience.

Here's another:
View attachment 18760
So according to you, both of these Russian state media and israeli sources are from "glowie boards". Genius logic.

You make it sound like Putin is some kind of Macron or Merkel-like figure who is ashamed of his own flag and is not a nationalist, which really is an incredibly absurd notion. He's led countless nationalist rallies that would have made Nuremberg organizers blush.

The way he runs his country, holds it together and includes his native minorities is an example to western Europe. These minorities have proven their valor in the Ukraine war, fighting and dying in disproportionally higher numbers than Russian Slavs.
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I spend zero time on the chans and twitter. The best direct sources for updates on the Russian government is pretty much everything they release themselves, along with the chatter on Russian telegram channels and exposure content that is not moderated on places like Gab. Bitchute, Rumble, Odyssey, to a lesser degree have much higher content than anything on youtube.

Wherever you may learn your lies, it really doesn't matter. They are still, they fail to evaluate leaders unemotionally and pragmatically, and they lead to utter destruction for whoever is gullible to fall for these lies.

For example, trying to claim Russia is this giant deracinated Empire when it's more pure than half of America shows just how disingenuous and ridiculous whatever arguments you believe in. Russia also has less immigration than all of Western Europe. Yet you'll go on and on about that one guy Putin happened to throw in jail for whatever reason no one here will ever have access to the details of, because no one has access to the court files or reads fluent Russian.

There is no point in some deep examination of things we'll never know, a pragmatic surface understand is all that is required for any Christian. You always go with some political purity test, which is just useful for Talmudic Jews to destroy their host countries. Being unable to compromise is a weakness that is easily exploited by a ruthless enemy.

When confronted with these points, you'll retort with some ad hominins about not being European enough or whatever, which is completely pointless for the argument.
Exactly and thank you for proving my point. Putin is exactly the same as all other current world leaders (with the possible exception of Trump) so please stop supporting comments and notions that he is somehow different and more noble and more "Christian" and less corrupt than anyone else who has ever ascended the throne of power. And while you're at it will you and @Cooper and @Nevsky please finally address what you think Putin's net worth is and how he acquired it while holding down a full time government job for the last 30+ years of his life?

"Putin has $200 billions" is one of the worst staples of normie/neocon tropes. It's kind of ironic that you fall so easily for this kind of neo-bolshevik propaganda.

He's not the kind of guy who views his presidency as a means to acquire a fortune for a golden retirement in the Riviera or Caribbean, otherwise he would already have retired. He has far higher aims, something that even many of his detractors will admit.
"Putin has $200 billions" is one of the worst staples of normie/neocon tropes. It's kind of ironic that you fall so easily for this kind of neo-bolshevik propaganda.
ONCE AGAIN, just answer the question:
... what do you think Putin's net worth is and how did he acquire it while holding down a full time government job for the last 30+ years of his life?
And I haven't fallen for anything, I simply googled the number and thats what it said and now you say that number is wrong but you won't say what the correct number is. Instead you make BS claims like this:
Putin is not in it for the money.
I get it, all those pictures of Putin living in the lap of luxury on his super yachts are just AI deep fakes, he's actually a modest pauper who lives in a two bedroom house with no furniture and has given all his money away to his favorite charity because he has the heart and sensibity of an Orthodox Monk who shuns material possessions and despises all worldly things.
He's not the kind of guy who views his presidency as a means to acquire a fortune...
Claiming that you know what kind of guy Putin is without having ever met him, much less having spent a lot of time with him is the height of "normie/neocon neo-bolshevik propaganda." Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Yes, the neo-nazi movements are either astroturfed or at best, severely infiltrated.

And which of these movements do I reference here? I know who is an infiltrator or a distraction agent. You are grouping every single essence of nationalism under the jewish slang term "nazi" or "neo-nazi".

The reason for this is that they are the worst possible conduit for the nationalist right, for two reasons, because nazi doctrine is inherently flawed, and because people have been so conditioned against it that it has become a poison pill on any cultural or political movement that draws from it.

Be specific. What is flawed? You are generalizing for the choir.

Hitler was a decent orator in the style of his period, but a poor leader and a disastrously bad military commander who ended up destroying his country and people. Franco on the other hand was a real hero who saved his country from the Bolsheviks and held up Spain for 40 years, until his last breath in 1975.
More lies that I've already disproven in the WW2 thread. History channel simpletons think Hitler was a "bad commander" and a "poor leader" but brilliant military Generals like Leon Degrelle, Eric von Manstein, Karl Donitz, Sepp Dietrich, Guderian, and Sugiyama say otherwise. Even in the accounts of his enemies, Patton, who was repentant, praises his tactics. MacArthur adopted his mechanized warfare strategies in Korea, even Eisenhower adopted elements of the German general staff system for the American system. His successful strategies are still taught to this day in military academies around the world. Spain's military tactics and training under Franco incorporated German military doctrine. Even Jean Marie Le Pen believes Hitler's military achievements were distorted by post-war propaganda.

Since you like to play the blame game. Franco would not have had a single leg to stand on against the Bolsheviks without the re-armed Luftwaffe courtesy of Hitler and Goring, meaning without Hitler and the NSDAP, no Franco and no Spain free of Bolsheviks. Franco kept a picture of Hitler, a fellow Catholic to whom he gave a Requiem mass for upon the news of his death, in his office throughout the duration of the war:


After the war, Franco personally funded Leon Degrelle and other top SS officers in receiving new identities and passages out of the Allied victors murdering hands. If you read Degrelle's works you would know this. Why you refuse to read any of the material on WW2 that is not African IQ level history channel sludge can only be because you have an 'a priori' agenda.

Some aspects of the NASDAP were clearly very good, but the movement had fatal flaws including being rooted in the occult and built around the cult of the personality of a flawed person.

How many times are you going to beat a dead horse? National Socialists were not occultists and you have no proof for this. Calling Hitler "flawed" as opposed to what, FDR, Churchill, Stalin, and Truman not being "flawed"? Every single human being is flawed, therefore no flawless man exists anywhere in the world, in any time period ever. The movement was not built around the cult of personality it was built on Volkisch principles, something you do not understand.

Prove to me one actual aspect of the NSDAP movement being rooted in actual occultism. With evidence and links and let's see if its some doctored-post-war gibberish or anything tangibly coherent. Simply "socially associating" with Thule society members at Taverns during Weimar does not count as these kooks were discriminated against openly by the Reich once the NSDAP were in power. Their books were even burned along with freud and jewish tranny porn.

It's too bad Germany wasn't ruled by a Franco-like Christian figure instead of Hitler.
For all the good Franco did, he did a lot wrong as well like repealing the expulsion edict.


Churchill the homosexual jew-funded freemason is blaming Franco here and not blaming Hitler, interesting. I ultimately cannot blame Franco given that the truth of WW2 survived because of him personally funding Degrelle who with other German military leaders in exile, wrote a majority of the unmolested accounts.

You are so attached to the nazi philosophy as to end up lying about its very nature in its defense, like your claim of the swastika being a Christian symbol instead of a south Asian pagan symbol that was popularized in the west by that occult ugly witch Rottenstern aka Blavastky, whom Hiler admired.
No proof again. Hitler did not admire Blavatsky. You never bring any proof to these half-baked history channel claims. I posted a video of Catholic theologians discussing the origins of Third Position and you didn't even watch it, you just downvoted it. Do you deny this?

Hitler despised these primitive spiritual sheisters, the government disenfranchised all the freemasons and occultists in Germany, imprisoning many in labor camps, just like his government kicked out all the jew bankers.

From the Speech at the German Culture Convention, Nuremberg, September 6th, 1938:

Clearly anti-occult. Do you deny this too? The rest of it is even more anti-occult, openly discriminating against mystics and acknowledges that they are not responsible for worship but it is the Churches whose task that is:


You are the one in denial and are also severely undereducated on this matter. You also don't know anything about the Swastika symbol. It was used all over America in stamps and store insignias since its inception, it's been used all over the Christian world in frescoes and papal mitres and engraved onto Cathedral walls. The symbol is not something that is unique to one people or religion, but by literally every single race and religion that ever existed. It was a western symbol before the eastern Asiatics adopted it.

You posted about a year or two ago a JPEG of a picture set with half a dozen pictures of black men in Russia, trying to portray that country as being overrun by blacks, when there are hardly any black men in Russia. The actual percentage of blacks in Russia is less than 0.03%. Many of those are foreign students from foreign countries on scholarship who return to their country to occupy high positions in the military or civilian sectors. Good for them, and for Russia. I did a search on that picture set of black men in Russia and it was posted on what looked like an anti-Russia glowie board.

Remarkable for how little blacks in Russia there are that they always end up breeding with a white Russian girl and destroying their blood forever. What are Russian men fighting for if their women will do this to them so easily? No different from "western" whores.

Provide links of this alleged glowie board. So far you haven't provided jack palooka.

You're the one who is lying here. I've asked you to post the source of your material, which is clearly lifted from other boards, but that is something you never do.
Did I not just put the source of Russian state media? Everyone can see who is lying here. The pictures of the race traitor Slavic girls who breed with negroes and arabs is all over social media. Since I do not use social media, I get them from the exposure accounts on Gab.

I dislike Dugin because I did research on him way back and found a video where he went on stage and praised that scumbag Crowley in a weird theatrical ceremony - zero respect for this Russian clown. As if it couldn't get worse, he also praised the kabbalah on a roundtable discussion show (might have been with Charlie Rose IIRC). Maybe he's seen the light since and has gotten over this, but that is still a black mark on his character and intellect.

Dugin is portrayed by anti-Russians as some kind of a svengali figure who runs Russian nationalism and is Putin's guru. Not true at all on both counts. He is in fact used as a strawman, exactly the same way you are using him here.
Yet your philosophy is basically compliant to "nazbols" as you are a committed zigger whilst you have zero investiture in living an actual Russian life. Why do you shill for them instead of joining Canadian nationalists, deal with the persecution like a man, and at least get busy living for something?

Throwing a bone to that constituency 20 years ago when he wasn't as strongly established. Putin is a pragmatic and skillful politician, if he wasn't so, he would have never been able to rise to where he is today in the cutthroat wild east dystopia of post-communist Russia.

Putin is a cutthroat, the pragmatism comes into view when the cameras are rolling. You cannot be "pragmatic" in a cutthroat environment. Try being pragmatic in any political environment and see where it gets you. He is compromised to the financial elite of Russia, not the other way around.

That is the flaw in your reasoning, and in the reasoning of the handful of guys who support you here, it's almost as if you lack real life experience.
It was only a matter of time before you brought this up. No my ideologically inept counterpart, I am not lacking in real life experience and neither myself nor anyone else needs to dox our history to the likes of you.

You make it sound like Putin is some kind of Macron or Merkel-like figure who is ashamed of his own flag and is not a nationalist, which really is an incredibly absurd notion. He's led countless nationalist rallies that would have made Nuremberg organizers blush.
Over two thirds of the Nuremberg judicial staff were jews, many from the USSR. They held their version of "national" parades and have never let up until the present. So no, the jewish judges at Nuremberg would not blush, they would cheer on this "Russian" nationalism that benefits them.

The way he runs his country, holds it together and includes his native minorities is an example to western Europe. These minorities have proven their valor in the Ukraine war, fighting and dying in disproportionally higher numbers than Russian Slavs.
And you think this war is valiant? This is a brother war fomented by jews on both sides. Zelensky and the zionist jews of the west are just as guilty as the chabadniks in the dark corners of the Kremlin. The fact that they are importing cannibals to be new cannon fodder because they are running out of Slavs speaks volumes. Once the last of the Slavs are dead, then they will end this war. There are infinity negroes and Asiatics, to them, losing a few hundred thousand to a million of them in a kinetic brother war is nothing if it depletes the last drop of European blood.
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And you think this war is valiant? This is a brother war fomented by jews on both sides. Zelensky and the zionist jews of the west are just as guilty as the chabadniks in the dark corners of the Kremlin.
100%. This hogwash belief here that jews don't control Putin and the Kremlin is unbelievable. And the fact that Putin is a little whiny bitch about "muh, The West!" yet won't name the jew behind The West is blatant proof that Putin is a jew loving Satanist who loves money and power more than he loves the young working class white men of Russia.

Another stupid war, run by stupid elites that serves no purpose related to Jesus Christ and every purpose related to Satan. Reminds me of the old bumper sticker, "Who Would Jesus Bomb?" Of course He wouldn't bomb anyone yet some sychophants here at Christ Is King would have us believe that Vladimir Jewtin is a man of God when he is clearly, like Zelensky, a man of Satan. This entire war is the work of the devil and the two forces of evil in this conflict that deserve to be taken out for their little JQ-funded war game, Putin and Zelensky, will be the last two "men" standing while a million Christian white men go to their death over nothing.
Exactly. Love how you know so much yet know so little, and can't answer a simple question. You have no idea what the the number is, all you know is what the number isn't. Got it.

It's like arguing with someone who "simply googled the numbers" about the 6 million, a completely useless exercise. No one really knows what Putin's net worth is, it's probably in the hundreds of millions, but $200 Billion is pure propaganda.
It's like arguing with someone who "simply googled the numbers" about the 6 million, a completely useless exercise. No one really knows what Putin's net worth is, it's probably in the hundreds of millions, but $200 Billion is pure propaganda.

It's actually way more than $200 billion. They always underestimate Putin. Is it good of bad? Who knows, kings have been wealthier than that in the past but they got toppled eventually so arguing over such arbitrary numbers is kind of useless.
It's like arguing with someone who "simply googled the numbers" about the 6 million, a completely useless exercise. No one really knows what Putin's net worth is, it's probably in the hundreds of millions, but $200 Billion is pure propaganda.
Big f'ing deal... 200 billion, 200 million, that's the same amount to most of us. Love how you're focused on the act of joogling a number as if you've never joogled the answer to anything before instead of STILL not answering the question of:
... what do you think Putin's net worth is and how did he acquire it while holding down a full time government job for the last 30+ years of his life?
I'll answer this for you seeing as how you refuse to. Putin acquired "his" "hundreds of millions" as you put it, by unethically, and immorally fleecing it from the working poor of Russia. In other words, he stole it and it is not rightfully his. And yes, I believe the same thing about Trump and Musk and any other man in the world who is worth "hundreds of millions" of dollars. Why? Because one man cannot possibly work enough hours in a day to acquire hundreds of millions of dollars in a single lifetime. No man is that talented or valuable to a domain or business practice. And most certainly no man's "work" is worth 10K an hour while minimum wage for lowly worker bees is a mere $10 dollars an hour. That is the work of Satan to pit man against man and any man who gleefully takes advantage of this JQ system of usury and accepts its financial rewards without exposing the injustice and immorality of it all is a Christ-denying thief.
... arguing over such arbitrary numbers is kind of useless.
I'm not arguing about the numbers but about Putin's character. A man who takes/accepts vast sums of money he hasn't truly earned is an amoral anti-Christian coward who deserves to swing from the gallows. Putin's personal financial numbers we've agreed are astronomical and not commensurate with a lifetime of government employment. Thats it, that's all.

Putin is my moral and intellectual inferior and a man I could wipe the floor with in hand to hand combat, chess, and debate. And there is no way he is more talented than I am either and yet after a lifetime of "work" he is worth hundreds of millions of dollars while I sit here on a paultry 300K in assets. Fuck that shit. I could 100% do a better job of running Russia than this jew loving clown and I don't even speak Russian. At least I've seen The Princess Bride and know better than to ever get involved in a land war in Asia or to go up against a Sicillian when death is on the line.
Putin is my moral and intellectual inferior and a man I could wipe the floor with in hand to hand combat....


Putin has black belt in Judo.

