Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

8.4% was the real wage increase, meaning the increase in wages minus inflation.

The nominal wage increase was well above 20%.

This indicates that the very low unemployment numbers are real, you can't have that kind of a rise in wages unless the labor supply is very tight. Wage growth is a very reliable gauge for unemployment.

The year before that, real wages grew by 13%:

Russian wages are volatile over short periods of time but the longer term picture shows no growth when Russian wages are measured in U.S. dollars. Russian monthly wages are the same now as they were in 2014. That does not sound like a strong labour market to me:


Russian wages are volatile over short periods of time but the longer term picture shows no growth when Russian wages are measured in U.S. dollars. Russian monthly wages are the same now as they were in 2014. That does not sound like a strong labour market to me:

View attachment 18659

That doesn't make sense, you are measuring wages in USD, but not accounting for local, Ruble-denominated price, rent etc. That is exactly the point my using real wages as opposed to nominal wages above.

Did you take Econ1 in college?
That doesn't make sense, you are measuring wages in USD, but not accounting for local, Ruble-denominated price, rent etc. That is exactly the point my using real wages as opposed to nominal wages above.

Did you take Econ1 in college?
I purposely measured nominal wages in USD dollars because the Ruble is a basket case currency that has a higher inflation rate (over the long term) than the USD and the Russian statistics are even faker than US statistics so you cannot believe their official inflation statistics hence trying to get a gauge on reality by using the USD. The Russian government can say what it wants but the exchange rate tells the real story.

So if an average Russian is earning the same wages in nominal terms as 10 years ago when measured in USD and the USD according to the American CPI has lost 1/4 of its purchasing power in the last ten years (the CPI massively understates this reality).

So the reality is that the average Russian has lost at least 1/4 of their purchasing power in terms of the wages they are receiving in the last ten years and if you adjust properly for inflation instead of using the nonsense CPI stats they have lost half of their purchasing power in 10 years. Mind you its more or less a similar story in almost every major economy in the world not just Russia. But stop trying to pretend the living standards of Russian workers are rising when they are clearly not.
Russia will never be an Orthodox Primacy once more with all of this religious balancing garbage. Russia was Christian-only for over a millennia, Mohammedan invaders were kept out, jews were watched and pogromed into the Pale of Settlement, and Asiatic heathens were kept on the fringes. The strength of the Russian people will depend on how long they can keep themselves racially pure and how they can remove the influence and control of Chabad Lubavitchers, and that the spiritual animus of Orthodoxy is not represented by state-sponsored religion but by the personal convictions of each Russian in a coordinated collectivist and nationalist effort. If China can ban all the drugs then Russia should do the same, and illegalize porn and smut and degenerate music and films as well. Where is the revival of their arts?

So you expect Russians to go Queen Isabella-style and purge their Muslim and Jewish population? Are you really that thick? Their Muslims and Siberian pagans are natives, and they have served well in this war. The main strategy to destroy Russia is to sow division along ethno-religious lines, see Uyghurs and Tibetans in China. The Russian leadership is not that dumb, they have done a great job rebuilding their relations with Chechnyans and other minorities.

Putin is not a figurehead, that is a ridiculous statement. Chabad and other lobbies have nowhere near the control over Russia that they do over your typical western country.

What do you intend to do with all the hopium you promote about Russia and China, what actions do you see Aryan men taking with this "knowledge?"

Aren't Sri Lankans and Persian "Aryans"? I don't have that much in common with them.
Russian wages are volatile over short periods of time but the longer term picture shows no growth when Russian wages are measured in U.S. dollars. Russian monthly wages are the same now as they were in 2014. That does not sound like a strong labour market to me:

View attachment 18659


Show me this curve starting from 2000.

You know you cherry-picked your data.
Both quote and picture are about as fake as can be.

The above statement is probably AI generated, just like the picture is. In line with the faux narrative manufactured by Kremlin spindoctors around the start of the 2010s - which is when the Putin-Medvedev tandem broke with the US/Europe mainstream Left due to the latter becoming increasingly progressively liberal and socio-culturally imperialist. Obviously the Authoritarian Left has stayed firmly on P's side, as all openly communist countries and political parties anywhere are supportive of Russia anno 2025.

Masterbrain behind Russia's campaign to captivate the West's populist Right is Vladimir Surkov, and he's spoken in spades about tactics and strategies. The frame: whilst the West withers in societal madness and stumbles towards civilizational suicide there, in the East, Trad Ortho Empire Russia with at the helm divinely ordained Putin holds out. P is guided by his strong Orthodox convictions and nationalist tendencies so you might as well support him.

The West's populist right has been largely captured by the zionists, who are aligned with NATO and are anti-Russian.

I know you hate Putin/Russia and favor Ukraine, going as far as repeatedly saying with a straight face that Russia is losing in the Ukraine war, which is an incredibly dumb position to maintain. Are you still claiming that the Russians are losing in Ukraine??

Your argue that Putin is a Jewish stooge because, abortion.

Here is the history of abortion in Russia:


Russia went from one of the highest abortion rates in the world to a mid-tier level, currently lower than in the US, and almost half the abortion rate of the UK, and their rate is still dropping as Russia has been actively conducting campaigns to reduce it. You will also notice that their abortion rate started dropping in 98 when Putin came into power.



Current abortion laws in Russia, per wiki:

Current law

During the 2000s, Russia's steadily falling population (due to both negative birthrates and low life expectancy) became a major source of concern, even forcing the military to curtail conscription due to shortages of young males. On 21 October 2011, the Russian Parliament passed a law restricting abortion to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, with an exception up to 22 weeks if the pregnancy was the result of rape, and for medical necessity it can be performed at any point during pregnancy.

The new law also made mandatory a waiting period of two to seven days before an abortion can be performed, to allow the woman to "reconsider her decision".

Abortion can only be performed in licensed institutions (typically hospitals or women's clinics) and by physicians who have specialized training. The physician can refuse to perform the abortion, except the abortions for medical necessity. The new law is stricter than the previous one, in that under the former law abortions after 12 weeks were allowed on broader socioeconomic grounds, whereas under the current law such abortions are only allowed if there are serious medical problems with the mother or fetus, or in case of rape.

According to the Criminal Code of Russia (article 123), the performance of an abortion by a person who does not have a medical degree and specialized training is punishable by fine of up to 800,000 RUB; by a fine worth up to 8 months of the convicted's income; by community service from 100 to 240 hours; or by a jail term of 1 to 2 years. In cases when the illegal abortion resulted in the death of the pregnant woman, or caused significant harm to her health, the convicted individual faces a jail term of up to 5 years.

Both quote and picture are about as fake as can be.
I have posted two quotes from Putin that validate the statement quoted in the tweet. You know very well that the content of that tweet is entirely consistent with many other statements that Putin has made, so this exercise of yours here boils down to trivial nit-picking.
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The West's populist right has been largely captured by the zionists, who are aligned with NATO and are anti-Russian.

I know you hate Putin/Russia and favor Ukraine, going as far as repeatedly saying with a straight face that Russia is losing in the Ukraine war, which is an incredibly dumb position to maintain. Are you still claiming that the Russians are losing in Ukraine??

Your argue that Putin is a Jewish stooge because, abortion.

Here is the history of abortion in Russia:


Russia went from one of the highest abortion rates in the world to a mid-tier level, currently lower than in the US, and almost half the abortion rate of the UK, and their rate is still dropping as Russia has been actively conducting campaigns to reduce it. You will also notice that their abortion rate started dropping in 98 when Putin came into power.

View attachment 18690


Current abortion laws in Russia, per wiki:

Current law

During the 2000s, Russia's steadily falling population (due to both negative birthrates and low life expectancy) became a major source of concern, even forcing the military to curtail conscription due to shortages of young males. On 21 October 2011, the Russian Parliament passed a law restricting abortion to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, with an exception up to 22 weeks if the pregnancy was the result of rape, and for medical necessity it can be performed at any point during pregnancy.

The new law also made mandatory a waiting period of two to seven days before an abortion can be performed, to allow the woman to "reconsider her decision".

Abortion can only be performed in licensed institutions (typically hospitals or women's clinics) and by physicians who have specialized training. The physician can refuse to perform the abortion, except the abortions for medical necessity. The new law is stricter than the previous one, in that under the former law abortions after 12 weeks were allowed on broader socioeconomic grounds, whereas under the current law such abortions are only allowed if there are serious medical problems with the mother or fetus, or in case of rape.

According to the Criminal Code of Russia (article 123), the performance of an abortion by a person who does not have a medical degree and specialized training is punishable by fine of up to 800,000 RUB; by a fine worth up to 8 months of the convicted's income; by community service from 100 to 240 hours; or by a jail term of 1 to 2 years. In cases when the illegal abortion resulted in the death of the pregnant woman, or caused significant harm to her health, the convicted individual faces a jail term of up to 5 years.

I have posted two quotes from Putin that validate the statement quoted in the tweet. You know very well that the content of that tweet is entirely consistent with many other statements that Putin has made, so this exercise of yours here boils down to trivial nit-picking.

Like clockwork.

None of your walls of text are responsive to any argument here made by anyone critical of Putin, and are instead designed to flood the thread with cheap nonsense and deflections.

My point is that Putin is not 'a warrior against satanism/demons' because he, amongst a wide array of other flaws, has allowed 26 000 000 abortions and counting to take place. Those two are inreconcilable.

In fact, since my last post another ~1500 abortions have been performed in Russia. Because that's Russia's daily unborn baby murder rate in 2025.

You are getting boring. Everything provided has the factual equivalency of 'Russia stronk/good, West weak/bad', - often repeated with different paraphrasing and carrying more weight as a counter-argument against your position than it does for it.

26 million murdered unborn babies and counting and each one could have been prevented. That's not exactly the hallmark of a Christian warrior looking to defend the world from 'satanism and demons'.
View attachment 18687

Show me this curve starting from 2000.

You know you cherry-picked your data.
From the year 2000 until 2008 the Russian economy had very strong growth in both GDP and wages but that was of a one off nature due to starting from a very low/depressed base after the economy was in tatters post the soviet union collapse. Those long-term rates aren't likely to be repeated any time in the near future hence I do not believe them to be so relevant. After the 2008 global financial crises the Russian economy went back to its normal anemic growth rates with a lot of volatility in GDP.

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I know you hate Putin/Russia and favor Ukraine, going as far as repeatedly saying with a straight face that Russia is losing in the Ukraine war, which is an incredibly dumb position to maintain. Are you still claiming that the Russians are losing in Ukraine??

My posts both here and on RVF on the Ukraine thing have been borderline scary in their accuracy. Thanks for bringing up the issue, makes room for a victory lap.

Just a couple of months ago I predicted to a T how the Ukraine affair would end - aka a forced settelement wherein Trump would impose conditions on both parties. Obviously the Kremlin simps immediately started sperging in the replies - their entire argument based around RUSSIA STRONK and about every delusion that flows from it.

Most of the media circus is theatrics but the core issue is clear: the US is turning Ukraine into vassalage status and imposing a financial drain on Europe to fuel continued US economic growth. Russia will get a bone to feed in the form of territorial concessions - which was absolutely not why Russia began the whole ordeal in the first place.

US is not going to withdraw from Europe and the mineral deal with get signed. Russia on the other hand will get small territorial gains littered with mostly bombed out cities aka a money sink in return for its military ran into the ground and melted down economy.

Literally told you 3 years ago that that the US is willing to make territorial concessions in Ukraine in return for defanging and possibly turning Russia. Ever wondered why the Russians are so eager to accept a deal which does not achieve a single one of their stated objectives and which is in complete violation of about any narrative spun up in the last 3 years?

The victory conditions laid out by Putin on February 23, 2022 and their current status:

1. No stop on NATO expansion, in fact Sweden and Finland became members with the latter already building missile facilities right on Russia's border
2. No de-militarization, denazification or neutrality of Ukraine
3. No full 'liberation' of the Donbass or 'Russian territories' in Ukraine
4. No room for a Russian orbit in a newly designed European security sphere.

Strategic goal added later through the 2023 Russian MFA foreign policy document:

5. Talk of BRICS, multipolarity and bringing about the end of US hegemony suddenly on the backburner.

I do enjoy dunking in the Kremlintards though, so you got at least something right. Some of the most brainwashed and gullible fools to have ever walked this planet. The Ukraine thread is a straight up dumpster fire where Russian wage troll farms arguments have been rehashed for 3 years and counting. Visiting should be done for entertainment purposes.
Literally told you 3 years ago that that the US is willing to make territorial concessions in Ukraine in return for defanging and possibly turning Russia. Ever wondered why the Russians are so eager to accept a deal which does not achieve a single one of their stated objectives and which is in complete violation of about any narrative spun up in the last 3 years?
You are getting a bit ahead of yourself considering that no deal has been signed yet so we really do not know what the terms of the deal will be. Also even if the Donbass and Lugansk regions are bombed out they do have a lot of natural resources (minerals, etc) so longer term they could provide a windfall for the Russians.
My posts both here and on RVF on the Ukraine thing have been borderline scary in their accuracy.

Thanks for the comic relief, this is much funnier than any of your posts with the fake Russian sock puppet.

US is not going to withdraw from Europe and the mineral deal with get signed. Russia on the other hand will get small territorial gains littered with mostly bombed out cities aka a money sink in return for its military ran into the ground and melted down economy.
"Melted-down economy" that has been growing at 4.1%, with industrialization not just in the military sector, but across the board, automotive, civilian aerospace, consumer products, food industry, agricultural equipment, electronics, machine-tools etc. The sanctions have acted exactly as a hard protectionist policy that has been a boon for domestic industry.

The Russian military is much stronger today than in 2021. They didn't even have drones before, today they are the top military in the world in terms of standoff weaponry, from cheap drones to cutting-edge hypersonics. They have a large experienced standing ground army, which is today the best in the world.

The Donbas has more than 2/3 of Ukraine's mineral wealth.

The Russians will also get back all their money, $300 billion, more than enough to rebuild their new territories.

Literally told you 3 years ago that that the US is willing to make territorial concessions in Ukraine in return for defanging and possibly turning Russia. Ever wondered why the Russians are so eager to accept a deal which does not achieve a single one of their stated objectives and which is in complete violation of about any narrative spun up in the last 3 years? The victory conditions laid out by Putin on February 23, 2022 and their current status:
1. No stop on NATO expansion, in fact Sweden and Finland became members with the latter already building missile facilities right on Russia's border
2. No de-militarization, denazification or neutrality of Ukraine
3. No full 'liberation' of the Donbass or 'Russian territories' in Ukraine
4. No room for a Russian orbit in a newly designed European security sphere.
Strategic goal added later through the 2023 Russian MFA foreign policy document:
5. Talk of BRICS, multipolarity and bringing about the end of US hegemony suddenly on the backburner.

1. DUH - The main point of contention for the Russians is Ukraine getting into NATO. and that is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN NOW, Trump has already conceded. You have to be really blind to not see this as a major Russian win. Sweden doesn't matter, and the US is not going to expand into Finland.

2. Laughably wrong there. Ukraine was already going to practically demilitarize under the Istanbul Agreement, now they are going to really demilitarize and remain neutral - no NATO now, not in 10 years, or 25 years. Ukraine minus Galicia will eventually fall back into Russian orbit, their part will have the industry and rebuilding funds, while the rest will stay poor.

3. The bare, strict minimum for Russia to end the war is not just all of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, but also all of Kherson oblast, including the north shore and the city, and all of Zaporizhia and the city. If the negotiations fail, they will start moving on the northern and Dnipro oblasts.

4. The Russians have already built up influence in Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia and now also Romania, where the people now hate the EU and are ripe for rapprochement with Russia, with cheap energy as the cherry on top. These countries are going to build competitive advantages vs Germany and western Europe.

5. Russia might use its improving relationship with the US as a leverage against China, which might have been taking Russia for granted. They will still trade and transact with China and won't take down their new payment system and independent trading platforms, win for Russia again.
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You are getting a bit ahead of yourself considering that no deal has been signed yet so we really do not know what the terms of the deal will be.
For all intents and purposes there is no deal. It's all just theater. It's just jews under every rock and around every corner negotiating with themselves. Just like its jews running Ukraine and jews running Russia fighting staged, uneccessary wars against themselves to fleece the working classes of both countries while getting rich off of the depletion (and restoration) of weapons stockpiles while also getting gullible, young Christian white men to go to their death for nothing.

The minerals and the land in Ukraine exist, and the same (((people))) who had control of these assets before the war will be the same people controlling these assets after the war. Again, the war was for nothing, it was about nothing, it achieved nothing (in terms of the fake stated objectives which were a smoke and mirrors ruse). This whole charade has literally been an episode of (((Seinfeld))), and it's about nothing. Do you get the "joke"? Do you understand that there is nothing to understand? Have you ever heard of existentialism? We have all been taken, once again, for the proverbial JQ-ride. WTFU, Russia, Ukraine, and America are all controlled by jews.
Like clockwork.

None of your walls of text are responsive to any argument here made by anyone critical of Putin, and are instead designed to flood the thread with cheap nonsense and deflections.

My point is that Putin is not 'a warrior against satanism/demons' because he, amongst a wide array of other flaws, has allowed 26 000 000 abortions and counting to take place. Those two are inreconcilable.

In fact, since my last post another ~1500 abortions have been performed in Russia. Because that's Russia's daily unborn baby murder rate in 2025.

You are getting boring. Everything provided has the factual equivalency of 'Russia stronk/good, West weak/bad', - often repeated with different paraphrasing and carrying more weight as a counter-argument against your position than it does for it.

26 million murdered unborn babies and counting and each one could have been prevented. That's not exactly the hallmark of a Christian warrior looking to defend the world from 'satanism and demons'.

Stark example of bad Negra faith, you are throwing a number, "26 million abortions", while completely ignoring the fact that under Putin, abortion in Russia has come down very sharply from previous levels, and is still going down, now already below the abortion rates of the US, UK, Australia and France.

No "wall of text" here, it's a simple fact, and the result of Putin's efforts and policies and a general improvement in the moral fiber of that country, working with a stronger legal framework against abortion.

The only reason you are not acknowledging this basic fact is you are clearly a biased russophobe, and one that is prone to unprovoked emotional outbursts at that, such as the ones above.
We have all been taken, once again, for the proverbial JQ-ride. WTFU, Russia, Ukraine, and America are all controlled by jews.

Not nearly to the same extent, no comparison. It's not like Putin is pulling Netanyahu's chair for him, or the Duma making 57 standing ovations for Bibi while clapping like trained seals, or Putin is getting bribed $200 million by the Adelsons, he doesn't need their money.
You are getting a bit ahead of yourself considering that no deal has been signed yet so we really do not know what the terms of the deal will be. Also even if the Donbass and Lugansk regions are bombed out they do have a lot of natural resources (minerals, etc) so longer term they could provide a windfall for the Russians.

The moment the US put its foot on the brakes was the moment the SMO failed.

Russia, leaving the tiresome bravado at the door, is a stagnant regional power at best and in no shape or form a serious threat to US hegemony in either Europe or elsewhere. The US' peer adversary is China and the Trump Administration's urgency to tie up Ukraine most likely will lead to an increasingly tense security situation in the Asia Pacific. Any talk about manufacturing a Russia-China split is premature in my opinion and unlikely to happen.

It's an open secret, but the SMO was designed to be a Crimea 2014 tier takeover of much of Ukraine. That's why the initial invasion force consisted of under 200 000 personnel, nearly half of them which were Rosgvuardia aka Russian military police aka Little Green Men. For once Scott Ritter was right by stating that the force amassed on the Ukrainian border could never take over a country the size of Ukraine. The Russian invasion force wasn't supposed to do much fighting. Instead the Russian forces were supposed to takeover Ukrainian critical infrastructure in a blitz and dismantle any forward military positions in the Donbass through cutting them off from logistics and hinterland .

Plan failed miserably. Russian VDV landed at Hostomel Airport and got decimated immediately by Ukrainian artillery. End of Putin's little plot right there and then. Hostomel Airport was supposed to be the beach head and landing ground for the takeover of Kiev. Laid bare the gross amateurism in the RAF on top of that which further envigored the Ukrainians and their allies.

Aside from Blitz warfare Russia had an extensive plan in place to achieve a Crimea 2.0 tier takeover, which was called Plan Ukraine in internal documents. Involved extensive bribing to the amounts billions of USD by the GRU. However the funds nearly all flowed into the pockets of corrupted Russian officials - self enrichment at the cost of you fellow man is a time honored local Russian tradition of itself.

That plan failed too and Ukrainian officials and statesmen aside from some areas in Northern Kharkov and the South (per example Melitopol went flawless) didn't turn. The result is the current 3 year sludgefest in the Donbass which is hurting Russia immensely. Needs emphasis that the US State Department was egging Zelensky on to leave Ukraine and form a government in exile - possibly Warsaw or London. If that would have happened Russians would have been in Kiev by the end of 2022. Very sus behavior though.

Long story short Russia is pinned down, in a bind and aware that none comes close to US power projection in Europe. Unlike the Westoid heavily propagandized Russia simps dwelling in online echo chambers like this one, the bigwigs in the Kremlin understand this, and will act towards it.

Putin is caught up in an unwinnable war on his doorstep without a feasible exit strategy. Man threw everything he had at it and couldn't move the frontline more than a few dozen kilometers. Military stalemate, despite the feverish reporting from usual suspects on 'collapses on the front' here, there and everywhere.

During the last three years Russia's military has been degraded and its reaching the bottom of all Soviet era deep storage sites. Literally burnt through 60 years of surplus vehicles in the span of three years. Frontline reports speak for itself. Faulty and inferior Nork artillery pieces, donkeys, golf buggies, mad max DIY Frankenstein vehicles, mopeds and refurbished T34s have all become a common sight. Economy wise Russia is engaging in massive money printing to get the war machine going, a 20 percent interest rate, official inflation at ~10 percent which means real numbers are at least double, a basket case currency that is in the early stages of collapse, and a military expenditure of around ~ 30 percent of the Russian Federal Budget.

They need a way out. Trump is willing to give them an acceptable deal even if it doesn't achieve a single one of Putin's stated strategic objectives per Feb 23, 2022. It's telling that the Ukrainians are more resistant to the idea of having to stop the fighting.

Russia is going to take the deal. Guaranteed.
1. DUH - The main point of contention for the Russians is Ukraine getting into NATO. and that is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN NOW, Trump has already conceded. You have to be really blind to not see this as a major Russian win. Sweden doesn't matter, and the US is not going to expand into Finland.
2. Laughably wrong there. Ukraine was already going to practically demilitarize under the Istanbul Agreement, now they are going to really demilitarize and remain neutral - no NATO now, not in 10 years, or 25 years. Ukraine minus Galicia will eventually fall back into Russian orbit, their part will have the industry and rebuilding funds, while the rest will stay poor.
4. The Russians have already built up influence in Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia and now also Romania, where the people now hate the EU and are ripe for rapprochement with Russia, with cheap energy as the cherry on top. These countries are going to build competitive advantages vs Germany and western Europe.

The other BIG point here, which I have missed because of Saturday night multitasking, is that NATO is fraying. Tensions between the russophobe maniacs in Germany, UK etc and the US are disrupting the organization. Things are looking better for Russia today than they ever did.

Stark example of bad Negra faith, you are throwing a number, "26 million abortions", while completely ignoring the fact that under Putin, abortion in Russia has come down very sharply from previous levels, and is still going down, now already below the abortion rates of the US, UK, Australia and France.

No "wall of text" here, it's a simple fact, and the result of Putin's efforts and policies and a general improvement in the moral fiber of that country, working with a stronger legal framework against abortion.

The only reason you are not acknowledging this basic fact is you are clearly a biased russophobe, and one that is prone to unprovoked emotional outbursts at that, such as the ones above.

26 million abortion under Putin but 'the man is fighting demons' because AI generated pictures and quotes.

The cope is getting embarrassing Coop. So is the chutzpah.
The other BIG point here, which I have missed because of Saturday night multitasking, is that NATO is fraying. Tensions between the russophobe maniacs in Germany, UK etc and the US are disrupting the organization. Things are looking better for Russia today than they ever did.

The ceasefire deal will involve foreign peacekeepers which is a security guarantee in itself. Just like the US taking ownership of Ukraine's resources comes with backdoor US security. Ukraine has served its purpose of militarily defanging the RF and getting P back in line. In the grand scheme of thing them de facto acquiring NATO membership does not change the equation.

Any talk on dissolving NATO is nuclear tier cope and symptomatic of the desperatation of Putin simps. Man just went from 'muh Empire of Lies' and 'muh multipolarity' and 'muh BRICS' to offering up Russia's own raw resources to Trump in return for a pat on their back.

I swear within 2 months he'll be talking about 'our partners in the West' again. Putin has that beaten wife syndrome, he loves the West and keeps coming back to it because 'maybe this time it’ll be different'.

NATO will have a different power outlook in the future though, that much is true. The era of European freeloading and fingerwagging is over and they will have to pull their own weight starting in Ukraine.
So you expect Russians to go Queen Isabella-style and purge their Muslim and Jewish population?

An Orthodox Kingdom would relegate these beliefs to the fringe. If modern Russia is to ever resemble the Tsarist glory, Christendom must be embraced by the majority and there would be zero jewish influence in its government. Otherwise it will descend into a cheap Khaganate Golden Horde knock-off which under its current immigration track is not off the table.

Are you really that thick? Their Muslims and Siberian pagans are natives,
Natives of Siberia were not Muslim until a few centuries ago, therefore the timeline of Russia's long history is mostly muslim free. The natives being Asiatic is another thing, there were always Asiatics on the fringes of the Urals, but their stint as the Khan's of Moscow was overturned by the Germanic and Nordic Rus tribes of the early Tsars.
and they have served well in this war.

The Ukraine war was a genocide of Slavs. The jews on both sides worked to make the population believe in other pretexts for the war, going well back before 2014.

The main strategy to destroy Russia is to sow division along ethno-religious lines, see Uyghurs and Tibetans in China. The Russian leadership is not that dumb, they have done a great job rebuilding their relations with Chechnyans and other minorities.

Sowing division along ethno-religious lines is a threat to the multicultural Russian "Federation" not a threat to pure Nordic Rus people who the name and dominion and legacy of Russia rightfully belongs to. Yes the Russian Federation has gone to great expenses, even accosting and imprisoning their own ethnic Russian military officers over offenses committed by barbaric Chechnyans in the Chechen wars to win their "loyalty" to the state.

Putin is not a figurehead, that is a ridiculous statement. Chabad and other lobbies have nowhere near the control over Russia that they do over your typical western country.

Again with your reductionist comparison rhetoric. You're downplaying an existing element of jewish control as if it means nothing. There are 12 types of jews, but they're all on team jew.

If Chabad and "other lobbies" have nowhere near the control over Russia than the US, then why did Russia ban Mein Kampf?


In 2010, Russia outlawed Adolf Hitler's book, Mein Kampf. Still illegal to this very day. That means whether you like it or not there is more freedom of speech in America than there is in Russia.

No one will ever convince me that "when Russia says Nazis, they really mean jews". Russia hates National Socialism, and hence has outlawed it. National Socialism is the most explicitly anti-jewish ideology in human history.

Tass is a Russian state news outlet, so you can't dismiss this as "Western propaganda". What's your mental gymnastics on this one? If Shelomova is secretly waging war against jews (and means jews when he repeatedly says Nazis), then why ban the most anti-jewish book in human history?

Aren't Sri Lankans and Persian "Aryans"? I don't have that much in common with them.

No Cooper. Sri Lankans are Aborigines. Aryans ruled much of the Indian subcontinent thousands of years ago, but they are all gone. Same with the Persians. They are mostly a mixed people now, so their Aryanity is extremely rare, only a few pockets of their population retain a majority of Aryan genes in the Gilan province near Turkey and Azerbaijan, but the chances of any one of the being 100% Aryan like Europeans are is extremely rare. Since equality does not exist in nature, 80% is not equal to 90% and 90% is not equal to 100%, so 75-80% Aryan is not the same thing as 100% Aryan.

However, these people among plenty of other non-Aryans are certainly making their way to Russia in greater numbers than Europeans, as they are eager to embrace the soup of ethnic plurality.
The West's populist right has been largely captured by the zionists, who are aligned with NATO and are anti-Russian.

I know you hate Putin/Russia and favor Ukraine, going as far as repeatedly saying with a straight face that Russia is losing in the Ukraine war, which is an incredibly dumb position to maintain. Are you still claiming that the Russians are losing in Ukraine??

Your argue that Putin is a Jewish stooge because, abortion.

Here is the history of abortion in Russia:


Russia went from one of the highest abortion rates in the world to a mid-tier level, currently lower than in the US, and almost half the abortion rate of the UK, and their rate is still dropping as Russia has been actively conducting campaigns to reduce it. You will also notice that their abortion rate started dropping in 98 when Putin came into power.

View attachment 18690


Current abortion laws in Russia, per wiki:

Current law

During the 2000s, Russia's steadily falling population (due to both negative birthrates and low life expectancy) became a major source of concern, even forcing the military to curtail conscription due to shortages of young males. On 21 October 2011, the Russian Parliament passed a law restricting abortion to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, with an exception up to 22 weeks if the pregnancy was the result of rape, and for medical necessity it can be performed at any point during pregnancy.

The new law also made mandatory a waiting period of two to seven days before an abortion can be performed, to allow the woman to "reconsider her decision".

Abortion can only be performed in licensed institutions (typically hospitals or women's clinics) and by physicians who have specialized training. The physician can refuse to perform the abortion, except the abortions for medical necessity. The new law is stricter than the previous one, in that under the former law abortions after 12 weeks were allowed on broader socioeconomic grounds, whereas under the current law such abortions are only allowed if there are serious medical problems with the mother or fetus, or in case of rape.

According to the Criminal Code of Russia (article 123), the performance of an abortion by a person who does not have a medical degree and specialized training is punishable by fine of up to 800,000 RUB; by a fine worth up to 8 months of the convicted's income; by community service from 100 to 240 hours; or by a jail term of 1 to 2 years. In cases when the illegal abortion resulted in the death of the pregnant woman, or caused significant harm to her health, the convicted individual faces a jail term of up to 5 years.

I have posted two quotes from Putin that validate the statement quoted in the tweet. You know very well that the content of that tweet is entirely consistent with many other statements that Putin has made, so this exercise of yours here boils down to trivial nit-picking.

I'm not discrediting you or Aguilanegra in this debate, I'm just adding the fact that using "western" markers of progressive culture can be tricky when applied to Russia.

Russia, as you pointed out, had high abortion rates fairly recently. In addition, they still have incredibly high divorce rates. Yet no one could claim that Russian women aren't feminine.

There have literally been cases of Russian women throwing away Porsches they were gifted by their husbands because the women weren't satisfied with them and wanted another cat as a present. This would be considered full Hollywood Kardashian level degeneracy, but Russian women find that totally relatable.

It's, at least to me, a culture I can't really understand.