Free fatty acids can kill hair follicle cells, "The release of these free fatty acids near the hair follicles causes apoptosis of HFSC", I doubt there is much fat turning into fatty acids near the scalp hair follicles cells, but if fatty acids are being raised in the blood stream it could supposedly have the same affect.> Intermittent fasting kills hair stem cells in mice.
> Hair growth is controlled by hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs).
> Intermittent fasting (IF) kills HSFCs.
> Fasting increases stress hormones.
> Stress hormones elevate lipolysis
> Increased lipolysis releases excess free fatty acids.
> Free fatty acids kill HFSCs.
> Blocking fatty acid oxidation prevents HFSC death.
> Injecting stress hormones locally increases lipolysis and HFSC death.
> Vitamin E prevents HFSC death in fasted mice.
> Vitamin E decreases the lipid peroxidation of the free fatty acids.“Upon fasting, adrenal glands produce hormones, cortisol and epinephrine, which then cause lipolysis to release free fatty acids. The release of these free fatty acids near the hair follicles causes apoptosis of HFSC and subsequently blocks hair growth.”“It is worth noting that dramatic weight loss by any means is also known to be associated with hair loss, known as telogen ef uvium.”“Ketogenic and high-fat diets are known to induce lipolysis and increase circulating free fatty acids, and therefore it will be important to determine the effects of other specific diets and feeding regiment to further understand the effect on HFSCs and the hair cycle as well as stem cells in all other tissues.”“Antioxidants like vitamin E can combat oxidative stress, and topical application of vitamin E on the skin of fasted mice indeed effectively prevented HFSC apoptosis and allowed hair growth to a similar degree to control mice.”
Free fatty acids can kill hair follicle cells, "The release of these free fatty acids near the hair follicles causes apoptosis of HFSC", I doubt there is much fat turning into fatty acids near the scalp hair follicles cells, but if fatty acids are being raised in the blood stream it could supposedly have the same affect.
I've been doing no breakfast for years now up until a couple of weeks ago, I honestly feel better now and eat less over the day if a grab a carrot and some oj in the morning.
And I'm just going to hijack this thread for general hairloss.
I've been doing IF and keto on and of for some time now, the first two weeks always felt great but then you just started to feel like shit. As of late I did a 180° and started to eat way more carbs, eat in the morning and supplementing to try to speed up my metabolism (that was super low after keto). Feel much more energetic now.Makes sense, if you deprive your body of nutrition it's not going to be happy about. I've never been a fan of any type of restrictive dieting, it just doesn't compute in common sense and is not healthy long term. Eat less and eat better, all set.
I've been doing IF and keto on and of for some time now, the first two weeks always felt great but then you just started to feel like shit. As of late I did a 180° and started to eat way more carbs, eat in the morning and supplementing to try to speed up my metabolism (that was super low after keto). Feel much more energetic now.
The only benefit to not eating is that you aren't eating crap.