On the subject of hair transplants, a young coworker of mine had a receding hairline and a thinning spot at the top back of his head, so he went to Turkey and got hair plugs around the beginning of this year. Apparently Turkey is known as a place to get competent work like this done for a good price.
They have grown out enough that his hair looks natural now. Another guy in the office has resolved to do the same.
Yea I know lots of guys who went to Turkey, the Turkish doctors actually have come here now and do it at a fraction of the price the typical USA FUE doctors charge. I hope they screw up the whole market, the fact that any procedure costs so much in the USA is disgusting. Anyway....
My cousin who is very wealthy got his done in Turkey recently, we all told him he was an idiot as the cost of a hair transplant means nothing to him so why not do it here in the USA just in case, go to the best doctor possible. His reasoning was that they're just better at it in Turkey which I didn't think was true and wasn't worth the risk no matter how little.
Welp.....his transplant got infected and would not stop bleeding he had to stay in Turkey another week. He's back here it's been a couple months and his head is still all jacked up, he might lose all his hair entirely now. Not typical for that to happen at all but still....for every probably 5 people I know who had successful super cheap surgery in another country I know one who it didn't go well for.
One day I'll tell you guys the story of the bodybuilder guy I know who drove 20 hours by himself down to Tijuana to have lipo haha....