Thanks for giving it to me straight at least, I'll guess this will be my motivator to make better lifestyle choices. The hair loss isn't visible yet unless you look for it so I'll just hope it will be a slow and gradual change.
I'm baldpilled now, it is what it is.
I recently buzzed mine even though I have decent hair, not nearly as much as I used to but still decent and I'm surprised how much I like it. Totally different look but not a bad look at all.
I'll tell you this, if you want to hold on to what you have as long as you can now is the time and you have to get on the drugs. You have a choice to make. My younger cousin in his early 20's start losing his hair and swore up and down he wasn't and the only reason his brother lost his hair was because of something stupid that he wanted to tell himself to make himself feel better. He didn't listen to me when I said the time was now and he waited until he lost a lot until he started using the drugs and by then his hair looked like crap and still does now, he won't shave it. He still says he wishes he had listened to me....
Buzz it see how you look, see if you can live with it. It doesn't make you less of a man to want to keep your hair, nothing wrong with that.....just have to weigh the potential cost.