The Epstein Docs

We literally already have the list. It's been available for a long time. It's not hard to find.

I have been expecting more than just this book. I assume the FBI has files showing what was actually going on there at the island. As many memes have stated, they convicted Ghislaine Maxwell for child sex trafficking, without convicting any of the customers. I would expect the list to contain evidence against numerous customers.
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We literally already have the list. It's been available for a long time. It's not hard to find.



With jews you lose. The solution to all of this is simple, do not trust a single word that escapes the diseased mouths of any jew, any mossad asset, and any cucked "christian" zionist whatsoever. The apparent answer to "who was there" and "what was going on there" has been documented for over 2000 years in history from the time of the Romans until now. These jews in power are all pedophiles, these jews are all murderers of children for Purim, and they will either bring you down to their level or do their best to kill you, because they can never raise up to our level no matter how hard they try. Their satanic genetics are wired to disobey God and destroy everything pure in nature forever.

If your grift is to hold up widely circulated flight logs, phone numbers, & info and be like “most transparent administration in history” knowing nothing has been released when we’re talking at the biggest sex crime scandal in history that has global implications then I want you in prison. You’re a scum bag piece of shit and should be ostracized from society.
They just don't want to give up those Epstein files. There is still alot of insubordination in these gvt organizations. The next few months will be critical in proving who will win this standoff between the entrenched burocracy and the Trump Administration. Also we'll find out who's serious and who's not. What a ride this has been so far!
Isn't Poso Catholic?
If he is, he's definitely not a traditional Catholic.


He's a deracinated sodomite and some type of federal asset tied to the military and involved in honeypot schemes. He was previously involved with Identity Evropa which turned out to be a honeypot after Charlottesville. He had an instagram where he showed he celebrated his honeymoon in israel. Very suspect. Crypto-jew radar is pinging. Don't trust whatever the next big fed honeypot that all the big names like this will shill.
The whole "Epstein client list" is a sleight of hand diversion. What's a lot more important than the client list is the list of the bosses and backers of this kompromat network, starting with Les Wexner and the "Mega" ((billionaire)) group. If you haven't heard of this group, you don't really know much about the Epstein blackmail network.