Finding a traditional wife abroad

I'm in Georgia, originally in Tbilisi, now in a smaller town. Would rather not say which since Georgia is basically one big village already and I'm the only westerner in this town so it'd make my identity even more obvious.

Thanks was just interested in general location. Its amazing what a culture and country dedicated to being religious can bring about.
The reason there are thousands of religions is because people 1) some people far from the Holy Land could feel God's presence and so did the best they could without divine revelation and formulated a religious system on their own like Laozi and his Taoism, and 2) others were tricked by the devil into worshipping demons like the Hindus. Or it's a mix of both.
There is a good book written by an Orthodox monk called "Christ the Eternal Tao", which I can recommend. God revealed Himself to the whole world in various ways but only completely through Abraham-Isaac-Jacob....through Jesus Christ. I believe St. Paul said in his epistle to the Romans that we will be judged by the Light that was given us. However nice that sounds, that puts a huge onus on Christians, particularly the Orthodox, who have the fullness of the Faith.
I am in my 30s (not going to give an exact age here) and hopefully 1 year away from retirement if I don't fuck things up with my investments. And I am nothing special. I don't have an especially high IQ. I never had a super high paying job and do not possess any special skills or qualifications.

I just was fortunate to live with my parents for a long time (still doing this) to save money (I realize not everybody is this fortunate) work multiple jobs and save and invest. It also helps that I started investing very young (for example in my last year of high school I was reading books about investing such as Security Analysis and the Intelligent Investor and saving came naturally to me as early retirement was always my goal. Even as a teenager I knew I wanted to get rich to not have to work any more.

To answer your question yes I am still childless and single but once I hit early retirement I can get to work on fixing the single part by visiting (and staying in) the right countries.

I'm happy for you mate but that last paragraph is just not how the world works anymore unfortunately.

What countries are you looking at if you don't mind me asking?
What countries are you looking at if you don't mind me asking?
I feel like the following countries may have potential and be worth investigating for me (in no particular order):
-Ukraine (once the war ends)
-Russia (once the war ends)

Potentially other countries could be added to the list later but for now I think its a decent starting list to investigate (boots on the ground).