The China Thread

You've spent that kind of time and energy at 4am Sunday night/Monday morning into what amounts to once again "flooding the zone", instead of summarizing your points and presenting them in an organized manner. Not something that someone who has a normal dayjob like me would do, which raises questions about whether you are conducting this propaganda effort as a full time professional occupation...
Now, let's not jump to calling people shills. Do remember that members of this forum are from all over the world. It might have been a reasonable time to be online in his country. Or maybe he was just willingly spending all night on his phone/computer instead of sleeping. It's more fun than sleeping. I do that sometimes. "Yeah I think I can face today's workday without sleep, nothing a can of Monster can't fix."
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Scanning your post above, it looks once again like nearly very point you've made above is wrong.
Says the man who has no evidence whatsoever.

You've spent that kind of time and energy at 4am Sunday night/Monday morning into what amounts to once again "flooding the zone",
Your flat out refusal to even look at the obvious evidence that China is not the great paradise you claim it to be is more suspicious than any length of time I spend, and you don't know what time it is where I'm at so don't assume I sacrifice my sleep on account of winning an argument on the internet. The truth is there is no great paradise anywhere, and all your deflection to dump on the USA is just cucking for Xi to improve your social credit score at this point.

instead of summarizing your points and presenting them in an organized manner.
My points are organized, it takes a bit of explanation to undo your Duganist Eurasianist shilling when you make blanket statements without evidence.

People who don't know any better will generally accept the dichotic sentiment of "USA bad China good" because it's a growing sentiment of the day for those who have done no research to see that there are flaws in both.

I also include links and descriptions as proof, hence why it elongates my post. The kind of links that require active reading and attention spans, not some video or audio that someone plays in the background while they do their dishes or fold their laundry. Instead of listening to other traitorous whites who leave their own behind or destroy their lineage marrying into a Chinese, I see what the very mouthpieces of finance are discussing and trading in their dealings with China. Yet somehow to you, everything that doesn't fit your narrow view of geopolitics is "glowie propaganda". No wonder why you don't get anywhere, you live in fear.

Not something that someone who has a normal dayjob like me would do, which raises questions about whether you are conducting this propaganda effort as a full time professional occupation...

Your continuous shilling for China raises serious questions about your psychological state and motivations. Your attraction to China is not rooted in a rational assessment of their alleged benefits. Instead it is a projection of your disillusionment with your own country, fueled by Western self-criticism and distorted narratives.

China’s rise as a manufacturing hub isn’t some organic success story, it’s a product of Western corporate elites outsourcing manufacturing to China to maximize profits at the expense of their own countries. They would not be where they are without everything these traitors have done to our countries. You championing China's dominance in manufacturing and its central role in the global economy is you indirectly supporting the very globalist agenda that has led to the decline of the West, it's manufacturing sector, the weakening of its industrial base, and the erosion of jobs for the working class.

China’s rise to global prominence was built on exploitation and oppression from the treatment of its own citizens to its economic dealings with the West. China’s success is not due to some natural superiority but rather to the ruthless exploitation of cheap labor, environmental degradation, and state-sponsored theft of intellectual property. While you romanticize China’s manufacturing capabilities and its rise as a global economic powerhouse, you ignore the fact that this rise has been facilitated by the very globalist policies that have hollowed out the West.

Keep up your mid-wit villager superstitions about people who are clearly capable of researching better than you, it only proves to others how much your thoughts are befitting of a massive simpleton and not a great thinker.

Megaposts like that also give the impression that you know what you are talking about and have done research, but in reality you are continuing to provide mostly empty verbal calories, cherrypicked random events like gold bullions burning or some building crashing to make sweeping generalizations that Chinese gold is fake or their buildings and factories are death traps,

I literally predicted to a T that you would say this here, almost verbatim, instead of look at the supporting evidence, and now the public can see for themselves.

Chinese factories are unsafe, their products are low quality, and that's not just them but virtually everywhere now. Products were quality back when they were made primarily in America and Europe. Now everything is garbage. They are not a shining example of an exception to the masses of manure that are everywhere.

when in fact American workers face greater dangers to their lives filling up at a gas station or going out downtown due to the sky-high crime rates, if their homes aren't burning down due to sheer incompetence.
Why do you think Americans risk their lives at gas stations and parking lots? Because of the feral joggers and the bean-farters that's why, soon to be excess of aloha snackbar muslims and the incoming jeet surplus. No other reason whatsoever. America is no longer a White man's country that's why it's dying. It's a jew shitstain overrun with subhumans. Go figure.

99% of America's problems are jewish caused, and a majority of that 99% are caused by racial issues where liberal self-hating Whites aggravating an issue with conservative self-hating Whites playing good cuck while the nons run amok destroying everything and the jew just keeps counting shekels.

Most of your arguments above are in fact the verbal equivalent of shoddy buildings, I will take a few of them and tear them down later after work.
No, my arguments are sound and there is plenty of evidence to back up any claim I make. Yours are stitched together from a lice-infested patchwork quilt that you're trying to present as some golden silk duvet.

Chinese construction sucks, there's no denying that. Don't even try to turn this into a laughable propaganda point that it somehow isn't. Their ocean waste far outweighs anywhere else in the world. The jeets on the other hand just make do with dumping their waste everywhere in their country. Try the pin drop challenge to see what I mean. Your unwavering support for China and your disregard of the many flaws in their systems that should not be celebrated is tantamount to moral surrender.

Just like with Russia you confuse random comments from officials that talk about the jews in a manner other than praising them as a sign that they are somehow immune to jewry. You don't know the jews Cooper.

You have no idea how much they hate you and how much it pleases them to see an alleged White man like you shill for yellows freely of your own volition instead of stick up for your own people. People like you always choose the easy way out. "Why fight back against my oppressors when I can simply go be Chinese?" The wheat and the tares have already begun to separate. Where is your honor? Your sentiments reveal you for a mischling.

Stop projecting your yellow fetishes on here. China will not save people from the jews.
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^Your posts are akin to female blabber, as you are far and away the most verbose poster on this board, because you are either unable to summarize your points and state them succinctly, or more likely, tend to hide your lack of command of the subject through very long and meandering posts to compensate for your lack of knowledge with a veneer of verbose sophistry.

You are very knowledgeable on certain subjects, like the history of Mussolini's rise and some other subjects that I have gladly upvoted, but will aggressively argue ad infinitum on subjects where you clearly lack expertise, like our debate about the misuse of the Messerschmidt 262 by Hitler. Same with your knowledge of China, which boils down to outdated cultural clichés and is affected by your inclination to force fit history and geopolitics into your skewed personal political framework.

Arguing with you about China is like arguing with an Evangelical Boomer about Israel, hopeless case.

Here are some facts you need to catch up to:

-China is the world leader in civil engineering and infrastructure.

-China is already today the world leader in auto tech, in the process of cornering the global EV market, to the point where Japanese and German engineers have been freaking out about Chinese cars, which Farley, CEO of Ford, refers to as "extinction events" for his firm and others.

-Your knowledge of aspects of Chinese industry like their factories, supply chain management and buildings is already badly outdated. China is no longer a low-cost producer, its car factories are the most robotized in the world.

My point about China is not to "shill for Xi", but to point out that their government works for them, doesn't hate them, and is certainly not under the thumb of the globalists. Their livelihood and purchasing power has gotten better every decade and will continue to improve, while ours has been going the opposite way, that much is undeniable. Every facet of their daily life contradicts the notion that they are under some WEF "own nothing and be happy" control grid:

  • Access to housing and home ownership without property taxes
  • Very high quality infrastructure and high-quality, affordable transport
  • Affordable high-quality food
  • Safe, crime-free environment, no mass migration
  • Protect and uphold cultural traditions and moral code, no baizu
  • High-quality affordable healthcare
  • Affordable education with emphasis on STEM
  • Thriving economy based on industrial capitalism, growing middle and upper class
  • Tight control of local oligarchs and the financial industry
  • Leaders have STEM background, not lawyers
  • Leaders not subject to foreign powers, working for their people

China, and to some extent Russia as well are in fact a threat to the globalists because people in the West are starting to look at China the same way people in the eastern block in the 1980s were looking at how the West had it better, which led to the collapse of the communist regime. That is the gist of the recent TikTok/Rednote phenomenon. This cements China as an existential threat to the globalists, regardless of past collaborations they have had with the outsourcing to China of western industry.
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^Your posts are akin to female blabber, as you are far and away the most verbose poster on this board, because you are either unable to summarize your points and state them succinctly, or more likely, tend to hide your lack of command of the subject through very long and meandering posts to compensate for your lack of knowledge with a veneer of verbose sophistry.

You haven't refuted any of the evidence I have posted so far about their globalist cooperation. You simply make up your own explanation for why something isn't happening and then I go and find proof that it is happening. That's intellectual dishonesty. If my corrections appear like sophistry to you, then you are merely projecting because you are deceiving many people here with your controlled hasbara-approved talking points.

You are very knowledgeable on certain subjects, like the history of Mussolini's rise and some other subjects that I have gladly upvoted, but will aggressively argue ad infinitum on subjects where you clearly lack expertise, like our debate about the misuse of the Messerschmidt 262 by Hitler. Same with your knowledge of China, which boils down to outdated cultural clichés and is affected by your inclination to force fit history and geopolitics into your skewed personal political framework.

Arguing with you about China is like arguing with an Evangelical Boomer about Israel, hopeless case.

Here are some facts you need to catch up to:

-China is the world leader in civil engineering and infrastructure.

-China is already today the world leader in auto tech, in the process of cornering the global EV market, to the point where Japanese and German engineers have been freaking out about Chinese cars, which Farley, CEO of Ford, refers to as "extinction events" for his firm and others.

-Your knowledge of aspects of Chinese industry like their factories, supply chain management and buildings is already badly outdated. China is no longer a low-cost producer, its car factories are the most robotized in the world.

My point about China is not to "shill for Xi", but to point out that their government works for them, doesn't hate them, and is certainly not under the thumb of the globalists. Their livelihood and purchasing power has gotten better every decade and will continue to improve, while ours has been going the opposite way, that much is undeniable. Every facet of their daily life contradicts the notion that they are under some WEF "own nothing and be happy" control grid:

  • Access to housing
  • Very high quality infrastructure and high-quality, affordable transport
  • Affordable high-quality food
  • Safe, crime-free environment, no mass migration
  • Protect and uphold cultural traditions and moral code
  • High-quality affordable healthcare
  • Affordable education with emphasis on STEM
  • Thriving economy based on industrial capitalism, growing middle and upper class
  • Tight control of local oligarchs and the financial industry
  • Leaders have STEM background, not lawyers
  • Leaders not subject to foreign powers, working for their people

China, and to some extent Russia as well are in fact a threat to the globalists because people in the West are starting to look at China the same way people in the eastern block in the 1980s were looking at how the West had it better, which led to the collapse of the communist regime. That is the gist of the recent TikTok/Rednote phenomenon. This cements China as an existential threat to the globalists, regardless of past collaborations they have had with the Chinese with the outsourcing of western industry to China.

I saw this earlier.


I give the Chinese credit where credit is due, but I don't think you understand racial consciousness, or you are refusing to talk about it for some reason.

Some things they do good, others they do not.

Their construction is a representation of their Asiatic mind. Their rebar would not be called Chinesium industry-wide if that weren't the case. Their theft of intellectual property is well documented. They are very quantity over quality in many factors of life. If you find that offensive, I don't know what to tell you. I'm sure the conditions have improved moreover than how they used to be in their factories, however I have zero attraction to Asiatic living or what they feign to bring to the world. They are not a Christian people, no matter how many of them "convert," they belong in their own sphere of influence freely just like the Aryan peoples belong in our own freely. They are not perfect, and the "grass is greener" hopium that the citizens of the west may project for the east is much worse than the hopium that the slaves of Communism had for the west during the 20th century.

Then there's the issue of the digitization of this world, the social credit scores, the constant biometric surveillance, the modern manufacturing and exploitation of resources and land creating disgusting waste that libtards have the gall to blame on the West, it's all very anathema to a spiritual living in harmony with the land. These inventions are particularly dangerous because they will be used by antichrist systems against people. How do you not see that?

It's not normal for White European and American men to care about foreigners or foreign powers. Our own civilizations have come and gone and we have always rebuilt them. There is no other folk that has that kind of spirit of rising after every defeat to create something great once more. It's attitudes like mine that fight back against the rot perpetuated on the west. Saving the current west is like being a captain save-a-ho, that's why it must collapse and Whites must get medieval in order to rebuild something far better in line with God's laws and commandments, not run away to Asia because its more comfortable.

I will stand by my knowledge of European history and that WW2 cannot be reduced down to the issue of the ME-262 alone. You never assessed the numbers of metals and the distribution of German logistics that I have and have discussed it with Wehrmacht veterans. If you want to analyze that specifically with more than the anecdotal input of one Luftwaffe General, then we can explore that in the WW2 thread, but there is so much you and many other detractors miss about Germanics and the war logistics itself because you are not considerate of the ongoing abrupt changes that were occurring not only within Germany but with every other participant at the same time. WW2 was the most rapidly changing and deadliest war in our known history, it cannot be reduced down to simplistic statements and retain accuracy.

And by that time marker of post 1945 when this current "world order" was established including in what China would become, so too was the scheme set in motion. That is why this whole theater of west and east back and forth is a designated plot. There is supposed to be some element of chaos to it all, but the satanic forces who guide it know what is happening and plan it according to their control within the dialectic of this system. Russia and China may be unfriendly towards some western globalist elites, but they are not the salvation to this system as long as they continue operating under an antipodal worldview that is distinctly intertwined with parasitism and profiteering. This is not saying all their people are bad, but the system itself everywhere, is proceeding according to these dark designs. No amount of temporary brief wins and hopium will change that fact of reality.

The Chinese in their best bet should remove Blackrock, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgen, and other western investors from all their current loot in China and in its overseas ventures, and stop letting them in further, and completely decouple the CCP from the rising nationalist sentiment. However, they will not do this. You have not given a decent thorough explanation for China's involvement in the WEF, simply waving your magical flipper saying "this is nothing don't look here" when clearly there is significant cooperation for their mutual goals of technofeudalism.

Explain this, if you can, without calling it "glowie propaganda" the Chinese government is significantly involved in changing the world along the lines of these NWO agendas, from the horse's mouth itself. This green agenda stuff is a complete scam, it is absolute tyranny:

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And remember, China doesn't have to do better than "the west". China simply has to do better than 90 IQ Indians, and 90 IQ Middle Easterners, and 85 IQ Mestizos, and 75 IQ Africans. When White are gone, so is the west, and without Whites the other groups don't stand a chance in hell of stopping them. This isn't about China beating the west, even though they currently are, and makes me wonder how great the west would be without immigrants. This is about China beating the non-Whites, which will not be a competition. It will be even more lopsided than the American Indians v. the US Govt.
China’s rise as a manufacturing hub isn’t some organic success story, it’s a product of Western corporate elites outsourcing manufacturing to China to maximize profits at the expense of their own countries.
This is exactly what happened. I watched it and named it in real time in the late 80's, early 1990's. Sickening. And I blame conservative "Christian" white men who got in bed with aetheist, blasphemous, commie slants to put money above God for this treasonous sellout of the American union worker.

Of course the JQ are the tip of this usurious spear, but white Christian men did not hesitate to jump on board the anti-American brain-fart of an idea to, "Hey guys! I got a brilliant idea... Lets move all our US manufacturing to China!"

I blame myself for this as much as anyone else, as at the time I knew it was wrong, but like with illegal immigration, I did nothing to stop it.
This is exactly what happened. I watched it and named it in real time in the late 80's, early 1990's. Sickening. And I blame conservative "Christian" white men who got in bed with aetheist, blasphemous, commie slants to put money above God for this treasonous sellout of the American union worker.

Of course the JQ are the tip of this usurious spear, but white Christian men did not hesitate to jump on board the anti-American brain-fart of an idea to, "Hey guys! I got a brilliant idea... Lets move all our US manufacturing to China!"

I blame myself for this as much as anyone else, as at the time I knew it was wrong, but like with illegal immigration, I did nothing to stop it.
Exactly, which is why the hopium that these western disenfranchised and mostly deracinated whites see with modern China is subpar. What they're offering today is nowhere near as good as what America had before all of this. Same with all the Russophiles. The new east's "better" is like a great value version of what was accomplished by White Aryan men, only now with constant surveillance and irradiating 5G/6G wifi blasting their cells everywhere. Though the west has these things too, people who would go to China to escape taxes are still getting blasted constantly with this cancer-causing jew technology. It was truly the epitome of civilization living in White Australia or parts of America in the 1900s, even in Europe. We've all seen the cleanly orderly and devout society that Europeans can create when they are on their own.

Most detractors to these arguments would say that they can live in China "comfortably" without worrying about issues that are in the US and Europe. Well comfort only coddles the sissies, struggle and grit make a man. Our previous peace was not achieved through comfort and running away from oppression, it was by taking accountability for our race and our beliefs and not letting any other alien rise up to challenge it.

That's why the most dangerous enemies are deracinated whites who actively campaign and champion anti-White causes. I've said this many times before, removing these limp-wristed philosemitic traitors would end most of our problems. The jews and their golems would have no defense.

Those who advocate China above helping their own people, especially as a White Christian, betray both their roots and their faith. No matter how "good" China is, it is the flight destination for Whites without honor. Nature will not reward treachery of one towards their own kind with longevity.
Those who advocate China above helping their own people, especially as a White Christian, betray both their roots and their faith. No matter how "good" China is, it is the flight destination for Whites without honor. Nature will not reward treachery of one towards their own kind with longevity.

No one advocates this, your strawmans are ridiculous at best and outright lying at worst, people are simply saying China is pulling ahead of us, that's it.
... your strawmans are ridiculous at best and outright lying at worst.
I don't know? That's pretty harsh. I see that you and Piano have an ongoing historical beef of which I'm not privy to in the parlance of our times, and I'm all here for it. Pushing the boundry of thought via argument is where it's at. However, you both are high IQ, high level writers with great contributions to the forum who probably would get along and agree with most things in person, so can we just take it easy, man?
... people are simply saying China is pulling ahead of us...
Which is not true. They may be ahead on some AI and Surveillance State stuff and using it to plot an AI 9D Chess Attack Of The Drones takeover of America, but that's a pipe dream. America is nothing without Americans. And even though the American spirit has been weakened and dilluted by JQ-globohomo, it will still rise to the occasion in a time of "kill or be killed." We will crush China, as we always have in terms of being able to peacefully manage a civil society that is fair and just, ingenuity, trench warfare, medical care/technology, entrepaneurship, and especially creativity.

As for all their strategic moves on minerals and precious metals in Africa and beyond, and their current discovery of the world's largest gold deposits, I wouldn't worry too much about that, we grow the worlds best tobacco and have the world's best whiskey so we got them by the balls.

The last great thing that China ever built was a wall.
I don't know? That's pretty harsh. I see that you and Piano have an ongoing historical beef of which I'm not privy to in the parlance of our times, and I'm all here for it. Pushing the boundry of thought via argument is where it's at. However, you both are high IQ, high level writers with great contributions to the forum who probably would get along and agree with most things in person, so can we just take it easy, man?

MFTP did use strawman attacks and was not forthright in his approach and responses above.

Which is not true. They may be ahead on some AI and Surveillance State stuff and using it to plot an AI 9D Chess Attack Of The Drones takeover of America, but that's a pipe dream. America is nothing without Americans. And even though the American spirit has been weakened and dilluted by JQ-globohomo, it will still rise to the occasion in a time of "kill or be killed." We will crush China, as we always have in terms of being able to peacefully manage a civil society that is fair and just, ingenuity, trench warfare, medical care/technology, entrepaneurship, and especially creativity.

As for all their strategic moves on minerals and precious metals in Africa and beyond, and their current discovery of the world's largest gold deposits, I wouldn't worry too much about that, we grow the worlds best tobacco and have the world's best whiskey so we got them by the balls.

The last great thing that China ever built was a wall.

China poured more concrete in 3 years than the US did in the last 100 years.

China is run by highly competent visionary leaders who love their country and care for their countrymen. I only wish we had similar leadership here instead of a parasite class that hates its people and sees them as cattle.

Through much of the 19th and up to the 1960s, the US and the West were nations running industrial capitalist economic policies, which served us very well, but have seriously degraded in the last few decades, as industrial capitalism devolved into financial capitalism and late stage predatory capitalism. Today for every intelligent, morally upright political leader like Thomas Massey, there are 100 sociopathic traitors.

I do think that China and Russia going forward could wake the public on what can really be achieved here (see my list above) and help precipitate the kind of drastic change the same way the eastern block rose up in the late 1980s as the locals yearned for the better model from the West. (Of course that transition was far from smooth, in part because of the flaws that were already present in the West, which were highlighted in Solzhenitsyn's Harvard commencement speech of 1978).

Pouring more quantities of concrete is a superficial metric, a poor per capita comparison. With a population of over 1.4 billion and resources flooded in by the West, I'm sure their concrete jungle is expansive but that is hardly impressive. The real feat is building innovative infrastructure that lasts. Also the numbers show the usage in gigatons, but it is only a comparison of concrete. The US has a lot of structures built with various other materials, and between 1901-2000 didn't have some technofetishist desire of becoming a robotic ant colony.

Notice how in my posts I don't try to raise up the US by shooting down China, I equally criticize them both for various faults that they possess, but you consistently tear down the US time and time again at the expense of China, or Russia. Your hatred for the US is pathological, which I can understand for a Canadian.

China is run by highly competent visionary leaders who love their country and care for their countrymen. I only wish we had similar leadership here instead of a parasite class that hates its people and sees them as cattle.

This is laughable. These people are not visionaries they are copycats, communists, and faux-nationalists, meaning they are subservient to their "interest" and "holdings" groups when push comes to shove and will not go rogue for the sake of their people.

Through much of the 19th and up to the 1960s, the US and the West were nations running industrial capitalist economic policies, which served us very well, but have seriously degraded in the last few decades, as industrial capitalism devolved into financial capitalism and late stage predatory capitalism. Today for every intelligent, morally upright political leader like Thomas Massey, there are 100 sociopathic traitors.

Yes the US has now been jewed up beyond recognition. Every aspect of its political theater is worse than the 10 plagues. We all know this. That doesn't mean the rest of the world is free of corruption and slavery.

I do think that China and Russia going forward could wake the public on what can really be achieved here (see my list above) and help precipitate the kind of drastic change the same way the eastern block rose up in the late 1980s as the locals yearned for the better model from the West. (Of course that transition was far from smooth, in part because of the flaws that were already present in the West, which were highlighted in Solzhenitsyn's Harvard commencement speech of 1978).


You are beginning to see what I am talking about here, there are problems with both West and East under all the current models, problems that if aren't nipped in the bud will keep perpetuating this grift. However one is not an eternal escape for the other. It's a premeditated pendulum.

We're going to look deeper at China's GDP and their economic success, and all that gold, real and fake, that you love tooting like a horn here. Let's wind the clocks back though, look more at the involvement of the financial elites in China past and present, as a trajectory for this possible future.

China was brought up out of medieval feudal poverty to the modern superpower that is today by the very same jewish financial superpowers that control the US, Britain, France, Russia, etc. In the 1800s Europe was orders of magnitude ahead of China and more advanced in every single possible way. The Chinese territories were stuck in a feudalist society that could not compete with Europe whatsoever during that time. Though what the English bulldogs did for their jewish masters in the Opium Wars was wrong, the numbers show a stark difference in warfare. A force of barely 20,000 British fought off a Chinese mobilization ten times larger than them.

The Sassoons, cousins of the Rothschilds (Red Shields) dominated the economy of China through and through.

This thesis goes into more rarer details about Rothschild involvement in Chinese politics economics, how they bankrolled every gain the CCP made, and gave them the tech from the other western powers:

There is significant involvement with the Rothschilds and China during the 1800s. There also is a gap in documented Rothschild presence between 1912 after the fall of the Empire until the Korean war started to die down in 1953, however the Sassoons (a branch of the Rothschidls) did not depart their influence and control of China during these times.

Standing next to the Sassoon House in Shanghai is the Bank of China building. In its original design it was supposed to have 34 floors which would make it the highest building in the Far East in the 1930s, showing how backwards China was still even in the 30s. Victor Sassoon instructed the Bank of China that any building constructed "next to my house" was not going to be taller than the spire of my building.

(Sassoon House on the left, Bank of China on right)

[This is basically Victor Sassoon poking the Chinese Bank telling them that his house will be the tallest and that he owns them:]

"The first publicly known interaction between one of the Rothschild family members and the PRC representatives was through Baron Robert Rothschild. However, he was not a direct member of the family’s banking dynasty branch, and neither was he involved in this field. Shortly after the establishment of the PRC, the state found itself involved in the Korean War, lasting from 1950 to 1953, and by then was de facto isolated from the Western financial ecosystem. Its international relations at the time were somewhat limited to the Communist International and particularly the USSR. Right after the war, the situation normalised, and Rothschild’s company “was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after1953”. (Rothschild & Co, 2020)" - page 56

"In 1953, Rothschilds were amongst the first foreign institutions to re-establish connections with the communist regime after the Korean War, with dealings consisting primarily of gold trading with the Bank of China. Then, the Cultural Revolution, which took place between 1966 and 1976, basically froze the development of this relationship with no new publicly available deals signed during this period. Nevertheless, just a year after the death of Mao Zedong, in 1977, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild personally visited China from his position as head of the family bank and Chairman of The Economist. Subsequently, from 1979 and throughout the 1980s, Rothschilds advised a number of companies, some of which were involved even in the military industry and communication satellites domain. Then, in September 1996, N M Rothschild & Sons Limited signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to develop a jointly financial advisory business in China and internationally. That proved to be a fruitful decision for both parties and tremendous success in the long term, especially after China joined the WTO in 2001." - page 116

The Rothschilds were the king of the gold market, they owned the mines, they owned the distribution, they set the prices. Most of the records for the dealings that the Rothschilds engaged in with the Chinese are not publicly available, that is why we cannot find them so easily. What we see publicly available is the tip of the iceberg. They helped China build up their military, their espionage capabilities, allowing them to *compete* with the other powers. China did not do this on their own, as an advanced superpower today only got there because of this kind of help. The question you should be asking yourself is why?

If these international financiers who have been the power behind the thrones in the west for more than 2 centuries now, why would they build China's capabilities up to this extent, if they did not have control? Bankers work in private. Politicians (mostly) work in public. This fosters the illusion that politicians are the drivers of history, since their words, deeds, and records are accessible.

These "Memorandums of Understanding" mentioned above (link: ) basically bring in the Rothschild Bank and Goldman Sachs and give them full strategic control over Chinese banks.

"In the years following the PRC's accession to the WTO, Rothschilds started to be openly involved in more and more enterprises, mainly through their renowned financial advisory services, as well as various investment activities, joint ventures with Chinese banks, and many more. Several of these interactions represented cutting-edge deals in their respective fields. Apart from their banking and financial activities, which indeed play a dominant role, Rothschilds participated in numerous other realms, such as wine business, weather forecasting, coal and oil industry, or power cord manufacturing. One of the Rothschilds' prevailing activities in the 21st century is the financial advisory, particularly on mergers and acquisitions, both domestic and cross-border. The aggregated volume of these deals has clearly reached hundreds of billions of dollars, though the precise sum cannot be estimated as not all transactions have their detailed records publicly available." - page 117

You cannot dust for fingerprints anywhere in finance in the world without finding the Rothschilds involved. Once again we plebes are limited by only what is "publicly" available.

"The thesis has demonstrated that Rothschilds helped Chinese enterprises acquire a long list of companies in Europe and the United States, some of which made it to the news headlines and were widely discussed. To name just a few, Rothschild & Co advised on Geely's acquisition of Volvo in 2010 or Chem China's buyout of Italian tiremaker Pirelli in 2015. However, one of the most important individual companies in which both sides joined forces is Alibaba Group. Between 2007 and 2014, Rothschild& Co first helped list its B2B division on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, then it advised on acquisitions of several US businesses and finally acted as sole financial advisor on the group's listing on the New York Stock Exchange in 2014. At the time, this IPO was the most valuable in history at $25 billion. It is no exaggeration to say that Rothschilds significantly helped Chinese companies in their growth and foreign expansion on several continents, while at the same time reaped enormous profits from this cooperation." - page 117

Then there is the problem of Blackrock and its parent company Blackstone presently doing business and being responsible for a lot of economic activity in China. The same applies to Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.

The idea that in order for someone to engage in financial dealings, exchanges, loans, etc with Blackrock that one must fit into their globohomo leftist feminist worldview is false. A cursory search of "Blackstone" (the parent company of Blackrock) in relation to China here reveals the following:


How much more evidence does one need to see how China rose predominantly at the expense of the West because of foreign jewish investors and banks?

The Rothschild Bank and its related affiliates are also directly involved in The Bank of China, The Bank of Qingdao, Querces Ventures, the Chinese Creat Group, CIIC (Group) Company (Chinese: 中实(集团)公司), CEFC China Energy, Edmond de Rothschild in Shanghai, Auster Capital, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), China Netcom, Volvo, Pirelli, China Chengtong Holdings Group, Alibaba Group, the Tanzanian Railway, they are all over the place in every aspect of Chinese development that it would have been absolutely impossible for China to reach the stage of development that they're at without the Rothschilds, without the international jewish financial elites. Not once do you mention these financial groups.

To imagine that China is a legitimate autonomous entity fighting for their own civilization, fighting for their own national identity, without some ulterior motive to the national conflict's that we are seeing, is missing the forest for the trees. The conflicts between entities may be legitimate, but above that, at the higher financial level, these conflicts are staged to advance the world in a certain direction. And every single time, at the top we see the exact same powers that controlling the West also control China, Russia, etc.

If you can admit that the West is controlled by these financial elites, how can you not also admit that China and Russia are controlled by these same financial elites, when they have the same powers, the same ownership, the same influence in China, the Far East, in Eurasia, as they do in the West. It's an incredible blind-spot that some of the dissident right have. It is not a legitimate autonomous rival because clearly this entire conflict is being staged and orchestrated from behind the scenes by the very same people. It is not more free, nowhere is truly free. What is given can be easily taken away.

Everything we see is only the tip of the iceberg.

It really makes no sense to speak in terms of supposedly self-interested nations which happen to be extremely entangled with each other economically and otherwise. The midwit theories trying to justify this point of view are not even remotely convincing. There are no nations anymore.
Pouring more quantities of concrete is a superficial metric, a poor per capita comparison. With a population of over 1.4 billion and resources flooded in by the West, I'm sure their concrete jungle is expansive but that is hardly impressive. The real feat is building innovative infrastructure that lasts. Also the numbers show the usage in gigatons, but it is only a comparison of concrete. The US has a lot of structures built with various other materials, and between 1901-2000 didn't have some technofetishist desire of becoming a robotic ant colony.

Notice how in my posts I don't try to raise up the US by shooting down China, I equally criticize them both for various faults that they possess, but you consistently tear down the US time and time again at the expense of China, or Russia. Your hatred for the US is pathological, which I can understand for a Canadian.

This is laughable. These people are not visionaries they are copycats, communists, and faux-nationalists, meaning they are subservient to their "interest" and "holdings" groups when push comes to shove and will not go rogue for the sake of their people.

Yes the US has now been jewed up beyond recognition. Every aspect of its political theater is worse than the 10 plagues. We all know this. That doesn't mean the rest of the world is free of corruption and slavery.


You are beginning to see what I am talking about here, there are problems with both West and East under all the current models, problems that if aren't nipped in the bud will keep perpetuating this grift. However one is not an eternal escape for the other. It's a premeditated pendulum.

We're going to look deeper at China's GDP and their economic success, and all that gold, real and fake, that you love tooting like a horn here. Let's wind the clocks back though, look more at the involvement of the financial elites in China past and present, as a trajectory for this possible future.

China was brought up out of medieval feudal poverty to the modern superpower that is today by the very same jewish financial superpowers that control the US, Britain, France, Russia, etc. In the 1800s Europe was orders of magnitude ahead of China and more advanced in every single possible way. The Chinese territories were stuck in a feudalist society that could not compete with Europe whatsoever during that time. Though what the English bulldogs did for their jewish masters in the Opium Wars was wrong, the numbers show a stark difference in warfare. A force of barely 20,000 British fought off a Chinese mobilization ten times larger than them.

The Sassoons, cousins of the Rothschilds (Red Shields) dominated the economy of China through and through.

This thesis goes into more rarer details about Rothschild involvement in Chinese politics economics, how they bankrolled every gain the CCP made, and gave them the tech from the other western powers:
View attachment 16991

There is significant involvement with the Rothschilds and China during the 1800s. There also is a gap in documented Rothschild presence between 1912 after the fall of the Empire until the Korean war started to die down in 1953, however the Sassoons (a branch of the Rothschidls) did not depart their influence and control of China during these times.

Standing next to the Sassoon House in Shanghai is the Bank of China building. In its original design it was supposed to have 34 floors which would make it the highest building in the Far East in the 1930s, showing how backwards China was still even in the 30s. Victor Sassoon instructed the Bank of China that any building constructed "next to my house" was not going to be taller than the spire of my building.

(Sassoon House on the left, Bank of China on right)
View attachment 16993

[This is basically Victor Sassoon poking the Chinese Bank telling them that his house will be the tallest and that he owns them:]
View attachment 16994

"The first publicly known interaction between one of the Rothschild family members and the PRC representatives was through Baron Robert Rothschild. However, he was not a direct member of the family’s banking dynasty branch, and neither was he involved in this field. Shortly after the establishment of the PRC, the state found itself involved in the Korean War, lasting from 1950 to 1953, and by then was de facto isolated from the Western financial ecosystem. Its international relations at the time were somewhat limited to the Communist International and particularly the USSR. Right after the war, the situation normalised, and Rothschild’s company “was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after1953”. (Rothschild & Co, 2020)" - page 56

"In 1953, Rothschilds were amongst the first foreign institutions to re-establish connections with the communist regime after the Korean War, with dealings consisting primarily of gold trading with the Bank of China. Then, the Cultural Revolution, which took place between 1966 and 1976, basically froze the development of this relationship with no new publicly available deals signed during this period. Nevertheless, just a year after the death of Mao Zedong, in 1977, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild personally visited China from his position as head of the family bank and Chairman of The Economist. Subsequently, from 1979 and throughout the 1980s, Rothschilds advised a number of companies, some of which were involved even in the military industry and communication satellites domain. Then, in September 1996, N M Rothschild & Sons Limited signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to develop a jointly financial advisory business in China and internationally. That proved to be a fruitful decision for both parties and tremendous success in the long term, especially after China joined the WTO in 2001." - page 116

The Rothschilds were the king of the gold market, they owned the mines, they owned the distribution, they set the prices. Most of the records for the dealings that the Rothschilds engaged in with the Chinese are not publicly available, that is why we cannot find them so easily. What we see publicly available is the tip of the iceberg. They helped China build up their military, their espionage capabilities, allowing them to *compete* with the other powers. China did not do this on their own, as an advanced superpower today only got there because of this kind of help. The question you should be asking yourself is why?

If these international financiers who have been the power behind the thrones in the west for more than 2 centuries now, why would they build China's capabilities up to this extent, if they did not have control? Bankers work in private. Politicians (mostly) work in public. This fosters the illusion that politicians are the drivers of history, since their words, deeds, and records are accessible.

These "Memorandums of Understanding" mentioned above (link: ) basically bring in the Rothschild Bank and Goldman Sachs and give them full strategic control over Chinese banks.

"In the years following the PRC's accession to the WTO, Rothschilds started to be openly involved in more and more enterprises, mainly through their renowned financial advisory services, as well as various investment activities, joint ventures with Chinese banks, and many more. Several of these interactions represented cutting-edge deals in their respective fields. Apart from their banking and financial activities, which indeed play a dominant role, Rothschilds participated in numerous other realms, such as wine business, weather forecasting, coal and oil industry, or power cord manufacturing. One of the Rothschilds' prevailing activities in the 21st century is the financial advisory, particularly on mergers and acquisitions, both domestic and cross-border. The aggregated volume of these deals has clearly reached hundreds of billions of dollars, though the precise sum cannot be estimated as not all transactions have their detailed records publicly available." - page 117

You cannot dust for fingerprints anywhere in finance in the world without finding the Rothschilds involved. Once again we plebes are limited by only what is "publicly" available.

"The thesis has demonstrated that Rothschilds helped Chinese enterprises acquire a long list of companies in Europe and the United States, some of which made it to the news headlines and were widely discussed. To name just a few, Rothschild & Co advised on Geely's acquisition of Volvo in 2010 or Chem China's buyout of Italian tiremaker Pirelli in 2015. However, one of the most important individual companies in which both sides joined forces is Alibaba Group. Between 2007 and 2014, Rothschild& Co first helped list its B2B division on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, then it advised on acquisitions of several US businesses and finally acted as sole financial advisor on the group's listing on the New York Stock Exchange in 2014. At the time, this IPO was the most valuable in history at $25 billion. It is no exaggeration to say that Rothschilds significantly helped Chinese companies in their growth and foreign expansion on several continents, while at the same time reaped enormous profits from this cooperation." - page 117

Then there is the problem of Blackrock and its parent company Blackstone presently doing business and being responsible for a lot of economic activity in China. The same applies to Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.

The idea that in order for someone to engage in financial dealings, exchanges, loans, etc with Blackrock that one must fit into their globohomo leftist feminist worldview is false. A cursory search of "Blackstone" (the parent company of Blackrock) in relation to China here reveals the following:

View attachment 16995

How much more evidence does one need to see how China rose predominantly at the expense of the West because of foreign jewish investors and banks?

The Rothschild Bank and its related affiliates are also directly involved in The Bank of China, The Bank of Qingdao, Querces Ventures, the Chinese Creat Group, CIIC (Group) Company (Chinese: 中实(集团)公司), CEFC China Energy, Edmond de Rothschild in Shanghai, Auster Capital, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), China Netcom, Volvo, Pirelli, China Chengtong Holdings Group, Alibaba Group, the Tanzanian Railway, they are all over the place in every aspect of Chinese development that it would have been absolutely impossible for China to reach the stage of development that they're at without the Rothschilds, without the international jewish financial elites. Not once do you mention these financial groups.

To imagine that China is a legitimate autonomous entity fighting for their own civilization, fighting for their own national identity, without some ulterior motive to the national conflict's that we are seeing, is missing the forest for the trees. The conflicts between entities may be legitimate, but above that, at the higher financial level, these conflicts are staged to advance the world in a certain direction. And every single time, at the top we see the exact same powers that controlling the West also control China, Russia, etc.

If you can admit that the West is controlled by these financial elites, how can you not also admit that China and Russia are controlled by these same financial elites, when they have the same powers, the same ownership, the same influence in China, the Far East, in Eurasia, as they do in the West. It's an incredible blind-spot that some of the dissident right have. It is not a legitimate autonomous rival because clearly this entire conflict is being staged and orchestrated from behind the scenes by the very same people. It is not more free, nowhere is truly free. What is given can be easily taken away.

Everything we see is only the tip of the iceberg.

It really makes no sense to speak in terms of supposedly self-interested nations which happen to be extremely entangled with each other economically and otherwise. The midwit theories trying to justify this point of view are not even remotely convincing. There are no nations anymore.

There is no question that the Rothschilds invested in China, and the Rockefellers even more so, and helped set them on track towards their industrial ascent. That was back when China was a backwater, with a GDP per capita in the 1970s lower than Haiti or India.

What they did not realize though due to their cultural hubris is that the project went rogue, the Chinese are too nationalistic, and they are not dumb or subservient like say, the modern Germans or Japanese.

That is why the globalists have now become highly hostile to China. This is the Rothschild-owned Economist, the leading international weekly news outlet, and starting a decade ago, they have been stoking up public opinion opposition against China and Chinese industrial expansion:


The reason they are doing this is that they no longer own any significant part of that action. The globalists' last inside men, known in China as the Shanghai Clique (that city having been their local base for centuries) were purged by Xi in 2012. More recently, other elements like local oligarchs Jack Ma were put in their place, told in no uncertain terms to stay out of politics or else (house arrest).

The problem with China is that they are a very large, 4000-year old civilization that has proven to be more difficult to crack for the globalists than any of their other projects, they've helped the dragon get back on its feet, but could not ride it. And now they are trying to rein in that golem. It's a bit too late though.
The problem with China is that [....] they've helped the dragon get back on its feet, but could not ride it. And now they are trying to rein in that golem. It's a bit too late though.
I want to believe. The global supply chain is practically keeping all nations alive at this point. It can't be maintained by a mess of low-IQ countries that don't have the human capital to properly engineer. That's why I don't just brush it off as hopeless because of Jewish finances. It's hard for me to imagine any other future than the breakdown of the industrialized world if America, China, Russia, and other high-IQ nations like Japan and Germany, don't find a way to keep it going together. Pardon me if I want to hope for a world where we can all understand each other and work together. I don't think it's a betrayal of my own people to want to work together with the rest of the world by maintaing peaceful global trade.
Pouring more quantities of concrete is a superficial metric, a poor per capita comparison. With a population of over 1.4 billion and resources flooded in by the West, I'm sure their concrete jungle is expansive but that is hardly impressive. The real feat is building innovative infrastructure that lasts. Also the numbers show the usage in gigatons, but it is only a comparison of concrete. The US has a lot of structures built with various other materials, and between 1901-2000 didn't have some technofetishist desire of becoming a robotic ant colony.

Notice how in my posts I don't try to raise up the US by shooting down China, I equally criticize them both for various faults that they possess, but you consistently tear down the US time and time again at the expense of China, or Russia. Your hatred for the US is pathological, which I can understand for a Canadian.

This is the same false patriotism attitude that liberal normies have today when you try to criticize the predatory oligarchical nature of the US and western countries. It's dishonest of you to resort to conflating criticism of the current regimes in the West with lack of patriotism.

This thesis goes into more rarer details about Rothschild involvement in Chinese politics economics, how they bankrolled every gain the CCP made, and gave them the tech from the other western powers:
View attachment 16991

There is significant involvement with the Rothschilds and China during the 1800s. There also is a gap in documented Rothschild presence between 1912 after the fall of the Empire until the Korean war started to die down in 1953, however the Sassoons (a branch of the Rothschidls) did not depart their influence and control of China during these times.

Standing next to the Sassoon House in Shanghai is the Bank of China building. In its original design it was supposed to have 34 floors which would make it the highest building in the Far East in the 1930s, showing how backwards China was still even in the 30s. Victor Sassoon instructed the Bank of China that any building constructed "next to my house" was not going to be taller than the spire of my building.

(Sassoon House on the left, Bank of China on right)
View attachment 16993

[This is basically Victor Sassoon poking the Chinese Bank telling them that his house will be the tallest and that he owns them:]
View attachment 16994

"The first publicly known interaction between one of the Rothschild family members and the PRC representatives was through Baron Robert Rothschild. However, he was not a direct member of the family’s banking dynasty branch, and neither was he involved in this field. Shortly after the establishment of the PRC, the state found itself involved in the Korean War, lasting from 1950 to 1953, and by then was de facto isolated from the Western financial ecosystem. Its international relations at the time were somewhat limited to the Communist International and particularly the USSR. Right after the war, the situation normalised, and Rothschild’s company “was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after1953”. (Rothschild & Co, 2020)" - page 56

"In 1953, Rothschilds were amongst the first foreign institutions to re-establish connections with the communist regime after the Korean War, with dealings consisting primarily of gold trading with the Bank of China. Then, the Cultural Revolution, which took place between 1966 and 1976, basically froze the development of this relationship with no new publicly available deals signed during this period. Nevertheless, just a year after the death of Mao Zedong, in 1977, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild personally visited China from his position as head of the family bank and Chairman of The Economist. Subsequently, from 1979 and throughout the 1980s, Rothschilds advised a number of companies, some of which were involved even in the military industry and communication satellites domain. Then, in September 1996, N M Rothschild & Sons Limited signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to develop a jointly financial advisory business in China and internationally. That proved to be a fruitful decision for both parties and tremendous success in the long term, especially after China joined the WTO in 2001." - page 116

The Rothschilds were the king of the gold market, they owned the mines, they owned the distribution, they set the prices. Most of the records for the dealings that the Rothschilds engaged in with the Chinese are not publicly available, that is why we cannot find them so easily. What we see publicly available is the tip of the iceberg. They helped China build up their military, their espionage capabilities, allowing them to *compete* with the other powers. China did not do this on their own, as an advanced superpower today only got there because of this kind of help. The question you should be asking yourself is why?

If these international financiers who have been the power behind the thrones in the west for more than 2 centuries now, why would they build China's capabilities up to this extent, if they did not have control? Bankers work in private. Politicians (mostly) work in public. This fosters the illusion that politicians are the drivers of history, since their words, deeds, and records are accessible.

These "Memorandums of Understanding" mentioned above (link: ) basically bring in the Rothschild Bank and Goldman Sachs and give them full strategic control over Chinese banks.

"In the years following the PRC's accession to the WTO, Rothschilds started to be openly involved in more and more enterprises, mainly through their renowned financial advisory services, as well as various investment activities, joint ventures with Chinese banks, and many more. Several of these interactions represented cutting-edge deals in their respective fields. Apart from their banking and financial activities, which indeed play a dominant role, Rothschilds participated in numerous other realms, such as wine business, weather forecasting, coal and oil industry, or power cord manufacturing. One of the Rothschilds' prevailing activities in the 21st century is the financial advisory, particularly on mergers and acquisitions, both domestic and cross-border. The aggregated volume of these deals has clearly reached hundreds of billions of dollars, though the precise sum cannot be estimated as not all transactions have their detailed records publicly available." - page 117

You cannot dust for fingerprints anywhere in finance in the world without finding the Rothschilds involved. Once again we plebes are limited by only what is "publicly" available.

"The thesis has demonstrated that Rothschilds helped Chinese enterprises acquire a long list of companies in Europe and the United States, some of which made it to the news headlines and were widely discussed. To name just a few, Rothschild & Co advised on Geely's acquisition of Volvo in 2010 or Chem China's buyout of Italian tiremaker Pirelli in 2015. However, one of the most important individual companies in which both sides joined forces is Alibaba Group. Between 2007 and 2014, Rothschild& Co first helped list its B2B division on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, then it advised on acquisitions of several US businesses and finally acted as sole financial advisor on the group's listing on the New York Stock Exchange in 2014. At the time, this IPO was the most valuable in history at $25 billion. It is no exaggeration to say that Rothschilds significantly helped Chinese companies in their growth and foreign expansion on several continents, while at the same time reaped enormous profits from this cooperation." - page 117

Then there is the problem of Blackrock and its parent company Blackstone presently doing business and being responsible for a lot of economic activity in China. The same applies to Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.

The idea that in order for someone to engage in financial dealings, exchanges, loans, etc with Blackrock that one must fit into their globohomo leftist feminist worldview is false. A cursory search of "Blackstone" (the parent company of Blackrock) in relation to China here reveals the following:

View attachment 16995

How much more evidence does one need to see how China rose predominantly at the expense of the West because of foreign jewish investors and banks?

The Rothschild Bank and its related affiliates are also directly involved in The Bank of China, The Bank of Qingdao, Querces Ventures, the Chinese Creat Group, CIIC (Group) Company (Chinese: 中实(集团)公司), CEFC China Energy, Edmond de Rothschild in Shanghai, Auster Capital, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), China Netcom, Volvo, Pirelli, China Chengtong Holdings Group, Alibaba Group, the Tanzanian Railway, they are all over the place in every aspect of Chinese development that it would have been absolutely impossible for China to reach the stage of development that they're at without the Rothschilds, without the international jewish financial elites. Not once do you mention these financial groups.

To imagine that China is a legitimate autonomous entity fighting for their own civilization, fighting for their own national identity, without some ulterior motive to the national conflict's that we are seeing, is missing the forest for the trees. The conflicts between entities may be legitimate, but above that, at the higher financial level, these conflicts are staged to advance the world in a certain direction. And every single time, at the top we see the exact same powers that controlling the West also control China, Russia, etc.

If you can admit that the West is controlled by these financial elites, how can you not also admit that China and Russia are controlled by these same financial elites, when they have the same powers, the same ownership, the same influence in China, the Far East, in Eurasia, as they do in the West. It's an incredible blind-spot that some of the dissident right have. It is not a legitimate autonomous rival because clearly this entire conflict is being staged and orchestrated from behind the scenes by the very same people. It is not more free, nowhere is truly free. What is given can be easily taken away.

Everything we see is only the tip of the iceberg.

It really makes no sense to speak in terms of supposedly self-interested nations which happen to be extremely entangled with each other economically and otherwise. The midwit theories trying to justify this point of view are not even remotely convincing. There are no nations anymore.

Your source above, David Gardas, on which you are basing most of this long post above, is an agent funded by the Soros Open Society and the NED..


Global Voices would also like to thank other current and past donors, and sponsors and supporters, including: the Mozilla Foundation, Google, Facebook/Meta, CIPESA, DW Akademie, BBC Media Action, the National Endowment for Democracy,

Typical neolib glowie think tanker, China "expert" who writes about human rights in Tibet. Why in the world would a Czech based in Prague specialize in China and Tibet?!? Because he is funded by the US deep state (NED) and the globalists (Soros Open Society) to brainwash liberal normies in central Europe and beyond.

This is Ethan Zuckerman, the founder of Global Voices, the outfit that pays MFTP's main source David Gardas :


It's kind of weird that most of MFTP's outside sources are glowie sources who are bent on discrediting Russia or China. Most of these attacks are from the left, but there is also a lot of content being produced aimed at the right to discredit Russia and China, which MFTP specializes in, pushing the narrative that these countries are also controlled by the globalists, with false narratives like Russia or China being invaded by African migrants, fantasy which MFTP has pushed before in the Russia thread, and is pushing here again about China in this thread.

Perhaps MFTP should apply for funding at the NED, as he is doing a great job putting up mega-posts at 4am that are entirely compliant with their mission of discrediting China and Russia among conservatives?
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This is the same false patriotism attitude that liberal normies have today when you try to criticize the predatory oligarchical nature of the US and western countries. It's dishonest of you to resort to conflating criticism of the current regimes in the West with lack of patriotism.

True patriotism is to your patrios, your father, your bloodline and lineage. It's where the connotation of the word originally comes from before it was adopted to civnat talking points that completely disrespect heritage.

Your source above, David Gardas, on which you are basing most of this long post above, is an agent funded by the Soros Open Society and the NED..


Typical neolib glowie think tanker, China "expert" who writes about human rights in Tibet. Why in the world would a Czech based in Prague specialize in China and Tibet?!? Because he is funded by the US deep state (NED) and the globalists (Soros Open Society) to brainwash liberal normies in central Europe and beyond.

This is Ethan Zuckerman, the founder of Global Voices, the outfit that pays MFTP's main source David Gardas :


It's kind of weird that most of MFTP's outside sources are glowie sources who are bent on discrediting Russia or China.

You call everything glowie, it's tiresome. Just like libtards and conservatards who call me "racist," it has no effect. Sound people intent on getting to the bottom of the whole truth don't listen to gypsy superstitions and feminine sensationalism, they listen to clear-cut evidence, even if the person presenting the evidence to them is someone they are not fond of.

Did you even look at the sources within that prove the Rothschilds are connected to China's economy in virtually every single large Chinese bank, investment group, funding initiative, and trade coalition?

Even if I completely ignore Gardas' thesis and look up each one of these Chinese financial institutions independently, I find the same result. The jew Rothschilds are involved in every single one of them, and that's only in ways we can "publicly" see. They are still involved as of 2025.

You have not attempted to refute any of the evidence, mainly just attack the sources themselves as being unreliable because they're not Chink-sources, as if the Chinese would tell on themselves so western fools like you and I can discredit them that way. You are not a Chinese person, so what gives you greater repertoire of understanding and the command of authority to issue what is true and what isn't about China?

It would make no sense for the guy to work for someone who exposes themselves unless self-exposure is part of the plan. If you're going to go that route, then you know that with judeo-masonry, they do this intentionally. I simply said this about the paper, not what you are saying I said about it:

This thesis goes into more rarer details about Rothschild involvement in Chinese politics economics, how they bankrolled every gain the CCP made, and gave them the tech from the other western powers:

Nowhere did I say that I agree with everything the author says. I knew the guy had a somewhat neoliberal worldview when reading his own parts, but the quotations and evidence within is significant and provable. I took that little bit of information and went and did my own digging. Sometimes when researching you look for patterns of dot-connection, and the presence of Rothschild fingerprints in all of the Chinese economic institutions is significant enough to research on one's own.

Also if you read the actual report and didn't go for smear tactics immediately, he starts to sound more like you when he criticizes people who think the Rothschilds control all of China. It looks like you wrote pages 101-114 of this report as he takes the same position as you. Maybe you secretly work for "Global Voices" and this is your sock account here. Of course I don't believe that, but that is a reflection of your infantile logic when it comes to other people.

He makes a poignant view that there is a percentage of the Chinese population now that seems to be against the involvement of the Rothschilds, but they do not know how to remove them from all of their institutions without suffering catastrophically. He proceeds to label these Chinese as conspiratorial! There is even an entire section of this thesis called "Conspiracy Theories Surrounding the Rothschilds and the PRC".

Look at this, try to understand that this is a different tactic then what you think it is:


The Chinese have significant self-awareness, I never denied that. When even the Chinese themselves are troubled by Rothschilds involvement in their own CCP and economy, what does that tell you?

I wouldn't classify this as a "hit-piece" by a Soros agent, but a disarming tactic for Chinese readers, so they can relax and not investigate the Rothschilds who control their economy. He builds it all up with how they "helped" the Chinese become a superpower and then tears it all down by making them look like innocent bankers who just want to help stimulate global economy, so the Chinese can be chill and just look at the Rothschild presence in their country as something ameliorable despite centuries of evidence to the contrary that the Rothschilds are purely predatory vile people.

This is why I tell you to read man. Be patient, and read. You clearly care more for China than your own posterity, otherwise you would be supporting American and European Nationalist causes and devoting your time and energy into your own instead of an alien race. Since you have opted for playing your part in the East vs West controlled stage, you should at least be diligent in rooting out the parasite from your beloved cardinality on the compass.

What we're seeing is the reality that the Rothschilds do control China's economy and the Chinaman is waking up too little too late to stop it from carrying out its intended purpose. The next revolution in China should be a military one against it's own banks, but that's hopium.

Most of these attacks are from the left, but there is also a lot of content being produced aimed at the right to discredit Russia and China, which MFTP specializes in, pushing the narrative that these countries are also controlled by the globalists,

It can be easily seen that I've touched a nerve with your beloved China and Rusnya. You assume every single criticism of these places to be from a federal agent perspective and that no one could ever have a valid genuine organic complaint about them. Are all the Chinese people who hate the CCP brainwashed by the Open Society Foundation? I've met enough of them in the West who hate it and have no understanding of this level of politics because they simply don't like being controlled and surveilled on every single aspect of their lives in their home nation. They can hate the CCP and still hate baizuo and faggotry, dislike of these things is not mutually exclusive.

with false narratives like Russia or China being invaded by African migrants, fantasy which MFTP has pushed before in the Russia thread, and is pushing here again about China in this thread.
No they are not being invaded by joggers like the West is, though the Russian government, as part of their visa subterfuge, is willingly bringing massive numbers of them there and not attempting to dissuade them from breeding with White Russian girls destroying Slavic blood forever. Civnat cuckery, it's not a "conspiracy theory" when I can clearly go to multiple Russian accounts exposing this mudsharkery daily and the ziggers like you who cover up for it. There is no need to bring these biological weapons en masse to an already diluted China, where there are no pure-blooded people. (though a chigro is worse than a negro). The Chinese however, are right to be annoyed by them and I don't believe they will suffer negrolatry in their lands the way those who have open jewish occupiers do. Most browns and yellows hate blacks naturally and organically.

Perhaps MFTP should apply for funding at the NED, as he is doing a great job putting up mega-posts at 4am that are entirely compliant with their mission of discrediting China and Russia among conservatives?
Perhaps you should keep eating more soy so your T-levels keep plummeting like your Chinese comrades and their unhealthy insect and soy-based diet that fatmerica has imported from them, except in the west they add lethal levels of MSG on purpose. Only someone deracinated and low-T would be arguing for China ad nauseum over his own people. You have no one to stand up for while our people are being murdered by nogs and muslims and jews worldwide so you default to cucking for China or Russia?

China plays a central role in both producing and exporting soy. The global spread of soy as a staple crop can be directly tied to China’s agricultural practices. While the US may have adopted soy for economic reasons (cheapness and versatility), the influx of soy-based ingredients from China and other Asian countries with high soy production have significantly and permanently shaped the modern Western diet.

The dominance of Chinese soy farming and its exportation led to its inclusion in the food supply chains of many Western countries including the US. As such many of the health issues associated with soy today from endocrine disruption, hormonal imbalances, poor metabolic health, to certain types of cancers can be traced back to the initial introduction and mass cultivation of soy influenced by China that was spread to the US.

@Get2choppaaa @Thomas More @PurpleUrkel @It_Is_My_Time I'm sure you're all aware of this at least, being T-conscience at your ages.

I don't even need an outside source for this one as I've been to China once and the food in their cities was disgusting and awful, just like the goyslop in American restaurants. All trash everywhere. I'm sure in their countryside provinces there are some areas where a Chinaman not living like a peasant can have an organic grass-finished steak that won't dip his social credit score, but you don't hear about it.

I only believe in the Third way, which is not supported by any mainstream initiative, politics, or institution. I openly admit this Cooper. I will never rally behind anything that isn't Christian Monarchism which doesn't compromise with jewry and Islam within its borders, the absence of which only true Fascism, Ultranationalism, or National Socialism will suffice until the former can be established. I don't believe in this pissing contest you have between the West and China/Russia. It's all a stage where either side winning only means my posterity suffers.
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True patriotism is to your patrios, your father, your bloodline and lineage. It's where the connotation of the word originally comes from before it was adopted to civnat talking points that completely disrespect heritage.

You call everything glowie, it's tiresome. Just like libtards and conservatards who call me "racist," it has no effect. Sound people intent on getting to the bottom of the whole truth don't listen to gypsy superstitions and feminine sensationalism, they listen to clear-cut evidence, even if the person presenting the evidence to them is someone they are not fond of.

Did you even look at the sources within that prove the Rothschilds are connected to China's economy in virtually every single large Chinese bank, investment group, funding initiative, and trade coalition?

Even if I completely ignore Gardas' thesis and look up each one of these Chinese financial institutions independently, I find the same result. The jew Rothschilds are involved in every single one of them, and that's only in ways we can "publicly" see. They are still involved as of 2025.

You have not attempted to refute any of the evidence, mainly just attack the sources themselves as being unreliable because they're not Chink-sources, as if the Chinese would tell on themselves so western fools like you and I can discredit them that way. You are not a Chinese person, so what gives you greater repertoire of understanding and the command of authority to issue what is true and what isn't about China?

It would make no sense for the guy to work for someone who exposes themselves unless self-exposure is part of the plan. If you're going to go that route, then you know that with judeo-masonry, they do this intentionally. I simply said this about the paper, not what you are saying I said about it:

Nowhere did I say that I agree with everything the author says. I knew the guy had a somewhat neoliberal worldview when reading his own parts, but the quotations and evidence within is significant and provable. I took that little bit of information and went and did my own digging. Sometimes when researching you look for patterns of dot-connection, and the presence of Rothschild fingerprints in all of the Chinese economic institutions is significant enough to research on one's own.

Also if you read the actual report and didn't go for smear tactics immediately, he starts to sound more like you when he criticizes people who think the Rothschilds control all of China. It looks like you wrote pages 101-114 of this report as he takes the same position as you. Maybe you secretly work for "Global Voices" and this is your sock account here. Of course I don't believe that, but that is a reflection of your infantile logic when it comes to other people.

He makes a poignant view that there is a percentage of the Chinese population now that seems to be against the involvement of the Rothschilds, but they do not know how to remove them from all of their institutions without suffering catastrophically. He proceeds to label these Chinese as conspiratorial! There is even an entire section of this thesis called "Conspiracy Theories Surrounding the Rothschilds and the PRC".

Look at this, try to understand that this is a different tactic then what you think it is:

View attachment 17082
View attachment 17083
View attachment 17084
View attachment 17085

The Chinese have significant self-awareness, I never denied that. When even the Chinese themselves are troubled by Rothschilds involvement in their own CCP and economy, what does that tell you?

I wouldn't classify this as a "hit-piece" by a Soros agent, but a disarming tactic for Chinese readers, so they can relax and not investigate the Rothschilds who control their economy. He builds it all up with how they "helped" the Chinese become a superpower and then tears it all down by making them look like innocent bankers who just want to help stimulate global economy, so the Chinese can be chill and just look at the Rothschild presence in their country as something ameliorable despite centuries of evidence to the contrary that the Rothschilds are purely predatory vile people.

This is why I tell you to read man. Be patient, and read. You clearly care more for China than your own posterity, otherwise you would be supporting American and European Nationalist causes and devoting your time and energy into your own instead of an alien race. Since you have opted for playing your part in the East vs West controlled stage, you should at least be diligent in rooting out the parasite from your beloved cardinality on the compass.

What we're seeing is the reality that the Rothschilds do control China's economy and the Chinaman is waking up too little too late to stop it from carrying out its intended purpose. The next revolution in China should be a military one against it's own banks, but that's hopium.

It can be easily seen that I've touched a nerve with your beloved China and Rusnya. You assume every single criticism of these places to be from a federal agent perspective and that no one could ever have a valid genuine organic complaint about them. Are all the Chinese people who hate the CCP brainwashed by the Open Society Foundation? I've met enough of them in the West who hate it and have no understanding of this level of politics because they simply don't like being controlled and surveilled on every single aspect of their lives in their home nation. They can hate the CCP and still hate baizuo and faggotry, dislike of these things is not mutually exclusive.

No they are not being invaded by joggers like the West is, though the Russian government, as part of their visa subterfuge, is willingly bringing massive numbers of them there and not attempting to dissuade them from breeding with White Russian girls destroying Slavic blood forever. Civnat cuckery, it's not a "conspiracy theory" when I can clearly go to multiple Russian accounts exposing this mudsharkery daily and the ziggers like you who cover up for it. There is no need to bring these biological weapons en masse to an already diluted China, where there are no pure-blooded people. (though a chigro is worse than a negro). The Chinese however, are right to be annoyed by them and I don't believe they will suffer negrolatry in their lands the way those who have open jewish occupiers do. Most browns and yellows hate blacks naturally and organically.

Perhaps you should keep eating more soy so your T-levels keep plummeting like your Chinese comrades and their unhealthy insect and soy-based diet that fatmerica has imported from them, except in the west they add lethal levels of MSG on purpose. Only someone deracinated and low-T would be arguing for China ad nauseum over his own people. You have no one to stand up for while our people are being murdered by nogs and muslims and jews worldwide so you default to cucking for China or Russia?

China plays a central role in both producing and exporting soy. The global spread of soy as a staple crop can be directly tied to China’s agricultural practices. While the US may have adopted soy for economic reasons (cheapness and versatility), the influx of soy-based ingredients from China and other Asian countries with high soy production have significantly and permanently shaped the modern Western diet.

The dominance of Chinese soy farming and its exportation led to its inclusion in the food supply chains of many Western countries including the US. As such many of the health issues associated with soy today from endocrine disruption, hormonal imbalances, poor metabolic health, to certain types of cancers can be traced back to the initial introduction and mass cultivation of soy influenced by China that was spread to the US.

@Get2choppaaa @Thomas More @PurpleUrkel @It_Is_My_Time I'm sure you're all aware of this at least, being T-conscience at your ages.

I don't even need an outside source for this one as I've been to China once and the food in their cities was disgusting and awful, just like the goyslop in American restaurants. All trash everywhere. I'm sure in their countryside provinces there are some areas where a Chinaman not living like a peasant can have an organic grass-finished steak that won't dip his social credit score, but you don't hear about it.

I only believe in the Third way, which is not supported by any mainstream initiative, politics, or institution. I openly admit this Cooper. I will never rally behind anything that isn't Christian Monarchism which doesn't compromise with jewry and Islam within its borders, the absence of which only true Fascism, Ultranationalism, or National Socialism will suffice until the former can be established. I don't believe in this pissing contest you have between the West and China/Russia. It's all a stage where either side winning only means my posterity suffers.
Interesting post. Lot to digest.

We avoid Soy here in my house.

Didn't make it to the top of the food chain to eat estrogen laden food that gives you bitch tits.

Growing up in a restaurant it's amazing the difference between premium food and the slop you get everywhere else.

Even things like your steaks, which you think would be healthy, are often not due to what many restaurants cook them with (pan seared in canola oil)

Using real butter or ghee or extra virgin olive oil for cooking vs canola oil ECT makes a huge difference in how you feel the next day.
Music, it's easy to prove that the Chinese government actually loves its people and cares for their future, unlike the (((West))).

Very simple metric - the drug death metric. How many addicts are in America, Europe, and China? How many overdoses due to heroin aka fentanyl? In China, you get the death penalty for even carrying the stuff. It's completely prohibited and there are no visible addictions anywhere on the street.

American leaders don't give a damn about the people here, and let the drugs flow in unabated. They probably work with the cartels to keep the borders open and profit from the deaths of 100K citizens here every year.

That doesn't happen in China, which automatically places them on far higher moral ground than anywhere else in the (((West))).

When China was run by the Talmuds, drugs flowed into their country. But nowadays, there are genuine nationalists in charge, which is why there are no drugs there and George Soros calls for the removal of President Xi.

The drug metric is by far the easiest measurement to use, because there is literally no reason for highly addictive and destructive drugs to be widely available on the streets, other than political corruption. Drugs are a political decision and nothing else.