Marriage / Established Relationships

I live in western Europe in a non english speaking country. Thank god. I have a cousin who went to study in Scotland she started to call herself “they”. Now she is normal again. I have family in many english countries.

If you are asking if I have a maid because they are cheap? Nope. Due to a massive foreign influx. Prices are crazy up.

Like all services theres a shortage of labor. I think its because of unemployment benefits. I would cut all subisdies to people bellow 30 years old unless they have children or are sick.

Anyway In propotion on average salary Australia probably is cheaper. Its cheaper to have a maid in Australia compared to where I live in. And maybe even in total. Maids dont receive minimum salary. They receive above average salary. People keep thinking manual labor is cheap. Its not. Were not living in dickens tales anymore. At least in Europe. In Middle east, africa China, thai, etc its different.

I have a maid for my mental sanity. I asked my wife at dinner how much we were paying and she looked almost offended. And really surprised. Who gives a shit? Thats not my problem to handle. I dont want to handle. What i know its from my wife complaining.

I left my wedding ring on my bedtable. And the maid didnt steal it. My wife says they only steal shit we wont notice. But more 2-3 months she will start ironing clothes.
Even though she asked if we could send a box of old children clothes to Mozambiq. From this moment on. We know she wants to steal our kids clothes. But this wont happen with new closets.

When my wife fires the maid she spends the saturday pretending she can do all the house chores. Its funny. But her mood changes 100%. To bad.

You can hire a maid for hours. When i finish a house I pay a company per hour. In our house we only have referrals.

Not companies.

The biggest issue is not price. Its safety.

Russian is here. Time to work. Plumbing and electricity finished time to start putting cement on walls. I will try a method i saw in YT. For the cement sauce last guy who was here proportions: One general cement bucket. 3 Buckets of river sand. 1 yellow sand. 1 Bucket of water. Here we go. I add a little bit of impermeabilizant. In some walls. But the trick one old contractor did was add lime. But I dont know the proportions. I dont buy any of those ready shit. Next putting windowns door. Pladur on ceiling finish electricity. Plaster tiles. Paint. And its done. March is up to rent.
You hire a maid but you won’t hire a renderer?
You hire a maid but you won’t hire a renderer?

It´s actually quite satisfying. My wall looks better than the ones the russian did. I was going to make more during the weekend. But my throat hurts. There´s no windows and I was sweating the temperature dropped when the sun set and there´s a lot of wind corridors. The russian left and I kept doing it. My wife doesn´t allow me to go there until I get better.

I took more time than the russian because of the stupid YT method. You just have to splash the cement one time. Let it dry a little bit. And after pass the rectancular shit. You see the holes disappearing. I could do this everyday. I told the russian to bring another person tomorrow to make the sauce. Cause it´s rythme breaking. A lot of cement falls on the floor. But I pick it up. Put more water and splash it again. Booommm.

It´s like playing tennis. Iºm a fucking Pete Sampras. I really enjoyed it. And tomorrow if I feel better I will go back. Russian only plays Pig Pong. But he understood and laughed. He also asked me shouldnt I be wearing a suit and tie. I answered I hate suits and ties.

Incredible how you pay so much money for people to do something so simple. It´s 100% just paying time.

You think I´m going to be overpriced 1000% to do a stupid simple cement rendering? Nope. The contractor wanted 3-4 weeks to do something that takes 3-4 days. Loool. No way. Those days are gone. And I will make cement corniches. Yeah. I´m not buying those plaster shit. Already made one.
One of the walls is stone. So the russian goes into circuitbreaker on how to rrender it. I looked at the wall and thought you just have to fill it with little stones. Instead of splashing tons of cement in it. I told him I would do that wall. Hopefully I´m better tomorrow. I will add lime. Lime is important in stone walls because it gives elasticity and breathe. Thinking about it. I could put a timber board. And dump cement with stones into it. Leave it drying. Just how you do concrete. And next day just splash it normally.

You can tel the level of IQ is really low. Cause construction people can only do one way they learned before. Drones.

I lost 3kg this week. And will lose more this month. My target is minimum 10kg and I will achieve it.

Read this book:

How to Be Rich, by Getty​

It´s not about getting rich. It´s staying rich.

Now I´m off to the beach.
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Since I wrote this post, everything has just kept getting worse. It feels like our whole family is right at the breaking point where everything is going to explode.

I’m at the point where I simply can’t stand my family anymore, every day I think about how I regret marrying my wife, she and the two kids irritate the heck out of me most of the time, and general day to day life is unstable chaos filled with conflict. I don’t want to be around them if I can avoid it. None of them listen to or respect me, anyway, and any attempt I make to assert authority or take charge just makes everything worse. It doesn’t help that “leadership” doesn’t come naturally to me, I’m an INTJ personality type who tends to function best when I’m fixated on some task or goal I’m deeply motivated toward. Guys with my personality type and talents tend to make for skilled artists of some sort. But not very good husbands/fathers. So I’ve got that working against me.

I still do all the chores, boy sleeps worse than ever, my wife is still astoundingly incompetent at virtually everything, and I have absolutely nothing in common with them.

I wish we had an Orthodox family and tried to focus on spiritual things and stuff real and tangible, like for instance gardening or growing things, or visiting monasteries or that sort of thing. My wife just wants to take a trip to a theme park and watch garbage TV shows and movies on her phone between endless scrolling through social media. In general, I’m focused on trying to have a stable and productive day to day life and routine, while she’s focused on unrealistic or shallow nonsense and buying useless junk that adds to the ever-escalating clutter of our house.

I have absolutely no desire for more kids since we (especially she) can’t manage the ones we already have. I don’t want to be divorced but I don’t know how my family can possibly continue like this.

Being Orthodox is just one more pain point, when we met and married we were both evangelicals who basically believed the same thing, but then I got into Orthodoxy and she had no interest in following me, mostly because of rather shallow reasons (you can’t dump your kids in a nursery at Orthodoxy Church!) rather than much concrete theological objection. Trying to talk about my faith with her is so fruitless and generally just creates more ground for animosity so I’ve basically just stopped.

My wife and her in laws take the two kids (who haven’t been baptized) to the local mega church while I go to Orthodox Church. This might be just a trial of patience and endurance if I was getting anywhere myself, but four years into being Orthodox, I’m worse than ever. I not only have not had improvement aim regards to sexual sin, anger, gluttony, avarice, and so on, I’m worse at these and everything else by any objective measure.

So in other words the family situation is bad and getting worse, I’m bad and getting worse, and nobody I talk to at church or elsewhere has had any helpful insight or advice beyond superficially nice sounding but ultimately useless platitudes. I’m burnt out, exhausted, and since nothing I try at home or in my faith is working, I just feel like giving up because there’s no point in trying anymore.

Brother, I think the #1 thing you gotta try is to date your wife and rebuild some kind of relationship with her. All relationships take maintenance, and you should aim for a date at least once a week with her. Otherwise things will just get more and more miserable at home. It's worth a shot to save your marriage.
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Brother, I think the #1 thing you gotta try is to date your wife and rebuild some kind of relationship with her. All relationships take maintenance, and you should aim for a date at least once a week with her. Otherwise things will just get more and more miserable at home. It's worth a shot to save your marriage.
Just to give a little update, this is actually exactly what we've been doing lately, and it has helped a lot. Having weekly date time with my wife has helped me remember why I liked her in the first place and done a lot toward me being more favorably disposed toward her. We've also had more intimate time recently - not a massive amount, but certainly more than before, so that's also helped.

The various issues with family operation are still a total mess with no resolution in sight, but at least I'm less cranky toward my wife. On the other hand, the kids aggravate me more than ever, and my spiritual life has got to be at an all-time low. Not only have I lost even the slightest motivation to try to get my family to care about Orthodoxy at all, I've lost my own motivation, being frustrated the absolute futility of my own spiritual state and nonexistent progress or improvement in my life despite trying to append the rigors of the prayer rule/church services/readings/especially fasting, on top of the headache of family life, work, and various other things.

It's not like my intellectual opinion of Orthodoxy has changed or I don't think it's true anymore, I just feel like it's completely laughable trying to live like that in my circumstances. When you're someone like Roosh who can dedicate himself to going full monk mode or a married couple that run a tight ship with disciplined kids and an orderly household it's possible, but I clearly can't live up to that and can't help that feel like even comparatively mild attempts to live as the solo Orthodox person in my family has just added to the strain and fracturing in my family. When I try to bring up anything like this with the priests at church I get encouragement to just keep struggling but it just feels superficial and ultimately unhelpful.
Just to give a little update, this is actually exactly what we've been doing lately, and it has helped a lot. Having weekly date time with my wife has helped me remember why I liked her in the first place and done a lot toward me being more favorably disposed toward her. We've also had more intimate time recently - not a massive amount, but certainly more than before, so that's also helped.

The various issues with family operation are still a total mess with no resolution in sight, but at least I'm less cranky toward my wife. On the other hand, the kids aggravate me more than ever, and my spiritual life has got to be at an all-time low. Not only have I lost even the slightest motivation to try to get my family to care about Orthodoxy at all, I've lost my own motivation, being frustrated the absolute futility of my own spiritual state and nonexistent progress or improvement in my life despite trying to append the rigors of the prayer rule/church services/readings/especially fasting, on top of the headache of family life, work, and various other things.

It's not like my intellectual opinion of Orthodoxy has changed or I don't think it's true anymore, I just feel like it's completely laughable trying to live like that in my circumstances. When you're someone like Roosh who can dedicate himself to going full monk mode or a married couple that run a tight ship with disciplined kids and an orderly household it's possible, but I clearly can't live up to that and can't help that feel like even comparatively mild attempts to live as the solo Orthodox person in my family has just added to the strain and fracturing in my family. When I try to bring up anything like this with the priests at church I get encouragement to just keep struggling but it just feels superficial and ultimately unhelpful.

Well, you are making progress. That is a big deal. You must understand, growth is never easy or stable. Often times in life when we struggle, and it feels futile, is actually when you are developing the most.

Don't worry if you are the perfect Orthodox Christian. What matters is making it to Church on Sundays as often as possible. Doesn't matter if you are late (as long as you don't miss communion!!). Doesn't matter if you can bring your wife, or even your kids. First thing you need to do is bring yourself. Divine liturgy is the only service that will keep your soul grounded in God. All of your prayers will be heard and answered during service.

You might think, "this is pointless, nothing is happening, I have no idea what's going on." But in reality, deep changes are taking root in yourself that you are unaware of.

Think of your faith as a tree. When you first plant a tree, tiny shoots come out, and a sapling is born. At first, it's very exciting, because where there was once dirt, there is a small stick growing out of the ground and some baby leaves.


This new seedling begins to grow quickly, and it is very exciting to watch. Each day brings more progress, more growth, more branches, leaves, and size. Within a few years, suddenly, the sapling has turned into a small, young tree:


But now the exciting part is over. This new young tree remains in this state for years, and nothing really happens. Years later, the tree looks exactly the same, with no visible changes. Many trees die at this stage for no reason. This is a most critical stage when the tree needs tons of nutrients, sunlight, and care, or else it will not survive into an adult tree capable of bearing fruit.

The reason why the young tree is such a critical stage is because this is when the hardest part of growth occurs, the greatest struggle, which is establishing deep roots capable of sustaining a large, fruit bearing tree.


Pushing roots through hard soil, rocky ground, with dry conditions is very difficult, and most trees are unable to take root. Thus, they wither and die without constant attention, despite the fact that above ground, nothing seems to change. In reality, this is the most important part of a tree's life cycle, yet none of it is visible. It's all underground, where the most important foundations of a tree are laid. For without strong, deep roots, there is no way for the tree to grow further above ground.

Any experienced arbor nursery knows to feed a young tree with abundant nutrients, water, and to keep away pests during this critical stage. This is to help the tree establish the roots it needs to support a mature, beautiful, and long lasting life above ground. Once the roots are laid, the rest comes easy.


As visual creatures, we are obsessed with the beautiful and what we can see. Yet it is the parts that we cannot see which are by far the most important. The things we see are just the products of the important processes that go unseen.

So too, then, it is the same with a person's faith. When someone is brought into the Church, and baptized, a brand new seed of faith is planted in them, and begins to germinate quickly. The new convert quickly begins to absorb the Church's teachings and wisdom, and sees changes in himself. He sees a new inner peace he never thought possible, he begins to experience God for the first time in his life and it feels like a tremendous burden is lifted in the soul. This new tree of faith quickly reaches out of the soul and grows leaves towards God, soaking in a holy energy they never knew before.

However, after the early years are over, it seems the growth stops; spiritually everything feels and appears the same, nothing new is learnt, the soul waivers in faith and yet no solace is forthcoming. It is at this moment when most new converts give up the faith, and thousands fall away, because their faith fails to take root at this critical stage. They are discouraged, not understanding that true faith is more than an experience, but, a "way, truth, and life,"

Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?”

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me." (Jn 14:6)

A truth that is not understood, but lived as a way; one must put their faith in Christ and continue to follow Him, even when they do not know where they are going or how they will get there. To illustrate this point, consider the example of Saint John the Dwarf:


It was said of Abba John the Dwarf that he withdrew and lived in the desert at Scetis with an old man of Thebes. His Abba, taking a piece of dry wood, planted it and said to him, 'Water it every day with a bottle of water, until it bears fruit.' Now the water was so far away that he had to leave in the evening and return the following morning. At the end of three years the wood came to life and bore fruit. Then the old man took some of the fruit and carried it to the church saying to the brethren, 'Take and eat the fruit of obedience.'

The years spent trusting in the Lord without knowing the outcome is the time when someone's faith truly takes root in their soul, with deep, powerful shoots, that stretch far under the earth, and yet none of this growth is seen, felt, or understood. It is through years of struggle and adversity, when it seems most impossible to keep one's faith, that one truly begins to understand what faith means, and starts practicing the way of Christ. When you have learned to keep your faith in spite of difficulties, through patience, prayer, and repentance, then, after years of no change, you will finally notice that you are maturing, that your faith goes beyond words and expressions, and suddenly, you will bear fruit to others.

At this point, you will be able to show others the way; others will seek to inquire about your beliefs and practices, your family will follow you, you will invite others to Church with you, and you will discover yourself to be a completely new human being than the one who was first baptized years and decades ago, although the change was completely imperceptible.

So do not worry, continue to go to Divine Liturgy, read scripture when you can (and especially during service), and dabble in the Saints picking up bits of wisdom here and there. Just keep nourishing the faith in your soul, and God will take care of the rest.
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Just to give a little update, this is actually exactly what we've been doing lately, and it has helped a lot. Having weekly date time with my wife has helped me remember why I liked her in the first place and done a lot toward me being more favorably disposed toward her. We've also had more intimate time recently - not a massive amount, but certainly more than before, so that's also helped.

The various issues with family operation are still a total mess with no resolution in sight, but at least I'm less cranky toward my wife. On the other hand, the kids aggravate me more than ever, and my spiritual life has got to be at an all-time low. Not only have I lost even the slightest motivation to try to get my family to care about Orthodoxy at all, I've lost my own motivation, being frustrated the absolute futility of my own spiritual state and nonexistent progress or improvement in my life despite trying to append the rigors of the prayer rule/church services/readings/especially fasting, on top of the headache of family life, work, and various other things.

It's not like my intellectual opinion of Orthodoxy has changed or I don't think it's true anymore, I just feel like it's completely laughable trying to live like that in my circumstances. When you're someone like Roosh who can dedicate himself to going full monk mode or a married couple that run a tight ship with disciplined kids and an orderly household it's possible, but I clearly can't live up to that and can't help that feel like even comparatively mild attempts to live as the solo Orthodox person in my family has just added to the strain and fracturing in my family. When I try to bring up anything like this with the priests at church I get encouragement to just keep struggling but it just feels superficial and ultimately unhelpful.

I relate a lot. Things that are basic for lifelong Christians, Orthodox or not, such as attending services regularly, daily prayer and being a contributing member of a community, are still very challenging for me coming off over a decade as a selfish hedonistic atheist, despite being years into my conversion. Which makes me feel like a failure often. I also find that my priest, bless him, rarely gives me actionable advice other than pray more and participate in the sacraments more (which is completely correct of course). It's frustrating because I'd love him to fix my problems for me but really the solution is in front of me whenever I can be stirred from day-to-day distractions to focus on the spiritual.

I see a bit of bitterness seeping through when you say it's "laughable" to live the Orthodox life as prescribed; while it's very hard for people like us, I'd encourage you to simply admit to yourself that you are too weak to do better and keep God in your heart and make small steps when you can. It's a trick of the demons to lure us into despondency by fixating on how far we are from where we should be and feeling it's hopeless.

Well, you are making progress. That is a big deal. You must understand, growth is never easy or stable. Often times in life when we struggle, and it feels futile, is actually when you are developing the most.

Don't worry if you are the perfect Orthodox Christian. What matters is making it to Church on Sundays as often as possible. Doesn't matter if you are late (as long as you don't miss communion!!). Doesn't matter if you can bring your wife, or even your kids. First thing you need to do is bring yourself. Divine liturgy is the only service that will keep your soul grounded in God. All of your prayers will be heard and answered during service.

You might think, "this is pointless, nothing is happening, I have no idea what's going on." But in reality, deep changes are taking root in yourself that you are unaware of.

Think of your faith as a tree. When you first plant a tree, tiny shoots come out, and a sapling is born. At first, it's very exciting, because where there was once dirt, there is a small stick growing out of the ground and some baby leaves.


This new seedling begins to grow quickly, and it is very exciting to watch. Each day brings more progress, more growth, more branches, leaves, and size. Within a few years, suddenly, the sapling has turned into a small, young tree:


But now the exciting part is over. This new young tree remains in this state for years, and nothing really happens. Years later, the tree looks exactly the same, with no visible changes. Many trees die at this stage for no reason. This is a most critical stage when the tree needs tons of nutrients, sunlight, and care, or else it will not survive into an adult tree capable of bearing fruit.

The reason why the young tree is such a critical stage is because this is when the hardest part of growth occurs, the greatest struggle, which is establishing deep roots capable of sustaining a large, fruit bearing tree.


Pushing roots through hard soil, rocky ground, with dry conditions is very difficult, and most trees are unable to take root. Thus, they wither and die without constant attention, despite the fact that above ground, nothing seems to change. In reality, this is the most important part of a tree's life cycle, yet none of it is visible. It's all underground, where the most important foundations of a tree are laid. For without strong, deep roots, there is no way for the tree to grow further above ground.

Any experienced arbor nursery knows to feed a young tree with abundant nutrients, water, and to keep away pests during this critical stage. This is to help the tree establish the roots it needs to support a mature, beautiful, and long lasting life above ground. Once the roots are laid, the rest comes easy.


As visual creatures, we are obsessed with the beautiful and what we can see. Yet it is the parts that we cannot see which are by far the most important. The things we see are just the products of the important processes that go unseen.

So too, then, it is the same with a person's faith. When someone is brought into the Church, and baptized, a brand new seed of faith is planted in them, and begins to germinate quickly. The new convert quickly begins to absorb the Church's teachings and wisdom, and sees changes in himself. He sees a new inner peace he never thought possible, he begins to experience God for the first time in his life and it feels like a tremendous burden is lifted in the soul. This new tree of faith quickly reaches out of the soul and grows leaves towards God, soaking in a holy energy they never knew before.

However, after the early years are over, it seems the growth stops; spiritually everything feels and appears the same, nothing new is learnt, the soul waivers in faith and yet no solace is forthcoming. It is at this moment when most new converts give up the faith, and thousands fall away, because their faith fails to take root at this critical stage. They are discouraged, not understanding that true faith is more than an experience, but, a "way, truth, and life,"

A truth that is not understood, but lived as a way; one must put their faith in Christ and continue to follow Him, even when they do not know where they are going or how they will get there. To illustrate this point, consider the example of Saint John the Dwarf:


The years spent trusting in the Lord without knowing the outcome is the time when someone's faith truly takes root in their soul, with deep, powerful shoots, that stretch far under the earth, and yet none of this growth is seen, felt, or understood. It is through years of struggle and adversity, when it seems most impossible to keep one's faith, that one truly begins to understand what faith means, and starts practicing the way of Christ. When you have learned to keep your faith in spite of difficulties, through patience, prayer, and repentance, then, after years of no change, you will finally notice that you are maturing, that your faith goes beyond words and expressions, and suddenly, you will bear fruit to others.

At this point, you will be able to show others the way; others will seek to inquire about your beliefs and practices, your family will follow you, you will invite others to Church with you, and you will discover yourself to be a completely new human being than the one who was first baptized years and decades ago, although the change was completely imperceptible.

So do not worry, continue to go to Divine Liturgy, read scripture when you can (and especially during service), and dabble in the Saints picking up bits of wisdom here and there. Just keep nourishing the faith in your soul, and God will take care of the rest.

Thank you for these beautiful words.
Being delusional is not a bug or a corruption in women, it's a feature. Women are innately disconnected from reality to some degree, which is supposed to make them full of childlike wonder, which would allow them to make their husbands' lives much brighter. The problem is that social engineers have used that trait of women in very clever and evil ways. They have also have taken away men's ability to control their women when they get all hysterical and start causing trouble as a result of this trait.

Women have retard moments, this is normal, always has been. What's not normal is for men to have no recourse when it happens. My grandfather had the option of just locking his wife in a room until she stopped being a retard, and he had the support of the entire society. His wife simply did not have the option of refusing to submit to him, causing him trouble or abandoning him, because the entire society punished such behaviors harshly. That's all gone now.
Cross-posting here.. This is such an important observation.

Locking his wife in a room until she stopped being a retard, and he had the support of the entire society.

What else was a man allowed to do back in the day to temper female behaviour and what were appropriate misdemeanors which warranted it?
Cross-posting here.. This is such an important observation.

Locking his wife in a room until she stopped being a retard, and he had the support of the entire society.

What else was a man allowed to do back in the day to temper female behaviour and what were appropriate misdemeanors which warranted it?
So-called "marital rape" (it's not "rape" any more than I "steal" my own car every morning to drive to work) was another common response to bad behavior.

Obviously can't do that today unless you want to be put in a cage forever.