Clown World Thread

I’m not proud of it now, but I visited Bali during the player phase of my life. As a tall white male on Tinder, I attracted a lot of attention and propositions from local "Muslim" women (who weren’t sex workers), I also remember seeing a few lady boys while swiping through Tinder. I’ve heard Jakarta is even more extreme in this regard. While Indonesia is predominantly a Muslim country, it has a seedy underbelly.

Balinese people aren't Muslim, they follow a form of Hinduism. I've visited the Muslim mainland as well as Bali though, the women are just as slutty in both places.
The haka has jumped the shark. There was a point when it was kind of cool that they had this authentic relic from the time when they were cannibal savages, and were using it to hold onto their cultural identity.

It was even cool the first time they did it in Parliament, to celebrate some milestone of participation, I forget what.

However, they went to that well too many times. This most recent episode in Parliament is being ridiculed around the world. Now these wannabe cannibals just look like idiots in front of all of humanity. Oops!

I bet we'll see less of this now. At worst, they'll be slow to realize how cringe it has become, but it will sink in pretty soon, and they'll knock it off for the most part.

"I'm Dada!"

Laugh Bestfriend GIF by The Great British Bake Off

More clips from Chris Delia here:
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UCLA Student kicked out of class for voting for Donald Trump

The class was having time to “mourn the loss of our country” after Donald Trump won, she said she voted for Trump. “I got kicked out of the class. I was told to leave that class and not return for the remainder of the quarter because I was quote unquote, a threat to my fellow students' safety.”

“Because I voted for Donald Trump. I was a threat to their safety."

I honestly watch the show just for the animals and scenery, that and there is nothing else on tv when I'm winding down from the day in bed. I kinda just ignore all the terrible plot holes, white guilt and horribly acted drama tough girl crap but when it got to that scene.....yea I just turned it off I didn't care what the ending was anymore.
I started watching Yellowstone with my mom last time I visited. She loves it, but I thought it was just ok. Too dramatic a lot of the time. Seems like a great show for boomers.

I'm not surprised with the white guilt at all. I was also annoyed with the tough girl nonsense, like Francis pointed out.

I'll watch it when other people put it on, but never when I'm alone.
I ran across this tweet, where a younger guy tells an older guy he can't think of the word he wants because he's so used to relying on ChatGPT. A number of younger people in the comments say how they rely on ChatGPT to write everything they produce, and they can't imagine how people used to crank out pages of written copy on a typewriter with nothing more than the erase key for corrections.

It's amazing to me that so many educated young people are nearly illiterate, and are completely dependent on AI to even generate the least amount of written content! Everybody here on the forum seems to be able to express themselves easily in writing. Is this becoming a lot art?

It's amazing to me that so many educated young people are nearly illiterate, and are completely dependent on AI to even generate the least amount of written content! Everybody here on the forum seems to be able to express themselves easily in writing. Is this becoming a lot art?
To be honest everyone in my family had the same issue starting in 2019, before ChatGPT.

I figured it was the combination of poor sleep, fluoride calcifying the pineal gland, microplastics in our blood and lack of exercise. I've not had the same problems since I moved to a much more active job, so it was probably mostly exercise.

Very fascinating that ChatGPT resolved this, maybe I should read my Grandma's 1980s edition dictionary. It might just have been a case of vocabulary getting lost from the free recall (you don't need a reminder to remember it) partition of the brains long term brain.
I can already see the writing on the wall with AI. And although we're already seeing these issues, it's only going to intensify:

- dumber people who all think the same way
- dumb people who think they're always right and will argue with you, because an AI told them "the truth"
- a generation of functionally illiterate youth
- a generation of graduates with perfect resumes/CVs, but who can't pass a verbal interview
- a generation of graduates who cannot solve problems, think outside the box, or create anything new
- etc.

Basically, we're going to have a continuance and intensification of robots who can only regurgitate whatever an AI model told them. It's like the people who drive down the wrong street, off a cliff, or into the harbor, because their GPS/navigator told them it was the right way to go.
I can already see the writing on the wall with AI. And although we're already seeing these issues, it's only going to intensify:

- dumber people who all think the same way
- dumb people who think they're always right and will argue with you, because an AI told them "the truth"
- a generation of functionally illiterate youth
- a generation of graduates with perfect resumes/CVs, but who can't pass a verbal interview
- a generation of graduates who cannot solve problems, think outside the box, or create anything new
- etc.

Basically, we're going to have a continuance and intensification of robots who can only regurgitate whatever an AI model told them. It's like the people who drive down the wrong street, off a cliff, or into the harbor, because their GPS/navigator told them it was the right way to go.

These are all just old problems repackaged in a new box. At least unlike the Jewish Media, sometimes AI tells the truth against it's programming restrictions.
These are all just old problems repackaged in a new box. At least unlike the Jewish Media, sometimes AI tells the truth against it's programming restrictions.

For now.

Btw; this AI thing is all by design, Gen Z were already an almost brain dead generation. Just wait until they ((())) give them power what will happen to the likes of us and our children and grandchildren.
Indians have had it rough, but they did the same things to each other before the white man came. People are just mad that Europeans usually won.

Land belongs to those that can hold it, history is filled with cultures and people that have been conquered I don't know why the native savages are special here in the USA.....well I do know why but it's dumb.

Don't get me wrong I know "native" people who are fine people, the white guilt hand out crap is perpetuated by those with something to gain from it and those I know are actually against being used as pawns and exploited for it.
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