Clown World Thread

They waz queens


fight club quote GIF


In the future, kids will be taught that WW2 was won by blacks, browns, and jews against evil white men and their enslavement of other races and Jews (maybe even by then the holocaust will turned into a genocide against blacks and browns and not Jews, since Jews could never be in such a weak position as to be massacred).

If the movie is accurate (I will not waste my time looking into the history), this would mark the beginning of the US gov't being the biggest employer of black women.
Land belongs to those that can hold it, history is filled with cultures and people that have been conquered I don't know why the native savages are special here in the USA.....well I do know why but it's dumb.

Don't get me wrong I know "native" people who are fine people, the white guilt hand out crap is perpetuated by those with something to gain from it and those I know are actually against being used as pawns and exploited for it.
“Land belongs to those who can hold it”.

Yup, whitey is painted as uniquely evil because we have defeated so many other races and conquered their land. But the reality is everyone was trying the same thing, but we won most of the time because of technological superiority (ie, being smarter than the savages).