The Epstein Docs

Teenagers can't consent to sex with adults. If a 16 year old has sex with another 16 year old they've both sinned, albeit one that most socially but not spiritually well adjusted people in this day and age commit around that age. That's not the same thing as being groomed into sexually pleasuring some 50 year old pervert.
So if some Chad in his 20’s messages some 15 year old girl on instagram, tells her he thinks she’s cute, they meet up and have willing sex, only he has sinned right? After all, she can’t consent to sex with an adult, so therefore she hasn’t sinned at all.
So if some Chad in his 20’s messages some 15 year old girl on instagram, tells her he thinks she’s cute, they meet up and have willing sex, only he has sinned right? After all, she can’t consent to sex with an adult, so therefore she hasn’t sinned at all.

Sinning in the spiritual sense and committing a crime often overlap, but they aren't the same thing.
Unpopular opinion:

Most of these “victims” aren’t even victims. They are biological adults and were given large amounts of money for their “services” (just stay still and don’t resist, such work!). They benefitted in the long run. They’ll be fine.
I did have a mildly similar opinion after watching that Ghislaine Maxwell documentary, but only partly.

She was horribly predatory and dominant, total outlier personality. I don't know that Jeffrey did the hunting to the extent that she did, she brought them to him. Very strange.

They are victims in that they were truly the victim of very predatory and perverted characters, but the way she would usher them into limousines was the bait of fame etc. If they are so tempted by fame to go along with it, instead of the drive to conservative family life, chastity etc, are they completely pure and innocent in the first place themselves?

You don't get the impression there were threats of violence, just very dominant and scary personalities with warped urges.

So the list exists and if Harris wins it won't come out and if Trump wins it will come out? Knowing of a felony and not reporting said felony is in itself a felony. So basically, everyone is a felon. Got it. I just wish a bunch of people like these guys (Elon and Tucker) would just tell us everything they know all at once and stop already with this trickle down sporadic truth telling. WTF is really going on gentlemen?

I'm not sure who, or what to believe? Elon sounds convincing, which is why he's still on my Candidate For Antichrist shortlist. I'd bet anything that his mother is a jew.
So the list exists and if Harris wins it won't come out and if Trump wins it will come out? Knowing of a felony and not reporting said felony is in itself a felony. So basically, everyone is a felon. Got it. I just wish a bunch of people like these guys (Elon and Tucker) would just tell us everything they know all at once and stop already with this trickle down sporadic truth telling. WTF is really going on gentlemen?

I'm not sure who, or what to believe? Elon sounds convincing, which is why he's still on my Candidate For Antichrist shortlist. I'd bet anything that his mother is a jew.
It's clear an Epstein list exists. Trump ought to have it, and ought to have already released it.

The best explanation I can see is that the Deep State had more control over the government than him, and he caved to whatever threats they made.

His only path to true victory now is to amass a strong enough electoral victory that he can roll over the deep state opposition and destroy them.

I expect him to win at this point, but he has a huge hurdle to overcome to truly control the federal government.

I see signs of hope. This Helene hurricane situation is swinging a lot of people, and the coming hurricane will swing more. Even if existing weather control technologies weren'9t used, many people will think it was.

Add in the outrageous foreign aid while ignoring local needs. The evil doers may have finally gone too far.

I pray it's so.

I may be living in a fantasy world, but all these things are out in public view now. It's hard to push this all back out of sight.
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Even if existing weather control technologies wasn't used, many people will think it was.
It's strange that everbody I'm talking to here in Western NC has heard about this weather "conspiracy" and the lithium thing. Is this part of some reverse psychology psyop or does such technology truly exist? I've also been throwing in "The mayor of Asheville is a jew" thing into the mix and people's heads begin spinning. I don't know what the hell is going on but it does seem like there is at least a slight waking up occuring. Nobody I've ever talked to actually believes Epstein killed himself. I just think that most people don't know what to do about any of this and so they're sticking their heads in the sand and hoping it will all go away. They just don't have the skill sets to cope or to resist the JQ government tyranny via guerilla-warfare. But if there was any place in the US that would be perfect to stage a guerilla-style resistance, it would be Western NC along the Blue Ridge Parkway. The feds would take heavy loses in these here mountains.
It's strange that everbody I'm talking to here in Western NC has heard about this weather "conspiracy" and the lithium thing. Is this part of some reverse psychology psyop or does such technology truly exist? I've also been throwing in "The mayor of Asheville is a jew" thing into the mix and people's heads begin spinning. I don't know what the hell is going on but it does seem like there is at least a slight waking up occuring. Nobody I've ever talked to actually believes Epstein killed himself. I just think that most people don't know what to do about any of this and so they're sticking their heads in the sand and hoping it will all go away. They just don't have the skill sets to cope or to resist the JQ government tyranny via guerilla-warfare. But if there was any place in the US that would be perfect to stage a guerilla-style resistance, it would be Western NC along the Blue Ridge Parkway. The feds would take heavy loses in these here mountains.
Wait, what!,?

Nobody around you in Western NC has even "heard of" weather control affecting Helene, or the next hurricane headed for Florida,


large lithium mines in play!

And they think all in all nothing unusual is going on?

No. I don't believe you.
Wait, what!,?

Nobody around you in Western NC has even "heard of" weather control affecting Helene, or the next hurricane headed for Florida,


large lithium mines in play!

And they think all in all nothing unusual is going on?

No. I don't believe you.
You misread what I wrote...
... everbody I'm talking to here in Western NC has heard about this weather "conspiracy" and the lithium thing.
So the list exists and if Harris wins it won't come out and if Trump wins it will come out? Knowing of a felony and not reporting said felony is in itself a felony. So basically, everyone is a felon. Got it. I just wish a bunch of people like these guys (Elon and Tucker) would just tell us everything they know all at once and stop already with this trickle down sporadic truth telling. WTF is really going on gentlemen?

I'm not sure who, or what to believe? Elon sounds convincing, which is why he's still on my Candidate For Antichrist shortlist. I'd bet anything that his mother is a jew.
What you know and what you can prove are two different things. Elon might know certain billionaires are linked with Epstein and engaged in illegal activities but it doesn’t mean he can prove it and making direct accusations could be considered slander and make him legally liable for slander.
If any of you have ever traveled to corners of the dark web in times previously, it is a hard stain and sight to wash from one's eyes and mind. You may have been a kid who was curious about what was out there and were unprepared to be hit with the level of evil that is not very far from all of us. Lost souls cling to the excesses of gore and deviancy and other abhorrid blasphemies that fill the dark corners of the internet.

Who knows what is there now, but it is full of demonic behavior from all kinds of sexual and bloodlusting deviants. When you find out about the israeli sex trafficking industry that has always been active and still is, and see pictures of the victims who have had their limbs surgically removed so they cannot escape and are resigned to be stump plaything slaves the remainder of their lives, it makes you think what else are they doing? My guess is that most of our souls here, who are good and decent human beings, would not be able to stomach the true vulgarity and profanity of flesh that occurs behind closed doors and under the ground where the public faces we see, people like Elon, Tucker, Bill Gates, Epstein, Trump, etc are just scratching the surface. The deep jew bankers never reveal themselves publicly. There was a guy on one of the chans years ago who had a list of the Rothschilds money handlers, they were "European" jews mostly, with some "Russian" jews and israelis in the mix.

We must pray yes, always, but we must also be ready to vanquish evildoers because the battle for souls is ongoing. God will not send us to hell for removing these people from the mortal coil if we are so blessed to be given those opportunities, either individually or as a vengeful collective. Not every one of them will live to their nineties and hundreds waiting for the reaper. The spiritual anguish of the world is calling out for justice, and a reckoning will come for them, even if it fails at first, it will still come.

I wouldn't focus on any media attention on this subject, like every other truth in recent history and before that, they will never release anything that galvanizes a population against the jews and their servants. Everything they do release on this list will be confusion. As if there is just one "list".
Sort of on topic.

If you look at her post titles, she posted on an extremely eclectic range of topics, many of them very interesting,

Funny that in addition to be some kind of superspy madam, she was also a top redditer with an impressive range of post content. She must has spent a large amount of her time posting and surfing for material. I suppose a madam like her is supposed to be able to hold intelligent conversation with all kinds of high ranking johns.

We literally already have the list. It's been available for a long time. It's not hard to find.
