The J. D. Vance Thread

Thomas More

I figured a thread on Trump's new VP pick would be good. Vance is a a very interesting pick. Trump is fairly old and overweight, although he still has a lot of vigor. His VP has a real chance of taking office, not to mention future opportuities to run for President if Trump finishes his term.

Vance is an adult convert to Catholcism, in 2019. He has a Hindu wife he met in college. Vance was previously anti-Trump, but he displays some right thinking in his Hillbilly Elegy book.

He's not a perfect choice, but may be as good as can be achieved in the present climate. People say that the left will be reluctant to kill Trump now, because they fear Vance could be worse for them. I'm not convinced of this yet.

Here's an article about Vance's religious beliefs:

There has never been a VP candidate that so closely represents me. Sure, he enlisted in the Marines, went to Ivy League law school, took the trip, and was elected to the Senate. However, he always had a career in politics in mind and knew this was the route. He is a down-to-earth guy who has not forgotten where he came from.
I would have disqualified him as a pick just for his judgement in marrying an Indian women. Of all the women in the world, he picked one wildly different than his own kind. Now expect a rise of 1% in Indians immigrating to the USA in the next four years following a Trump presidency because of this guy.
Some progressive posted this as a hit on JD Vance - jumping on the trend of past negative comments he had made on Trump. However, it actually made me more confident in Vance as a pick and how he could be a solid successor to the MAGA movement. It seems he already had an concern for the blue collar working class voters and realized that they were being failed by both of the major parties. He was on the populism train early back when it wasn't certain if it would actually leave the station.

I would have disqualified him as a pick just for his judgement in marrying an Indian women. Of all the women in the world, he picked one wildly different than his own kind. Now expect a rise of 1% in Indians immigrating to the USA in the next four years following a Trump presidency because of this guy.
Vance's wife clerked for SCOTUS Justices Roberts and Kavanaigh. She also encouraged J.D. to rediscover his Christian faith. (She maintains her deeply Hindi religion faith.)

I see those as positive due to her role as a wife who's supportive of her husband's path.

Honestly curious who the Vance doomers would have preferred as a VP pick? Tucker Carlson? Mike Flynn? Nick Fuentes? Vladimir Putin? The reanimated corpse of Adolf Hitler? Is there anyone conceivably based enough to overcome your critiques?

Vivek, maybe? Tulsi Gabbard? But then you'd have the bizarre spectacle of the same guys trashing Vance for having an Indian wife pushing an actual Indian dude or a Hawaiian woman. Completely incoherent race-based criticism.

The reality is that some people simply don't understand the practical realities of politics, and because of this they will never be remotely satisfied with anything Trump does.
Honestly curious who the Vance doomers would have preferred as a VP pick? Tucker Carlson? Mike Flynn? Nick Fuentes? Vladimir Putin? The reanimated corpse of Adolf Hitler? Is there anyone conceivably based enough to overcome your critiques?

Vivek, maybe? Tulsi Gabbard? But then you'd have the bizarre spectacle of the same guys trashing Vance for having an Indian wife pushing an actual Indian dude or a Hawaiian woman. Completely incoherent race-based criticism.

The reality is that some people simply don't understand the practical realities of politics, and because of this they will never be remotely satisfied with anything Trump does.

Vivek doesn't have a history of being an Obama adoring, Neocon aligned, never Trumper. He's also not an Israel first type.
Vivek doesn't have a history of being an Obama adoring, Neocon aligned, never Trumper. He's also not an Israel first type.
Vivek would have had the most Indian cabinet in history.

He really does say a lot of great things, but it's just not the same as if he were a white Christian saying the same things. He is saying what seems politically expedient as a Hindu Indian-American pursuing a political career.

He is not the politician who will turn America back onto the right track.
Vivek doesn't have a history of being an Obama adoring, Neocon aligned, never Trumper.
That's because he doesn't have much political history to speak of whatsoever. He just appeared on the scene all of a sudden spouting (admittedly incredibly based) rhetoric. If you want to dismiss Vance for changing his views on Trump, you could just as easily criticize Vivek for being a johnny-come-lately who has no real core beliefs and is just parroting what the base wants to hear. (I'm not saying this is true, but it's the same type of unfounded criticism being leveled at Vance).

As I said, some people will just never be satisifed with anything.
He's also not an Israel first type.
As opposed to Donald Trump himself? Who is known for his steadfast opposition to the Israel lobby? Yeah, not quite...

There is no perfect VP pick, just like there is no perfect Presidential candidate. You're forced to work with the choices available. And Vance was a great strategic pick overall.
I think he'll be a bulldog and a great VP.

Frankly, my main strategic concern with Vance is that he doesn't appeal enough to people who haven't voted for Trump before but are considering voting for him in 2024 (moderates, independents, minorities). Trump already has a lock on the voters that Vance most appeals to (white, military, rural). It's basically Trump doubling down, rather than trying to broaden his appeal.

That's purely a strategic consideration though. Once Trump is in office, I think it's a great pick.
As I said, some people will just never be satisifed with anything.
I've noticed that the left is never satisfied and the Overton windows keeps shifting to the left. The right is too satisfied, and capitulates to the constant leftward drift.

Not saying that Vance is a total compromise on Trump's part, just saying that it pays to be unsatisfied sometimes. Don't get too comfortable.
The only one who isn't afraid to name the enemy is Dr. Shiva, and for an Indian, at least he respects Whites enough and disses the jews any chance he gets. Most people who've been up close with jews in relationships and live to tell the tale come away with his perspective.

If any of us here married a Hindu Indian woman and claimed to be a formerly struggling Christian and that her snake-worshiping pantheistic cult "helped" us rediscover our faith no one here would take us seriously, and I would seriously question what form of bastardized judeo-Christianity that man believes in.

Expect a nothing-burger at best. The European politicians are all the same, the only one who went against the jews openly was Grezgorz Braun, and we will see how long that lasts.
Honestly curious who the Vance doomers would have preferred as a VP pick? Tucker Carlson? Mike Flynn? Nick Fuentes? Vladimir Putin? The reanimated corpse of Adolf Hitler? Is there anyone conceivably based enough to overcome your critiques?

Vivek, maybe? Tulsi Gabbard? But then you'd have the bizarre spectacle of the same guys trashing Vance for having an Indian wife pushing an actual Indian dude or a Hawaiian woman. Completely incoherent race-based criticism.

The reality is that some people simply don't understand the practical realities of politics, and because of this they will never be remotely satisfied with anything Trump does.

A lot if people were hoping for Tulsi.

Who by the way is technically an irt but at least she’s relatively westernized

Here is Vance and his wife. She looks thrilled to be with him,


Man, the USA and the west are full of street shitting irts . It is what it is

In case if any if you forgot Indians like to cover themselves in cow dung, drink cow piss to ward of covid, and worship demons and cows

Yes basically all Hindus are like this, don’t try to say it’s only a small minority etc and that most Indians are actually super smart with good values and can write code as well as anyone
I think he'll be a bulldog and a great VP.

Frankly, my main strategic concern with Vance is that he doesn't appeal enough to people who haven't voted for Trump before but are considering voting for him in 2024 (moderates, independents, minorities). Trump already has a lock on the voters that Vance most appeals to (white, military, rural). It's basically Trump doubling down, rather than trying to broaden his appeal.

That's purely a strategic consideration though. Once Trump is in office, I think it's a great pick.
I think it is best for Trump to double down. He tried to coopt establishment types in his first administration, thinking he could bring them around to his way of thinking. Instead they stabbed him in the back. Pence, Barr, Pompeo, Wray. All traitors.

He needs to appoint people who share his thinking as much as possible.
I think it is best for Trump to double down. He tried to coopt establishment types in his first administration, thinking he could bring them around to his way of thinking. Instead they stabbed him in the back. Pence, Barr, Pompeo, Wray. All traitors.

He needs to appoint people who share his thinking as much as possible.

Trump somewhat does need the cuckservatuve support. If he alienates the cuckservatives then the democrats plus cuckservatives could impeach and convict him in his first month in office