Daily Stormer & Andrew Anglin Thread

Anglins writing is borderline garbage from what I've read....

An occasional quip muffled between verbose profanity does not float my boat... But your mileage may vary.

Anglin needs to take some crash courses in proper writing.
His articles read like they were written by a foul mouthed teenager with zero knowledge of basic writing techniques like structure and prose.

Someone send this music video to Anglin so he gets the idea.

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Anglin needs to take some crash courses in proper writing.
His articles read like they were written by a foul mouthed teenager with zero knowledge of basic writing techniques like structure and prose.

Someone send this music video to Anglin so he gets the idea.

He can write. Many of his old articles were much better structured and edited, even in the Total Fascism days. He developed the conversational, stream of consciousness type of style over the last couple of years. I have to say I like it a little bit, although it gets too much sometimes. I think it's connected to his goal of producing high frequency output.

We can't all be Ron Unzes.
He can write. Many of his old articles were much better structured and edited, even in the Total Fascism days. He developed the conversational, stream of consciousness type of style over the last couple of years. I have to say I like it a little bit, although it gets too much sometimes. I think it's connected to his goal of producing high frequency output.

We can't all be Ron Unzes.
I think Anglin has been noticeably worn down by the years, the stress of living outside of the system, his drinking habit and the sheer prodigious volume of his output over the past decade. I mean, the man has been writing multiple articles per day almost non-stop since 2012. It's really a tremendous amount of work for any single person to accomplish. His tenacity and discipline are quite admirable, in my opinion. The quality of his writing and analysis isn't what it once was, but he still does important work. Also, he's still reliably hilarious in a way that no other active journalist can match, which provides a nice contrast and balance with his doomposting.
I think Anglin has been noticeably worn down by the years
Exactly. My reading frequency has gone down in the past months, because he just seems so bored and depressed by the stuff he confronts all the time. I frequently take days, or sometimes weeks off from reading petty culture wars news. I cannot imagine doing it everyday for a long time. It must feel like swallowing nails for breakfast (without milk) every morning at some point.

He said recently that he wants to change the format a bit, and I think it would be worth trying to do more Ron Unz type articles, where he lays it all out and gives his thoughts on a broader topic, maybe with some source links. And then just reduce the culture wars stuff. I don't really think the current system is sustainable. There is a German content creator, Tim Kellner, who does the same with German news, and I have no idea how he does it. It's depressing to watch sometimes. But he at least has his Youtube, so the system makes more sense audience-wise. DS is probably read a lot by oldcats anyways. Nobody starts reading the Stormer because he just started to get redpilled on culture wars.

I liked many of his long form elaborations on a topic, and I read many of his Insight articles even from years back, because there was so much food for thought there.
I didn't even have time to finish this latest AA post tearing apart Trump's VP choice, but it's classic, highly recommended. I think AA might be in his golden age now. No one else captures the absurdity of almost everything in 2024 like this in quite this way that makes me laugh and want to cry at the same time.

Anglin's recent article on fasting is pretty great, I highly recommend giving it a read. I'm currently reading the study he told people to read/skim in that article:
Did this actually happen? I did an advanced Twitter search for the word "Anglin" for Young Pentitent's Twitter account and the only time Anglin was mentioned on the announcement. Seems like there wasn't a follow up.
Yeah I subscribed to Young Penitent's channel a while ago just to wait for that interview with Anglin but it seems like it just didn't happen.
Anglin is talking about the demiurge in the recent annual Christmas e-begging article. Is he some kind of gnostic now, or is he on too many layers of irony for my autistic brain to handle?