Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

They did not want to go back because they had it really good exploiting Germans and other Europeans of their money and labor.

But they did have an option to leave the big bad evil Anti Semitic Germany, yet they wanted to stay. Funny how that works, right? You'll never hear about that one in history class.

The story is always the same. "WHITES ARE EVIL!!!!1" and yet everyone wants to live with them and profit from their labor. :rolleyes:
Jews are many bad things but they are not dumb (in general). You would imagine that they would have seen the writing on the wall and known that things would get worse for them. I feel there must be more practical reasons why they didn't leave en mass. Maybe the fine print of the deal had a lot of conditions which were hard to satisfy?
They could have negotiated terms of surrender the minute U.S.A. got involved in the war, and the terms of surrender would have been much more favorable then what they received when they finally lost the war. Not to mention Germany would have been spared many bombings and pointless deaths.

Hitler and other Germans not liking the Jews and wanting to stop their influence and subversion I can understand but the way Hitler dealt with it was very extreme and something most Germans even at the time ultimately did not approve of. They could have just kicked the Jews out of Europe and sent them back to Israel. They did not need to go to the extent they did. If Hitler was really a Christian he should have had more forgiveness towards the Jews like Jesus did. By the way I am not saying Hitler killed 6 million Jews. I think 6 million is a symbolic figure rather than a literally accurate account. But nevertheless a lot of Jews died because of Hitler.
The terms of surrender were made clear in 1933, in peace time when the German government tried to calm the international jewish community down after they openly declared economic war on Germany. The jews and their plutocratic enablers of the boycott had two primary demands: get rid of Hitler and the NSDAP and turn the reigns of government back to its former "yes" men in either the SPD or Center party, then reinstate every single jew that was removed from finance, media, education, government, medicine, and entertainment. Even when Hindenburg was still President and Hitler was only Chancellor until the former's death in 1934, they both denied any of these obvious concessions to international jewish banking elites. The entire resurrection of the German nation only began once these parasites were removed from their positions and the Weimar Republic was essentially dismantled.

Please read the first post in this thread:


There was no "final solution." The jews were to be kept in the labor camps until Germany could resettle them in their own territory, which was changed from Madagascar to somewhere close to the Pale of Settlement after 1941. Despite the 1937 Haavara, Hitler did not like the idea of them going to Palestine en masse and he made several speeches about this. Germany held the Anti-Balfour conference in Berlin in 1942 with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj-Amin El-Husseini, the Prime Minister of Iraq Rashid Al-Gaylani, and Indian freedom fighter Subhas Chandra Bose in attendance. This event is mostly where the discussion of the future of the jews took place, not the mainstream hyper-emphasized "Wannsee Conference".

There is not a single German document detailing any genocidal "final solution" for partisans or otherwise, what we know of in English is not the same connotative translation for this phrase anyhow. Partisans were considered more of a threat than any jew working in a labor camp because partisans were guilty of violating the sacred laws of combat. They were cowards who would ambush people, lure soldiers into traps, and don the uniforms of military servicemen in order to surprise attack other soldiers. The partisans were basically pro bono Bolsheviks. The total number of dead jews in the labor camps numbers less than 200,000. Overall between 250,000 and 270,000 people died in the labor camps between 1941 and 1945, primarily of typhus, and 1944 and beyond from starvation, malnutrition, exposure, with a much smaller demographic dying from Allied bombs, as well as execution from the camp guards for seditious behavior or sabotage.

Eastern European jews were never targeted for extermination. This is a lie that they propagate to this very day. If anything, Hitler was too humanitarian to them. Life in the camps compared to the front lines or the German cities under constant bombardment was a pretty safe experience, and they had more luxuries than the regular German citizens and more rations in terms of calories than the fighting soldiers had on the front. Read the post there when you have time, I don't need to type it all out a second time in this thread.

The big lie from the camps is a money grab more than anything else. It is a huge industry that rakes in billions of dollars from the occupied German nation to this very day, rendering these people an existence in economic independence and manifest destiny somewhere between a barn mule and a feudal serf at best. Only medieval Lords and Vassals didn't plan for the slow genocide of their serfs by importing violent impulsive non-Europeans.

Here are some more videos which go into the lies about this myth, in supplement to the three most evidentiary documentaries I posted in the other thread.

This is a 2-hour documentary that goes more into the details of the myth from the myth-tellers themselves, but I recommend the other three first before this:

"The Last Days of the Big Lie - Steven Spielberg's Holocaust Lies Exposed as Propaganda"

This one is quick and to the point, combines some of the most important data from the other three in the other thread:

"The Hard Facts of the Holocaust"

It will take you sometime to digest all of this information and unlearn what you have been told.
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These are making the rounds now as well. Operation Thunder is completely provable. The political dialectics of 1939-1940 are not explored as often by historians, they simply taut mainstream lines of German "aggression" and completely ignore the designs of Stalin and other architects of USSR-caused misery. What more proof do people need that history is written by the victors in such a foreboding and silencing manner? Every move Germany made in those two years was a reactive countermove to a Soviet ambition or an English pre-emptive ploy against a particular resource.

Whether the Finns could have held out on their own against the Soviets longer than the Winter War is debatable, but I do not think they would have had England invaded the other Nordic countries and made good on their part of the bargain with Stalin. If they had more men like Simo Hayha, perhaps they could have. These hypotheticals are amusing, but we must remember to look at all the available logistics of the time.

The outlines from the book do present interesting answers to why certain moves on the map occurred in 1939 and 1940. The ambitions of the Soviet Union were the most aggressive of all the countries, and this includes every single satellite communist uprising that occurred in traditional monarchic European nations in the 1910s, 1920s, and 1930s.

War has it's own laws, we must consider the before, during, and after of causality for every conflict and even each individual battle to get a flow of the bigger picture.

Here Hitler talks about the offensive moves from the USSR occurring in 1940 and 1941:

"Soviet Operation Thunder - Stalin's planned invasion of western Europe on July 10th, 1941"

Around 8 minutes you can see some panned aerial footage of the Soviet buildup behind their line, it's very brief. The rest of the footage is mostly German tanks cut in with various meetings of officers against the backdrop of his speech.

Here is the annotation of his speech in the video, in regards to what happened with the Non-Aggression pact clearing up the confusion around the prelude to Barbarossa. The speech was at the Sportpalast on the opening of the Kriegswinterhilfswerk in Berlin, October 3, 1941. It corroborates much of the claims in the book you posted, specifically about Soviet behavior:

View attachment 8230
View attachment 8231
View attachment 8232

The last few paragraphs are chilling when you think about it. They did break the Soviet Union, but the barges at Murmansk kept coming from the west with American planes, tanks, trucks, AA guns, food, equipment, and more. Could any military commander have anticipated the extent of both the Lend-Lease act's enormous warmongering treachery, along with the Soviet Commissar's forcing millions of men, Russians, Asiatics, Mongols, and others, into a suicide bum-rush of Stalin's "not one inch back policy" that ultimately led to a war of attrition? I'm open to hearing opinions on this. This meme comes to mind here:

View attachment 8233

It is a quote by Mr. James Baker, III, the former Secretary of State and was published in 1992 in the German magazine Der Spiegel. "Wir machten aus Hitler ein Monstrum, einen Teufel. Deshalb konnten wir nach dem Krieg auch nicht mehr davon abrücken. Hatten wir doch die Massen gegen den Teufel persönlich mobilisiert. Also waren wir nach dem Krieg gezwungen, in diesem Teufelsszenario mitzuspielen. Wir hätten unmöglich unseren Menschen klarmachen können, daß der Krieg eigentlich nur eine wirtschaftliche Präventivmaßnahme war!"
--James Baker, ehemaliger US-Außenminister​



probably fake?
He writes prior to the poem, "here's a little poem the boys will often say". That's quite something. I do wonder if that was a common sentiment among the hardened troops.

Knowledge of the Talmuds was common as knowing that you need water to grow crops for thousands of years.

The entire point of the (((education))) system was to separate Boomer dads from their children so they would never know.

Goebbels diaries:

"A law against hating jews is usually the beginning of the end for the jews"

"In the long run, it does the Jews no good to plead in parliament and the newspapers for tougher laws against anti-Semitism, or to haul out the highest secular and spiritual dignitaries, among them naturally the Archbishop of Canterbury, to say a good word for the poor innocent persecuted Jews. "

"We have pity only for the countless millions of our own people and those of other European nations who will be given over to the hate and destructive will of this devilish race if we become weak and give up the battle. Those Philistines who today are so eager to protect the Jews would be their first victims."
Your jew-lover Putin compared Christianity to communism in speeches, and his foreign policy is to rid the world of "Nazism," aka a smear word for anything White. It seems fitting since the Bolsheviks concocted the Holohoax that their successors would throw anyone denying it in prison, and ban all White Russian organizations. Exposing the Holohoax is punishable with prison sentences there, worse than cucked-western Europe. They killed the White Russian Crusader Tesak in a detention cell before a tribunal because he was hunting down pedophiles with connections to Putin. I don't know if you've seen Russia recently, a satanic force is swelling inside of it under the very nose of the Orthodox Church. White Russian girls as young as 14 are often in relationships and impregnated by mixed-race Asiatics, or African migrants. Putin is going full Kwanza and obsessed with mixing all the races. There are so many blacks in Russia it isn't even funny, it's reverting to it's Bolshevik past by their inability to denounce Stalinism or any of its heinous crimes and making their entire outlook on their country based on "V-day" instead of any other vastly more important holidays in Russia's Christian history like the uniting of the Rus tribes to repel the Mongol invasion. Instead, they celebrate their "victory" over the last resistance to the satanic jewish NWO. Your Putin institutes draconian military laws that has peasant White Russians dying and often committing suicide by grenade in their vests on the frontlines while muds defile their women back home. Nothing new under the sun from a jewish servant.

1. Dmitrii Medvedev = Aaron Mendel, former Prime Minister, current Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation - Jewish
2. President of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Musustn, Armenian-Jewish. Paternal grandfather - Moishe Musustin
3. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation - Lavrov (Kollontai) Sergei Viktorovich - Armenian Jew;
4. Former Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in 1998) Sergei Kirienko alias Sergei Izrailtel. Currently Director of Rosatom (State Nuclear Energy Corporation).
5. Mayor of Moscow Sobyanin (Kanalgerukh) Sergei Semenovich - Jewish;
6. Former Mayor of Moscow - Luzhkov (Katz) Yuri - Jew;
7. Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia - Kirill Gundyaev , actually Vexelman - Jew;
8. Valentina Matvienko , President of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation - - Jewish;
9. President of the State Duma of the Russian Federation - Vyacheslav Volodin - Jewish;
10. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Arkadi Dvorkovich - Jewish;
11. First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Sergei Khloponin - Jew;
12. First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich - Jew;
13. Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Kozak Dmitry Nikolaevich - Jew;
14. Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Sechin Igor Ivanovich - Jew;
15. Minister of Finance - Anton Siluanov - Jew;
16. Minister of Health and Social Development - Golikova Tatyana Alekseevna - Jewish;
17. Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation - Sergei Ivanovich Shmatko - Jew;
18. Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation - Viktor Fedorovich Basargin - Jew;
19. Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation - Shchegolev Igor Olegovich - Jew;
20. Minister of Agriculture - Elena Borisovna Skrynnik - Jewish;
21. Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - Andrey Aleksandrovich Fursenko - Jew;
22. Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - Viktor Borisovich Khristenko - Jew;
23. Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation - Shoigu (Rivlin) Sergei Kuzhugetovich - Jew;
24. Minister of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation - Vitaly Mutko - Jew;
25. Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation - Levitin Igor Yevgenievich - Jew;
26. Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation - Konovalov Alexander Vladimirovich - Jew;
27. The head of Rusnano is Chubais (Sagal) Anatoly - Jew;
28. Head of the "Just Russia" faction - Sergei Mironov - Jew;
29. Head of the Yabloko faction - Grigory Yavlinsky - Jew;
30. Chairman of the Central Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation - Ella Panfilova - Jew.
31. Former Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation - Anatoly Eduardovich Serdyukov - Jew;
32. President of the Union of Entrepreneurs - Titov (Mazur) - Jew;
33. FORMER PRIME MINISTERS: Cernomyrdin (Schleer) Victor - Jew; Primakov (Kirshblat) Yevgeny - Jew; Kasyanov Mikhail - Jew; Fradkov Mikhail - Jew; Nemtsov (Neyman) Boris - Jew.
Businessman Berezovsky is Jewish; Khodorkovsky is Jewish. And in general, all of Russia's 106 billionaires are Jewish. The heads of Russia's largest state corporations are all Jewish.
All administrative, political, financial, cultural, economic, propaganda power in Russia is in the hands of Jews.


Not all easily verifiable but some are easy to search.
We can discuss the background of Russian billionaires on the Russian Power Structure thread. Whether a Billionaire is jewish or not their actions should still be investigated to see if they are a net good or not for their national brethren.

@Cooper Yes his paintings were quite intricate, although he never applied his trade to the fullest he did make a living briefly selling them, among working various construction jobs, and was able to survive the squalor of pre-WWI Vienna because of this. The number of applicants who also were not admitted with Hitler when he took the exams was pretty high, almost a hundred. The art academies were very selective and likely some of the pre-war Habsburg-esque political clout lingered in the middle and upper circle of Vienna. Poor people usually did not attempt to join the arts, many were relegated to unskilled labor, as has been for centuries.

The last painting you put there titled "The Virgin Mother and the Holy Child" is very telling, one of the most prolific ones he has done that showed his ability for potential Catholic iconography, had he continued. He did do a lot of Cathedral and Church paintings, as well as monastic ones, which are rare because you usually do not see a Hitler painting with people in it, several have soldiers and townspeople in city settings, but most of the art reflects his aspirations for architecture, specifically Gothic and Baroque. Art criticism is an entirely separate discussion that few people to this day can seem to agree upon the minutia. Here are a few for reference:


Some interesting pieces of early NSDAP history shed light on much of the lies told about it postwar:

The Strasser brothers, Otto and Gregor, were the first people who started circulating rumors of anti-Christian sentiment about mainstream NSDAP members, especially on the character of Hitler as far back as the early 1920s, before he was a party leader. It's funny how one little inter-party smear campaign went on to be one of the largest brick walls to unbiased investigation on Hitler long after this time period. It's no coincidence that the Strassers were hard leftists and wanted to veer the party along a similar line to the Bolsheviks. Otto remained a steadfast Hitler critic even post-war after he was allowed back in Germany after his exile. His brother Gregor, another Marxian socialist, was put down with the revolutionary deviant Ernst Rohm and the other conspirators during the Night of the Long Knives in 1934 after they had failed to assassinate Hitler with a hit squad at an airport near Munich.

Though he never made any paintings, Goebbels was a lot more Christian than people give him credit for. In one of his last speeches in Berlin he compared the eventual fall of international jewry and jewish banking at some unspecified point in the future being akin to God casting lucifer into the abyss, noting that it will happen because it is written.

His predictions were almost as prescient as Hitler's:

"The most shining culture the earth has ever seen sinks in ruins and leaves only memories of the greatness of an age destroyed by satanic powers. The peoples are shaken by the most severe economic and social crises, which are but foretastes of the terrible events to come. Our enemies claim that the Führer’s soldiers marched as conquerors through the lands of Europe — but wherever they came, they brought prosperity and happiness, peace, order, reliable conditions, a plenitude of work, and therefore a decent life. Our enemies claim their soldiers came to the same lands as liberators — but wherever they come there is poverty and misery, chaos, devastation and destruction, unemployment, hunger and mass death. And what remains of their so-called freedom is a life that no one would dare call decent even in the darkest corners of Africa.


Once more the armies of the enemy powers storm against our defensive fronts. Behind them is the slavering force of International Jewry that wants no peace until it has reached its satanic goal of world destruction. But its hopes are in vain! As he has done so often before, God will throw lucifer back into the abyss even as he stands before the gates of power over all the peoples. A man of truly timeless greatness, of unique courage, of a steadfastness that elevates the hearts of some and shakes those of others, will be his tool. Who will maintain that this man can be found in the leadership of Bolshevism or plutocracy? No, the German people bore him. It chose him, it by free election made him Führer. It knows his works of peace and now wants to bear and fight the war that was forced upon him until its successful end."

"Joseph Goebbels final broadcast, April 20th, 1945"

English full translation:

Quotes from his written works that reflect his Catholic upbringing and the often misaligned and separated notion of Nazionalsocialismus into having a Marxian socialist component when it has an entirely different basis on the Nationalized mindset, as well as his own personal feelings on Christ:


I have been discussing the mysterious end of Hitler and Goebbels with a few other dissidents for some time. They did die, but I do not believe either of them committed suicide, and I say this against mountains of propaganda to the contrary. This suicide thing always bothered many people, because it goes against so much of their character not to mention the spiritual dilemma. There is so much that the Soviets hid from the west during the end of that war. I could post pictures but they're quite graphic, but in short looking at the corpse of Goebbels there is no way he committed suicide, that much is provable. The way the body is contorted and the wounds it has would not have occurred with the way we were told it happened. There are huge marks of gruesome torture, and postmortem rigor mortis reflects an agonized death throe likely under torture or engulfed in flames whilst still alive. Hitler's corpse has no verified pictures presently, and all of the evidence the Soviet's allegedly acquired, the piece of jaw, the skull fragment, have been found to be a woman's. It is very likely that they went out fighting, as pitiful as that seems. Martin Bormann died in this same way, mysterious, as he was "fleeing" the Soviet encirclement.

Given the closeness of the Ezquarra unit to the Francoist government, a unit that fought against the Soviets along with the French Charlemagne division of the Waffen SS well after most of the Germans threw down their arms in Berlin, the fact that the Catholic Francoist government gave Hitler a Requiem Mass and an official Eulogy in the Spanish newspapers would not seem to be indicative of a respect one would bestow upon a suicide. The Spanish Waffen-SS volunteers who fought until the very end would have had knowledge of Hitler's end that would not be corrupted by the Bolsheviks and their Soviet propaganda, and Miguel Ezquarra himself has been mocked for producing inspiring stories that do not fit the line of post-war propaganda.

The Spanish news had said word for word "Adolf Hitler, Son of the Catholic Church, died fighting Bolshevism." It is very likely that he went out fighting, or in the very least, Goebbels did, which explains why the position of his corpse is virtually the same as one who is burned alive. When a living person is exposed to intense heat, the muscles contract, causing a body to adopt a pugilistic or "boxer" pose. However, if a body is burned post-mortem, such contraction would not occur to the same extent, as the physiological response is absent. The pictures of Magda Goebbels corpse is even more suspect, she was obviously raped and tortured before she was murdered. Very similar to the corpse of Mussolini's female companion who shared his demise. Much of what David Irving discovered on those final moments from all his interviews with old Germans I have great skepticism on now as more evidence is coming out these days.

All the accounts from the Führerbunker being filtered through Allied authorities, either American intel or Soviet intel, is a valid fact. The majority of eyewitness testimonies and reports about the last days in the bunker came from individuals who were captured and interrogated by either American or Soviet forces. This filtering process means that these accounts were influenced by the victorious powers' interests and biases. Consequently the narrative of Hitler's and the Goebbels' deaths is based on sources that were under considerable and coerced pressure and scrutiny in a post-war context.

Once you know that the Soviets lied about everything, and how they were the ones who did the torturing and the killing, anything they produce as a finding should become suspect. The notion of all the Reich collapsing under its leader's suicide was the beginning of the Nuremberg brainwashing. There are lies upon lies upon lies for this subject, it never ends.
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Once you know that the Soviets lied about everything, and how they were the ones who did the torturing and the killing, anything they produce as a finding should become suspect. The notion of all the Reich collapsing under its leader's suicide was the beginning of the Nuremberg brainwashing. There are lies upon lies upon lies for this subject, it never ends.

And Couple that with their Judeo-Masonic Allies, mainly the Jewish Banking Empire known as Great Britain and it's Vassal and up and Coming New Headquarters the, (United States), whom orchestrated the Vast Media Cover up of their attrocities and a continued Propaganda Campaign to put the United States in Good Light as Savior of the World.
Once you know that the Soviets lied about everything, and how they were the ones who did the torturing and the killing, anything they produce as a finding should become suspect. The notion of all the Reich collapsing under its leader's suicide was the beginning of the Nuremberg brainwashing. There are lies upon lies upon lies for this subject, it never ends.
Do you suppose Mr. Putin knows, or has good guesses from being told or reading internal documents, what really happened at the end there? I would guess he does. And it wouldn't pay to tell anyone about something so heinous such as the soviet's tactics and torture.
Do you suppose Mr. Putin knows, or has good guesses from being told or reading internal documents, what really happened at the end there? I would guess he does. And it wouldn't pay to tell anyone about something so heinous such as the soviet's tactics and torture.
I don't think anyone who wasn't physically there could ever really know, which is why I am going by the Spanish sources and the other foreign Waffen-SS fighters who were still fighting in May of 1945 on the streets of Berlin, some even refused to lay down their arms after the German generals ordered the ceasefire and surrender to the Red Army. The French and Spanish SS were bound by an intrinsic Catholic integrity to veritas, whereas the Communist ideologues are liars by nature, Red Army, Cheka, or otherwise. Leon Degrelle did not believe that Hitler killed himself, but it was known that the Fuhrer had died pretty much after the 5th or 6th of May to all the troops on the frontiers. By suppressing the fact that Hitler went out fighting and concocting this suicide mythology, they were able to cement the demise and turn the figure of Hitler into a coward for their own propaganda.

Mr. Putin may know what the Soviet documents and the personal intelligence reports of Marshall Zhukov may say, but that is irrelevant because the people who have been controlling Russia, even post-USSR, have never denounced Stalinism and all of its real atrocities, many of which it pinned on the Germans. By Russian law today, denouncing Stalin and the Red Army is a crime, so nothing has changed over there despite the superficial "change" in management. It's still hammer and sickle land, and to enforce this vision of "Pan-Eurasianism" they have to force the capitulation of European and Asian nations, as neither one truly benefits from Eurasianism. To denounce Soviet atrocities would be, to them, shooting themselves in the foot because they base their entire modern history around a fictional version of history where the Soviets were heroic peoples. The murder of 60 plus million White Orthodox Christians, a majority of them real Russians, is not talked about, but instead they pound into the heads of little Russian boys and girls in school the images of villages set alight by Stalin's torch men operating under Kremlin Order 0428, disguised as Germans to turn the people against their liberators.

The best sources for what happened at the end of Berlin, specifically outside the Fuhrerbunker, would be Miguel Ezquerra's writings, along with Henri Joseph Fenet, leader of the SS-division Charlemagne. Degrelle's writings corroborate much of theirs. The bunker secretary's writings like Traudl Junge are heavily biased with post-war Allied propaganda, one would think they would only bother with the German high command, but they had to inject their lies into every account all the way down to the surviving janitors and cleaning staff.
By Russian law today, denouncing Stalin and the Red Army is a crime, so nothing has changed over there despite the superficial "change" in management. It's still hammer and sickle land, and to enforce this vision of "Pan-Eurasianism" they have to force the capitulation of European and Asian nations, as neither one truly benefits from Eurasianism. To denounce Soviet atrocities would be, to them, shooting themselves in the foot because they base their entire modern history around a fictional version of history where the Soviets were heroic peoples. The murder of 60 plus million White Orthodox Christians, a majority of them real Russians, is not talked about, but instead they pound into the heads of little Russian boys and girls in school the images of villages set alight by Stalin's torch men operating under Kremlin Order 0428, disguised as Germans to turn the people against their liberators.
I don't think this assessment is that realistic or based on many modern day realities.

I do agree that they didn't tell the truth about the transition for many reasons, including propaganda and their burgeoning mini empire.
I don't think this assessment is that realistic or based on many modern day realities.

I do agree that they didn't tell the truth about the transition for many reasons, including propaganda and their burgeoning mini empire.
Specifically what is unrealistic about it? I've posted the laws verbatim from the Russian Federation in the other thread, it is a criminal offense there to denounce any of the Red Army's actions in WW2, which they have fictitiously rebranded "The Great Patriotic War". One man's modern day reality is another's heap of lies, implying something is a reality based on its modernity begets the inquiry to what constitutes its substance as a reality in the first place.

In the 1990s, you had movements like Russian National Unity which were pretty influential, but after 1999 it degenerated after their leader Alexander Barckashov had been put on the knees by Mr. Putin`s agents and had been made to apologize to negroes and jews. What happened to many ethnic Russian military officers after the 2nd Chechnyan war was pure betrayal, if anything, to consolidate and absorb the Chechen muslims at the expense of the ethnic Russians.

You don't know any Russian Nationalists do you? They have been one of the most heavily suppressed groups in the world, more so than any other western nation's own nationalists. Many of them do not speak English, and I don't blame them, so it would not be common for most westerners to interact with them on the level of discourse that we have here. If there are any RN's here they could verify what I'm saying. The modified history taught to the younger generations within the so-called Russia is the perfect communist tabula rasa for a multicultural and ethnically non-Russian population that embraces Eurasianism. By placing the nexus of historically important events at its zenith during 1941-1945 and not 1917-1922 is clearly an intended deception.

The lies of the Soviet Union are too numerous to state, but basically everything at Nuremburg was the Soviets sloppily covering their own crimes by blaming it on the Germans, even Katyn, along with many instances of purely fictional and invented atrocities that never went beyond those kangaroo trials.

It wasn't until the fall of the Soviet Union that the truth of Katyn was exposed. The West knew the truth but kept the charade up as the Soviets did. Immediately after collapse of the Soviet system mostly while Yeltsin was in leadership, old classified secret records from the war were finally able to be examined. These records proved the Soviet committed the genocide in Poland, Germany free from one less crime convicted over. Also, the records cast incredible damage on all narratives of the Holocaust. The records forced Auschwitz into reducing the number of claimed dead by millions. Mr. Putin reclassified it all.

If patriots study the Katyn story and take its lesson to heart, they will understand why they cannot trust either the mass media or any government which dances to the tune played by the media.

The entire holohoax narrative is the main ideological weapon used to prevent Americans investigating WW2, the main legal weapon to prevent Europeans from speaking what they know to be true, and the main defense narrative for the Soviet Union to act as a buffer to prevent investigation into their crimes. Without this narrative, the "heroic and glorious" Red Army narrative falls apart very quickly, as does the narratives for England and USA, which would effectively undo the legal impetus for multiculturalism in a legislative sense, even though multiculturalism has no functioning basis in reality whatsoever. By hiding their treasure trove of self-incriminating evidence from the world, the USSR put these burdens on whoever their successor would be. It would be up to honest ethnic Russians to say that their country was taken over by jews and non-Russians completely in 1917, and that their people have had no autonomy since before then, but when the country was still handed off to non-Russians, they just took the same narrative as the USSR and ran with it, paying lip service to some critics of the Soviet past by making occasional denouncements of the Bolsheviks, yet still keeping up their statues and monuments and insignias along with their entire narrative.

Another thing a Russian government run by non-Russians will never tell the truth on is Operation Thunder, and they lie about the entirety of Operation Barbarossa which constitutes their "Great Patriotic War" narrative. In Hans Rudel's book Stuka Pilot, he describes vividly the most incredibly large military mobilization the world had ever seen on the borders of the Reich on the Soviet side in offensive positions. Suvorov's testimony explained this further.

"During operations I stick like a burr to the tail of my No. 1's aircraft so that he becomes nervous of my ramming him from behind until he sees that I have mine thoroughly under control. By the evening of the first day I have been out over the enemy lines four times in the area between Grodnoand Wolkowysk. The Russians have brought up huge masses of tanks together with their supply columns. We mostly observe the types KW I, KWII and T 34. We bomb tanks, flak artillery and ammunition dumps supplying the tanks and infantry. Ditto the following day, taking off at 3A.M. and coming in from our last landing often at 10 P.M. A good night's rest goes by the board. Every spare minute we stretch out underneath an aeroplane and instantly fall asleep. Then if a call comes from any where we hop to it without even knowing where it is from. We move as though in our dreams.

On my very first sortie I notice the countless fortifications along the frontier. The fieldworks run deep into Russia for many hundreds of miles. They are partly positions still under construction. We fly over half completed airfields; here a concrete runway is just being built; there a few aircraft are already standing on an aerodrome. For instance, on the road to Witebsk along which our troops are advancing there is one of these half-finished airfields packed with Martin bombers.

They must be short either of petrol or of crews. Flying in this way over one airfield after another, over one strongpoint after another, one reflects: "It is a good thing we struck" ... It looks as if the Soviets meant to build all these preparations up as a base for invasion against us. Whom else in the West could Russia have wanted to attack? If the Russians had completed their preparations there would not have been much hope of halting them anywhere."

Stuka Pilot pages 30-31.

https://ia804505.us.archive.org/29/items/RudelHansUlrichStukaPilot/Rudel Hans Ulrich - Stuka pilot.pdf

The East is just as guilty and complicit in the lies of WW2 as the West is.
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Specifically what is unrealistic about it? I've posted the laws verbatim from the Russian Federation in the other thread, it is a criminal offense there to denounce any of the Red Army's actions in WW2, which they have fictitiously rebranded "The Great Patriotic War". One man's modern day reality is another's heap of lies, implying something is a reality based on its modernity begets the inquiry to what constitutes its substance as a reality in the first place.

In the 1990s, you had movements like Russian National Unity which were pretty influential, but after 1999 it degenerated after their leader Alexander Barckashov had been put on the knees by Mr. Putin`s agents and had been made to apologize to negroes and jews. What happened to many ethnic Russian military officers after the 2nd Chechnyan war was pure betrayal, if anything, to consolidate and absorb the Chechen muslims at the expense of the ethnic Russians.

You don't know any Russian Nationalists do you? They have been one of the most heavily suppressed groups in the world, more so than any other western nation's own nationalists. Many of them do not speak English, and I don't blame them, so it would not be common for most westerners to interact with them on the level of discourse that we have here. If there are any RN's here they could verify what I'm saying. The modified history taught to the younger generations within the so-called Russia is the perfect communist tabula rasa for a multicultural and ethnically non-Russian population that embraces Eurasianism. By placing the nexus of historically important events at its zenith during 1941-1945 and not 1917-1922 is clearly an intended deception.

The lies of the Soviet Union are too numerous to state, but basically everything at Nuremburg was the Soviets sloppily covering their own crimes by blaming it on the Germans, even Katyn, along with many instances of purely fictional and invented atrocities that never went beyond those kangaroo trials.

It wasn't until the fall of the Soviet Union that the truth of Katyn was exposed. The West knew the truth but kept the charade up as the Soviets did. Immediately after collapse of the Soviet system mostly while Yeltsin was in leadership, old classified secret records from the war were finally able to be examined. These records proved the Soviet committed the genocide in Poland, Germany free from one less crime convicted over. Also, the records cast incredible damage on all narratives of the Holocaust. The records forced Auschwitz into reducing the number of claimed dead by millions. Mr. Putin reclassified it all.

If patriots study the Katyn story and take its lesson to heart, they will understand why they cannot trust either the mass media or any government which dances to the tune played by the media.

The entire holohoax narrative is the main ideological weapon used to prevent Americans investigating WW2, the main legal weapon to prevent Europeans from speaking what they know to be true, and the main defense narrative for the Soviet Union to act as a buffer to prevent investigation into their crimes. Without this narrative, the "heroic and glorious" Red Army narrative falls apart very quickly, as does the narratives for England and USA, which would effectively undo the legal impetus for multiculturalism in a legislative sense, even though multiculturalism has no functioning basis in reality whatsoever. By hiding their treasure trove of self-incriminating evidence from the world, the USSR put these burdens on whoever their successor would be. It would be up to honest ethnic Russians to say that their country was taken over by jews and non-Russians completely in 1917, and that their people have had no autonomy since before then, but when the country was still handed off to non-Russians, they just took the same narrative as the USSR and ran with it, paying lip service to some critics of the Soviet past by making occasional denouncements of the Bolsheviks, yet still keeping up their statues and monuments and insignias along with their entire narrative.

Another thing a Russian government run by non-Russians will never tell the truth on is Operation Thunder, and they lie about the entirety of Operation Barbarossa which constitutes their "Great Patriotic War" narrative. In Hans Rudel's book Stuka Pilot, he describes vividly the most incredibly large military mobilization the world had ever seen on the borders of the Reich on the Soviet side in offensive positions. Suvorov's testimony explained this further.

"During operations I stick like a burr to the tail of my No. 1's aircraft so that he becomes nervous of my ramming him from behind until he sees that I have mine thoroughly under control. By the evening of the first day I have been out over the enemy lines four times in the area between Grodnoand Wolkowysk. The Russians have brought up huge masses of tanks together with their supply columns. We mostly observe the types KW I, KWII and T 34. We bomb tanks, flak artillery and ammunition dumps supplying the tanks and infantry. Ditto the following day, taking off at 3A.M. and coming in from our last landing often at 10 P.M. A good night's rest goes by the board. Every spare minute we stretch out underneath an aeroplane and instantly fall asleep. Then if a call comes from any where we hop to it without even knowing where it is from. We move as though in our dreams.

On my very first sortie I notice the countless fortifications along the frontier. The fieldworks run deep into Russia for many hundreds of miles. They are partly positions still under construction. We fly over half completed airfields; here a concrete runway is just being built; there a few aircraft are already standing on an aerodrome. For instance, on the road to Witebsk along which our troops are advancing there is one of these half-finished airfields packed with Martin bombers.

They must be short either of petrol or of crews. Flying in this way over one airfield after another, over one strongpoint after another, one reflects: "It is a good thing we struck" ... It looks as if the Soviets meant to build all these preparations up as a base for invasion against us. Whom else in the West could Russia have wanted to attack? If the Russians had completed their preparations there would not have been much hope of halting them anywhere."

Stuka Pilot pages 30-31.

https://ia804505.us.archive.org/29/items/RudelHansUlrichStukaPilot/Rudel Hans Ulrich - Stuka pilot.pdf

The East is just as guilty and complicit in the lies of WW2 as the West is.

All of this is irrelevant to the lies you're spouting in this thread of your Hitler delusions.

the people who have been controlling Russia, even post-USSR, have never denounced Stalinism and all of its real atrocities
This is a lie.

The murder of 60 plus million White Orthodox Christians, a majority of them real Russians, is not talked about, but instead they pound into the heads of little Russian boys and girls in school the images of villages set alight by Stalin's torch men operating under Kremlin Order 0428, disguised as Germans to turn the people against their liberators.

More lies.

I would caution all who read Music to remember that he is easily deceived, stuck in denial about Hitler, lacks good judgement for discerning lies, and has some kind of Hitler fetish even though he single-handedly destroyed Germany due to retarded decision making, as outlined earlier in this thread.
All of this is irrelevant to the lies you're spouting in this thread of your Hitler delusions.

I would caution all who read Music to remember that he is easily deceived, stuck in denial about Hitler, lacks good judgement for discerning lies, and has some kind of Hitler fetish even though he single-handedly destroyed Germany due to retarded decision making, as outlined earlier in this thread.
It would seem further explanation is warranted, unless you are simply making blanket statements to attempt to ratio opinion towards another conclusion. Always you are so brief with me yet I am trying to force debate here so that we arrive at a greater truth. A truth shared by more than one man is greater than hidden knowledge kept by a solitary soul.

You have a good grasp of history in general. Your knowledge of the Church seems to have grown largely in the last few years especially its historical indices. However, you have brought up debatable but ultimately puerile positions for the sake of who to lay blame on for the aftermath of the Second World War, namely Hitler. You are using repetitive spurious ad hominem assaults on a single man to descale the grandiose nature of the largest war in world history to date down to a reductionist blip of alleged human incompetence. You continue to use this as a battering ram of an argument that relies on an emotional sense of waste and contrived futility, rather anti-climactic and the opposite of discussion and debate. A man of lesser will or submissive temper may capitulate to this because he does not know what to say to it or how to counter it, lest he become irrational himself.

The truth of the matter is that Hitler's Germany, as has been discussed here, never sought war, never sought aggressive expansion, never sought to be an interloper in other nation's affairs, and all of it's pre-wartime and wartime actions were reactionary, either in diplomacy or strength of arms, to the manipulations of the British, American, or Soviet empires. The debates about their military moves and what would have happened had this or that occurred will be continued for the rest of human history, and will not be reduced to such an insulting simplistic take on human judgment. Also the scope of this war being confined to 1939-1945 is a fallacy because it continues to this very day, just without the leadership of any actual National organized resistance to International jewry. In the jewish mind, as long as there is one German out there living, breathing, their false messiah cannot enter this world. They believe that they must exterminate us all in order for their eschatology to be fulfilled.

The Germany of 1933-1945 was an advanced civilization, being a result of demographic discipline and a Biblically-approved economic system, and though temporary, it was an interruption for the NWO's plans and set the agenda back at least a generation. It was longer in some places like America where it wasn't full floodgates open until 1965. The demonic juggernaut of talmudic jewish communism was coming for Europa and America, as well as the rest of the Christian world, with or without Hitler ever existing or ever taking leadership. It came for Russia, for Hungary, for Italy, for Germany, for Poland, for Spain, for Greece, for Yugoslavia, it did not stop. Their intentions are well-documented and were clearly laid out before this man ever became pre-eminent, let alone an adult capable of independent reasoning in his own life.

There does not exist a better solution suggesting an alternative in Hitler's place that would have altered historical events for the better from all the known variables and possibilities. That does not necessarily reflect on an imperatively good or evil world, just the reality of the world at that time and the kind of man it would take to crusade against the satanic forces at play. The capitulation and the embarrassment of the Kaiser's coerced abdication due to the betrayal of the jews in Germany had demoralized the German people and essentially spawned Weimar. All other statistically significant and likely assumed leadership administrations other than the NSDAP headed by Hitler that could have inherited the mess of Weimar in 1933 would have only cemented Germany with an earlier, prolonged, and more undignified grave, to the point where one would not find any Germans today in 2024. In 1932 and 1933, every other potential political body for control of Germany were all compromised or fruitless with their ambitions, even the Catholic Center Party, which was notoriously in bed with the Weimar communists yet harangued many Christians into membership based on lip service to Christ.

The trajectory was clear, only a spiritual and national revival would save a nation under the boot of the entire international banking system run by the jews. This reality applies equally across all countries and races and nations, for all who want to be free of this and ultimately the spiritual death which is judaism when present among any non-judaic population. The manner in which this is applied now will determine the fate of the nations of tomorrow, or rise of the "federations" of tomorrow.

The original man who started the domino effect that led to the rot and destruction of Christian Europe was Cromwell, if you want to play the blame game. The series of events he set in motion, what we're seeing almost 400 years later is enough for a thousand historians on the JQ to convene as a source of the leak. He let them back in, and the British Empire jewified everything it touched from then on with exploitation and financial slavery. It funded and schemed the destruction of the only two forces that could have stopped it, Orthodox Russia and Catholic Germany, as well as contributed greatly to the destruction of France pre-Napoleon. That is a fact.

Relevant book chronicling all of this:

"The Nameless War by Captain Archibald Maule Ramsay (1952)"
https://ia601002.us.archive.org/32/items/ContemporaryHistory/Archibald Ramsay - The Nameless War.pdf

300 years after Cromwell, Churchill, as the second biggest traitor behind him, ensured the death of that jewified British Empire by instigating the most costly war it ever faced and could never "make up for" to its jewish creditors. Those creditors had no further use for it now that the United States was ready to take on the mantle and chains of the Golem. One enemy within is worse than ten thousand from the outside. If it was not for the treachery of Winston Churchill, then Europe would not be in the condition it is now. That is also a fact. If you want to blame anyone for not putting down the talmudic rebellion taking over England at the time of Hitler, you could blame Mosley, and make a debatable argument that he did not do enough on the British political scene to thwart the warmongering financiers prodding Churchill, but I wouldn't because I don't construct argumentum ad hominem for solitary crusaders fighting against overwhelming odds like a defeatist coward. Treachery is a sin before it is a crime, it is one of the lowest sins, and one that delineates a Martyr from an Iscariot. I certainly would never call a Martyr, of the countless ones throughout history who stood against adversaries in greater number and against their own brothers who betrayed them, as garbage decision-makers. My spiritual center is in the right moral framework, I do not need any advocate for this system telling me

I would caution anyone to listen to people who call someone a liar without positing proof, and I do enjoy our banter Samseau, so please, if you believe I am lying about something, lay the reasoning on the audience and myself beyond a mere smear indictment. I assume you to be capable of this and I treat you with the intellectual capacity I would give any civilized opponent of mine in a debate on any subject.

I discern truth from lies everyday, as do most of us. It is a huge lie that people cannot see the origin for most of the lies born out of the aftermath of WW2, that being the unholy union of the Western Plutocrats and the Marxist Communists' victory of Christian Europe, are lies that come from the East, not the West. On the other hand, though most of the lies after the war were due to Soviet manipulation (someone had to be blamed for all the deaths, so naturally the lies will fall to the vanquished) the lies surrounding the National Socialists before the war were mostly from the west, particularly England. America lied to its people prior to the war with the Japanese situation just like it did in WWI with the Lusitania nonsense. There are lies everywhere.

The entirety of the Holohoax agenda is a lie and any government that upholds this lie with legal protection is ultimately an enemy of truth, as this lie has been destroying European Christian's lives, livelihoods, and futures for the sake of jewish swine to push their supremacist agenda and is the new catalyst for the inverted morality of the new world order to openly lay waste to Christendom under layers of legal subterfuge. It may have only taken them 79 years to cook the latest step of this scheme up, but they have effectively outlawed the New Testament in most of the western White Christian world. How will this be twenty years from now if it is not fought against with utter zealotry and fanaticism? It was Christian fanaticism and zealotry, a righteous spiritual terror, as Hitler himself even described it, which overpowered the pagan sloths who turned away from the true God. It will only be this kind of spiritual animus that can overpower the luciferian decay which has assimilated into everything but our DNA.

My sentiments are not anti-Russian. I am very pro-Russian and pro-ethnic Russians, and so was Hitler, Himmler, and every other German in the NSDAP:



The Russian Nationalists have a much bigger strife in-house to deal with the current Russian government than any of us can debate about. I really wish one was here who could describe the problem in deeper detail as it relates to their embrace of the phony history of WW2 to an extreme psychological extent that surpasses many more important dates in Russian history from centuries past. Washington is not the friend of the ethnic Russians either. These people are alone, surrounded by enemies, except for other European Nationalists, and they strive for the glorious Russia of centuries past, a Christian dignified Russia that did not enter into political arrangements with jews and muslims and let the former congregate masses of wealth off the people who live in destitution and the latter to pray in the hundreds of thousands to their false god openly in the streets of Saint Petersburg.

Unlike Navalny, not every nationalist is a glowie stooge or a CIA puppet either, but unfortunately many people who have nationalistic tendencies find themselves in the crosshairs of the manipulation fields of Washington's intelligentsia, because it is deemed a threat that must be controlled at all costs. They cannot let these sentiments become grassroots and grow without keeping a lid on it or redirect it to criminal purposes. This is something both the West and the East do. I was baffled for a long time wondering why the Kremlin would not only not tolerate Nationalist groups, but outright proscribe them and wage war against them with ideological viciousness that is unmatched in their dispense to Islamic fundamentalists or any other opposition group, but the more you study the entire system, the more you see that they really are not independent of the jew, even if the argument can be debated that they are trying to.

B'nai B'rith (the west) and Chabad Lubavitch (the east) are both ultimately on team jew, and if America and Russia wipe each other out in some phony war then its good business for the jews, the same way it was good business for the jews to fund the Russian revolution and push American boys to die in a war to contain the Kaiser (unjewified) from surpassing the British Empire (jewified), and good business to respawn the Soviet army enough times to take down Europe's last organized resistance to Bolshevism (German military under NSDAP) while sending American boys to die yet again in massive numbers against the Europeans and the Japanese in their homelands.

So as far as the lies of the Soviet propaganda, some of which continue to this very day, they are no different than lies of the Washington propaganda in that they both demonize German National Socialism for obvious fraudulent reasons, and these evil and false incarnations of National Socialism are periodically revived to be used like a dead meat sock puppet accusation and cause de guerre against the other in a continuous series of conflicts where the only ones truly suffering and exhausting from this Earth are the European "Volk". I do not expect you to see this nor validate this because it is something that can only be awakened by both the spirit and the blood. A Catholic Nigerian or Filipino, though they share the same creed as me and may pray in Latin (if they were also educated in a pre-seminary setting at some point in their life) would never internally understand this except from an outsider's perspective, but there are Catholic Nigerians and Filipino's who know my position and do not castigate me for having these views. The only people who seem to want to castigate me for these views are those Whites who have not come to terms with their own being, those who are embedded or entrenched in the nausea of today's body politic, either Washington or Kremlin, now that Nationalism is a proscribed legal status in the new east (up until a few years ago I would have only said the left or right of Washington).

As far as Hitler goes, I find him a corollary example of one of the few men worth studying as a prelude and a revelator to the modern post-war times. Studying the HRE or Byzantine Emperors cannot translate into a direct modern military and social example for what 21st century Christians must emulate or resurrect in order to unchain the yoke of the jew with the new war of demographics and talmudic proxy religions like Islam, Mormonism, and "Christian" Zionism. These things did not exist in Heraclius' time, and each one has its own political bloc of power consolidating overlapping territory of the people of the historical Church today. Understand my point is not to canonize nor demonize a mortal man, but to flesh out what we are told about him from all sources and aggressively move past this fetish with the jewish weltanschauung of making the world revolve around how anti-Hitler someone is. Its preposterous, and even Hitler himself would be aghast that the morality of the new world places him in the devils spot and the jews in the divine. A man's place in this world is determined by his own words, actions, and deeds, much more so than what others tell of those words, actions, and deeds.

Censorship of the truth is the only thing jews and jew-lovers have in this world. They have nothing else. The myths of Hitler, and every lie about the man must be attacked because it is central to the destruction of jewish ideology, and if anything about Hitler should be glorified it should be his economic and social miracle, which was something that only happened once in all of recorded history. If more people could see that it was an ordinary man of no significant background who rose up and achieved freedom for his people, even if temporarily, then the inspiration and the spiritual crusade for others to do the same would not be so black-pilled. We have no examples of anyone who has achieved lasting freedom for his people. Lincoln, Garfield, JFK, Saddam, Gaddafi, all dead, their improvements all destroyed, their debt-free money all squashed under the fiat system once more.

The pattern is escalating, and it will continue until enough people of sound spiritual mind, order, blood, and body win a kinetic war against the international jew and its minions. The Heavenly Father does not put down His fighters so easily, and the fact that this keeps happening, as it did long before Hitler, and it will continue to do so long after Hitler and long after today, shows that there is spiritual meaning and a Holy mission to fighting against overwhelming odds and potentially losing as opposed to not fighting and guaranteeing defeat. It took a few centuries to cement the Cross as the central spiritual morality and worldview across a heathenized continent after the Passion of Our Lord, it may take several centuries to undo the international jewish banking system through a series of escalating Hitleresque figures, who may come from many nations, since this is no longer simply the jews destroying the Aryans, but the jews declaring war on all of God's creation without end.

For everyone else who reads my posts and messages me or is seriously interested in discussing this topic, I thank you for keeping debate alive and fresh.

We are all in a struggle for life and death of not just ourselves, but our people, and ultimately, our faith. In the poetic sense, this Biblical battle is the "to be or not to be" struggle for ultimate life or eternal destruction.
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