Starting to think this forum was a mistake


I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but it feels like this forum is beginning to devolve into some sort of incel coping platform.

No offense to any of the members here, but I feel like the constant doom and gloom of how the west has fallen and how we need to all move to super 'based' country X, even though half the people here probably never been there before.

I see less and less Christian Charity on this forum. And the intelligent dialogue is dying out.

I hope there can be a course correction soon, or I just don't see this forum surviving.

God Bless
I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but it feels like this forum is beginning to devolve into some sort of incel coping platform.

No offense to any of the members here, but I feel like the constant doom and gloom of how the west has fallen and how we need to all move to super 'based' country X, even though half the people here probably never been there before.

I see less and less Christian Charity on this forum. And the intelligent dialogue is dying out.

I hope there can be a course correction soon, or I just don't see this forum surviving.

God Bless

username checks out
A lot of the high profile posters already checked out of RVF months, and some, years before Roosh shut it down. Times change but it's certainly not an Incel coping spot as many here have families and the forum got Roosh's blessings so it can't be a mistake.

There are some doom and gloomers around which from what I read the mods are working on and should continue to do so.
I’m not a doom and gloomer but I’m just stating the facts. The west really has fallen. Go look at the Red Sea situation. The west can no longer project power or play world police without backlash today like they could when I was growing up.

Now, there’s several issues down the barrel of the gun. The welfare state is underfunded and bankrupt. Our society hates itself and each other. There’s going to be a big skills loss as the boomers croak because of an emphasis on edumacation instead of practical ability. We’re able to hold it together because we have the worlds reserve currency. When an alternative is developed it will be all over but the crying.

Also - the title of incel is completely arbitrary as I’m starting to figure out. We need to be more charitable with the term. Not everyone here is comic book guy from the Simpsons. Not being able to find a mate is a classic trait of a collapsing society as old as time.
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I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but it feels like this forum is beginning to devolve into some sort of incel coping platform.

No offense to any of the members here, but I feel like the constant doom and gloom of how the west has fallen and how we need to all move to super 'based' country X, even though half the people here probably never been there before.

I see less and less Christian Charity on this forum. And the intelligent dialogue is dying out.

I hope there can be a course correction soon, or I just don't see this forum surviving.

God Bless

I mean, if you're looking for it. But there are threads on just about everything. It could be that you're looking for doom and gloom, and apparently found it.

I would also say, while the FINAL Biblical prophecies are of course good and pure and joyous, there is some serious darkness until we get there. I know some people focus too much on the Tribulation and all the problems leading up to it - that's for sure - but it's also not anti-Christian or anything.
I mean, if you're looking for it. But there are threads on just about everything. It could be that you're looking for doom and gloom, and apparently found it.

I would also say, while the FINAL Biblical prophecies are of course good and pure and joyous, there is some serious darkness until we get there. I know some people focus too much on the Tribulation and all the problems leading up to it - that's for sure - but it's also not anti-Christian or anything.
This is what keeps me going. One or two things will happen. This is my hope.

1. This is a tribulation and Christ will come again - WIN

2. Human societies are living breathing things. A forest fire needs to hit so new life can grow - still a win if you can get out on the other side. I’m going to make it.
I definitely do not see this forum being a mistake. It is the only "based", "trad", Christian forum of which I am aware. I am very thankful it exists.

However, it does seem to not be as active as the RooshV forum. While I am glad it's not overrun with trolls, I believe more activity in the threads would "liven the place up". I realize men (and women?) such as ourselves are relatively few these days.

This place, and it's predecessor remind me I'm not the only one that thinks like I do. I unfortunately am not a member of a church, and have no friends or family who aren't "normies" so it is nice to have a sense of community even if it's only virtual.
The forum just need more members. There are some good discussions on here, such as in the weightlifting and movie thread, which has been getting more active lately. The Crypto thread has been consistently active and is full of helpful information for those types of investments.

The west is in a state of decline and modern women are being destroyed but fortunately there are other things to talk about too.
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Also - the title of incel is completely arbitrary as I’m starting to figure out. We need to be more charitable with the term. Not everyone here is comic book guy from the Simpsons. Not being able to find a mate is a classic trait of a collapsing society as old as time.
The forum just need more members. There are some good discussions on here, such as in the weightlifting and movie thread, which has been getting more active lately. The Crypto thread has been consistently active and is full of helpful information for those types of investments.

The west is in a state of decline and modern women are being destroyed but fortunately there are other things to talk about too.
Yes. Remember that also as people get more and more successful and also employ what many of the thoughtful members recommend, there's only so much you can do in (material) life, which is the reason why spiritual things are so important. For example, once you've done the work, fitness, and done well monetarily/financially, what's left for you? Usually in the decrepit west, the thing that man lacks is a good wife and children. Then odds are you'd move on from the forum, or at least pay it less mind or spend less time. That's just the way of things for most people, and we've talked about why, but this being a space for cerebral or non normie guys is also helpful. I find this interaction more fruitful and interesting than watching TV/streaming/drinking wine (lol), but at times I'll go out and watch a game with the boys for a type of escape.

In the meanwhile, the plan is to stack to get closer to FU or independent wealth to make big time moves, such as to other countries even if for only a little while, to try and meet reasonable women. Most people in our lives will never understand this because they don't critically evaluate the system ... or their lives. They just move along with the culture, which is why we are here talking about how stupid or ignorant that is.
I agree that some guys have a lot of trouble getting over our dying civilization. They are still mourning, and I know it is unpleasent to read, but have mercy on them because it is a painful time.

On the other hand, just because our Satanic society is dying does not mean one should be despondent and hopeless. God is still with us, and has given us plenty, as well as companionship of Good Neighbors through forums like this one. If one has the Lord in their life, then no matter what happens they can still be happy. This is why monks, who have found God, can be happy with absolutely nothing living in the middle of nowhere: for with God, they already have everything.

As for this forum's small size - it is to be expected with a new forum. When Roosh started the RVF, back in 2010? There was very little activity. I saw it when he first made it, but I didn't care at all because it looked like a pointless forum. People talked about dumb inane stuff, and I felt no inclination to join. It wasn't until 2012 did I notice some political discussion and good game tactics being discussed that got me interested enough to join. And even when I first joined, the amount of activity was such that I only needed to login once or twice a week to catch up on any thread.

The fact people expect constant entertainment and novelty from here shows how spoiled they were from RVF of 2014+. They fail to understand that RVF started off as a sleepy backwater in the internet with virtually no purpose, and yet look at how it grew.

Likewise this forum is still in it's infancy, so it is too soon to be making predictions, but I would note that the start of CiK is far more active than the start of RVF was.
I agree that some guys have a lot of trouble getting over our dying civilization. They are still mourning, and I know it is unpleasent to read, but have mercy on them because it is a painful time.

On the other hand, just because our Satanic society is dying does not mean one should be despondent and hopeless. God is still with us, and has given us plenty, as well as companionship of Good Neighbors through forums like this one. If one has the Lord in their life, then no matter what happens they can still be happy. This is why monks, who have found God, can be happy with absolutely nothing living in the middle of nowhere: for with God, they already have everything.

As for this forum's small size - it is to be expected with a new forum. When Roosh started the RVF, back in 2010? There was very little activity. I saw it when he first made it, but I didn't care at all because it looked like a pointless forum. People talked about dumb inane stuff, and I felt no inclination to join. It wasn't until 2012 did I notice some political discussion and good game tactics being discussed that got me interested enough to join. And even when I first joined, the amount of activity was such that I only needed to login once or twice a week to catch up on any thread.

The fact people expect constant entertainment and novelty from here shows how spoiled they were from RVF of 2014+. They fail to understand that RVF started off as a sleepy backwater in the internet with virtually no purpose, and yet look at how it grew.

Likewise this forum is still in it's infancy, so it is too soon to be making predictions, but I would note that the start of CiK is far more active than the start of RVF was.
Of course the start of this forum was more active than Rooshv because it started with a decent number of former Rooshv forum members joining here within a few weeks of opening. Otherwise it would have been very dead. Also I am not convinced the forum can grow like the Roosh forum did. Roosh started in an era were forums were a much more popular medium and he was in the right place at the right time in terms of the growing popularity of game and red pill, etc. These days discord and Reddit threads and telegram channels etc seem to be the rage. Personally I think the forum format leads to higher quality interactions and a better community feeling because the same posters post on multiple topics so the sense of community and familiarity is created. Also the forum won't grow as much because there is no front man for the forum. Roosh was a charismatic and influential figure and a popular writer and he helped boost the popularity of the forum. We don't have anybody to replace him in that sense.
For me, this is THE place to come to interact with like-minded folks, where I get some good laughs, get fresh opinions and ideas, and keep up with IMO the most important issues of the day. Without this forum there would be a big gap in my day, for sure. I used to be really into Gab, but it has gone too "mainstream" for me, and is full of pablum that doesn't interest me. To be fair, I have started following some of the more "edgy" folks on Telegram lately, since The Noticing™ has started taking off in the general public.
I wish someone had suggested "Incel Coping Platform" when we were trying to find a name for this forum 🤣

Joking aside. The reality is that its hard for young men trying to find their way in the world these days. And its important to discuss the big issues facing us. Possibly the biggest of these being how does a young man cope in a society that hates him and has robbed him of everything that would once give a man purpose? Perhaps some users lean too heavily on the dark aspects of this. But it is dark, and it can get lonely for people, especially if they don't have a lot of contact with people who even see the issues at hand.

I do agree that excessive black pilling is an issue, like people who are feeling despondent about this stuff shouldn't purposefully try to debate someone out of having hope. But its perfectly understandable and necessary that these issues are addressed here. Resorting to calling it "incels coping" doesn't help anyone.