Why did mainstream humor die?

This post gives a bunch of reasons, it seems like a multi-faceted problem: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/why-did-mainstream-humor-die
Good article. I think the following paragraph says a lot about our society right now:

The West is currently undergoing a forced decline from a high standard of living to a low one and this is inherently extremely un-fun and unpleasant, especially when society is so secular and Godless. So everyone is dour, kind of scared and pissed off, but the energy is formless and directionless because people are retarded and don’t know what to point to. We are seeing a lot of on-edge people lashing out in anger, getting huge amounts of tattoos and listening to mumble rap as unsuccessful attempts to cope with this increased pressure.
Mumble rap...what a perfect summation of that horrible noise I keep hearing wherever I go.

There is another element to this too: a lot of the humor from older films and television doesn’t seem quite so funny when seen from the current lens. For example, take the comedy classic Back to School with Rodney Dangerfield. When watched today, one can’t help but notice the themes: Jewish Rodney Dangerfield and his son overturn stuffy white Christian establishment norms and steal the white Christian girlfriends of said establishment. The film feels extremely malicious on re-watch.
Same thing with Caddyshack, also starring Rodney Dangerfield. It takes the same approach: a Jewish guy comes into a stuffy, white country club and upsets the norm. Watching it now, it comes across as a subversive, propaganda film.
Sad.. I also had a read, some quotes :
As a corollary to the above, younger generations have simply lost their sense of humor as they have become brainwashed into intersectionality politics. Everything must be viewed first through the lens of oppressor/oppression and that takes away tremendously from humor.
and from the comment by Wheel Cool -
"Death by wokeness, sponsored by Pfizer."

As you stated no dissent is allowed even if it's cloaked in humor. We are now at the point where feelings trump logic and truth.
I read something about a crackdown on funny memes. No wonder humor is dying.
I read something about a crackdown on funny memes. No wonder humor is dying.
This is part of the problem as well. The platform and method on which people get their funnies.

Centuries ago (depending on location obviously) it was playing practical jokes, plays/performances, stories, or everyday life. When the radio and television first came out that shifted the dynamic from natural to now artificial. Much like laugh tracks people were now being somewhat conditioned as to what was funny or not.

I believe (from personal experience, I may be wrong in my assessment) the early days of the internet sparked organic creavity in humor again as people now had a platform which to show present themselves and their talent. Being that the internet wasnt readily available at everyone's fingertips helped keep things to a much better standard as well. Once video and social media monetization took effect and people started doing this as a career instead of a hobby the novelty and magic pretty much wore off. People now copycat everyone else, hire actresses/actors for believability, and behave without shame or class. Memes in my opinion are the lowest form of humor. They take no effort to make, somewhat dumb down genuine discussion, and create an artificial sense of accomplishment.
Here’s a joke for you.

There’s a plane crash and a dozen or so deaths. 11 Indian and a white guy. Outside of St. Peter’s fate, Saint Pete says “look we made a big mistake and none of you were meant to die in the crash. So I’m granting you all one wish each and will send you back to live out your lives.”

The first man in line is one of the Indians, he thinks for a second and says “make me white!” “Granted”

The irt is elated. Thrilled beyond his wildest dreams . The white guy who’s last in line is particularly amused by this, but not really surprised .

You have seen how much Indians worship white people.


The next Indian sees this and his eyes light up, “me too! Make me white!” “Granted”.
He’s even happier.

One by one all of the irt that have wished they could be white all get their wish granted today.

We get to the last person who’s already white.

“I wish all of these guys were Indian again”. “Granted!”
I've mentioned it elsewhere, but Simon Sheppard has a short article explaining suppression of humour in the feminine states:

https : / / www dot heretical dot com / sgs-2019 / humour.html

>Humour is a hugely significant sphere of human interaction and analysis now is especially pertinent, as an increasing number of topics are being prohibited. Gone are the days in Britain when we could "joke about anything." Here is an opportunity to examine the functions of humour and the motives for suppressing it.


>The role of humour is to release neurotic tension and distribute information. The female (in all her forms) seeks to increase the neurotic load of males, because neurotic and confused males are easier to manipulate. This is the underlying purpose of suppressing humour. It raises the level of collective neurosis, especially in males. Any female who voices an objection is contributing to feminist consolidation.

>Recall that neurosis (after Pavlov) is when one stimulus evokes two or more responses. The conflict could be between alluding to the truth, a laudible, positive instinct, and fear of the costs of broaching what is now a forbidden topic. The list of subjects which cannot be joked about will grow indefinitely, because humour undermines female power. In the absence of a counter-mechanism, the scope of the prohibitions will only increase.
I think it mostly comes down to lolitical correctness. That was a typo, but I'll be leaving it, because political correctness is laughable at best, after all. I notice the ability to joke about anything went away once political correctness went in vogue. It used to be that über-PC nonsense was laughed out of the room, now it controls the dialogue in every public room.

Most of humor in general is a pressure release valve for uncomfortable truths. If you have an avoidance of the harsh truth ingrained in the social culture, you have a huge barrier between you and real humor.