Other Christian
This post gives a bunch of reasons, it seems like a multi-faceted problem: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/why-did-mainstream-humor-die
Good article. I think the following paragraph says a lot about our society right now:This post gives a bunch of reasons, it seems like a multi-faceted problem: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/why-did-mainstream-humor-die
Mumble rap...what a perfect summation of that horrible noise I keep hearing wherever I go.The West is currently undergoing a forced decline from a high standard of living to a low one and this is inherently extremely un-fun and unpleasant, especially when society is so secular and Godless. So everyone is dour, kind of scared and pissed off, but the energy is formless and directionless because people are retarded and don’t know what to point to. We are seeing a lot of on-edge people lashing out in anger, getting huge amounts of tattoos and listening to mumble rap as unsuccessful attempts to cope with this increased pressure.
Same thing with Caddyshack, also starring Rodney Dangerfield. It takes the same approach: a Jewish guy comes into a stuffy, white country club and upsets the norm. Watching it now, it comes across as a subversive, propaganda film.There is another element to this too: a lot of the humor from older films and television doesn’t seem quite so funny when seen from the current lens. For example, take the comedy classic Back to School with Rodney Dangerfield. When watched today, one can’t help but notice the themes: Jewish Rodney Dangerfield and his son overturn stuffy white Christian establishment norms and steal the white Christian girlfriends of said establishment. The film feels extremely malicious on re-watch.
and from the comment by Wheel Cool -As a corollary to the above, younger generations have simply lost their sense of humor as they have become brainwashed into intersectionality politics. Everything must be viewed first through the lens of oppressor/oppression and that takes away tremendously from humor.
I read something about a crackdown on funny memes. No wonder humor is dying."Death by wokeness, sponsored by Pfizer."
As you stated no dissent is allowed even if it's cloaked in humor. We are now at the point where feelings trump logic and truth.
This is part of the problem as well. The platform and method on which people get their funnies.I read something about a crackdown on funny memes. No wonder humor is dying.
I think it all comes down to the simple but pin-sharp fact: humor doesn't exist in Marxist/Leninist environment. The society has gradually become jewified thus humor is vanishing.This post gives a bunch of reasons, it seems like a multi-faceted problem: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/why-did-mainstream-humor-die