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What Supplements Do You Take?

Interesting experiences. I've tried lots of supplements, and haven't noticed a difference from using any of them - except one.

Collagen or Bone Broth (same thing).

Had a nasty shoulder injury that would not heal for four months, and my girl recommended to me to use Bone Broth. I tried it, and it healed within 2 weeks!

Saw an old man at a Parish I infrequently attend, who would walk around with a cane barely able to move and could hardly get out of his seat. I told him to try bone broth. Next time I saw him a few months later, I asked him how he was and he said (in a thick British accent) "Nevvverrr felt better!!" and he's zooming around without any cane! He now serves in the Altar with the other Altar boys!

My father couldn't get out of bed in the morning, his arthritis was so severe. Got him on a collagen mix, and within 3 weeks all his pain went away and he is able to lift heavy gallons of paint like it's nothing!

Never seen any other supplements have such a fast effect on health. Collagen is basically grease for the joints. It's dirt cheap too. I surmise that back in the old days, Grandma would cook soup by throwing the bone into the soup. That's how people used to get their collagen. Nowadays most diets don't have this sort of thing, so supplements are extremely helpful.

I notice if I use collagen supplements I can lift heavy at the gym with barely a creak in my bones. But without collagen supplements, my knees pop like fireworks. The stuff is for real.
Brother Sam... Please share the types and brands of collagen (powder I presume?) that you prefer.
Brother Sam... Please share the types and brands of collagen (powder I presume?) that you prefer.

This is the one I'm using now... I may try a different one in the future, because as long as the ingredients are pure, then the brand doesn't matter. This stuff is simple to make. Take bones from the meat industry, and grind them up and boil them into powder form.

As long as the ingredients are just "bone broth" or "bone broth peptides" (doesn't matter what animal) then it should be good. That's not to say there aren't frauds out there or that some brands have a better type of processing than others. I may try other brands in the future. But currently I'm using the above because for 30 bux you get enough bone broth powder for at least 6 months.

I usually add a scoop into my coffee (which lasts me for two days) and half a scoop with my protein shakes. It's tasteless. If you don't like powder, there are capsules too.

You may need more or less collagen depending on your body size and state of your joints. If your joints are in trouble, you'll need more dosage. Experiment and see what works for you. Not like this stuff is scarce, it's cheaper than most drinking water.

This is the one I'm using now... I may try a different one in the future, because as long as the ingredients are pure, then the brand doesn't matter. This stuff is simple to make. Take bones from the meat industry, and grind them up and boil them into powder form.

As long as the ingredients are just "bone broth" or "bone broth peptides" (doesn't matter what animal) then it should be good. That's not to say there aren't frauds out there or that some brands have a better type of processing than others. I may try other brands in the future. But currently I'm using the above because for 30 bux you get enough bone broth powder for at least 6 months.

I usually add a scoop into my coffee (which lasts me for two days) and half a scoop with my protein shakes. It's tasteless. If you don't like powder, there are capsules too.

You may need more or less collagen depending on your body size and state of your joints. If your joints are in trouble, you'll need more dosage. Experiment and see what works for you. Not like this stuff is scarce, it's cheaper than most drinking water.
So in terms of dosage how many scoops per day on average are you taking?
I take lots of crap depending on what I feel like my body needs at the moment I have a cabinet stuffed with crap. But just generally speaking if you want a basic health routine:

Multivitamin, Orange Triad is really comprehensive or Now Adam if you want something cheaper

Krill oil


Everything else is pretty much take as needed, there are things I would add as "essential" such as berberine, extra mag/zinc or evening primrose but again that's more subjective for myself.

Oh and get a pack of prewashed organic power greens when you go grocery shopping and stuff a handful in your mouth before you leave the house in the morning, it makes a difference trust me.

This is the one I'm using now...
This was a good tip, Samseau. Having a chronic sore knee I went right out and got a bottle of the best available at my local discount club store -- a Youtheory brand with Collagen types 1,2,3 -- and after a week of taking 6000 mg daily the knee is much improved. Mobility is improved and pain greatly reduced. Pretty impressive. I also ordered the one you indicated above and will move on to that when the current bottle is finished. Thank you.
Perhaps my immunity resistance was lowered due to all the low level constant nuclear radiation I was exposed to on Nuclear High Speed Fast Attack Hunter Killer submarines
You aren't the only one who did that. And I don't expect (nor desire) that anyone kiss my butt just because I volunteered to be a nuke.

making sure the Communist Chinese and Soviet Pukes did not launch Nuclear Missiles at you, your family and our country from the sea.
The so-called USA is observably the most aggressive, warmongering nation on the planet. No one else is close.

And my reward is condescending comments -
I wasn't being condescending. I was offering another point of view, the POV I know best, which is my own.

the point of my post was to share WHAT IS WORKING NOW that I have relentlessly researched and studied the state of the art in immunity protocols against most respiratory viruses and a wide range of cancer-causing viruses.
I don't understand how contracting multiple bouts of COVID demonstrates a working protocol

I would conclude (What a short impactful yet condescending choice of words to begin a sentence),
Again, I was just offering another point of view.

... I am alive and well and had NO Colds or Flu this winter

I have always taken all of the Vaccines the US Military required
I also had to do that while in the Navy. Fortunately, they didn't have mRNA tech back then.

I am still Alive and Well even though I suffer from REDUCED IMMUNITY DUE TO MY MILITARY SERVICE to our beloved Christian Nation.
Christian nations don't celebrate "Pride Month". They don't declare Easter Sunday a day of "trans visibility".
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I'm kind of lost on the subject of supplements. Do you really even need them if you're eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat? I've also heard some people say that taking too many supplements can cause kidney stones, etc. In addition, I always wonder about the quality and viability or "freshness" of supplements as they are not shipped in climate controlled containers and are therefore subject to extreme heat and cold.

Currently I'm taking a cheap Vit C, D, & Zinc combo by Nature Made, a multi-vitamin by GNC, and a B-complex by Nature Made.

Recently I've been hearing about Dana White's physical health transformation using a "methylated" folate and multivitamin. I tried to find them in Whole Foods to no avail.

I've also been thinking about taking testosterone as I'm in my late 40's and starting to feel it. I'm also not sure where to begin with that?

Anyhow, I'm sure like with most things, you get what you pay for, so I'm just wondering what some of you take and what your monthly supplement bill is?
I dont really take any supplements, I might take some when Im sick thats about it, so my supplement bill is zero
You aren't the only one who did that. And I don't expect (nor desire) that anyone kiss my butt just because I volunteered to be a nuke.

The so-called USA is observably the most aggressive, warmongering nation on the planet. No one else is close.

I wasn't being condescending. I was offering another point of view, the POV I know best, which is my own.

I don't understand how contracting multiple bouts of COVID demonstrates a working protocol

Again, I was just offering another point of view.


I also had to do that while in the Navy. Fortunately, they didn't have mRNA tech back then.

Christian nations don't celebrate "Pride Month". They don't declare Easter Sunday a day of "trans visibility".

What does any of this have to do with supplements? Stay on topic.
What does any of this have to do with supplements? Stay on topic.
I was on topic. Then user https://christisking.cc/members/deepdiver.619/ attacked me, and brought up all those other things.

I replied to his attack, and then you tell me to stay on topic? You should be addressing the root of the problem, which is deepdiver's rant.

Instead, you gave his off-topic rant against me a "like". Very sus. This whole thing stinks to high Heaven. The two of you glow like spy cabal. You and DD need to repent and stop serving Satan's spy cabal. Per Ezekiel 33:8-9, you have been warned @Samseau.

@Deepdiver, now I actually do not believe you served in the silent service, since you can't keep your mouth shut about it. I've seen this tactic before from cabal surveillance. You people make it pretty easy to pick you out of a crowd.
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I was on topic. Then user https://christisking.cc/members/deepdiver.619/ attacked me, and brought up all those other things.

I replied to his attack, and then you tell me to stay on topic? You should be addressing the root of the problem, which is deepdiver's rant.

Instead, you gave his off-topic rant against me a "like". Very sus. This whole thing stinks to high Heaven. The two of you glow like spy cabal. You and DD need to repent and stop serving Satan's spy cabal. Per Ezekiel 33:8-9, you have been warned @Samseau.

@Deepdiver, now I actually do not believe you served in the silent service, since you can't keep your mouth shut about it. I've seen this tactic before from cabal surveillance. You people make it pretty easy to pick you out of a crowd.

Not only did he not attack you, but he was defending his supplement routine by explaining his service, and why he takes the supplements that he does.

Seriously - quote a single sentence from this post that attacked you: https://christisking.cc/threads/what-supplements-do-you-take.586/page-2#post-31762

At most he said you disrespected him and called your comments condescending, which is not an attack on your personal self. And then you respond talking about why his beliefs are wrong, and this is not the thread to talk about his beliefs. He was merely justifying his supplement routine - take it or leave it.

As for him being fake - wrong, DeepDiver and I have met in person years ago, and I can confirm he is the real deal. And if you think I'm fake then you have no idea what's going on, as I've probably met more people off the RVF than nearly anyone else, after Roosh and a few others.

This is the last comment on the subject - please stay on topic.