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What Supplements Do You Take?

There is a supplement I do not take, my experience of it was açaí berries. Just remembered about it..

I had it as a dark coloured powder, purple-black.

Did not realise it was a stimulant, I was having it for some other reason to do with diet in the evening and had the most sleepless night. I remember it was also nasty addictive with bad withdrawals the next day.

Still it's probably good for something, and the taste was somewhat pleasant but have been scared off it for the moment.
Pine pollen powder and beef collagen powder.

With the pine pollen, I was taking 2 heaped teaspoons 5 days a week, for the first week or two - now i have one teaspoon 5 days a week.

With the collagen, i take a scoop daily. The collagen is sourced from Brazilian grass pastured cows.

Both have given me lots of energy throughout the day.

Worth considering by those who need a little 'pick me up' for their day-to-day activities. These have definitely boosted my testosterone.

Do your research and if you buy, note that the effects may take a few weeks to be noticeable.
I just started a new stack, 4 brain health supplements that work long term for improving brain/cognitive function, and 4 adaptogen extracts that primarily act as immediate mood/energy enhancers they can be used on an as-needed basis interchangeably, or all at once. The brain health supplements are actually a part of a stack suggested on longecity from over 10 years ago - Uridine, b9/b12, DHA, and choline, though I am not including choline due to finding it underwhelming or detrimental. It doesn't even make sense to include choline in this stack anyway, because Uridine acts as a prodrug for CDP-Choline which is really interesting. NAC seems like it would be synergistic to this stack as it has general purpose use for improving brain function by chelating heavy metals like lead out of the body with it's super potent anti inflammatory/antixidant qualities, among others possible benefits.

Here's the stack:

-Uridine Monophosphate
-Krill Oil (i've always used fish oil, but krill oil is supposedly much more stable/bioavailable and less prone to oxidation which is a huge problem with fish oil)
-Methyl B9/B12

-Zembrin (a standardized/patented extract of Kanna)
-Rhodiola (taken with piperine)

Of these, the least familiar to me is Zembrin and Rhodiola, but they have really a interesting mechanism of action; Rhodiola functions as an MAOI (which is improved by taking piperine), while zembrin acts as an inhibitor of both serotonin and PDE4, which is really unique, and apparently depressed people have high PDE4 and inhibiting it leads to higher energy and wakefulness. From anecdotes, rhodiola seems better for energy and zembrin for mood, which isn't exactly in line with the mechanisms, but we don't fully understand them yet since supplements are rarely studied since such studies are useless to the "benefactors" that fund them - it's merely competition to big pharma. It's incredibly annoying when people make the reductio ad absurdum argument that supplements are "snake oil" - maybe 80% of them are, but the 20% that work are the real deal but people refuse to believe anything unless it has something like a Cochrane review seal of approval, which is never going to happen with supplements when you consider who funds these studies and why.

Anyway, after just a few days I already notice pretty big improvements for my energy levels and anxiety which was pretty crippling. The first 4 things in this stack probably take weeks to notice, so I'll be curious how I feel over the coming weeks.

Capsules from "Organic India"
You have no idea what’s in these capsules and they could have contained toxic hepatotoxic chemicals causing the liver injury. Never assume what’s on the label is the only thing that’s in there. With a name like ‘Organic India’ I would have thrown them in the trash.
Yup. Several years back, the FDA tested hundreds of supplement vendors and almost all of them were horseshvt. Say what you will about the FDA, but I can't imagine this was just completely fabricated. You can just assume 99% of supplement brands out there have products that are underdosed, full of heavy metals, or contain completely different ingredients than what is claimed.

The overwhelming majority of supplement brands do not do any QC and certainly do not have Certificate's of Analysis (CoA) which is the gold standard - I have attempted to reach out to several vendors inquiring about a CoA, and they either ignore me or say they can't provide it because their super special "proprietary formula" (which is usually the exact same, uninspired nonsense you see with other brands) is too valuble for competitors. What this actually means is they don't have a CoA. Any company that has CoA will share them unquestionably, as this is expensive and something to be proud of (and only a handful of brands actually do it).

Off the bat, I can share all the brands I know about. There are surely others I am missing here, but these cover the majority of the most well-known brands.

Best brands (they all provide CoAs, and and NOW/ND does both in-house and 3rd party testing)
Now Foods / Life Extension - very competitive pricing to boot, my go to brand picks.
Nootropics Depot (ND) - a little expensive, but top tier. Used to be even better and the short lived Ceretropic offshoot brand was the GOAT.
Herb Pharm - high quality plant extracts in liquid droppers
Cosmic Nootropic - pharmaceutical-grade nootropics like Semax, sourced from Russian pharmacies
Science.Bio - widest range of products I've ever seen, have everything imaginable, provide CoAs, not overpriced, though I'm not completely convinced of them for some reason and technically they're sold as RCs which is a bit sketchy. I've never heard of a single negative experience with them, though, and I've used them several times.

Possibly great (may not provide CoAs, but seem to be high quality)
Pure Encapsulations

Possibly good
Solaray (Andrew Huberman attested to their Longjack product, not as an affiliate, but I believe he tested them in his own lab)
Swanson, Carlson, Source Naturals, Doctors Best, Nature Made - many others like these that seem to be of similar value/price and have been around for a long time with largely positive reviews, but they're completely overshadowed in price/quality by NOW/Life Extension so I don't see the point in them.

Brands to Avoid
Basically, everything else. The worst is probably Bulk Supplements, it has been tested numerous times to find excessive levels of heavy metals, and many of their products were revealed to either underdosed or contain completely other products than what is claimed. You can assume the same is true for 99% of other brands. A good rule of thumb, the more fancy/markety the branding is, the more likely they're full of shvt. Companies like NOW, Life Extension, ND have bland, generic branding, but the reason is because they spend majority of their money on QC, sourcing,
lab analysis, etc, and the quality sells itself, rather than selling an image. Most of the flashy brands do not last very long at all, with one exception being the "Genius" brand as that seems to have been around for a good while now, and I have no idea if it's good or not.
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I'm kind of lost on the subject of supplements. Do you really even need them if you're eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat?
Plants are unnecessary. If you eat a lot of beef you don't really need vitamin or mineral supplements.
Currently I'm taking a cheap Vit C, D, & Zinc combo by Nature Made, a multi-vitamin by GNC, and a B-complex by Nature Made.
You will get all the D3, Zinc, Magnesium, B complex, and other vital nutrients if you just eat a lot of beef and eggs. Hamburger or fatty steaks like Ribeye. I have literally lived (and thrived) for months at a time eating mostly just beef and eggs. If you go "carnivore" you don't need Vit C. At all.
Recently I've been hearing about Dana White's physical health transformation using a "methylated" folate and multivitamin. I tried to find them in Whole Foods to no avail.
You can find almost anything on Amazon.
I've also been thinking about taking testosterone as I'm in my late 40's and starting to feel it. I'm also not sure where to begin with that?
Well, your post is almost 3 months old, so maybe you are already supplementing T. But honestly you will boost your T if you just do weightlifting. There are also "test booster" supplements out there that always worked well for me. They contain things like D-Aspartic acid, oyster extract, Korean ginseng and so forth. Also, cholesterol is one of the building blocks of T, which is why TPTB have demonized cholesterol and eggs. When I am lifting regularly, I eat eggs every day. Or drink them raw with a little salsa.
Anyhow, I'm sure like with most things, you get what you pay for, so I'm just wondering what some of you take and what your monthly supplement bill is?
Nowadays, I take only collagen and, pre-workout, BCAAs (the 2:1:1 ratio). One teaspoon of BCAAs mixed in a sports drink, about 30 minutes before lifting, makes a huge difference for me in endurance. And it's pretty cheap too. Don't spend a lot on supplements - better to spend on steak instead.

And I take a couple teaspoons of cod liver oil every day, for A, D and E plus omega-3 EFAs
I just started a new stack, 4 brain health supplements that work long term for improving brain/cognitive function, and 4 adaptogen extracts that primarily act as immediate mood/energy enhancers they can be used on an as-needed basis interchangeably, or all at once. The brain health supplements are actually a part of a stack suggested on longecity from over 10 years ago - Uridine, b9/b12, DHA, and choline, though I am not including choline due to finding it underwhelming or detrimental. It doesn't even make sense to include choline in this stack anyway, because Uridine acts as a prodrug for CDP-Choline which is really interesting. NAC seems like it would be synergistic to this stack as it has general purpose use for improving brain function by chelating heavy metals like lead out of the body with it's super potent anti inflammatory/antixidant qualities, among others possible benefits.

Here's the stack:

-Uridine Monophosphate
-Krill Oil (i've always used fish oil, but krill oil is supposedly much more stable/bioavailable and less prone to oxidation which is a huge problem with fish oil)
-Methyl B9/B12

-Zembrin (a standardized/patented extract of Kanna)
-Rhodiola (taken with piperine)

Of these, the least familiar to me is Zembrin and Rhodiola, but they have really a interesting mechanism of action; Rhodiola functions as an MAOI (which is improved by taking piperine), while zembrin acts as an inhibitor of both serotonin and PDE4, which is really unique, and apparently depressed people have high PDE4 and inhibiting it leads to higher energy and wakefulness. From anecdotes, rhodiola seems better for energy and zembrin for mood, which isn't exactly in line with the mechanisms, but we don't fully understand them yet since supplements are rarely studied since such studies are useless to the "benefactors" that fund them - it's merely competition to big pharma. It's incredibly annoying when people make the reductio ad absurdum argument that supplements are "snake oil" - maybe 80% of them are, but the 20% that work are the real deal but people refuse to believe anything unless it has something like a Cochrane review seal of approval, which is never going to happen with supplements when you consider who funds these studies and why.

Anyway, after just a few days I already notice pretty big improvements for my energy levels and anxiety which was pretty crippling. The first 4 things in this stack probably take weeks to notice, so I'll be curious how I feel over the coming weeks.

Yup. Several years back, the FDA tested hundreds of supplement vendors and almost all of them were horseshvt. Say what you will about the FDA, but I can't imagine this was just completely fabricated. You can just assume 99% of supplement brands out there have products that are underdosed, full of heavy metals, or contain completely different ingredients than what is claimed.

The overwhelming majority of supplement brands do not do any QC and certainly do not have Certificate's of Analysis (CoA) which is the gold standard - I have attempted to reach out to several vendors inquiring about a CoA, and they either ignore me or say they can't provide it because their super special "proprietary formula" (which is usually the exact same, uninspired nonsense you see with other brands) is too valuble for competitors. What this actually means is they don't have a CoA. Any company that has CoA will share them unquestionably, as this is expensive and something to be proud of (and only a handful of brands actually do it).

Off the bat, I can share all the brands I know about. There are surely others I am missing here, but these cover the majority of the most well-known brands.

Best brands (they all provide CoAs, and and NOW/ND does both in-house and 3rd party testing)
Now Foods / Life Extension - very competitive pricing to boot, my go to brand picks.
Nootropics Depot (ND) - a little expensive, but top tier. Used to be even better and the short lived Ceretropic offshoot brand was the GOAT.
Herb Pharm - high quality plant extracts in liquid droppers
Cosmic Nootropic - pharmaceutical-grade nootropics like Semax, sourced from Russian pharmacies
Science.Bio - widest range of products I've ever seen, have everything imaginable, provide CoAs, not overpriced, though I'm not completely convinced of them for some reason and technically they're sold as RCs which is a bit sketchy. I've never heard of a single negative experience with them, though, and I've used them several times.

Possibly great (may not provide CoAs, but seem to be high quality)
Pure Encapsulations

Possibly good
Solaray (Andrew Huberman attested to their Longjack product, not as an affiliate, but I believe he tested them in his own lab)
Swanson, Carlson, Source Naturals, Doctors Best, Nature Made - many others like these that seem to be of similar value/price and have been around for a long time with largely positive reviews, but they're completely overshadowed in price/quality by NOW/Life Extension so I don't see the point in them.

Brands to Avoid
Basically, everything else. The worst is probably Bulk Supplements, it has been tested numerous times to find excessive levels of heavy metals, and many of their products were revealed to either underdosed or contain completely other products than what is claimed. You can assume the same is true for 99% of other brands. A good rule of thumb, the more fancy/markety the branding is, the more likely they're full of shvt. Companies like NOW, Life Extension, ND have bland, generic branding, but the reason is because they spend majority of their money on QC, sourcing,
lab analysis, etc, and the quality sells itself, rather than selling an image. Most of the flashy brands do not last very long at all, with one exception being the "Genius" brand as that seems to have been around for a good while now, and I have no idea if it's good or not.

Great contribution

Happy Social Media GIF by Yevbel

Your active measures to ask for certificates of testing are commendable. A lack of testing or unwillingness to show testing analysis to consumers would be concerning. Most companies do not post certification or if they do, questions often remain about their authenticity.

I have tried a lot of supps, and may write up a datasheet one day. In the meantime, I would emphasise that it pays to be aware of the potential risks of contamination and over-supplementation.

This is one example research article that discusses the issue:

Toxic Element Contamination of Natural Health Products and Pharmaceutical Preparations
Abstract. Concern has recently emerged regarding the safety of natural health products (NHPs)-therapies that are increasingly recommended by various health providers, including conventional physicians. Recognizing that most individuals in the Western world now consume vitamins and many take herbal agents, this study endeavored to determine levels of toxic element contamination within a range of NHPs. Toxic element testing was performed on 121 NHPs (including Ayurvedic, traditional Chinese, and various marine-source products) as well as 49 routinely prescribed pharmaceutical preparations. Testing was also performed on several batches of one prenatal supplement, with multiple samples tested within each batch. Results were compared to existing toxicant regulatory limits. Toxic element contamination was found in many supplements and pharmaceuticals; levels exceeding established limits were only found in a small percentage of the NHPs tested and none of the drugs tested. Some NHPs demonstrated contamination levels above preferred daily endpoints for mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic or aluminum. NHPs manufactured in China generally had higher levels of mercury and aluminum. Exposure to toxic elements is occurring regularly as a result of some contaminated NHPs. Best practices for quality control-developed and implemented by the NHP industry with government oversight-is recommended to guard the safety of unsuspecting consumers.

Established Toxicant Limits in Supplements (mcg/day)


Overall Results of Toxic Element Contamination


If your future/present wife becomes pregnant she will be likely to consider supplements such as DHA, folate and choline. If you do choose for her to supplement, this is the most critical time to ensure your supplements have been tested, ideally by multiple third parties.

As you can see below, according to most public health groups, minimal dosages for these heavy metals in prenatal stages are Not Established (NE).


For example on iherb you can see their tested range "itested" under 'formulation' in the sorting field.

(Please note I am not endorsing iherb or any of these products. These are examples to help demonstrate the process by which you can start reviewing testing and related certificates)

E.g, this fish oil has a strong result for adults - see the 'heavy metal analysis'.


In contrast, this fruit powder has something like 50-100 times the lead content ["itested" PDF].

Something to consider. I hope this helps some readers.
cod liver oil every day,
Be careful of overdosing on mercury or other heavy metals if its cod from the ocean. Also be super careful of overdosing on vitamin A. This blog has some really interesting theories about how a large number people have subclinical level hypervitaminosis A.

Best brands (they all provide CoAs, and and NOW/ND does both in-house and 3rd party testing)
Now Foods / Life Extension - very competitive pricing to boot, my go to brand picks.
Great breakdown and good to NOW Foods on the list. I was recently looking to replace some Grape Seed Extract supplements and had settled on NOW -- there was something about their formulation that I found superior to the others (haven't ordered or tried them yet). Their prices were extremely low as well, and availability seems to be good.
Brands to Avoid
Basically, everything else.
Is that really true?
There are some brands, such as NOW, that i didn't even know about a couple of months ago, who turn out to be great. I think we can have a neutral category for unknown / untested sources.

I order from different companies, but always have something from Puritan's Pride in my cabinet. It's mostly just because their pricing is good and that's what my parents bought growing up, but I'm curious about their quality. They produce everything domestically (NY) and claim to do rigorous internal testing, but no third party testing. It's hard to find good free information online, but I couldn't really find much negative about them either.

Does anyone subscribe to Consumer Reports or a similar service who can provide some info on independent ratings?

DO NOT order anything on Amazon that is sold by any entity other than Amazon itself (third party seller).

I recently watched the Frontline expose on Jeff Bezos / history of Amazon and Amazon admitted it does not even stand behind products sold by third parties and provide no guarantees whatsoever. There are a few legit cases, perhaps, of where the "seller" is the actual producer (IE you want to buy a DoggyBro dog brush and one of the sellers is DoggyBro itself) but generally in such cases you can just go to the DoggyBro website and usually get a better deal and I would NEVER order something from a third party seller after watching this doc.

It is particularly risky with something like vitamins, because you could be getting a NOW lookalike sticker placed over a white bottle and inside are pills that have zero supplement inside or may even harm you. Amazon basically openly admitted they turn a blind eye to this and have a don't ask don't tell policy.
....Those are the brands I recommend as clean quality products
Jarrow, as I mentioned in an earlier post, and also Doublewood Supplements, are 2 that I know have done well on the consumer labs testing sites - generally you have to pay to get this type of information and periodically people will share info they got access to. I learned about Doublewood a month or so ago. Now, if what I need is available by one of these two I always buy it first before looking elsewhere.

If anyone is using chlorella or spirulina, the Terrasoul Superfoods brand seems very good - neither is produced in China which is the main thing to watch out for with the algae products. You can spend a fortune on certain brands of these, but Terrasoul is very reasonable if you buy the powder instead of the tablets and just use a tiny measuring spoon and mix it in water. It really is not so inconvenient.

I have bought a TON of products from Now, mainly because they sell a lot of the things I have been looking for. The sourcing of their raw material is a concern in the back of my mind as is the case with so much nowadays ..... but, nothing has every gone wrong so I will probably keep buying their products.

Personally I think Swansons is garbage (their in-house branded stuff, not everything they sell). This is based on a specific experience in which I believe the product they sell had little of that substance or a degraded version of it. Then I learned as mentioned above that there is quite a wild west aspect to the supplements business. Caveat emptor, for sure.
Jarrow, as I mentioned in an earlier post, and also Doublewood Supplements, are 2 that I know have done well on the consumer labs testing sites - generally you have to pay to get this type of information and periodically people will share info they got access to. I learned about Doublewood a month or so ago. Now, if what I need is available by one of these two I always buy it first before looking elsewhere.

If anyone is using chlorella or spirulina, the Terrasoul Superfoods brand seems very good - neither is produced in China which is the main thing to watch out for with the algae products. You can spend a fortune on certain brands of these, but Terrasoul is very reasonable if you buy the powder instead of the tablets and just use a tiny measuring spoon and mix it in water. It really is not so inconvenient.

I have bought a TON of products from Now, mainly because they sell a lot of the things I have been looking for. The sourcing of their raw material is a concern in the back of my mind as is the case with so much nowadays ..... but, nothing has every gone wrong so I will probably keep buying their products.

Personally I think Swansons is garbage (their in-house branded stuff, not everything they sell). This is based on a specific experience in which I believe the product they sell had little of that substance or a degraded version of it. Then I learned as mentioned above that there is quite a wild west aspect to the supplements business. Caveat emptor, for sure.
Doublewood is good. I've used their Spermadine (gay name for a supplement, good products)when I had COVID.
Be careful of overdosing on mercury or other heavy metals if its cod from the ocean. Also be super careful of overdosing on vitamin A. This blog has some really interesting theories about how a large number people have subclinical level hypervitaminosis A.

A couple teaspoons is not enough to oversupplement any of the vitamins in CLO. It has been used as a supplement for literally decades - Scandinavian countries give it to school children daily during Winter, mainly for vit D during the very short days when it is too cold to get much of Sunshine. Or, at least, they used to do this back in the day.
I have had all 4 Covid Variants and Probably did not die due to my long history of Immunity Supplements... 1st Covid Variant 8 Weeks Dry Hacking cough sick as a dog. 2nd Variant 6 Weeks, Dry Cough, 3rd Variant 4 Weeks, 4th Omnicron iirc 3 Weeks mild cough mild fever. I chalk this up to studying Dr. Pierre Kory FLCCC protocols.

Stuck at home I constantly searched YT, Rumble etc etc for truth telling Doctors who were actually saving people and NOT pushing the murderRNA Clot Shots. First saw Dr. Pierre Kory on Greg Hunters USA Watchdog.com where he was recommended as a key truth teller and co-founder of the FLCCC Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance of Clinicians MDs, PhDs, MPAs etc...

My current Protocol: https://covid19criticalcare.com/protocol/i-prevent-covid-flu-rsv/

I have refined my Immunity Protocol Vitamins/Supplements per above as follows from Amazon as they do not bust my nutz on returns:

Nature Made: D3, Multi For Men, Magnesium, B-Complex, Burpless Fish Oil 1200mg No Mercury, Vitamin C 1000mg

Nature's Nutrition Turmeric & Ginger + Bioperine (Black Pepper)... (Noticeably reduces inflammation and joint pain).

Kappa Nutrition 12 in 1 Immune C Plus with Vitamin C, Zinc, Quercetin, D3 etc. Probably all you need with the Fish Oil and Turmeric. However even though most of the ingredients of nearly all vitamins and supplements are sourced from Heavy Metals contaminated Communist Freaking Red China I like Nature Made quality Control. Though Mike Adams Health Ranger Store tests about everything he sells for heavy metals using his advanced gas chromatograph systems... Insists his Organic Vitamin C is from ANTI-GMO UK not contaminated Communist Freaking China.
Seems more expensive than CCP Amazon just saying: https://www.healthrangerstore.com/

Note Per FLCCC etc MDs reports Zinc absorbed into your cells is a known inhibitor of enzymes that viruses (CV19, Flu, Colds, Cancers) need to replicate, however Zinc needs ionophores to absorb through the cholesterol linings of all human cells. Two ionophores of Zinc are "CDC" "FDA CONTROVERSIAL" meaning they work Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. The third that also works but is non-controversial per Bill Gates CDC, FDA Murder Inc., is Quercetin.

Kappa Capsules contain: 1000mg VitC, 1000mg Quercetin and 50mg Zinc and 5000 iu D3 and other "adv concept" immune minerals is probably all you need to suppress viral infections. Note on days I take preventative doses of Ivermectin I do not take Quercetin as they can cancel or counteract.

Lastly as a hard to get more expensive once a week preventative I also take two 12mg Ivejuv Ivermectin tablets ($200 for 100 tablets) from an Indian source (No China heavy metals Air and Water contamination). I buy my Ivermectin here:
Yeah a total PITA process but I always get my 12mg Ivermectin blister pack tablets vs cheap 3mg Contaminated China tablets or China Contaminated Apple Flavored Horsepaste.

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A couple teaspoons is not enough to oversupplement any of the vitamins in CLO. It has been used as a supplement for literally decades - Scandinavian countries give it to school children daily during Winter, mainly for vit D during the very short days when it is too cold to get much of Sunshine. Or, at least, they used to do this back in the day.
Did you even read the blog link? He pointed out that Nordic countries also have the highest rates of Alzheimer’s in the world and he hypothesises it’s due to heavy consumption of fish products. He points out that fish in cold climates can have up to 10 times the vitamin A naturally in their bodies than fish that live in warm climates.
Did you even read the blog link? He pointed out that Nordic countries also have the highest rates of Alzheimer’s in the world and he hypothesises it’s due to heavy consumption of fish products. He points out that fish in cold climates can have up to 10 times the vitamin A naturally in their bodies than fish that live in warm climates.
And what I am trying to point out to you is that the amount of CLO I consume is nowhere near "heavy consumption". Not only that, the amount of vitamin A a fish has is not relevant to the amount of vitamin A per teaspoon in CLO, which by US law must be listed on the nutrition label. The brand I used to take daily (2 teaspoons) only had 50% of the RDA of vitamin A per teaspoon, and the brand I take now is higher so I don't take it daily.

From what I've learned about nutrition, Alzheimer's is more likely caused by a diet high in carbs. It's another one of those diseases (like cancer and cvd) that was almost non-existent 100 years ago. Back then, consumption of carbs and sugar was low for most people, and seed oils were considered industrial waste, not food.
I have had all 4 Covid Variants and Probably did not die due to my long history of Immunity Supplements... 1st Covid Variant 8 Weeks Dry Hacking cough sick as a dog. 2nd Variant 6 Weeks, Dry Cough, 3rd Variant 4 Weeks, 4th Omnicron iirc 3 Weeks mild cough mild fever.
I don't know, that sounds like an awful lot of sickness. If that were my experience, I would conclude that my supplement regime is failing and I need a new one.

I started taking CLO about 6 years ago, and I've only been sick twice in that entire time. Neither of which would I describe myself as being "sick as a dog". "Capsules", both in my own experience and according to other sources, are far inferior to natural food sources.
Interesting experiences. I've tried lots of supplements, and haven't noticed a difference from using any of them - except one.

Collagen or Bone Broth (same thing).

Had a nasty shoulder injury that would not heal for four months, and my girl recommended to me to use Bone Broth. I tried it, and it healed within 2 weeks!

Saw an old man at a Parish I infrequently attend, who would walk around with a cane barely able to move and could hardly get out of his seat. I told him to try bone broth. Next time I saw him a few months later, I asked him how he was and he said (in a thick British accent) "Nevvverrr felt better!!" and he's zooming around without any cane! He now serves in the Altar with the other Altar boys!

My father couldn't get out of bed in the morning, his arthritis was so severe. Got him on a collagen mix, and within 3 weeks all his pain went away and he is able to lift heavy gallons of paint like it's nothing!

Never seen any other supplements have such a fast effect on health. Collagen is basically grease for the joints. It's dirt cheap too. I surmise that back in the old days, Grandma would cook soup by throwing the bone into the soup. That's how people used to get their collagen. Nowadays most diets don't have this sort of thing, so supplements are extremely helpful.

I notice if I use collagen supplements I can lift heavy at the gym with barely a creak in my bones. But without collagen supplements, my knees pop like fireworks. The stuff is for real.
I don't know, that sounds like an awful lot of sickness. If that were my experience, I would conclude that my supplement regime is failing and I need a new one.

I started taking CLO about 6 years ago, and I've only been sick twice in that entire time. Neither of which would I describe myself as being "sick as a dog". "Capsules", both in my own experience and according to other sources, are far inferior to natural food sources.
Perhaps my immunity resistance was lowered due to all the low level constant nuclear radiation I was exposed to on Nuclear High Speed Fast Attack Hunter Killer submarines making sure the Communist Chinese and Soviet Pukes did not launch Nuclear Missiles at you, your family and our country from the sea. And my reward is condescending comments - the point of my post was to share WHAT IS WORKING NOW that I have relentlessly researched and studied the state of the art in immunity protocols against most respiratory viruses and a wide range of cancer-causing viruses.

I would conclude (What a short impactful yet condescending choice of words to begin a sentence), that I am alive and well and had NO Colds or Flu this winter largely due to Dr. Pierre Kory's constant medical literature reading and testing and refining of emerging treatments for Viral Respiratory infections and mRNA caused turbo cancers from the mRNA murder vaxx which I did not take. I did take the J&J 1 shot so I could travel with a Vaxx Card and continue to receive health services at the VA. I suspect the J&J which had spike protein fragments (What the Holy Hell does that mean "fragments") but NO mRNA murder nano factories of endless spike protein production - was bad enough to cause its own set of vaccine adverse events that turned into unpleasant GI Tract issues in my case. Fact is the FLCCC regimen is far safer and effective than nearly any respiratory anti virals injections... I have always taken all of the Vaccines the US Military required and the VA recommended - NO MORE especially anything made with mRNA poison - including the Chicken, Pork and Beef injected with it in your grocery store shelves.

In a spirit of Christian duty, I have posted my story, my research and all supporting links and the fact that I am still Alive and Well even though I suffer from REDUCED IMMUNITY DUE TO MY MILITARY SERVICE to our beloved Christian Nation. I have learned to ignore and suffer in silence those who disrespect our Christian Warriors. It is what it is.