Welcome to the Ladies Forum

It seems there will be a unisex area. Unconfirmed.

In the works! One thing I didn't like was how guys would just barge into the ladies discussion and take over threads. It completely defeated the purpose of having a women's section, lol. So the idea is a women's only section, and a unisex area, but most of the forum will be for males to hammer out ideas and butt heads against each other.
As a note, women can't see the men's forum for now, as everything is posted in what will be the private forum. Once things are live, probably 99% of men's posts will be publicly viewable, as on RVF.

As I see it (unconfirmed) the men's private forum will only be viewable to former male RVF users and later users who earn access. And women will have a private forum, which will not be visible to men.
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Feel free to create any posts you want. Especially since what you post on RVF will probably go into a void soon.
New quota of emojis -

Are we going to be creating threads for some of the most important topics on the men's forum? Such as covid threads, Russia-Ukraine threads, JQ, etc?? OR just allow those topics to come up naturally? And if so, I am requesting that they remain viewable to women as they are on RVF, even if it's decided that we cannot post there.
Are we going to be creating threads for some of the most important topics on the men's forum? Such as covid threads, Russia-Ukraine threads, JQ, etc?? OR just allow those topics to come up naturally? And if so, I am requesting that they remain viewable to women as they are on RVF, even if it's decided that we cannot post there.

Once the forum goes lives, all the threads will be moved out so anyone can see them. Two of those threads exist. You can create any you wish in here.
Are we going to be creating threads for some of the most important topics on the men's forum? Such as covid threads, Russia-Ukraine threads, JQ, etc?? OR just allow those topics to come up naturally? And if so, I am requesting that they remain viewable to women as they are on RVF, even if it's decided that we cannot post there.

The (men's) private forum is now visible to women. The only reason it wasn't visible before is because of the learning curve on administration.
@Mrs. Doubtfire Are you from RVF or are you an acquaintance of someone? I’m just curious and trying to figure out where you’re from lol. I saw your original post before it was changed and my first thought was, “Of course <eyeroll>, the first post in the Ladies Forum is a troll, ugh.” So, I guess, what I’m asking is if you really are a woman? :LOL:
@Mrs. Doubtfire Are you from RVF or are you an acquaintance of someone? I’m just curious and trying to figure out where you’re from lol. I saw your original post before it was changed and my first thought was, “Of course <eyeroll>, the first post in the Ladies Forum is a troll, ugh.” So, I guess, what I’m asking is if you really are a woman? :LOL:

That's one of our admin accounts for testing that things are working well for our female members, just to be clear :)