Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Thread

The unvaccinated still made the right decision, regardless. Not up for argument. Early days.
Glad that I made the right call when everyone else said otherwise.
That's not the argument. The argument was all the doom on the other side stating a sizable portion of the vaccinated population would be dead. That never happened. I never said being unvaccinated wasn't the right call.
That's not the argument. The argument was all the doom on the other side stating a sizable portion of the vaccinated population would be dead. That never happened. I never said being unvaccinated wasn't the right call.

Granted it's difficult to know what is actually happening. People who are aware of the dangers are constantly looking at the data and pointing out striking anomalies in death rates. People who live in the other reality and put their trust in all the medical things/human progress, etc. can't imagine it and don't see it. Or they go out to debunk who they think are the conspiracy theorists. Plus the censorship machine is still out there in full swing.

If you follow someone like Dr. Peter McCullough, who has been looking at and publishing about the side effects attached to this mrna technology, you will see some pretty shocking things. But, of course, if you search for him you will see all the fact check and false claims articles first.

In the end it comes down to "who do you trust?"
I realize going by anecdotal experience is the at the bottom of the heap when it comes to the hierarchy of reliable data, but considering the amount of people that have been vaccinated and how deadly the jab is supposed to be, I thought I would have seen a least say 20% of the people I know suffering very visible side effects or dropping dead from the jab. If you add in the shedding theory then this percentage should be even higher.

From reading this thread and the Vaccines Injuries thread on the old forum it seems like there are indeed people who have observed a noticeable amount of people around them experiencing adverse effects after getting jabbed. What would explain why I haven't really noticed a change in people's health around me while other people have seen this in their social circles? With such a large amount of people getting jabbed, pretty much all of us should be having the same observations. You can propose theories such as maybe my region of the country only got placebo saline solutions since we were designated as a control group in a global experiment designed by the elites while everyone else got poisoned but that seems like a pretty ad hoc explanation.
What would explain why I haven't really noticed a change in people's health around me while other people have seen this in their social circles?

Working with causation is difficult. I would assume people around you do get sick, or develop things like cancer or other diseases, or have died. But these things happen anyway, which make it difficult to tie to a particular thing.

I actually think it's pretty difficult to perceive a 20% increase of serious sickness in real life.
Working with causation is difficult. I would assume people around you do get sick, or develop things like cancer or other diseases, or have died. But these things happen anyway, which make it difficult to tie to a particular thing.

I actually think it's pretty difficult to perceive a 20% increase of serious sickness in real life.
Yes, there's something to this. Also, when I hear about someone who got disease X, autoimmune or otherwise, or a cancer, I always think of the jab first and many of the times it is probably correct. I think the difference is that we might have expected even more people to die. What I think is going on is the classic slow roll, where most people get knocked off over time, though some do have notable cardiac and sudden deaths that we are told about, but they are hidden in the overall picture since it takes a lot to shock us these days.
That's not the argument. The argument was all the doom on the other side stating a sizable portion of the vaccinated population would be dead. That never happened. I never said being unvaccinated wasn't the right call

Who cares if it never happened?

Why do you care when the smallest of percentages in my country (at least) decided not to go with the jab?
We fought against a tyranny, a poison that mostly became mandatory?

Crazy to me that someone with a username claiming SeekingTruth would argue for anyone that took the jab?

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Who cares if it never happened?

Why do you care when the smallest of percentages in my country (at least) decided not to go with the jab?
We fought against a tyranny, a poison that mostly became mandatory?

Crazy to me that someone with a username claiming SeekingTruth would argue for anyone that took the jab?

Like I said multiple times, I never said being unvaccinated wasn't the right call. Did I ever argue for taking the jab? No. Obviously you don't know me from RVF rookie.
Also just because you use emotion about something doesn't make it truth. It's your truth. Fact of the matter is that there wasn't a huge loss in life acutely as others had projected. How many times do I have to say this. Use some reading comprehension.
Like I said multiple times, I never said being unvaccinated wasn't the right call. Did I ever argue for taking the jab? No. Obviously you don't know me from RVF rookie.
Also just because you use emotion about something doesn't make it truth. It's your truth. Fact of the matter is that there wasn't a huge loss in life acutely as others had projected. How many times do I have to say this. Use some reading comprehension.

Yeah these are valid points. Well said. I definitely had an emotional reaction to a reasonable argument, which as you say has nothing to do with Truth.
Fact of the matter is that there wasn't a huge loss in life acutely as others had projected.

Not only have excess deaths been far higher than average, but, as has been said many times, it's too early to judge right now. Most were not predicting instant death waves. The average testing period of vaccines in the past was 7-10 years. Until we are past the 7-10 year mark, we do not know the full effects of these mRNA vaccines.

It would make more sense if the death jabs had a delayed response as well, since there wouldn't be any suspicion.
Not only have excess deaths been far higher than average, but, as has been said many times, it's too early to judge right now. Most were not predicting instant death waves. The average testing period of vaccines in the past was 7-10 years. Until we are past the 7-10 year mark, we do not know the full effects of these mRNA vaccines.

It would make more sense if the death jabs had a delayed response as well, since there wouldn't be any suspicion.

Who is "most"?

"Most" of us have not seen relatives etc dropping like flies.

I also said "acutely". So are you defining acute as 7-10 years because I sure wasn't?
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Who is "most"?

In the context of this discussion, "most" is most RVF posters since you were referring to people predicting massive death waves. I'm saying, most people on RVF did not make such predictions. Some did, but most are of the long-term opinion.

The time frame of 7-10 years has always been accepted as well, since this was the previous testing timeframe for other vaccines. Thus, until that timeframe is up, we do not know what the results of the vax will be.
The statistician here should respond with evidence vs more emotional posting.

Who is "most"?

"Most" of us have not seen relatives etc dropping like flies.

I also said "acutely". So are you defining acute as 7-10 years because I sure wasn't?
The statistician here should respond with evidence vs more emotional posting.

Who is "most"?

"Most" of us have not seen relatives etc dropping like flies.

I also said "acutely". So are you defining acute as 7-10 years because I sure wasn't?
In the context of this discussion, "most" is most RVF posters since you were referring to people predicting massive death waves. I'm saying, most people on RVF did not make such predictions. Some did, but most are of the long-term opinion.

The time frame of 7-10 years has always been accepted as well, since this was the previous testing timeframe for other vaccines. Thus, until that timeframe is up, we do not know what the results of the vax will be.

Please reference someone that is saying 7-10 years. It's mostly just random predictions at this stage. What exactly is happening at years 7-10? Well it's not turbo cancers because then it isn't turbo. So what is it?
Please reference someone that is saying 7-10 years. It's mostly just random predictions at this stage. What exactly is happening at years 7-10? Well it's not turbo cancers because then it isn't turbo. So what is it?
I started the original thread on RVF where I correlated the studies I had been doing for years on both the telecommunications industry and the pharmaceutical juggernaut into a single conspiracy theory that was gawked at by many (March 2020), but now not so much. There was evidence beforehand they were cooking up some "disease" with Event 201 in the fall of 2019, but it wasn't clear at first that the "disease" would actually be the side effects from receiving the "cure," side effects which would manifest in a myriad of problems, including sudden death, either by heart attack, stroke, or aneurysm, or less sudden by organ failure, cancer growths, and immune deficiency. People have also gone blind and have had to have limbs amputated which further supports the consensus that whatever nano-graphene accumulation is inside the vials is potent enough to trigger these reactions.

My prediction from all of this was beyond 7-10 years. The genetic variability of the human population who received the shots, some with more nano-graphene than the others (what they call MRNA), would produce a series of confounding reactions. Many died in 2021, but many more died in 2022, which shows a latent effect. Many more died in 2023, but not as many this year. The randomization of the batch numbers (which you can search yourself to see if someone you know got a dose from a batch that many others died from) also would confuse the spiritual truth-seekers who knew about this plot. The "boosters" issue only amplified it, as it was literally more of the nano-graphene delivered intramuscularly. A majority of the deaths from the shots will occur within the first 10 years, but the rest can be debated to be called deaths, or just simply excising some of the years off the tail-end of someone's life, ending it early, from a weakened body and compromised blood.

The other primary side effect is reproduction damage, either spontaneous abortions, uterine wall lining literally detaching itself from a woman's insides, or babies being born like they have bubonic plague. There are other weirder circumstances with vaxx babies having alien-looking appearances, elongated skulls, fingers, and shark eyes, which is a sign of genetic modification to the extreme (a DNA-God code spiritual corruption made manifest in the flesh). In many others it made them impotent, sterile, thus ending their bloodline, which is what this game is ultimately about.

The other side of this introspective is the very real dangers that 5G and the incoming radiofrequency spectrum wavelengths will have on the human body, and how it interacts with the amount of nano-graphene currently in one's body. The instant death theory with the jabbed is that, especially in Asian countries where they would literally all do this same death-throes: bodily contortion, a twist and a look up with their head to the right, followed by a facial malformation, then a collapse and violent shaking. are caused by a signal amplification that hits the pockets of nano in the organ tissue and the blood cells causing them to perform rapid assimilation and reproduction that can mimic a heart attack or a brain bleed or something similar. The intravenous clots that they are pulling out of dead people (and some people who were alive) is the synthetic coagulation of the blood with nano, forming rubber-band like structures.

We are being experimented on. The more fringier types than me will tell you its about creating some kind of Antichrist hybridization of human and demon DNA, that those who survive the vaccine are compromised spiritually and will obey the Antichrist as mark-bearers. Maybe, but the more realistic data just shows that they are following the protocols established by the UN in Brazil in 1987 and what their secret fraternal societies have been scheming for centuries prior to that when they could finally attain a position of power and influence to confuse world populations to partake in a satanic ploy of self-destruction.
Please reference someone that is saying 7-10 years. It's mostly just random predictions at this stage. What exactly is happening at years 7-10? Well it's not turbo cancers because then it isn't turbo. So what is it?
He is saying that death rates have increased since the covid gene therapy treatment.

He is also saying that vaccines were always tested over a long period of time to be sure there were not side effects that would appear further down the line.

This is because you dont want to give a new treatment for something only to find out in 5 years time it kills 20% of people, because you now have 5 years of treated people who will suffer that.

Considering that the covid treatment only had months of testing, it could have nay number of deleterious side effects appearing years from now. We dont know yet.

If you are more cynical you could suggest that the covid treatment was designed and tested over many years to have delayed side effects.

Anyway, I have noticed that among the people I know, the amount of covid shots you got seems to correlate to how often you get covid. The ones with the most shots get the most "covid". I therefore presume that the shot has lowered their immune system to make them more susceptible to coronavirus based influenza. Which will then show up as a positive covid test.

I am always coming into work hearing about one of my coworkers having covid, and I have just spent a few days in close proximity to them, and I dont get it (im not vaccinated).

And that may be the tip of the iceberg.
Who is "most"?

"Most" of us have not seen relatives etc dropping like flies.

I also said "acutely". So are you defining acute as 7-10 years because I sure wasn't?
Personally I don't directly know anybody who died due to the covid vaccine but I personally know many who suffered serious side effects such as heart attacks, blood clotting, bells pausy, eczema, shingles, Gillian barre syndrome, etc due to the Covid Vaccine. The vaccine only killed a modest number of people but its made a massive number of people sick. Based on personal observation (anecdotal evidence) I feel like somewhere between 2% and 5% of the population are suffering ongoing side effects from the covid vaccines. To me that is massive whereas others might think of it as less of a big deal.
Personally I don't directly know anybody who died due to the covid vaccine but I personally know many who suffered serious side effects such as heart attacks, blood clotting, bells pausy, eczema, shingles, Gillian barre syndrome, etc due to the Covid Vaccine. The vaccine only killed a modest number of people but its made a massive number of people sick. Based on personal observation (anecdotal evidence) I feel like somewhere between 2% and 5% of the population are suffering ongoing side effects from the covid vaccines. To me that is massive whereas others might think of it as less of a big deal.

Stop calling it a vaccine because it isn't. The rest of your post I agree with (if we're talking vaccines).
I have always wondered how real is the risk of protein spike shedding if we unvaccinated men date a vaccinated woman? Because it’s already hard enough to find a woman who meets even basic criteria and to exclude the majority of women on top of that for being vaccinated would make it extremely difficult.
If you dating a girl with the intent of marriage and not to fornicate with them then you wont have anything to worry about👍🏻
If you dating a girl with the intent of marriage and not to fornicate with them then you wont have anything to worry about👍🏻
And what if you marry a vaccinated woman? There are some vaccinated women who did it to keep their jobs or did it out of fear and now regret it and admit they were wrong.