Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Thread


This is to discuss and/or post anything related to vaccinated vs unvaccinated discussion, which is still alive and well especially in the world of dating.

Haha funny, so some of them prefer contaminated blood? The whole thing is 100% a cope for the idiots who took the poison. "Look there are two sides to it"....give me a break.

I'll tell you this, I'm the last conspiracy guy around here but I would strongly prefer not to have kids with a woman who took mystery poison....for multiple reasons.
Haha funny, so some of them prefer contaminated blood? The whole thing is 100% a cope for the idiots who took the poison. "Look there are two sides to it"....give me a break.

I'll tell you this, I'm the last conspiracy guy around here but I would strongly prefer not to have kids with a woman who took mystery poison....for multiple reasons.
This part is important to keep in mind - and confirmed my theory - regarding political party alignment:
"More telling was the partisan split in survey responses: According to the report, Democrats were "far more likely" than Republicans to say that vaccination status was "important for them to see".
I have always wondered how real is the risk of protein spike shedding if we unvaccinated men date a vaccinated woman? Because it’s already hard enough to find a woman who meets even basic criteria and to exclude the majority of women on top of that for being vaccinated would make it extremely difficult.
This was discussed at some length on the previous forum. I recommend going into the RVF 2.0 archive and searching. There was a LOT of great info in there. Some of the leading anti-COVID-jab medical voices have been saying for several years that yes, sleeping with a vaxxed woman will likely infect you, and might cause any potential resulting child to also be a carrier of whatever is in those vile viles. There were literally videos of newborns shaking violently after being born from vaxxed women. I also recommend checking out The Unjected Show podcast. That is a source of great information.
A vaccine injection has a huge viral load, I’m not sure the much smaller viral load from a sexual intercourse with a vaccinated woman will have the same impact and lead to actual infection. For most viruses there is a minimum viral load necessary for the person to be infected and have symptoms.

And besides I have not heard any cases of unvaccinated men dropping dead from heart attacks weeks after sleeping with a vaccinated woman. But yes I think passing on the genes to a baby is a definite possibility.
This was discussed at some length on the previous forum. I recommend going into the RVF 2.0 archive and searching. There was a LOT of great info in there. Some of the leading anti-COVID-jab medical voices have been saying for several years that yes, sleeping with a vaxxed woman will likely infect you, and might cause any potential resulting child to also be a carrier of whatever is in those vile viles. There were literally videos of newborns shaking violently after being born from vaxxed women. I also recommend checking out The Unjected Show podcast. That is a source of great information.
These children were still born from women who received the shots. So much happens in-utero between mother and child. Were there examples of children born from men who slept with a jabbed woman and ended up getting a non-jabbed woman pregnant later? I don't think those results are out yet.

Many ungodly women are great liars, they learn it early on. Now so many of them are lying about their "status" of whether or not they took the jew jabs. I don't think that a man who sleeps with a jabbed woman can pass on what she has to another unjabbed woman, that would effectively kill or handicap the unjabbed coupling or any children resulting from them. I also don't advocate sleeping with anyone unless they're your wife.

The more this "vaccine" is studied unbiasedly and independently, the more it is shown to be a direct injection of graphene NANO particles into the bloodstream, biologically organic operating systems that are designed to multiply themselves and assimilate tissue, hence the clotting and mutagenic effects of random tumors growing rapidly. If you are a man and you hypothetically penetrate a woman who has been jabbed, she's not the one doing the invading. The arguments would say that skin to skin transdermal absorption or something with fluid exchange causes the "viral load" or "spike proteins" to transfer from one person to another, but the reality is that this graphene NANO is in all of us already, those who are jabbed have just received a lethal dose of it, and the reactions vary but more often than not, something irreversible or fatal occurs in the injected recipient.

I would avoid them because there is a possibility that if they are overflowing with graphene and other self-replicating nano, it will get through your skin and then you will have a lot more in your system, but still nowhere near as much as them. The entirety of our poisoned environments, resources, and bodies comes with the beauty of decontamination and detoxification. The methods for expunging NANO from the body differ than that of expunging "viruses," which are more fictitious at being the cause of disease than anything else. Graphene can be pulled out of the body with magnets and coils, once it has been "turned off" with a short EMP discharge through the body. The last thing you want to do is run continuous current through your body while you have loads of graphene in you, that will only supercharge its replication process. A quick jolt from a discharging battery source works differently, and halts it's system.

Some more material on this:

"What are the intrabody nanonetworks all about? The excuse & the dystopian future"

I posted this on RVF when it came out but I'll do it again now. I've not personally seen the morgellons-like fibers come out of me, but I have definitely felt a difference after doing these detox protocols. This guy Tony is a good Christian, he builds these devices from within the prison country of Canada to this day.

"The Surge Purge Removing the Scourge"

"The Spike"
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The problem I have is all the people who were once adamently parroting the narrative to everyone and criticizing and shaming others, only to later silently abandon their position and pretend they never said those things, or straight up take up the other position. It's good to recognize you were wrong, but to completely backpedal on it and not acknowledge that you were once fooled is incredibly cowardly and dishonest. I know if I was duped I would admit it ad nauseaum, and I've certainly done it in other areas of my life (such as being roped into the "new atheist" secular movement in my late teen years).

The problem now is that while there are still a lot of people who insist on the original narrative, there are many others who are in a more neutral or slightly skeptical position, and they act like they've always thought this way. I've seen people do this, and some are even now critical of people who push the narrative, while pretending they weren't once doing the very same thing they're now criticizing!

In the context of dating, it's even more frustrrating. I can recall stumbling across lot of women on Hinge who said something to the effect of "real men wear masks" or "if you're unvaccinated don't talk to me" etc and then they just silently removed this and pretended they never said it and now I rarely even see profiles admit to being vaccinated (vaccination status was an optional thing you could add on your profile, and in 2024 the only options are still "Vaccinated" or "Not yet vaccinated" lmfao), and have seen precisely zero that comment on it or Covid in general whatsoever.

I heard a quote recently that really stuck with me "a loyal enemy is better than a fake friend". It infuriates me to not know how people I come across may have behaved during those years. You can obviously make some assumptions if they're a hard lefty, but otherwise they have simply blended into the crowd as they always do. As such I find it even more difficult to trust people now.
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The problem I have is all the people who were once adamently parroting the narrative to everyone and criticizing and shaming others, only to later silently abandon their position and pretend they never said those things, or straight up take up the other position. It's good to recognize you were wrong, but to completely backpedal on it and not acknowledge that you were once fooled is incredibly cowardly and dishonest. I know if I was duped I would admit it ad nauseaum, and I've certainly done it in other areas of my life (such as being roped into the "new atheist" secular movement in my late teen years).

The problem now is that while there are still a lot of people who insist on the original narrative, there are many others who are in a more neutral or slightly skeptical position, and they act like they've always thought this way. I've seen people do this, and some are even now critical of people who push the narrative, while pretending they weren't once doing the very same thing they're now criticizing!

In the context of dating, it's even more frustrrating. I can recall stumbling across lot of women on Hinge who said something to the effect of "real men wear masks" or "if you're unvaccinated don't talk to me" etc and then they just silently removed this and pretended they never said it and now I rarely even see profiles admit to being vaccinated (vaccination status was an optional thing you could add on your profile, and in 2024 the only options are still "Vaccinated" or "Not yet vaccinated" lmfao), and have seen precisely zero that comment on it or Covid in general whatsoever.

I heard a quote recently that really stuck with me "a loyal enemy is better than a fake friend". It infuriates me to not know how people I come across may have behaved during those years. You can obviously make some assumptions if they're a hard lefty, but otherwise they have simply blended into the crowd as they always do. As such I find it even more difficult to trust people now.

I don't trust or distrust people anymore or any less than I used to, the entire event was shameful hysteria that I forgive them for, so that I may be forgiven of my own sins.
There are a couple of colleges in the U.S. that still require proof of - or must get - COVID vaccination(s) for new students and employees. Some examples of job postings that require the clot shot:

Harvard University
Additional Information
The health of our workforce is a priority for Harvard University. With that in mind, we strongly encourage all employees to be up-to-date on CDC-recommended vaccines.

University of California at Santa Barbara
UC Vaccination Programs Policy - With Interim Revisions
As a condition of employment, you will be required to comply with the University of California Policy on Vaccination Programs - With Interim Revisions.*

As a condition of Physical Presence at a Location or in a University Program, all Covered Individuals** must participate in any applicable Vaccination Program by providing proof that they are Up-to-Date with any required Vaccines or submitting a request for Exception in a Mandate Program or properly declining vaccination in an Opt-Out Program no later than the Compliance Date (Capitalized terms in this paragraph are defined in the policy.). Federal, state, or local public health directives may impose additional requirements.

St. Olaf College
The college strongly recommends that incoming students and new employees complete the primary COVID vaccine series before beginning their studies or work on campus, and that all members of our campus community remain up to date with COVID vaccines, per CDC guidance.

Boston University
Position requires semester-based rotating nights, weekends and/or holiday hours coverage, on campus, and COVID vaccine compliance, with periodic opportunities to work from home.

University of California at San Diego
If employed by the University of California, you will be required to comply with our Policy on Vaccination Programs, which may be amended or revised from time to time. Federal, state, or local public health directives may impose additional requirements.

Also, same thing for jobs search. For example, just for amusement, go to to do a jobs search. In the Job Title, Keywords or Company search field, enter various keywords - i.e., "COVID vaccine", "vaccinated", "COVID vaccine requirement", etc. (without the quotes). Below is a screenshot example of a job search results when I entered "vaccinated" in keywords search field, selected "last 14 days" of Date Posted filter and used "New York, NY" in the location field within a 50 miles radius filter.

The problem I have is all the people who were once adamently parroting the narrative to everyone and criticizing and shaming others, only to later silently abandon their position and pretend they never said those things, or straight up take up the other position. It's good to recognize you were wrong, but to completely backpedal on it and not acknowledge that you were once fooled is incredibly cowardly and dishonest. I know if I was duped I would admit it ad nauseaum, and I've certainly done it in other areas of my life (such as being roped into the "new atheist" secular movement in my late teen years).

The problem now is that while there are still a lot of people who insist on the original narrative, there are many others who are in a more neutral or slightly skeptical position, and they act like they've always thought this way. I've seen people do this, and some are even now critical of people who push the narrative, while pretending they weren't once doing the very same thing they're now criticizing!

In the context of dating, it's even more frustrrating. I can recall stumbling across lot of women on Hinge who said something to the effect of "real men wear masks" or "if you're unvaccinated don't talk to me" etc and then they just silently removed this and pretended they never said it and now I rarely even see profiles admit to being vaccinated (vaccination status was an optional thing you could add on your profile, and in 2024 the only options are still "Vaccinated" or "Not yet vaccinated" lmfao), and have seen precisely zero that comment on it or Covid in general whatsoever.

I heard a quote recently that really stuck with me "a loyal enemy is better than a fake friend". It infuriates me to not know how people I come across may have behaved during those years. You can obviously make some assumptions if they're a hard lefty, but otherwise they have simply blended into the crowd as they always do. As such I find it even more difficult to trust people now.
You can tell a lot about how a person behaved during the covid panic by telling them, "Covid was a lie," and observing the reaction.
On the other hand, shouldn't all the vaccinated be dead by now too?

They've faired better than I was so worried about. I'm thankful for that. Observing what happened around me and looking at the statistics it seemed like the jab did the most damage when it first rolled out. There were quite a few strange sudden deaths among those who were were jabbed. At this point, almost everyone I know who is vaccinated is generally sicker (getting colds and flus alot) and have developed some side effects they continually deal with like vertigo and Parkinson's type stuff. But they are alive.
Personally I haven't really noticed any difference in the general health of people around me. I was always reading from rabid pro vaccination people about how they had bunch of Trump supporting acquaintances that didn't get the jab and that they were either dead or near disabled from COVID but I also was reading constant stories especially from the old forums about how a lot of the posters seem to know someone who got cancer/had a miscarriage/got a heart attack after getting the jab. It seems like that I was the unusual one by not seeing anything unusual about the health of people in my offline life regardless of what decision they made about getting or not getting the jab. I've heard of a few people in the last few years having kids and I haven't heard of any sort of issues with their kids. I also haven't seen any case of a healthy person having "died suddenly" within my circles or otherwise getting less healthy. I live in a coastal blue state with a high vaccination rate by the way.
I know plenty of people sufferings from cancer or other strange health problems after the jab. Especially for pregnant women.

Too early to judge, also, keep paying attention to excessive deaths each year.