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US Military Draft


Do you all think there will be the need for a modern draft if conflicts continue to escalate? I've seen some rumblings about it in the media as a possibility due to very low enlistment numbers.

It would be an interesting spectacle since, due to 'equality' and the battle of the sexes, I think you'd have some pushback among those young men called up. Not to mention the politicization of the current conflicts. I think the idea of adding women to the Selective Service requirement was rejected a few times, yet they continue to 'remove barriers to entry' for female recruits who join voluntarily. Benefits with no obligations, nothing new here. I don't expect a requirement for women to ever become a reality.

You still see MSM articles touting the lack of diversity in the military especially in Marine pilots for example. Is this a subversive tactic to lure more minorities to the service?

They've certainly burned their bridges with veterans and many currently enlisted men who are likely willing to earn a paycheck but may find a way out if deployment looks imminent.
If women want "equality", then they must bear the full responsibility it entails, including mandatory selective service. Refusal to sign up means rejection for employment in the future, or prison time, just like young men have to deal with. As it stands, women want equality but only when it's not icky...they don't want the dirty or dangerous jobs, as a general rule. They only want office jobs where the most they have to complain about is excessive air conditioning causing "sexist reactions"...yes I've seen these complaints.

I don't like the idea of women being sent onto the frontlines as cannon fodder, but what is a woman today anymore? Will f2m transformers be required to sign up for the draft? What about the 72 other genders?

All that being said, the US establishment has imported millions of low-skilled 3rd worlders, many of whom would jump at the chance of free citizenship, if they serve out 4 years in the military. That rule already exists, so I don't think a draft will be necessary. Besides, if the US went into direct conflict with Russia or China, it would go nuclear tout de suite, and there would be no war of attrition anyhow...we'd all be fried.
The scam that is female voting - "I get to vote for the wars, you get to die in them!" Men are absolute suckers.

Only those who are eligible for the draft should be able to vote in matters of foreign policy (i.e. Federal elections).
I've said this for years. For every 1 right wing woman voter like my old lady..there's 3 or 4 libtard emotional women sucking the life out of the country!

Also... How dare you imply a woman cant do a man's Job.

Equally Opportunity should equate to women being drafted too. But somehow that's not as popular.

I remember having to watch so many rules get bended just so women could pass the artillery requirements because if we failed all of them like we should have...the DOD would have lost their lunchbox!
If women want "equality", then they must bear the full responsibility it entails, including mandatory selective service. Refusal to sign up means rejection for employment in the future, or prison time, just like young men have to deal with. As it stands, women want equality but only when it's not icky...they don't want the dirty or dangerous jobs, as a general rule. They only want office jobs where the most they have to complain about is excessive air conditioning causing "sexist reactions"...yes I've seen these complaints.

I don't like the idea of women being sent onto the frontlines as cannon fodder, but what is a woman today anymore? Will f2m transformers be required to sign up for the draft? What about the 72 other genders?

All that being said, the US establishment has imported millions of low-skilled 3rd worlders, many of whom would jump at the chance of free citizenship, if they serve out 4 years in the military. That rule already exists, so I don't think a draft will be necessary. Besides, if the US went into direct conflict with Russia or China, it would go nuclear tout de suite, and there would be no war of attrition anyhow...we'd all be fried.

I'd say no thanks.

I joined the US Navy almost 25 years ago. I served under Clinton and then under Bush afterwards.

I happened to be stationed on a "non combat" supply ship. At that time most women were stationed on those ships. So our numbers between men/women were 50/50.

However, before a deployment it was pretty amazing how many of them got pregnant. Upon conversations with some of them, they did it to skip the deployment but a side benefit was that they would be entitled to additional care and allowances on the taxpayer's dime. Biology was hence used as a weapon against their own country that they pledged an oath to serve.

Not to say all women I served with were like this. My point is that to expect significant challenges by giving a mandate to women in such a manner. A fool's errand if you will.
It’s not going to happen. The Vietnam war draft was wildly unpopular .

One caveat:

If we have an ongoing civil war we could see one side start a draft and the other follow suit
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We are entering very interesting times. The phrase "once you see something, you can't unsee it" is becoming so true. One of the biggest things men have come to learn is just how bad women become when they are not controlled and contained to the family. And this is one huge advantage the Muslims will have over the rest of the world. Their, small percentage of women, but highly intelligent women, are used in science and technology and their hair and bodies covered so they only advance based on their brains, just like a man would.

Go back say 80 years, heck, 40 years, the thought of women being allowed to vote for confrontation and war was not a huge concern, because women had fathers, brothers, sons, etc., so it was expected they would handle this huge responsibility very carefully. But we have entered the age of many generations of women calling themselves equal to men, that we see their true nature. To women, only the top 10 to 20% of men are "men" in their eyes, when they achieve "equality". When women are able to vote in a police state, a nanny welfare state, special rights and privileges, all to replace the need for a man to provide these things, then men are no longer desired by them. Unless the man is a top 10 to 20% "alpha" male in their eyes. Most men cannot provide them with anything they cannot provide for themselves, and they see these men as beneath them.

So, here we are, the end road of women's "equality" and it is they believe most men are beneath them, even men with just as great abilities as their own fathers. They believe they should be allowed to vote to send these lessor humans off to die in a ditch somewhere halfway around the world. And they themselves should not have to serve, because they are precious and more valuable.

And you cannot have this conversation with most women, because for them to admit these obvious truths they have to either admit that their false sense of self-worth is vastly overstated or that men are just different from them, and they shouldn't be voting for how society is run. It is the reason women refuse to state the difference in the Muslims raping them in Europe and the average European man who doesn't behave like this. Because in their eyes, they are all equally beneath them and to delineate the two is a false constraint.

It will only get worse until it finally breaks. Women are just not designed with the ability to understand and accept these things. Some women are, but the vast majority simply are not able to do so.

So, if there is a draft, it will be men only, and it will be up to men to put a stop to this nonsense.
I could see them pulling an immigrant enlistment path to citizenship deal, draft or not. With recruitment being historically low and the young population being unfit physically and mentally they'll have to resort to a new way to pump up the numbers of warm bodies. I can see this pleasing both the leftists (see, they're doing jobs Americans won't do!) and the normiecons (see, they're doing their part to be #RealAmericans!)
Perhaps. Or perhaps not. The illegal aliens can just start spitting out babies on usa soil to get their citizenship for their children then the parents can get citizenship.

Why risk their necks for a war in the Mideast nor Asia or Ukraine when they don’t have to?
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… only the top 10 to 20% of men are "men" in their eyes, when they achieve "equality". When women are able to vote in a police state, a nanny welfare state, special rights and privileges, all to replace the need for a man to provide these things, then men are no longer desired by them. Unless the man is a top 10 to 20% "alpha" male in their eyes. Most men cannot provide them with anything they cannot provide for themselves, and they see these men as beneath them.

So, here we are, the end road of women's "equality" and it is they believe most men are beneath them, even men with just as great abilities as their own fathers. They believe they should be allowed to vote to send these lessor humans off to die in a ditch somewhere halfway around the world.
White feathers all around. If they love the current order so much then die for it - but they won’t. The welfare state, nanny state, police state, special privileges etc you speak of exist. Yet those who benefit will not defend their creation or the “nation” which makes it possible. This is the literal definition of a parasite.

This is related to one of the things that sold me on orthodoxy tbh. Who feels like dying for atheism and secularism? Anybody? Nobody? Exactly - they’ll freak out and temporarily pay lip service to avoid death. I don’t respect that. The martyrs had no issue dying for “their thing.”

Also the term “alpha” is a joke. I used to believe that stuff when I was younger but then in an actual shtf scenario got to see the “alpha” freak out and us normie men had to take command of the situation.
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White feathers all around. If they love the current order so much then die for it - but they won’t. The welfare state, nanny state, police state, special privileges etc you speak of exist. Yet those who benefit will not defend their creation or the “nation” which makes it possible. This is the literal definition of a parasite.

This is related to one of the things that sold me on orthodoxy tbh. Who feels like dying for atheism and secularism? Anybody? Nobody? Exactly - they’ll freak out and temporarily pay lip service to avoid death. I don’t respect that. The martyrs had no issue dying for “their thing.”

Also the term “alpha” is a joke. I used to believe that stuff when I was younger but then in an actual shtf scenario got to see the “alpha” freak out and us normie men had to take command of the situation.
There are two ways the term "alpha" can be used.

The clownish way the PUA community does.

And the real original meaning, which is simply the men who lead. Most men, 80%+ are beta males, and there is nothing wrong with this. Wearing aviator sun glasses, hitting the gym, and working on your game doesn't make you an alpha. Leading other men, which comes both naturally and through experience.
I am doubtful.

All of us whom wanted some already got that t shirt...

The average military age make is fatter and lower T than a neutered barnhog.

More likely they'll open up the military to illegals in exchange for citizenship

It is quite damning to realise that the traditional American citizens' army was much fitter than today's professionals.
Also... How dare you imply a woman cant do a man's Job.

Equally Opportunity should equate to women being drafted too. But somehow that's not as popular.

I remember having to watch so many rules get bended just so women could pass the artillery requirements because if we failed all of them like we should have...the DOD would have lost their lunchbox!
In Ukraine, the stronk wamen types are lured into conscription with glossy PR, but then comes the reality of war....

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Do any Americans remember this from 2016? There was a Bill in the US Senate that would have required young American women 18-25 to register for the draft with the Selective Service System. It got kiboshed, but I remember an entitled feminist tweeting something to the effect of: "OMG! I want equality, but not like THIS!!!" Well the Twitter-verse tore her to pieces, and she desperately tried to back-pedal, going on about how militarism and drafting anybody was a result of toxic masculinity, etc, etc, etc. I've heard that the idea has resurfaced since in the US Congress...

Figured this belongs here. People actually believe this stuff.


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