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US Border Crisis

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NEW: ICE Boston says this Brazilian illegal alien was apprehended by Border Patrol in AZ in July 2021, then released into the U.S., & later arrested in Massachusetts for child rape in Dec. 2023. ICE says the Milford District Court ignored their detainer request & released him into the community on $5,000 bail without notice in late January.
We were embedded with ICE as they found & arrested him in Lowell, MA, two weeks ago. Photo I took during the arrest is below.
This is yet another example of a border catch and release allegedly committing a heinous crime in the U.S., and a local jurisdiction in MA refusing to cooperate w/ ICE on an alleged child rapist.

ICE statement: “This Brazilian noncitizen is accused of sexually abusing a Massachusetts minor,” said ICE Boston Field Office Director Todd Lyons. “Every second he spends roaming free in our communities, he represents a potential threat to the children of our communities. The men and women of ICE Boston will always prioritize public safety by protecting the residents of New England from egregious noncitizen offenders.”


Texas is subject to an overland invasion of future democrats from latam. Here's some interesting info about the USG sponsored CHNV program to fly our replacements in from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Florida is subject to aerial invasion: about 80% of them entered through Florida airports.

According to CBP data, at least 404,000 migrants have flown into the U.S. via the CHNV parole program since it first began:
154,000 Haitians
95,000 Venezuelans8
4,000 Cubans
69,000 Nicaraguans

I’m gonna link back to another post of mine in the Europe thread (related to this thread.

Real violence (killing) has always been the only solution to most of life's problems and that will never change. Until immigrants start getting deleted in large numbers, as well as the politicians who enact these laws and the police who protect both of these parties, nothing will get better. Of course this is a hypothetical that will never occur though as there are simply almost no real men alive capable of such necessary measures. Immigrants will continue to pour in, breed the native women, and eventually make the natives a minority. While this is going on they will whine about it on Twitter and throw tantrums in front of the police in public, but as I've already explained this accomplishes absolutely nothing.

Blowing up buildings without taking casualties accomplishes nothing.
humans lives must be taken.

I know as we Christians we are not to encourage this (and I’m not, don’t get it twisted), but what I am allowed to do as a Christian is say that (“X terrorist was successful in his plan because of tactic set A while the other terrorist failed because of Action set B).

I’m gonna link back to another post of mine in the Europe thread (related to this thread.

Blowing up buildings without taking casualties accomplishes nothing.
humans lives must be taken.

I know as we Christians we are not to encourage this (and I’m not, don’t get it twisted), but what I am allowed to do as a Christian is say that (“X terrorist was successful in his plan because of tactic set A while the other terrorist failed because of Action set B).

This isn't true though. When Christians were taking over the Roman empire, they torn down Pagan places of worship and it had a powerful effect.

Taking lives isn't the only way to change hearts and minds, mindless violence is already very conterproductive in terms of political and especially spiritual goals. I'd say you're way off the mark and should study a lot more history.

The most successful movements to stop oppression only resort to violence once it comes down to self-defense.

Offensive actions work too, but offensive actions only work if there is a powerful leader to mobilize violence in a purposeful direction. Otherwise violence never accomplishes much other than galvanizing opposition.
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When Christians were taking over the Roman empire, they torn down Pagan places of worship and it had a powerful effect.
Yes, because that was long ago before there was advanced technology that could easily rebuild things. Furthermore, if you destroy one building that houses immigrants, it’s very easy to put the immigrants elsewhere, which the corrupt government has done, such as schools and gymnasiums.

This is so strange to me. I believe Turkey has a fairly dynamic economy, and is fairly modern. If he has $10K, which I think can buy about the same in Turkey as $35K can buy in the US, then he has a decent down payment on a house, and he must have sufficient income to be able to save money. I assume besides what he paid the cartel, he also has some money available as a stake to get himself started in the US. So, he might have had $15-20K stacked in US dollars, which is worth a lot more in the Turkish economy.

I'm surprised he thinks he will do so much better in the US that it is worth the cost to come here and be an illegal immigrant, vs staying in Turkey and making a success of his life there.
This is so strange to me. I believe Turkey has a fairly dynamic economy, and is fairly modern. If he has $10K, which I think can buy about the same in Turkey as $35K can buy in the US, then he has a decent down payment on a house, and he must have sufficient income to be able to save money. I assume besides what he paid the cartel, he also has some money available as a stake to get himself started in the US. So, he might have had $15-20K stacked in US dollars, which is worth a lot more in the Turkish economy.

I'm surprised he thinks he will do so much better in the US that it is worth the cost to come here and be an illegal immigrant, vs staying in Turkey and making a success of his life there.
Yeah, this is still a great place to make a buck, from listening to other posters that know more about other countries than me. That's even more to your point, though. If he could stack that much USD cash, he's likely in an upper-class position at home. Tough to give that up for refugee kitchen food in el Centro, CA, one would think.
Perhaps. If he’s working under the table, in construction as an electrician, carpenter or other skilled labor and can avoid paying taxes and send all of his money back to turkey. Then he may actually have a good plan as far as making money.
Perhaps. If he’s working under the table, in construction as an electrician, carpenter or other skilled labor and can avoid paying taxes and send all of his money back to turkey. Then he may actually have a good plan as far as making money.
Even if he's making $200k/yr under the table, which I think would be the upper end of what's possible, he would have high living expenses. If he is undocumented and has no official income, he'd have no credit rating, and would have difficulty renting an apartment.

Depending where he lives, a decent apartment, and a good work truck would cost a fortune. If he's making big money at a skilled trade under the table, he's probably working long hours and too tired to cook. He'd eat out a lot, and probably have bar tabs. Maybe he would get carry out and hang out with his mates at home.

If he tries to have a wife and a family, it will soak up all his money. He won't be able to stay under the table over the long haul.

To me, that guy should have stayed in Turkey. I think he'll find it a lot harder here than he expected.
Even if he's making $200k/yr under the table, which I think would be the upper end of what's possible, he would have high living expenses. If he is undocumented and has no official income, he'd have no credit rating, and would have difficulty renting an apartment.

Depending where he lives, a decent apartment, and a good work truck would cost a fortune. If he's making big money at a skilled trade under the table, he's probably working long hours and too tired to cook. He'd eat out a lot, and probably have bar tabs. Maybe he would get carry out and hang out with his mates at home.

If he tries to have a wife and a family, it will soak up all his money. He won't be able to stay under the table over the long haul.

To me, that guy should have stayed in Turkey. I think he'll find it a lot harder here than he expected.

What are you talking about? Illegals in America are given hotel rooms or at a minimum shelter and the city foots the bill. They are also given free food. Hell there’s videos of them complaining that the free food they are given is too low quality
What are you talking about? Illegals in America are given hotel rooms or at a minimum shelter and the city foots the bill. They are also given free food. Hell there’s videos of them complaining that the free food they are given is too low quality
If you move to a new country and pay $10,000 for a cartel to smuggle you in, I would think you would look at the long term. Is he really going to get free hotel rooms for years to come? What kind of life is that anyway? Those hotels have to be a nightmare to live in.

He was doing good in Turkey, judging by the money he stacked. Is the refugee grift in the US really a step up in lifestyle and future prospects for a guy who could stack cash in his home country?
This is so strange to me. I believe Turkey has a fairly dynamic economy, and is fairly modern. If he has $10K, which I think can buy about the same in Turkey as $35K can buy in the US, then he has a decent down payment on a house, and he must have sufficient income to be able to save money. I assume besides what he paid the cartel, he also has some money available as a stake to get himself started in the US. So, he might have had $15-20K stacked in US dollars, which is worth a lot more in the Turkish economy.

I'm surprised he thinks he will do so much better in the US that it is worth the cost to come here and be an illegal immigrant, vs staying in Turkey and making a success of his life there.

Brother, have you seen the Turkish inflation rates over the past 10 years?? I'm surprised more of them aren't coming here illegally! A taxi cab driver makes 10x as much a doctor does over there, just in virtue of exchange rates!!
Reports are coming out of the Carthage, NC area (vicinity Delta Force HQs at Ft. Bragg/Liberty) that a US Army Colonel (and Delta operator) is being investigated for shooting (and killing) one Ramzan Daraev. Daraev was apparently a Chechnyan immigrant residing in Chicago.

Daraev worked for a utility company - Utility One - based in New Jersey. "At the time of the incident, Daraev was not in possession of any utility equipment, utility clothing, or identification." He allegedly became aggressive when the property owner confronted him. Even for a tough Chechnyan goon, that was a mistake. Moore County, NC is crawling with such men.

Allegedly the office of Utility One in NJ:

The FBI is helping the investigation.

So we have a Chechnyan, residing in Chicago, working for a NJ company, doing survey work in largely rural Moore County, NC. It must be a civil rights violation. You can donate at change dot org:

Remember this one a while back?

Moore County had a grid attack. This was shortly after a mysterious attack on a Russian power station. IIRC, we had a few comments on the coincidence in RVF2.

And, of course, there was the Jordanian rapefugee that attacked Quantico a few weeks ago:
