TikTok Ban

Americans really do have a ridiculous level of Jew-blindness that is difficult for me to understand.
It's not just Americans, it's the whole western hemisphere. Reading the news or listening to podcasts in Germany is absolutely pointless because the real culprits are never mentioned. Some media talk about Freemansons, but you will never be told who these Mansons are.
From what I read they want to ban it because it is part of ByteDance which is interwoven with the CCP, like every Chinese business entity. If they force it’s divestiture, an American company will simply buy or replace it and the brain numbing slop will continue to infect the populace. Not to mention the Trojan horses mentioned above. Sounds like more theatre and business, not an attempt at improving the American culture.
an American company

I'm an American. Tired of "American" this and that being blamed for global faggotry. Americans are a subjugated nation within the US Empire. Americans hold very little, if any, control over our political or financial/corporate systems beyond the lowest, most local levels.

Here's a list of the 25 wealthiest US citizens. I crossed out the ones who aren't American and put a J next to the J's. Might have missed some.

The world doesn't have an "American" problem. It has a Jewish one.
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I am not opposed to banning or limiting socially harmful applications but that does not appear to be the reason it is happening. It is worth noting that China limits adolescent use of Douyin (Chinese name for TikTok) and does not allow the kind of degeneracy encountered on its American counterpart.

Young, impressionable users are limited to 40 minutes a day between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. to ensure they get adequate sleep. Endless zombie-like scrolling is interrupted by mandatory 5-second delays. They’re also only shown specially-selected “inspiring” content.

While American youth are performing hyper-sexualized dances and engaging in absurd viral trends, like the deadly NyQuil Chicken Challenge, their Chinese counterparts are treated to a curated stream of videos promoting patriotism, social cohesion and personal aspirations.

For instance, a quick scroll through Douyin shows videos of teachers being celebrated, at-home science experiments and a man solving a Rubik’s cube blindfolded.

Certainly China could have reason to promote degenerate content but given its pervasiveness on other social media platforms, we have to accept there is something fundamentally wrong with American (that is, Western) culture.

I fear it's really about this...losing the only and really first true global mainstream free-speech platform...

The bill prohibits "foreign adversary controlled applications"? What about foreign advisory controlled political action committees like AIPAC?? Those are illegal and a true threat to freedom.

I'm an American. Tired of "American" this and that being blamed for global faggotry. Americans are a subjugated nation within the US Empire. Americans hold very little, if any, control over our political or financial/corporate systems beyond the lowest, most local levels.

Here's a list of the 25 wealthiest US citizens. I crossed out the ones who aren't American and put a J next to the J's. Might have missed some.

View attachment 6235
The world doesn't have an "American" problem. It has a Jewish one.

#25 Dan Gibert is jewish. So at least 56% of the top 25 richest are jewish.
We have to accept there is something fundamentally wrong with American culture.
Yes, there is, mainly, the over-sexulation of children beginning in the 1950's. This really accelerated in the 1970s, and especially the 1980s. There has been a concerted effort by "market forces" (i.e. JQ owned Hollywood/media) to destroy childhood (a relatively new invention) by sexualizing children at a younger and younger age. Without even looking at Joogle, I'd bet that most 12 year-old kids in 2024 have seen at least a few minutes of porn. Do you know what I had to go through as a 12 year-old boy in the 1970's just to get my hands on a relatively benign "low tech" Playboy magazine (much less a Penthouse or Hustler mag)? Now porn is available on any $30 Walmart Trac Phone in two clicks of a button. There is no more innocence, and therefore there is no more childhood. As a result, America has raised three generations of pre-pubescent sex addicts (who become drug addicts, alcoholics, materialists, and atheists) who have no control over their lives and the positions they hold within American society (as husbands, mothers, wives, brothers, sisters, friends, politicians, co-workers, etc.). Chaotic, unhappy people create a chaotic, unhappy society.

I'm an American. Tired of "American" this and that being blamed for global faggotry. Americans are a subjugated nation within the US Empire. Americans hold very little, if any, control over our political or financial/corporate systems beyond the lowest, most local levels.

Here's a list of the 25 wealthiest US citizens. I crossed out the ones who aren't American and put a J next to the J's. Might have missed some.

View attachment 6235
The world doesn't have an "American" problem. It has a Jewish one.

You are exactly right and as the commercials say I’m loving it! It’s too bad you and your friends were too naive to see through our plans. What can I say? WE WON and we will continue winning. But hey I don’t want to keep gloating so here’s a real life tip… before I’m banned for being JEWISH.

You Christians have no real community or network. You don’t work together and help eachother like we do. Another Jew even if I don’t know him is like a brother to me, unless he’s an ultra Orthodox or weird Hasidic type. They piss even me off…but I digress…all you guys do is fight with each other and argue over stupid things and doctrine…that’s what I see and while you do that we gain all the power, see how that works? And you get poorer, so where did that stupid arguing get you? Look at how the Indians do it, same thing they help each other succeed, you can learn from them.

And before you go the I’m going to hell route, ha nope, our book predates yours and it is clear that Jesus did not fulfill messianic prophecies. I’m not as hard on him as some of the crazier types of my tribe (he was a great man ahead of his time), but messiah? No. He rebelled against the Romans and was crucified like so many others.

And that’s that! I assume I will be banned and you guys will continue in fighting while we accumulate more wealth and power over you!
I assume I will be banned
Good call.

This Tiktok ban, on the one hand is a totally silly and unimportant thing. I mean whether the "dancing nurses" app exists at all, or doesn't, really isn't going to change much of anything (apparently it is waking people up to the Palestinian genocide, and I don't want to downplay that) but on the other hand, it has really made me reevaluate the end of America.

This type of censorship could never have even been presented as a bill in Congress 10 years ago. Everyone knew that Government is not allowed to do censorship, even in the cases where the bleeding hearts wanted it to, such as saying mean words or doing "hate crimes".

I mentioned something about Tiktok ban in a casual conversation to a normie stranger (probably a leftist, the kind who was a hard core free speech supporter 10 years ago) and he said the ban should have happened a long time ago.

The fact that normies so casually are on board with blatant violations of the #1 item in the Bill of Rights means we cannot take any convention, freedom, or "right" for granted. If the first amendment can be openly violated, then say goodbye to 2nd amendment gun rights. (I'm actually far more worried about the other rights but it's important for all gun lovers to realize, unless the US Supreme Court somehow considers this ban unconstitutional, there is zero reason any gun rights should be upheld).

I read a story about some American schoolboys being *charged with federal crimes* for saying bad words. It's hard for me to realize as an American, that other American's just are ok with this. But apparently they are.

Freedom of speech is over. Soon all the things we know as "good" and "right" from "vaccine is harmful" to "men have a penis" to "freedom is not slavery" to "marriage is a sacrament" to "God is good" simply won't matter because it will be illegal to hold those beliefs. So your gun rights or land rights or bank account or whatever it is you vote on every 4 years will no longer matter. I am accelerating plans for relocation.

I'm an American. Tired of "American" this and that being blamed for global faggotry. Americans are a subjugated nation within the US Empire. Americans hold very little, if any, control over our political or financial/corporate systems beyond the lowest, most local levels.

Here's a list of the 25 wealthiest US citizens. I crossed out the ones who aren't American and put a J next to the J's. Might have missed some.

View attachment 6235
The world doesn't have an "American" problem. It has a Jewish one.

Good list but Bezos is an American. He father was dumped by Jeff's mom early on, and she married a rich Cuban exile. She told the father that if he agreed to give up custody he would not need to pay child support, which Jeff's father could not afford, and so he gave up custody believing it would be best for the child. Afterwards her new husband adopted Jeff, and changed his last name.
This Tiktok ban, on the one hand is a totally silly and unimportant thing. I mean whether the "dancing nurses" app exists at all, or doesn't, really isn't going to change much of anything (apparently it is waking people up to the Palestinian genocide, and I don't want to downplay that) but on the other hand, it has really made me reevaluate the end of America.

This type of censorship could never have even been presented as a bill in Congress 10 years ago. Everyone knew that Government is not allowed to do censorship, even in the cases where the bleeding hearts wanted it to, such as saying mean words or doing "hate crimes".

I mentioned something about Tiktok ban in a casual conversation to a normie stranger (probably a leftist, the kind who was a hard core free speech supporter 10 years ago) and he said the ban should have happened a long time ago.

The fact that normies so casually are on board with blatant violations of the #1 item in the Bill of Rights means we cannot take any convention, freedom, or "right" for granted. If the first amendment can be openly violated, then say goodbye to 2nd amendment gun rights. (I'm actually far more worried about the other rights but it's important for all gun lovers to realize, unless the US Supreme Court somehow considers this ban unconstitutional, there is zero reason any gun rights should be upheld).

I read a story about some American schoolboys being *charged with federal crimes* for saying bad words. It's hard for me to realize as an American, that other American's just are ok with this. But apparently they are.

Freedom of speech is over. Soon all the things we know as "good" and "right" from "vaccine is harmful" to "men have a penis" to "freedom is not slavery" to "marriage is a sacrament" to "God is good" simply won't matter because it will be illegal to hold those beliefs. So your gun rights or land rights or bank account or whatever it is you vote on every 4 years will no longer matter. I am accelerating plans for relocation.
Not completely unimportant.

It's just chapter 278 in the play of total media dominance.

Consolidation of all newspapers, just a few billionaire families owning all media, no foreign media allowed, total global dominance on cloud services (google, Amazon and Microsoft). Just another chapter of the hegemoth of today, the US, (ab)using its power.

As a guy from Europa, we have no independent media (some billionaire families), we have no independent internet (all US owned), no cloud services (all US), no it infrastructure companies, no search engine, no work software. BAsically everything digital is US controlled here.

We are "bitch" as the boys in the hood would call it.

TikTok is then just chapter 278 of the enduring dominance.