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The weight loss thread

I started swimming quite a bit. It's showing results in weight loss, posture, and nose (it gets clogged TOO MUCH). Mainly the weight loss has been terrific.

If you want to lose weight without effort, eat a very large breakfast, a moderate lunch, and a very small snack for dinner.
I notice a lot of weight loss when I don't eat a big dinner, but my issue with this is that I get nightmares quite often while I don't eat dinner. I also don't eat breakfast at all.
If you can tolerate it, chicken breasts are the ultimate cutting food. High protein. No carbs. Very satiating.

The trick is cooking them to when they're not dry and still a little juicy. Also, find a good seasoning for them.

They're low in fat so you'll need to supplement them with something else.
If you can tolerate it, chicken breasts are the ultimate cutting food. High protein. No carbs. Very satiating.

The trick is cooking them to when they're not dry and still a little juicy. Also, find a good seasoning for them.

They're low in fat so you'll need to supplement them with something else.
I’m gaining my weight back :(. Need to get on it again. Can you have any veggies at all? Like if I cooked chicken breast and mixed vegetables in diced tomatoes?
I’m gaining my weight back :(. Need to get on it again. Can you have any veggies at all? Like if I cooked chicken breast and mixed vegetables in diced tomatoes?
Of course. Vegetables are satiating, high in nutrients, and low calorie. You can eat a lot of them so you don't get hungry for junk food. They're just plain so they don't tickle most people's sugar cravings.
I left Switzerland on a 14 day vacation. Now I've been through France and am in the UK.

Being on holiday opens up so many temptations, was doing great today but got blindsided by a softie ice cream with a flake at the beach. It's like crack.

Back on the horse tomorrow.
I left Switzerland on a 14 day vacation. Now I've been through France and am in the UK.

Being on holiday opens up so many temptations, was doing great today but got blindsided by a softie ice cream with a flake at the beach. It's like crack.

Back on the horse tomorrow.

Brother nothing wrong with enjoying your life, just have to make it something special and not the norm.
Unfortunately, I'm not wired like that. I'm kind of all in or nothing, I don't really do moderation.

I console myself that I would rather be thin than have ice creams

I get it, believe me I'm a big donkey bear water buffalo I love to eat. My sister often jokes that she doesn't know how I'm not 400lbs and I only workout so hard so I can eat haha.

Something dumb which has helped me is to say to myself "nothing tastes as good as being in shape feels". Besides just the mental side of it do you do anything to curb or satiate appetite? Do you seek food all throughout the day regardless of what you're doing?
I use exactly the same mantra when I'm on it. 'I'd rather be thin'

My difficultly is ski season. You're up there in the cold and weather 5/6 months of the year, you don't want a salad after a long day on the hill. After a long ski season it takes a long time for my body to let go of the 3 or 4kgs I tend to put on in winter. Its mainly leg and stomach muscle and heavier food.

Something that has worked well for me lately is whenever I feel a craving for something sweet, I eat fruit. An apple, grapes whatever. A lot of the time I'm just dehydrated but fruit and a big drink works for me.
I use exactly the same mantra when I'm on it. 'I'd rather be thin'

My difficultly is ski season. You're up there in the cold and weather 5/6 months of the year, you don't want a salad after a long day on the hill. After a long ski season it takes a long time for my body to let go of the 3 or 4kgs I tend to put on in winter. Its mainly leg and stomach muscle and heavier food.

Something that has worked well for me lately is whenever I feel a craving for something sweet, I eat fruit. An apple, grapes whatever. A lot of the time I'm just dehydrated but fruit and a big drink works for me.

I love skiing too, and mountain/road cycling. Fruit and honey are amazing when you need energy. Or just craving something sweet like you said.

My body feels its best when doing the carnivore diet + fruit/honey.
I use exactly the same mantra when I'm on it. 'I'd rather be thin'

My difficultly is ski season. You're up there in the cold and weather 5/6 months of the year, you don't want a salad after a long day on the hill. After a long ski season it takes a long time for my body to let go of the 3 or 4kgs I tend to put on in winter. Its mainly leg and stomach muscle and heavier food.

Something that has worked well for me lately is whenever I feel a craving for something sweet, I eat fruit. An apple, grapes whatever. A lot of the time I'm just dehydrated but fruit and a big drink works for me.

Well your body needs nourishment, there is nothing wrong with eating after a long day of activity. Also fruit is not to be feared, studies have shown that natural sugars don't have negative health consequences.

The reason why I asked if you seek food throughout the day is a bit of another mental trick I tell myself. I don't eat much at work, not necessarily because I'm not hungry but because I tell myself that at work in my office or warehouse it's not as if I'm going to eat some enjoyable gourmet meal, I'm going to eat random quick slop, so why even waste my appetite on it? I'll eat something light with my coffee and then after my workout later in the day I'll eat a real meal.

Fasting, healthy foods, timing....in the end all that matters is calories in and calories out. If you eat less than you burn you will lose weight, now the quality of weight you lose (fat vs muscle) is affected by other things but that's a whole other can of worms...
I’m gaining my weight back :(. Need to get on it again. Can you have any veggies at all? Like if I cooked chicken breast and mixed vegetables in diced tomatoes?
Of course, just don't cook vegetables in too much oil.

You can eat fruit too; grapefruit and watermelon for example don't have that many calories but are high in satiety, you'll fill up. Take it easy on bananas though. They're so easy to eat and are more calorically dense, and just go down so fast and easy.
Of course, just don't cook vegetables in too much oil.

You can eat fruit too; grapefruit and watermelon for example don't have that many calories but are high in satiety, you'll fill up. Take it easy on bananas though. They're so easy to eat and are more calorically dense, and just go down so fast and easy.
I avoid bananas as well. They are good for you and have their benefits but they are not optimal for weight loss. I stick to kiwis, and frozen berries, some citrus. For veggies, I usually get bags of the frozen ones and warm them up in the microwave. A frozen bag of cauliflower goes a long way.
Well your body needs nourishment, there is nothing wrong with eating after a long day of activity. Also fruit is not to be feared, studies have shown that natural sugars don't have negative health consequences.

The reason why I asked if you seek food throughout the day is a bit of another mental trick I tell myself. I don't eat much at work, not necessarily because I'm not hungry but because I tell myself that at work in my office or warehouse it's not as if I'm going to eat some enjoyable gourmet meal, I'm going to eat random quick slop, so why even waste my appetite on it? I'll eat something light with my coffee and then after my workout later in the day I'll eat a real meal.

Fasting, healthy foods, timing....in the end all that matters is calories in and calories out. If you eat less than you burn you will lose weight, now the quality of weight you lose (fat vs muscle) is affected by other things but that's a whole other can of worms...
Quite right. It's one of the issues with modern life is that in many places that you might want to stop for a quick snack, if you're eating primal, you can maybe eat 0.10% of the stuff in the shop. I'm thinking gas stations, airports etc.

For me in order to get back on it, I need a long streak of being at home or near home so I can plan what I eat and where. That way I can get back into good habits. When I'm getting back into eating well, I notmlaly make sure I have a good primal breakfast and then I gradually phase out the breakfast as part of a fasting plan.

If I didn't have a family, I would prefer to skip dinner as this works better for me but we sit down together every night so it would be tough to do this.
Chicken breast that actually tastes good.

I use a pellet smoker and I do about 6 lbs of chicken at a time. The picture is about half a batch and that was one I attempted to marinade for 24 hours instead.

Roll it in hot sauce and honey, season with whatever you like, and smoke it at 225F until the meat hits 150F internal temp. My preferred seasonings are this 6 pepper blend that has some kick to it.

The el cheapo chicken breasts that are massive take 2.5 hours from what I have found.
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