The War Against Christianity

This to me is what sells that Christianity is real. Look how the little devils go after it and hate it. Other conservative faiths exist.

Sikhism - exists
Islam - exists

But they uniquely go after Christianity. Anyone ever ask why?
Islam has a smaller attack surface than Christianity today. When they want Christians to go to war against muslims it's open season on Islam. But they can't get away with broadcasting blasphemy over muslim population centers without losing their heads like they can with Christians.
This video could've been posted in the Mari Mari Emanuel thread, but it's better I post here because this sort of chilling tactic is going to happen ever more frequently to Christians, especially here in the dystopic UK.

Threatening people with psychiatric involvement and hospitalisation was a tactic used a lot in 2020, especially among professionals who dared to oppose the "experts". It's a throwback to communist ways of dealing with dissidents in the former USSR, that was to pathologise them and stick them away in lunatic asylums.

So the story is that following the recent attack on Bishop Mari Mari, this Orthodox Christian told his priest something along the lines of, "this sort of thing is happening too often and we can't keep turning the other check". The conversation was obviously a bit more nuanced, but that's a nutshell take. What happened next was the priest thought it his civic duty to inform the police (he must've forgot his pastoral duty while in triggered "concern" mode). The police then went to the chap's home with a mental health nurse in tow (the concern in this one and the lady PC, was strong). Needless to say they were all very, very concerned. Watch and weep.
This video could've been posted in the Mari Mari Emanuel thread, but it's better I post here because this sort of chilling tactic is going to happen ever more frequently to Christians, especially here in the dystopic UK.

Threatening people with psychiatric involvement and hospitalisation was a tactic used a lot in 2020, especially among professionals who dared to oppose the "experts". It's a throwback to communist ways of dealing with dissidents in the former USSR, that was to pathologise them and stick them away in lunatic asylums.

So the story is that following the recent attack on Bishop Mari Mari, this Orthodox Christian told his priest something along the lines of, "this sort of thing is happening too often and we can't keep turning the other check". The conversation was obviously a bit more nuanced, but that's a nutshell take. What happened next was the priest thought it his civic duty to inform the police (he must've forgot his pastoral duty while in triggered "concern" mode). The police then went to the chap's home with a mental health nurse in tow (the concern in this one and the lady PC, was strong). Needless to say they were all very, very concerned. Watch and weep.

I keep hearing different stories about this. What actually happened?

I heard he merely posted on Twitter, "Christians need to stand up."

Now you're telling me his own Priest reported him? Who is the Priest? That would be insane, and if the Priest reported him then there is a lot more to the story than meets the eye.

It's unclear if it was his Priest who called the cops, or if it was some random Karen at the Church he attended who heard him and called the cops.

It's extremely disturbing but it would be even more disturbing if the Priest called the cops, which I refuse to believe did so without good cause.



Below is a much clearer video clip.

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Anal Imperative: Warsaw Government Bans Display of Christian Symbols, Forces Pronouns, Gayness

The Poles are apparently just as stupid as those jokes say they are.
It is truly unbelievable that these people thought they could make best friends with America and then America would help them win a war against Russia and then they would live happily ever after as a new Polish empire. This is some of the most retarded shit anyone ever thought.
Instead, they are being Ukrainized, they are being faggotized, they are being de-Christianized.
Also, they are not winning a war with Russia and they are not becoming an empire.
This is why you don’t make deals with devils. Devils lie to you.
Poland’s capital has instructed civil servants not to display crucifixes and other religious symbols at Warsaw City Hall, sparking backlash from conservative groups.
According to the Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper, officials will not be permitted to hang crosses or crucifixes on the walls or keep them on their desks. Government employees will still be allowed to wear crosses while at work, however.
They’re not actually making you remove your pectoral cross. Presumably however, you have to keep it inside your shirt. “Public display” means “public display.”
The new rules are part of a broader set of regulations aimed at combating various forms of discrimination. Officials have been instructed to use gender-neutral language, address people by their preferred pronouns, and not discriminate against same-sex couples. “Warsaw is the first city in Poland to adopt such a document,” City Hall spokeswoman Monika Beuth said.
Some politicians and religious groups have argued that such regulations are inappropriate in a predominantly Catholic country.
This is absolute lunacy.
Just a couple years ago, Poland was an extremely religious country.
My understanding is that Archbiship Vigano is in hiding, keeps himself incommunicado, and has been for a number of years. I'm not sure if this somehow prevents Francis from sanctioning him (defrocking etc) by Francis being unable to deliver and serve Vigano with original physical documents.
Proceedings have been started to excommunicate Archbishop Vigano.


The satanic political appeasement to the fag lobby is going to cause a greater schism in the Church than anything else in history ever has. Archbishop Vigano will not be the last one to be "excommunicated" by the post-Vatican II Church for opposing the papacy on its social accommodations. Perhaps Vigano will go Sede, or maybe join Orthodoxy, he has a lot of political pull for a clergyman so I pray he does what is right for unifying Christians and take as many listeners with him beyond the corruption of Rome.

The Catholic Church has never been at a greater war with anyone else in this world than it is now with its own congregation. God have mercy on us all. Let sanctification and the struggle of moral men prevail and let the snakes and the devils be cast out.