Honestly I ended up rooting for him and was definitely my favorite character along with Nacho. His whole play on escaping his assassination attempt, killing the assassins, faking his death to the cartel, then going after Gus in secret without telling the ANYONE (except Hector) while risking his life is such a badass play. And I used to like Gus but this show made me hate him as much as Walt; everything he does is based on revenge for the cartel murdering his homo lover.Yeah it really rewards people that stick with it. I'm glad I stuck till the end after being such a massive fan of Breaking Bad. The acting by Kim and Saul are top notch, but Lalo Salamanca is one of the best TV characters I can remember watching.
Too much legal/political stuff with HHM and Charles. Charles was an annoying character and the show improved dramatically once he died.Why did you think the first 2 seasons were slow and boring? As I remember, there wasn't a weak season in the bunch.
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