It looks like Trump's domestic policy picks so far have been good--at least in the sense that they've been very unconventional. Unfortunately, it looks like his foreign policy picks have been Israel Firsters and people who are not serious about preventing the next world war. The level of pride and ignorance now being elevated to some of the highest levels of leadership signals that we are about to fall, and fall hard.
Look at Trump's pick for Defense Secretary:
It reminds me of when Trump commented that, after starting a war with Iran, that "we don't need an exit strategy."
Pride goes before the fall. We just elected one of the most prideful individuals on the face of the planet to lead the United States. It's not a good characteristic for a leader.
I think that was more or less clear from the start. You don‘t get votes in the U.S. by making friends with Iran and Syria and most people are mostly ignorant about and, ergo, less interested in foreign policy. In every country. On the other hand, many other countries don’t have AIPAC.