The Trump-Vance Administration

I basically see stuff like as a Jew tax or protection money being paid to the Jew made that has to be paid to get anything done in politics. I despise that it has to be paid but between paying this as the cost of doing business or not being to do business at all I would choose the former even if I have to gnash my teeth as I do so.
She's not suggesting anything new. It's already been done by the Biden admin for years:

Simple fact of the matter is that the Talmuds run congress and every President must kow-tow to them to some degree or get nothing done, or get impeached.

With the Dems, the Talmuds get 100%. With the Republicans, they get 50%. Obviously this is why they hate Republicans and vote Dem at a rate greater than Blacks.

Your lack of objectivity is degrading the thread. One most trash post and I'll be forced to ban you out of this thread.
Yes we all here are aware that they own congress. Therefore anything that happens under that umbrella is still controlled. There is no bargaining posture for underlings, and the concept of differing underling parties having any actual leverage over their master is beyond laughable. Consistently pushing a comparison over an irrational take on a false dichotomy between Republicans and Democrats is misleading. You keep saying the same thing with percentages of jews in each cabinet.

Another recent pick, Trump’s new Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth is Jacob Helberg. He’s gay, jewish and his "husband" is an acquaintance of Peter Thiel. No subjectivity here, just another deviant yid.

Or what about this pick? He doesn't even need an AIPAC handler, he reports directly to Netanyahu.


So someone whose loyalty is to a foreign country will now control foreign affairs in Congress. America's subjugation is complete, it is now a judeocracy.

How many times do I have to explain to you that it doesn't matter if there are more or less ethnic jews in the cabinet when you have willing and able prostitute sellouts who believe in judeo-evangelical nonsense?

The number of third temple nuts in the Republicans brings the talmudic control to nearly 100%, just as with the DEI-wokesters in the democrats. There is no difference in the end goal between the two parties. Their roads to get there are just different strategies. The factotums they employ who advocate for their various strategies are all easily replaceable and many more willing and able sellout 'company men' are waiting in the wings for their turn at serving Moloch for shekels. Democrats are covert, Republicans are overt with their jew-worship. It is all the same garbage.

Your cheka-style passive-aggressive threats of banning are not objective here. You need to step back and look at the bigger picture beyond this two-party controlled infighting. I am not ringing alarmist bells or providing false information, merely providing more scope of details on these political appointees and the depth of their jewish-bought depravity. Everything I post is looking at the facts in regards to the state of what has been, what is, and what the trajectory currently is.

A Republican uses their energy to come to the aid of jewry, and covertly helps the non-Whites. The democrats use their energy to come to the aid of nons, and covertly further the jewish power agenda. One is played off the other. Both hate Whites, and both want to bastardize Christianity into some kind of irrelevant serf religion that worships jews and negroes and is infected with deviancy, as they slowly raise the cult of demonic jew beliefs to the pinnacle of society, aka their tikkun olam.

Biden's administration's role in upping the ante was the overt phase of non-White advocation, just like Obongos, now the new Trump administration will be the overt phase of jewish advocation. Every move it makes only prepares for the benefit of one people and the detriment of another. The clever left-right paradigm stops most Whites from seeing the eternal jew's constant backhanded strategy, using the non-Whites as a collateral distraction and a weapon. We can go through each administration historically from the time of Woodrow Wilson and the takeover of America by the Federal Reserve act to see this step-ladder effect worsen with each swap.

The American people have a right to question their incoming administration with the overrepresentation of jewish interests compared to that of American interests, and they don't.
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The number of third temple nuts in the Republicans brings the talmudic control to nearly 100%, just as with the DEI-wokesters in the democrats. There is no difference in the end goal between the two parties. Their roads to get there are just different strategies. The factotums they employ who advocate for their various strategies are all easily replaceable and many more willing and able sellout 'company men' are waiting in the wings for their turn at serving Moloch for shekels. Democrats are covert, Republicans are overt with their jew-worship. It is all the same garbage.

Jews themselves are far less extreme and blatant about their policies as the people who literally worships Jews.

That is what makes the Israel-first Republicans so dangerous. They are religious zealots, who will not respect any law or principle when it comes to serving Israel. As they themselves will be the first to admit.
Yes we all here are aware that they own congress. Therefore anything that happens under that umbrella is still controlled. There is no bargaining posture for underlings, and the concept of differing underling parties having any actual leverage over their master is beyond laughable. Consistently pushing a comparison over an irrational take on a false dichotomy between Republicans and Democrats is misleading. You keep saying the same thing with percentages of jews in each cabinet.

Another recent pick, Trump’s new Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth is Jacob Helberg. He’s gay, jewish and his "husband" is an acquaintance of Peter Thiel. No subjectivity here, just another deviant yid.

Or what about this pick? He doesn't even need an AIPAC handler, he reports directly to Netanyahu.

View attachment 15489

So someone whose loyalty is to a foreign country will now control foreign affairs in Congress. America's subjugation is complete, it is now a judeocracy.

How many times do I have to explain to you that it doesn't matter if there are more or less ethnic jews in the cabinet when you have willing and able prostitute sellouts who believe in judeo-evangelical nonsense?

The number of third temple nuts in the Republicans brings the talmudic control to nearly 100%, just as with the DEI-wokesters in the democrats. There is no difference in the end goal between the two parties. Their roads to get there are just different strategies. The factotums they employ who advocate for their various strategies are all easily replaceable and many more willing and able sellout 'company men' are waiting in the wings for their turn at serving Moloch for shekels. Democrats are covert, Republicans are overt with their jew-worship. It is all the same garbage.

Your cheka-style passive-aggressive threats of banning are not objective here. You need to step back and look at the bigger picture beyond this two-party controlled infighting. I am not ringing alarmist bells or providing false information, merely providing more scope of details on these political appointees and the depth of their jewish-bought depravity. Everything I post is looking at the facts in regards to the state of what has been, what is, and what the trajectory currently is.

A Republican uses their energy to come to the aid of jewry, and covertly helps the non-Whites. The democrats use their energy to come to the aid of nons, and covertly further the jewish power agenda. One is played off the other. Both hate Whites, and both want to bastardize Christianity into some kind of irrelevant serf religion that worships jews and negroes and is infected with deviancy, as they slowly raise the cult of demonic jew beliefs to the pinnacle of society, aka their tikkun olam.

Biden's administration's role in upping the ante was the overt phase of non-White advocation, just like Obongos, now the new Trump administration will be the overt phase of jewish advocation. Every move it makes only prepares for the benefit of one people and the detriment of another. The clever left-right paradigm stops most Whites from seeing the eternal jew's constant backhanded strategy, using the non-Whites as a collateral distraction and a weapon. We can go through each administration historically from the time of Woodrow Wilson and the takeover of America by the Federal Reserve act to see this step-ladder effect worsen with each swap.

The American people have a right to question their incoming administration with the overrepresentation of jewish interests compared to that of American interests, and they don't.

And where was your long screeds during the last Democrat administration, which had a 95% Talmudic cabinet? Tired of reading your one-sided drivel, off to the Trump criticism thread with you. You're obviously intellectually bankrupt, or simply incapable of objective intellectual analysis, which is why you cannot stay on topic.

Jews themselves are far less extreme and blatant about their policies as the people who literally worships Jews.

Simply absurd and contradicted by all history. Talmudic Jews always make their biggest advances with Democrat administrations. Whether it's destroying Christianity with stuff like female voting or gay marriage, or starting new wars, not a single Democrat administration for the past 100 years has failed to advance the agenda.

With Republicans, it's a mixed bag, but mostly lean towards NOT advancing the agenda. Outliers like Bush are countered by Patriots like Herbert Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, and soon (as the brainwashed haters will learn) Trump.

Trump will not advance wars in favor of Israel, he will actually pause events on the world stage, and the TDS people will simply pretend nothing has happened (as usual because they are intellectual frauds).

Anyhow, back to the topic - individuals joining the new Trump administration. We already have threads to debate Trump and Talmuds.


Donald Trump says he’s going to rid the country of tranny rights with a strike of his pen on his first day in office.

NEW: Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary, a Canadian, says he likes the idea of combining the US and Canadian economies, says he is heading to Mar-a-Lago to start the talks.

O'Leary said half of Canadians are interested in Trump's proposal.

"[Canadians] want to hear more... what this could be is the beginning of an economic union."

"Think about the power of combining the two economies, erasing the border between Canada and the United States..."

"Give a common currency, figure out taxes across the board, get everything trading both ways. Create a new almost EU-like passport."

"I like this idea, and at least half of Canadians are interested."

"I'm gonna go to Mar-a-Lago, I'll start the narrative. The 41 million Canadians, I think most of them would trust me on this deal."

If Canada decides to go through with this, step one must be to kick all of the Indians out of Canada .

With the statehood of Puerto Rico on the horizon, a reliable Dem vote in the Senate, Republicans are probably keen to add more territory or states that will lean R, such as Greenland or Ontario (please keep out Quebec, give them the independence they crave).

Puerto Rico will never agree to statehood. They have a very sweet deal already , no taxes, USA pays for everything. Why will they ever give that up?