The Sopranos Discussion/Appreciation Thread (Renewed)

In season 6 part two (2007) AJ is depressed over losing that hot latina girlfriend and Meadow is trying to console him and he says:

"Do you realize we're gonna bomb Iran? You watch... just before Bush leaves office... you know I'm right."

Awkward Jim Carrey GIF

Never seen anyone talk about how this scene literally shows a Madonna/Whore complex by placing the Virgin Mary next to a stripper pole. Janice explains it to Carmela earlier in the show, but Carmela hated the truth of it. For people like Tony, they cannot see their wives as objects of sexual desire. They can only see them as affection givers, like a good mother. The mistresses are seen as sex objects, but not respectable enough to marry.

Something else I find interesting, could just be a coincidence; stripper poles are said to originate with Asherah worship. They are called Asherah poles in the Bible. Asherah was a sex goddess called the "Queen of Heaven." Some Christians refer to Mary as the Queen of Heaven. Not sure if the show was making a connection there, but I wouldn't underestimate these writers.