The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)

It's 900 KM from Chernigov, Ukraine to Tver. Sure is a long way for drones to carry such powerful warheads.
I was just thinking that. Seems like a very long way for a drone swarm to fly?

Range isn't a problem. Even the shahed/geran drones, equipped with commercially available engines have a confirmed range of over 2000km. And there's always speculation about ukrainian drones being launched from outside of ukraine.

Must be some pretty big drones there, busting bunkers like that.

Thing is, they didn't have to bust any bunkers, or even be extremely precise - Simplicius, in his analysis, published sat photos showing munitions dumped in the the open.

Other sat photos show that the explosions happened just in the newer part of the depot (the one built under the deputy minister accused of corruption/embezzlement) while the old, soviet-era warehouses look intact. There are also no visible signs (cave-ins) of explosions happening in the underground storage facilities.

Have Russian authorities said anything about this so far?
I saw only generic statements about 13 (I think) people injured. Don't expect anything else.
Ukrainian drone raid - September 21, 2024
"Massive Ukrainian drone raid. September 21, 2024

▪️ Last night, the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out another massive UAV raid at the rear regions of the Russian Federation. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, over 100 drones were intercepted by air defense systems.
▪️ One of the targets of the enemy attack was an ammunition depot on the territory of a military unit north of the village of Kamennyi in the Krasnodar Territory. As in the case of Toropets, regional authorities again announced the fall of debris, as well as the resulting fire and detonation of explosive objects. However, the entire media space has already been covered by footage demonstrating a powerful explosion with the characteristic sounds of a secondary detonations.
This is what falling debris looks like.

A nearby settlement was evacuated against the backdrop of the incident. The final results of the attack will be clear after the publication of satellite images.
▪️ In the Tver region, Ukrainian drones attacked the 23rd GRAU arsenal near the village of Oktyabrskii, which is located less than 20 km south of Toropets. According to heat signatures from satellitea, a fire broke out on the territory of the facility. Amid the incident, it was reported that the Staraya Toropa railway station, located to the south, was evacuated: several passenger trains were cancelled, others were sent along an alternative route.
▪️ In other regions, there were no significant damages or casualties. Most of the drones were shot down in the Bryansk region, as well as over the waters of the Sea of Azov. In total, air defense systems were activated in eight regions of Russia.
▪️ The latest Ukrainian drone raids clearly demonstrate that in addition to the already familiar attacks on fuel and energy infrastructure and airfields, large ammunition depots became the targets of the attacks. And given the high production volumes of enemy drones, whose production completely covers the expenditure of devices during previous attacks, it is worth expecting that such raids will only intensify."
South Donetsk - 21.09.2024
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"The situation in the South Donetsk direction. September 17 - 21, 2024

▪️ Over the past week, the Russian Armed Forces have been developing an offensive in the Vuhledar area: earlier, in this sector of the front, Russian troops successfully expanded their zone of control near the Pivdennodonbaska Mine No.3, and yesterday evening footage appeared confirming the advance of Russian troops towards Novoukrainka.
▪️ On the northern flank, the clearing of the remaining part of Kostyantynivka, where focal enemy presence had previously remained, has been completed. The work of Russian fighters was complicated by the active use of drones by the enemy.
▪️ In recent days, significant progress has been made in the Vodyane sector, where Russian troops have taken control of areas north of the settlement, as well as in the vicinity of the Pivdennodonbaska Mine No.1. At the same time, fighting is underway on the western outskirts of the Pivdennodonbaska Mine No.3.
▪️ On the southern flank, footage showing the advance of the Russian Armed Forces north of Prechystivka has appeared: there, a Russian assault group advanced across the fields towards Novoukrainka, having encountered virtually no significant resistance from the Armed Forces of Ukraine on its way. Footage was also published online showing Ukrainian prisoners being captured in this area.

▪️ However, the subsequent assault on Novoukrainka may be complicated by the geographical features of the area - the settlement and its surroundings are located on a hill, which somewhat facilitates its defense against the assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces advancing from the lowland.
▪️ Against the backdrop of the latest advances of the Russian Armed Forces in the South Donetsk direction, the enemy is in a very depressing situation. After losing control over the buildings of the crushing and sorting department of the Pivdennodonbaska mines, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have lost the ability to monitor the situation for tens of kilometers around.
▪️ Apparently, the Command of the Russian Armed Forces has abandoned the idea of a frontal assault on the Ukrainian stronghold in Vuhledar, which, although already heavily damaged, remains a settlement that is convenient for defense. Instead, Russian troops are conducting an offensive in neighboring areas from the directions of Vodyane and Prechystivka, while simultaneously cutting off the supply routes of the Ukrainian garrison in Vuhledar."
Multiple reports of Russian forces entering Ughledar now. The western flank advanced towards town earlier today, now Russians have crossed the highway from the dachas into the southeast edge of the city.

Ughledar/Vuhledar collapse will be a milestone event. I believe that's the last corner of the 2023 line that has held.
South Donetsk - 24.09.2024
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"The situation in the South Donetsk direction as of 21:00 /Moscow time/ September 24, 2024

▪️ Over the past week, Russian troops have been able to achieve significant success in the South Donetsk direction, advancing in several areas of the front. And while today, Ukrainian media resources have tried to somehow justify the depressing situation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Vuhledar, footage of Russian stormtroopers entering the city from the side of dachas has already appeared on the Internet.
▪️ On the northern flank, Russian troops have established full control over the territory of the Pivdennodonbaska Mine No.3, on the roof of the administrative building of which flags of several units were attached. The area adjacent to the mine has also been cleared.
▪️ Further south, the situation in the vicinity of the waste heap near the Pivdennodonbaska Mine No.1 remains unclear. At the moment, the hill itself, as well as the area to the east of it, are in the "gray zone". However, judging by the situation developing in this sector, in the near future we should expect both the waste heap itself and the nearby territory to come under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.
▪️ The dachas located to the south of Ugledar have most likely also come under the control of the Russian Armed Forces. In their eastern part, Russian servicemen consolidated their positions several days ago, but given the start of the battles for the city, it is practically pointless for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to hold the western half.
▪️ In Vuhledar itself, the assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces are present at least on the eastern outskirts of the settlement: according to footage that appeared online, Russian stormtroopers occupied the buildings of the former bakery and pumping station. And in the future, we should expect an offensive towards both the city center and the garage cooperative, which is located in the northeastern part of Vuhledar.

▪️ Although no matter how much we would like the "Vuhledar epic" to end as soon as possible, it is extremely premature to talk about the liberation of the city without the objective footage - the Armed Forces of Ukraine have turned the settlement into one continuous stronghold and its loss will be a fairly strong media blow to the enemy.
▪️ It is noteworthy that the enemy's media resources paint a much more depressing picture of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, increasingly hinting at the imminent fall of the Ukrainian garrison in the city. In particular, the description of the situation often boils down to one thought: it is too late to talk about holding positions, the lives of Ukrainian servicemen are more important.
▪️ In neighboring Pavlivka, Russian troops were able not only to level their zone of control along the Kashlahach River, but also to occupy the territory of farms in the northern part of the village. The advance in this area has already allowed the Russian Armed Forces to establish fire control over the C-05-11-34 road towards Bohoyavlenka, significantly complicating the supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine."
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Pokrovsk - 27.09.2024
"The situation in the Pokrovsk-Kurakhove direction. September 22 - 27, 2024

▪️ In the Pokrovsk-Kurakhove direction, Russian troops are actively fighting in two main areas: achieving successes both in the north, on the southern approaches to Myrnohrad near the Pokrovsk agglomeration, and in the south, on the Tsukuryne - Hirnyk - Halytsynivka line, in the direction of Kurakhove.
▪️ On the northern flank, Russian troops recently drove the enemy out of Krutyi Yar and Krasnyi Yar. Later, footage of an attack on a Ukrainian armored personnel carrier north of Mykolaivka, moving from the direction of Promin, was published online, confirming that, at the moment, Mykolaivka is under the control of the Russian Armed Forces. There are two kilometers, and a number of enemy strongholds to occupy, left to go to the southern outskirts of Myrnohrad.
▪️ A little to the south, near Novohrodivka, no changes in the configuration of the front has yet been recorded. However, if the Russian Armed Forces begin an offensive along the railway, it will be possible to attack the Ukrainian positions in Myrnohrad from two directions at once.
▪️ To the west of Ukrainsk, the assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces carried out several attacks in the direction of the railway near the waste heap of the Selydivska Mine, north of Tsukuryne. At least twice, Russian stormtroopers successfully landed in the area and consolidated their positions.

According to preliminary reports, the assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces have already started fighting on the northern outskirts of Tsukuryne, but there is no objective footage of this yet.
▪️ On the southern flank, Russian troops are trying to close the "lid of the cauldron" over the Nevelske area. Over the past week, the Russian Armed Forces liberated Zhelanne Pershe and started fighting in Zhelanne Druhe, and also consolidated their positions on the northern outskirts of neighboring Hirnyk. In the latter, a Russian flag was raised on the territory of School No.17.

▪️ To the south, the enemy holds a section of terrain about four kilometers wide, from where, in theory, the Armed Forces of Ukraine can still supply troops in the fields near Nevelske. In case of further Russian advancement on the Hirnyk - Zhelanne Druhe line, in the direction of Kurakhivka and Zoryane, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine holding positions to the east of Nevelske risk being completely surrounded.
▪️ Enemy facilities in Kurakhivka are already being subjected to massive fire damage from Russian artillery and UAV strikes. The targets are communication towers, armored fighting vehicles and even power substations.
▪️ At the same time, the Russian Armed Forces continue their offensive in the Kurakhove direction, from the side of Hostre. Just the other day, Russian troops completely liberated the settlement, having consolidated their positions on the approaches to the Selydivska penal colony, bypassing Maksymilyanivka from the north. There is about a kilometer left to the eastern outskirts of Kurakhove."
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Ukrainian drone raid - September 29, 2024
"Massive Ukrainian drone raid. September 29, 2024

▪️ Last night, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched another massive drone raid. The Russian Air Defense Forces operated in seven regions of the country, intercepting 125 UAVs.
▪️ The largest group of 67 drones was destroyed in the airspace of the Volgograd region. Several explosions were recorded in the Kotluban area, where a GRAU arsenal of the Russian Ministry of Defense is located. According to available data, no casualties or serious damage to the facility were reported.
▪️ Despite statements by enemy media resources about the destruction of a train during the raid, data from fire monitoring services indicate the absence of any fires in the area of the railway line located on the territory of the arsenal and nearby settlements. The strength of the explosions recorded in the area also does not match the Ukrainian version - the destruction of a train with, as stated, munitions would have caused extensive destruction on the territory of the facility.

▪️ In the Rostov Region, 17 UAVs attacked civilian infrastructure facilities in the Tsimlyansk District. Local residents reported partial power outages both in the village of the same name and in neighboring Volgodonsk. At the moment, there have been no reports of damage to energy facilities in the region.
▪️ In the Voronezh Region, the Russian Armed Forces destroyed 17 aerial targets. One of the Ukrainian drones hit an apartment building in the regional capital. A fire broke out on the upper floors, affecting several apartments, but the residents were evacuated in time - there were no casualties.
▪️ Also, air defense systems repelled an enemy raid on the Belgorod region, intercepting 18 air targets. In the Bryansk and Kursk regions and the Krasnodar Territory, one Ukrainian drone was destroyed, three more were shot down over the waters of the Sea of Azov. In all cases, there were no casualties."
Toretsk - 29.09.2024
"The situation in the Oleksandro-Kalynove direction. September 24 - 29, 2024

▪️ The Russian Armed Forces continue their offensive within the borders of the Toretsk agglomeration and to the east of it, driving out the enemy with the support of artillery and aviation.
▪️ In the area of the block of high-rise buildings on 91st Division Street, the enemy launched several counterattacks, but was unable to consolidate in the buildings. Now the Russian Armed Forces are breaking through to the northwest in the direction of the Heroyiv Pratsi Street, moving along several parallel streets from Kemerovska to Pushkarenko.
▪️ To the south, Russian troops are gradually expanding the control zone to the west of the penal colony No.2 - several streets in the residential sector have already been cleared of the enemy. At the same time, it is still not possible to occupy the waste heap to the south due to the high activity of Ukrainian UAVs.
▪️ In the Zabalka Microdistrict, the Russian Armed Forces have apparently slowed down somewhat due to the continued presence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the forests to the east and frequent enemy counterattacks from Shcherbynivka. There have been no reports or other evidence of progress for quite some time.
▪️ On the Leonidivka - New York line, several forest belts to the west of the Kryvyi Torets River came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces. The enemy here relies on heights 184 and 164 and on a chain of strongholds in the forest belts. If the offensive in this area can be developed, Russian troops will be able to increase pressure on Leonidivka, which will improve the situation in Toretsk for the Russian Armed Forces.
▪️ At the same time, west of New York, the Russian Armed Forces are also advancing in the direction of Sukha Balka, where a stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was captured, as well as toward Panteleimonivka, where the enemy was driven out of several wide forest belts."
South Donetsk - 30.09.2024
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"The situation in the South Donetsk direction. September 26 - 30, 2024

▪️ The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to advance in several sectors of the South Donetsk direction at once.
▪️ In Vuhledar, several high-rise buildings on the western outskirts came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces; footage of Russian flags over multi-story buildings No.9 and 10 on Molodizhna Street appeared online. And in the south of the city, a dormitory and a medical building came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.

Thus, only the central part of the city remains under enemy control, the remaining roads to which are under Russian fire control. At the same time, fighting continues on the eastern outskirts of the city; where, according to our data, small enemy groups are trying to retreat to the north. In general, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are still able to hold the defense.
▪️ On the Kostyantynivka-Vodyane line, Russian troops also advanced in several areas, taking a stronghold to the south of Katerynivka and forest belts to the south and north of the Solonenka Gully. Attacks of the Russian assault detachments were also recorded north of Kostyantynivka.
▪️ To the west of Prechystivka, Russian troops made significant progress in the direction of Zolota Nyva by September 29, advancing from the south and east. Apparently, fighting for the village will begin in the near future."
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South Donetsk - 1.10.2024
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"The situation in the South Donetsk direction as of 15:00 /Moscow time/ October 1, 2024

▪️ The Russian Army has liberated Vuhledar, as evidenced by the massively appearing footage of Russian Armed Forces fighters on the roofs of multi-story buildings and administration with Russian flags and the Victory banner.

Flags were already flying at the addresses Molodizhna Street 9 and 10, and on the garage cooperative on the western outskirts of the city on Molodizhna 16 - a marines' vest was displayed. In the east and in the center, flags are raised on houses 19, 23 and 25 on 13 the Desantnikov Street. In the center, the administration buildings and the multi-story building at Trifonova 26 are occupied.
▪️ However, scattered enemy groups may remain in the city; the cleanup has not yet been completed. In addition, there are several places in the city where the local population is hiding; they still need to be evacuated.
▪️ At the same time, Vuhledar is not the only area where the advance of the Russian Armed Forces is recorded. On the Kostyantynivka-Katerynivka line, the assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces advanced north of the Solonenka Gully, taking several forest belts, and, in fact, reaching the outskirts of Katerynivka."
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Russians fully captured the Ukrainian fortress city of Ugledar (Vuhledar in the Ukrainian spelling). This was the site of one of Ukraine's biggest media extravaganzas of the whole war - in January 2023, a certain poorly-organized Russian attack towards Ugledar was repelled by the Ukrainians and the Russians lost a column of tanks. This was trumpeted in Western media to no end as one of their biggest "Russia HUMILIATED!!!" stories in the whole history of the war. I would actually say that was one of the last opportunities Western media ever got to run propaganda on that level, because since 2022 they have been really starved for even the most minor Ukrainian victories, though they will continue to come up with Ukrainian victories now matter what.
In addition to symbolically reversing that one stain on the record, the Russian capture of Ugledar is operationally significant as it was by far the strongest Ukrainian position in the whole south Donetsk sector. With its capture, the Russians can now move on Kurakhovo from the south while they are converging on it from the north as well from the Ukrainsk-Tsukuryno axis. Ultimately, this will result in the entire south Donbass sector falling to the Russians. That won't be instant, because the Ukrainians still hold Kurakhovo, but with the Russians continuously applying attacks from multiple directions, in this case converging from the north and south, the Russian movement will be much faster than most of this war, which has been a trench war of attrition up to this point.