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The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)


Orthodox Inquirer

❗🇷🇺🇺🇦 Battle for Avdeevka : Battle for the waste heap
situation as of 20.00 October 19, 2023

Around the Avdeevsky fortified area, after several days of relative calm, Russian troops, after artillery preparation, resumed the assault on Ukrainian positions in several areas.

🔻On the northern flank, fighters of the Russian Armed Forces, as a result of fierce battles, were able to completely occupy the most important stronghold on the waste heap. The Ukrainian Armed Forces, under the cover of tank fire, retreated behind the railway track. Now the positions are being cleared.

▪️After the initial breakthrough to Berdychi, the Armed Forces of Ukraine transferred several battalions of the 31st and 110th ombres to strengthen the lines. This allowed the enemy to push the Russian Armed Forces towards the railway. The line of control runs along it.

🔻Also, units of the Russian army carried out an offensive in the south of Avdeevka for several days. During the attack, with the support of artillery, it was possible to advance from the Avdeevskaya ring road to the 450 km railway station.

❗️The offensive of the Russian Armed Forces near Avdeevka continues in a systematic manner without drastic and hasty actions to save the lives of personnel. The enemy transferred a large number of forces and means to stabilize the front.

At the same time, rather suspicious activity of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is also noted in Pervomaisky . Mechanized groups, presumably the 59th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, are being brought into the village. Judging by the movements, the Ukrainian Armed Forces want to attack the Vodyanoye-Sands line from the flank while the Russian Armed Forces are distracted by the offensive.


❗🇷🇺🇺🇦 Kherson direction: AFU attack on Krynki
situation as of 20.00 October 19, 2023

🔻Early in the morning, assault detachments of the MTR “South”, with the support of two recon groups of the 35th infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Navy, crossed the river and attacked Krynki. As a result, the Ukrainian formations managed to gain a foothold in the village and advance all the way to the road.

▪️ The enemy used very simple tactics: first, Territorial Defense units were sent into battle, which overwhelmed the Russian Armed Forces in numbers, and then the more trained special forces and marines developed their success.

▪️ After some time, Russian artillerymen and army aviation helicopters began firing at the enemy, and the infantry pushed the AFU towards the village. Now the assault groups are still holding several houses in Krynki, awaiting the arrival of reinforcements.

🔻To the west, near the railway bridge, units of the 36th Brigade Division tried to carry out rotation and evacuation all night. Due to the lack of boats, this process has been delayed (19 boats from Kherson, Sadovoy and Tyaginka were noted during the day), but the enemy presence at the bridge remains.

▪️ Along the railway crossing, the Marines equipped five strong points, and formations of the 501st separate battalion of the 36th infantry brigade were transported to Aleshkinsky Island. They were given the task of occupying and clearing Peschanivka. recon groups are actively working near the settlement under the cover of mortars and AGS crews.

▪️ The road from Aleshki to the Cossack Camps and Krynki passes through Peschanovka. If the village is captured, one of the supply routes for the Russian Armed Forces group along the Dnieper will be cut. In this situation, the AFU can gain a foothold on the Peschanivka-Krynki line, creating a springboard for an attack on Oleshky and Novaya Kakhovka. Apparently, this is exactly what the Ukrainian units are trying to achieve.


The capture by Russia of the 'waste heap' strategic heights north of Avdeevka is a big problem for Ukraine. The town is an important stronghold that Ukraine must defend, and is soon to be made into another 'meat grinder'.


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The capture by Russia of the 'waste heap' strategic heights north of Avdeevka is a big problem for Ukraine. The town is an important stronghold that Ukraine must defend, and is soon to be made into another 'meat grinder'.

Longer video:
Soldiers from the 114th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade of the RF Armed Forces (previously the 11th Motor Rifle Regiment "Vostok" of the DPR) smoke ukrainians out from their dugouts on the waste heap/terrikon. You can also see the size of the Avdiivka Coke Plant stronghold.

Same clip on telegram.
Kherson - 25.10.2023

"The situation in the Kherson direction as of 12:00 /Moscow time/ October 25, 2023

▪️ Yesterday, late in the evening, after the transfer of assault groups from the 35th, 36th and 38th Marine Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to various parts of the Oleshky Island, the enemy gained a foothold at an intersection near Dachi and began moving in the direction of Pischanivka-Poima and Pidstepne-Kudasove.
- Two assault groups of the 35th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that were moving towards Pidstepne came under a massive artillery attack. As a result, three people were killed and seven were injured. They were evacuated first to Dachi, and then to the right bank.
- The second group from the 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was consolidated in the area of the small railway bridge and tried to advance to the Poima, and another detachment of the 35th Brigade attacked the positions of the Russian Armed Forces in Pischanivka. During the ensuing battle, they first managed to enter the northern outskirts of the settlement, but after that they were knocked out with losses.
▪️ In Krynky, marines of the 810th Marine Brigade of the RF Armed Forces continued clearing the village. Ukrainian formations were seriously entrenched in the populated area, but over the past 24 hours, Russian fighters in heavy battles managed to, almost completely, squeeze the Armed Forces of Ukraine out of Krynky. However, clashes continue. The enemy is transferring reinforcements, and artillery (M777 and self-propelled guns) and mortars are being massively used against the areas where the Russian Armed Forces are concentrated, including the forest belts.
▪️ Russian fighters are also conducting an intensified counter-battery fight. If in the Pischanovka-Krynky sector the work of Russian UAVs is complicated by the active use of Electronic Warfare by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, then to the north everything is somewhat better: as a result of a drone strike, the Russian Armed Forces were able to hit the repair base of the 7th Separate Support Regiment in Nova Kamyanka, where several pieces of equipment were being repaired. And in Sablykivka a warehouse with ammunition was destroyed."

Donetsk-Zaporozhye - 25.10.2023

"The situation in the Vremivka sector as of 14:00 /Moscow time/ October 25, 2023

▪️ At the Vremivka sector, Russian troops are gradually pushing through the defenses of Ukrainian formations, weakened after the withdrawal of the Marine Corps of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the Kherson direction. The main backbone of the Armed Forces of Ukraine consists of Territorial Defence units from the 118th, 127th and 128th Territorial Defence Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At the same time, only in the 127th Brigade, 40% of the personnel from among the soldiers and sergeants were sent to the front without basic combat training.
▪️ Russian offensive is coming from the direction of Pryyutne along the forest belts to the north near the Hrusheva Gully. Soldiers of the RF Armed Forces managed to partially push the enemy back to the ravine, but the fighting still continues.
▪️ Due to the lack of people, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are relying on small-sized drone and mortar units, which they use to hit Russian positions.
▪️ Also along the line of contact, mobile Electronic Warfare teams “Nota” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are actively operating to counter Russian UAVs and communications.
▪️ The command of the Russian Armed Forces in the Vremivka sector took into account the weakening of the enemy’s lines and took advantage of this by launching a systematic attack, gradually knocking out the Armed Forces of Ukraine and at the same time preserving the lives of Russian Army personnel."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 26.10.2023

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation by the end of October 26, 2023

▪️ Russian troops continue the operation to cover and block the Avdiivka fortified area.
▪️ After the Russian Armed Forces secured the “terrikon” (ash dump of the Avdiivka Coke Plant), the Armed Forces of Ukraine unsuccessfully tried to recapture what they had lost. Control over a tactically advantageous height makes it possible to keep both Avdiivka itself and the approaches to it under surveillance. The Russian Armed Forces are attacking past the waste heap towards the Coke Plant itself.
▪️ Another group of Russian troops began assault operations from Yasynuvata: they managed to get close to the Donetsk Filtration Station, which was turned into a powerful fortified area.
▪️ To the south, through the joint efforts of several brigades of the Russian Army, a breakthrough was made from the Opytne-Spartak line. Despite the dense mining, Russian troops occupied a forest belt 1.5 km from the 9th "Khimik" microdistrict.
▪️ Moving from the south, assault detachments of the RF Armed Forces went around the DKAD fortified area at the "Tsarska Ohota" recreation center and blocked the dilapidated base of Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners. Their supply has been cut off, since the approaches are under fire control of the Russian Armed Forces. Members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine complain about the lack of assistance, demanding that reinforcements be sent.
▪️ From Pervomaiske, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to hit the flank of the Russian Army, pulling the 9th Brigade of the RF Armed Forces (9th Separate "Mariupol-Khingan" Motor Rifle Brigade of the DPR) onto themselves.
▪️ The situation of the Ukrainian group in Avdiivka has deteriorated greatly. Because of this, the 47th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was transferred in full force from the Zaporozhye direction. And several more Ukrainian brigades from various directions are expected in the coming days.
▪️ This creates ideal conditions for a counter-offensive by the Russian Armed Forces in other sectors of the front, where the lines will be exposed. And in Avdiivka, one of the key factors in retaining and further covering the suburbs of Donetsk is the advance destruction of suitable reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine before they enter the battle."
Zaporozhye, Orikhiv sector: road of death to Verbove.


Zaporozhye - 26.10.2023

"The situation in the Orikhiv sector, by the end of October 26, 2023

▪️ In addition to successes in the Avdiivka sector, Russian troops spent a rather productive day south of Orikhiv. Published footage shows the movement of an armored group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the basis of which was Leopard tanks. As a result of targeted strikes by FPV drones of the "Beaver" (БОБР: Беспилотный отряд быстрого реагирования - Unmanned Rapid Response Detachment) group and a subsequent salvo from a heavy flamethrower system, four tanks marching in a column one after another were reliably destroyed. Some of the equipment was damaged. The attack on Kopani was again thwarted.

Coordinates: 47.486072, 35.784404
▪️ At the same time, Ukrainian formations attacked the positions of the Russian Armed Forces in the already standard area northwest of Verbove. The attack was attended by forces of the 33rd Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which entered the active phase of fighting in the area.
▪️ Also, the last units of the 47th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which was urgently transferred to Avdiivka, left the Orikhiv sector. This means that the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Orikhiv have been weakened, which creates favorable conditions for a counterattack."
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Kherson - 27.10.2023

"The situation in the Kherson direction as of 14:00 /Moscow time/ October 27, 2023

▪️ Yesterday evening, two assault groups of the 35th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, moving along the Kudasove tract near Pischanivka, tried to approach Pischanivka, but the attack was disrupted by artillery strikes of the Russian Armed Forces, and evacuation groups, under the cover of a smoke screen, took the wounded in boats to the right bank.
▪️ At night, detachments of the 35th Brigade were again delivered to the northern part of the Oleshky Island, where, together with the Marines of the 503rd Separate Battalion of the 38th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they dispersed in forest plantations along the Pidstepne-Kozachi Laheri road.
▪️ Currently there are no attempted attacks. However, seven assault detachments from the 35th, 36th, 38th Marine Brigades and the 140th Reconnaissance Battalion (Marine Force Reconnaissance Battalion) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were concentrated along the line. Judging by their location, their main task is to consolidate near Pidstepne and Pischanivka from the direction of Dachi.
▪️ In Krynky, the situation remains unchanged. A small contingent from the 35th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine still occupies several houses in the village. It is difficult to push them out of there due to the massive fire of artillery and mortars of the Ukrainian formations, covering the approaches to this area.
▪️ Last night, reinforcements of the 2nd and 137th battalions of the 35th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were transported to Frolov Island from Ivanivka on boats and a floating transporter PTS-2. Towards evening they are going to cross the Dnieper to relieve the forces blocked in Krynky and subsequently attempt to expand their zone of control."
Zaporozhye - 28.10.2023

"The situation in the Orikhiv sector, by the end of October 28, 2023

▪️ The intensity of hostilities in the Orikhiv sector has slightly decreased. However, attempts to break through with small forces in certain areas continue. The Armed Forces of Ukraine attacks on the Kopani-Robotyne line have been ongoing for several days. In just one area west of Robotyne, three Leopard tanks and four American Bradleys were knocked out in the last three days.
▪️ Today, an assault detachment of the 3rd “Spartan” Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, which began to be actively involved on the front line, tried to wedge into the defenses between Kopani and Robotyne. As a result of concentrated artillery fire and the ATGM crew of the 42nd Motor Rifle Division of the RF Armed Forces, the attack was repulsed and one Bradley infantry fighting vehicle was destroyed. One member of the Spartan Brigade was captured.
▪️ At the same time, to the east along the line of contact between Robotyne and Verbove, the activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continues. During the day, three Leopards were destroyed in forest belts. One of them was filmed by the operators of the Unmanned Rapid Response Detachment of the Russian Armed Forces."

Leopard tanks hunted down by the Unmanned Rapid Response Detachment "Beaver" (BOBR БОБР: Беспилотный отряд быстрого реагирования) in the last few days, in the Orikhiv sector:

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Crimea - 29.10.2023

"Massive drone raid on Crimea. October 29, 2023.

▪️ At night, after a long time, Ukrainian formations attacked the Crimean Peninsula with drones. At least 36 unidentified UAVs were launched from the outskirts of the Odessa region.
- As a result of the work of crews from the 31st Air Defense Division of the RF Armed Forces, five drones were destroyed over the northwestern part of Crimea.
- One drone was shot down by a Su-30SM fighter of the naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet over Yevpatoriya.
- Another 30 drones were suppressed by electronic warfare units on approach to Crimea.
The attack of the Ukrainian formations did not achieve its goal.
▪️ More than a month has passed since the last massive drone attack - the previous such raid was on September 21. This gap is due to problems in the procurement of commercial Mugin-5 PRO UAVs due to restrictions by the Chinese authorities. Due to their shortage, the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not have the ability to organize massive drone launches across Crimea with the same intensity as before. Apparently, this “break” in attacks was caused by the need for Ukrainian formations to accumulate drones.
▪️ Previously such UAV raids were usually followed by attempts at missile strikes by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the peninsula. Therefore, the night launch of drones is a sign that a resumption of combined attacks in Crimea is possible soon."
Soledar - 29.10.2023

"The situation in the Soledar direction as of 18:00 /Moscow time/ October 29, 2023

▪️ Over the past few weeks, the situation near Bakhmut has not undergone significant changes: positional battles are taking place south of the city, where the enemy is attacking in small groups and trying to storm the positions of the Russian Armed Forces.
▪️ To the north of the ruins of Klishchiivka, Ukrainian formations launched another sortie in order to cross the nearby railway. Previous numerous attempts to advance beyond the railway embankment ended only in losses in manpower for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
▪️ The enemy is also actively using FPV drones, especially on the Gorlovka/Horlivka-Bakhmut road, which falls within the area where attack drones can operate. With UAV raids, the enemy seeks to impede the movement of troops and the supply of forces of the Russian Armed Forces in the city, along this route.
▪️ In general, the plan of the Ukrainian command in the Soledar direction remains the same - a constant onslaught in order to create conditions for enveloping Bakhmut from the south. As we wrote earlier, such an offensive does not carry any deep tactical meaning for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. But it should be considered in the context of actions in other areas: regular attacks in groups of 10-15 people, artillery and drone strikes create tension and can distract the Russian Armed Forces from other areas."

Older footage showing the railway embankment south of Bakhmut, and the graveyard of ukrainian armor on the approach to it.
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▪️ More than a month has passed since the last massive drone attack - the previous such raid was on September 21. This gap is due to problems in the procurement of commercial Mugin-5 PRO UAVs due to restrictions by the Chinese authorities. Due to their shortage, the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not have the ability to organize massive drone launches across Crimea with the same intensity as before. Apparently, this “break” in attacks was caused by the need for Ukrainian formations to accumulate drones.
It is good to see that in some way the Chinese are making things harder for the Ukrainians.
Crimea - 30.10.2023

"Combined attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Crimea. October 30, 2023.

▪️ As we expected, the next night after the drone raid on Crimea, the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out a combined attack on the peninsula using missile weapons and unmanned boats.
▪️ First, around 3 am, two ATACMS tactical ballistic missile were launched on the vicinity of Olenivka on Cape Tarkhankut. It was not possible to shoot down the missiles, but thanks to measures taken in advance, no serious damage was caused.
▪️ Where the ATACMS were released from and their exact type is still in question. There is a version that a modification of the MGM-140A with a cluster warhead was used. The range of this version is limited to 165 km. In this case, the launcher could be located in the Kherson region or in the Ochakiv area. It could also be a high-explosive fragmentation version. Recently, 20 MGM-140B Block 1A Unitary units (up to 300 km) were delivered from Poland.
▪️ Half an hour after this, sailors of the Black Sea Fleet discovered three unmanned boats of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Sevastopol. One of them was destroyed by the Kolesnikov patrol boat near the city. Two more tried to enter the bay of Chersonesus, where a Raptor patrol boat opened fire on them. One surface drone was hit and scuttled, the other turned around and left at full speed. The search for him continues.
▪️ And after 6 am the missile danger was reintroduced. According to some reports, several carriers of Storm Shadow cruise missiles were in the air. At the same time, a rocket of an unknown type was recorded falling not far from Natashyne. According to preliminary data, there is no damage to the infrastructure.


"Western satellite activities over Crimea.

▪️ Missile attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Crimea have resumed. Now a missile alert has been reintroduced over the Peninsula.
▪️ Four cruise missile carriers took off from the Starokonstantinov and Mirgorod airfields. And four more Storm Shadow/SCALP Su-24M carriers flew from Starokonstantinov to Kanatovo this morning, which is why the alarm was declared several hours ago in southern Russia.
▪️ Considering this, Crimea may come under attack once again. Especially considering the increased intensity of filming of various objects on the Peninsula by Western satellites in the last three days. From October 27 to October 29, 60 sessions were held, of which 24 were yesterday. Particular attention was paid to the Crimean Bridge and Kerch, where 9 photographs were noted. This indicates a possible resumption of attacks on important infrastructure in the near future."


"Missile attack on Sevastopol. October 30, 2023.

▪️ A few hours ago, the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched eight Storm Shadow/SCALP cruise missiles in the direction of Sevastopol from one Su-24M from the Starokonstantinov airfield and three Su-27 from the Mirgorod airfield.
▪️ And Storm Shadows were not the only missiles used: two Neptune anti-ship missiles were also fired from the Odessa region. At the same time, target designation was provided by three UAVs of an unidentified type flying over the city.
▪️ All eight cruise missiles, two Neptunes and three drones were shot down by S-400 and Pantsir-S1 air defense missile systems of the 31st Air Defense Division of the RF Armed Forces over the coastal waters of the Black Sea, in the Sevastopol Bay and the Mekenzi Mountains. Some debris damaged private infrastructure.
▪️ Judging by the geography of the flight, Ukrainian formations tried to hit an ammunition depot, a Black Sea Fleet base, and a ship repair plant in the Inkerman area.
▪️ Noteworthy is the combination of weapons to complicate the work of air defense.
▪️ Another interesting fact is the use of Su-27 aircraft, which were also modernized to carry cruise missiles. This is due to the heavy handling of the Su-24M and their shortage (in the summer there were no more than 10-12 working copies left, and taking into account the recent Russian operation, probably even less)."

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Zaporozhye - 30.10.2023

"The situation in the Orikhiv sector as of 12:00 /Moscow time/ October 30, 2023

▪️ At the Kopani-Robotyne-Verbove line, after several unsuccessful attempts to break through the defenses of the Russian Armed Forces, Ukrainian formations regrouped, sending additional reinforcements to the contact line.
▪️ Units of the 33rd Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were deployed to the forest belts east of Robotyne to storm Russian positions northwest of Verbove. Fire support will be provided by artillerymen of the self-propelled howitzer brigade artillery group of the 118th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
▪️ Similarly, the forces of the 3rd “Spartan” Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine began to move into the forest belts northeast of Novoprokopivka. Formations of the 3rd Brigade had previously unsuccessfully tried to storm Kopani, but now they were sent to attack Novoprokopivka.
▪️ At the same time, the 82nd Air Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is being re-equipped and replenished in the rear, and the tactical group "Topaz", consisting of the 78th Special Purpose Regiment and the 3rd Battalion of the 80th Air Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, is also preparing for battle.
▪️ A reconnaissance station for ground moving targets was pulled into Mala Tokmachka to simplify the identification of positions of the Russian Armed Forces."

Kherson - 30.10.2023

"The situation in the Kherson direction as of 19:00 /Moscow time/ October 30, 2023

▪️ The situation along the Dnieper remains the same.️ In Krynky, the forces of the 35th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, holed up in several houses, continue to hold the central part of the village. The approaches to village are completely under fire cover of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which does not allow Russian troops to clear the bridgehead.
▪️ At night, after preliminary preparation, three assault detachments of the 35th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were transferred to the Frolov Island, and then to Krynky to strengthen the group. After this, Ukrainian marines began moving westward, slightly expanding their zone of control.
▪️ At the same time, at the railway bridge, units of the 35th and 36th Marine Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine aro also settled tightly on the existing bridgehead. Yesterday evening, assault groups occupied the area of the small railway bridge, having equipped an additional stronghold and almost approaching Poima. And already at night and in the morning of October 30, Ukrainian formations had to carry out a rotation of forces on boats. Several groups of Marines were transported to Mykilske, but one of the vessels was sunk by a drone with a grenade drop system.
▪️ Similar control remains with the enemy under the Antonovsky Bridge.
▪️ The tactical success that the enemy achieved comes at a great price, but he has the resources. And the density of fire from artillery, mortars and UAVs allows him to maintain a small bridgehead near the Dnieper."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 01.11.2023

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 10:00 /Moscow time/ November 1, 2023

▪️ Russian troops continue to carry out the task of capturing the Avdiivka fortified area and destroying reinforcements of the Armed Forces of Ukraine withdrawn from other sectors of the front.
▪️ If by October 21 it was possible to complete the task of expanding the bridgehead north of the city with the occupation of the waste heap of the Avdiivka Coke Plant, and by October 26 - to expand the southern “pincers” and an offensive operation on the 9th "Khimik" microdistrict, then the task of the current week is to maintain the occupied lines and prevent the enemy from restoring the tactical position.

Northern flank
▪️ Despite the transition to active defense, Russian troops continue positional combat and offensive in the north: from Krasnohorivka, the forces of the 1436th Motor Rifle Regiment of the RF Armed Forces and those mobilized from Siberia crossed the railway track and managed to advance towards Novokalynove and Keramik. Russian units occupied height 178 and gained a foothold at the mark, repelling surge after surge.
▪️ Ukrainian formations are attacking with forces of 31st and 47th Mechanized Brigades both from the north and west, and are trying to recapture the waste heap of the Avdiivka Coke Plant. Attempts by the the Armed Forces of Ukraine to restore the tactical position are being made along the railway line, where the defensive formations of the Russian Armed Forces are built.

▪️ Over the past couple of days, the local command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has thrown over two hundred people and more than 20 armored vehicles into battle, ranging from Leopard 2A6 tanks to infantry fighting vehicles. All attacks were repulsed, and one Leopard was destroyed by a direct shot from a T-72 tank of the 114th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade of the RF Armed Forces (previously the 11th Motor Rifle Regiment "Vostok" of the DPR) near the railway track.

▪️ Despite the information that has appeared on the Internet about the continued offensive of the Russian Armed Forces against the Coke Plant, this is not true: the Russian group is focused on inflicting fire damage and destroying reinforcements arriving through Ocheretyne.

Southern flank
▪️ South of Avdiivka, Ukrainian formations attempted to break through the defense of the Russian Army at Vodyane. The Armed Forces of Ukraine with several tanks and armored fighting vehicles intended to occupy the gray zone, but were unsuccessful.
▪️ At the same time, enemy surges continue along the entire line of contact from Pervomaiske to the "Khimik" microdistrict. Despite the plans of the Russian Armed Forces to rush to the microdistrict and cut the line of communication in the south of Avdiivka, at the moment Russian units are concentrated on repelling fire raids, counter-battery combat and destroying reinforcements of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this area.
▪️ The old anti-aircraft military base east of Opytne is still under enemy control: Russian troops are carrying out an operation to block it, without wasting resources on storming a fortified facility. The same situation arose on the approaches to the "Tsarska Ohota" recreation center, which the Russian fighters decided to bypass.
▪️ Plans for the assault on villages north of Opytne have also been revised: active fire damage is being applied to Tonenke, Sjeverne and nearby settlements with cannon fire, rocket artillery and tactical aviation.

Price of reinforcements and reserves
▪️ The losses of Ukrainian formations reached catastrophic figures. In only the 31st Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, at least 20% irretrievable losses. Almost half of the unit is listed as refuseniks and deserters. Because of this, reinforcements were transferred to the site, first from the Kharkov region, and then from the Soledar and Zaporozhye directions.
▪️ In addition, the active transfer of the 175th Battalion of the 121st Territorial Defence Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine began from the Kherson region. And a large batch of FPV drones was delivered from Dnepropetrovsk, which have proven their effectiveness against Russian armored vehicles.
▪️ Civilians are expelled from nearby villages, where reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are then drawn up, where they equip strongholds. The main task assigned to the Ukrainian formations in the area is to restore control over lost positions.
▪️ At the same time, in case of the counterattack's failure, the Kiev regime ordered to prepare for a long-term defense. The headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine group has already been moved from Avdiivka to Kramatorsk, from where planning will be carried out.
▪️ And this creates ideal conditions for the activation of the Russian Armed Forces in other areas."

Ukrainian medevac gone wrong
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Crimea - 01.11.2023

"Missile attack on Crimea and Kherson. November 1, 2023

▪️ Two days after the last strike, the Armed Forces of Ukraine once again attacked Russian territories with Storm Shadow/SCALP cruise missiles.
▪️ As on October 30, before the raid three Su-24M bombers flew from Starokonstantinov to Mirgorod, in the early morning. Apparently, in Mirgorod, planes are being loaded with cruise missiles before takeoff. In addition, due to the active campaign of Russian air defense and aviation, this ensures a safe distance from interceptions.
▪️ At the same time, at the moment of the Su-24M flight at 07:30am, a MiG-29 fighter of the RF Black Sea Fleet Naval Aviation shot down two Neptune anti-ship missiles. Apparently, the Ukrainian Armed Forces were expecting the radar equipment of the 31st Air Defense Division of the RF Armed Forces to turn on and tried to strike the air defense position at that moment.
▪️ A few hours after their flight to Mirgorod, Ukrainian bombers took to the air again. Just south of Pavlograd, six missiles were fired, which, skirting Polohy, flew to the south of the Kherson region.
▪️ All six “Storms” flew to Strilkove. The village has repeatedly been the target of satellite reconnaissance from Western countries.
- Two missiles were shot down by crews of the Pantsir-S1 air defense system on approach to the Arabat Spit.
- Another rocket was shot down over the village itself.
- However, three missiles hit one of the objects in Strilkove. Considering the size of Storm Shadow's warhead (450 kg / 990 lb), the building must have taken massive damage, but the people there were aware of the danger and already left the area.
▪️ Changes in the tactics of using cruise missiles should be taken into account when organizing defenses. This is especially true for air defense forces, both in the matter of missile flight routes (a new trajectory through the Zaporozhye region) and countering their carriers. No matter how far the Su-24M stays away from the S-400 or MiG-31 engagement zone, the Storm Shadows are launched from a certain area due to the missiles range of 300 km. And at this moment or when refueling in Dnepropetrovsk and Mirgorod they should be caught."
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Crimea - 01.11.2023 Update

"Repelled missile attack on Crimea and suppressing Ukraine's Air Force. November 1, 2023

▪️ As it turned out, the morning attempt to strike Crimea with Neptune anti-ship missiles and the subsequent attack on Strilkove were not the only attacks today.
▪️ Almost at the same time as the missile raid on the Kherson region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine again tried to strike Sevastopol with three Neptunes in the period from 11:10 to 12:04, bringing the total number to five missiles in one day. Apparently, the anti-ship missiles were launched to strike the Black Sea Fleet ships and ammunition depots.
▪️ All missiles were destroyed by Su-27SM and Su-27P Naval Aviation fighters 40-90 km northwest of Sevastopol.
▪️ At the same time, a MiG-31BM fighter of the Black Sea Fleet took off from the Belbek airfield, whose onboard radar detected two tactical aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force and hit them with guided missiles. The exact type of aircraft is unknown, but with a high degree of probability it is either a MiG-29 or Su-27. The effectiveness of both the MiG-31 and S-400 in conjunction with the A-50 is proving increasingly effective. This allows us to hope for a more active fight against Storm Shadow cruise missile carriers."