The Mike Cernovich Thread


Orthodox Inquirer
Cernovich is one of the still active manosphere persons, although he is no longer a red pill, self-help, PUA type, probably hasn't been since at least 2015 when he moved into politics. Somehow he never got banned or deplatformed. I always felt that this was the result of his lawyer training. He knew how to play angles or to deny involvement enough to avoid the ban hammer.

I used to read his stuff back in his Danger and Play blogging days. I read Gorilla Mindset. I read the book he published with Vox Day, 'Maga Mindset'. I listened to his podcast. I was drawn in by his point of view and his no-nonsense style of speech. Then I got tired of him. His abrasiveness and ability to evoke engagement via ragebaiting tweets was enough to sour me, possibly permanently. I stopped reading his tweets over a year ago and now I don't even have a Twitter account. One of the things that soured me on Cernovich, beyond his prickly personality and form of writing, was the hypocrisy. I'll try to explain what I mean.

I only found out through one of the sites that hates him that he made seven figures from the divorce of his first wife. He would have been about 33 when this happened and that's when he started the Danger and Play blog. Reading him, I had no idea he was already "rich" because of this divorce. When I learned that a dude who fell into money preached about hard work and self-help the spell was broken and I stopped taking him seriously. Whenever he would tweet about knowing what hard work was, it was always some job he had as a teenager, tasseling corn or something. Whenever he talked about poverty, it was only that he grew up in poverty. He hasn't experienced poverty as an adult, as a dad, as a working-class person but he always had this better-than-you vibe that despised any man who wasn't well off by the time he turns 40.

And for all of the knowledge this guy has, all of the pull and influence he has, what has he done? What I mean is, this "alpha male" didn't start any companies, didn't employ men, hasn't expanded operations and grown a law practice to fight for the things he cares about (I know he tried to get some Epstein related stuff unsealed once, but what or where is his practice?). I also remember feeling annoyed with him when he said he didn't understand why people said having kids was expensive. Groceries and clothes weren't that bad, you could bargain shop to cheap things like strollers, etc. He didn't even think that kids are expensive because you either have to pay for childcare or one parent stays home and not everyone is making cash money or is wealthy enough so that both parents can stay at home full-time like him and his wife.

Anyway, I assume there are several others here who know of this guy since his name came up a lot in the Roosh, Vox Day, Stefan Molyneux manosphere era. Curious about your thoughts.
I followed him for awhile in the early Trump days, read his Gorilla Mindset book (which was forgettable and mediocre), and was bemused by his relentless self-aggrandizement. He would go back and delete old Tweets of his that made wrong predictions. It was curious how he never got banned on Twitter, but he really tries hard to stay on the "alt light" side of things. But what I mostly remember him for is that he had sex with a transsexual before it was a "hip thing" and then wrote about it:
Back when Media Matters/CTR/Shareblue was still a topic of discussion at 4chan, probably 2015 or 2016, a "Shareblue insider" who had quit or been fired came over and dropped a bunch of photos of their employees which turned out to be actual (people who tried to stay out of the public eye) and a lot of other info as well. He said a lot of "conservative" celebrities are known to frequent the SB offices and events, and Cerno was one of them. Could have been fake but did not seem like it. Another he claimed was Ana Navarro who at the time seemed unlikely to be a Friend of Brock, but now does not seem so unlikely. The implication was these people were playing roles.
I always found him aloof and arrogant during his RVF days. He had some good knowledge about juicing and other areas, but as a poster/personality I never really warmed to him in the way I did/do with many others.
Back when Media Matters/CTR/Shareblue was still a topic of discussion at 4chan, probably 2015 or 2016, a "Shareblue insider" who had quit or been fired came over and dropped a bunch of photos of their employees which turned out to be actual (people who tried to stay out of the public eye) and a lot of other info as well. He said a lot of "conservative" celebrities are known to frequent the SB offices and events, and Cerno was one of them. Could have been fake but did not seem like it. Another he claimed was Ana Navarro who at the time seemed unlikely to be a Friend of Brock, but now does not seem so unlikely. The implication was these people were playing roles.

I've always believed most of the conservative opposition is bought and paid for, which is why they directly (or indirectly) act as gatekeepers.
Didn't everyone forget about this big mouth about 7 years ago? Not sure what he's been doing with his "huge payout" and why should anyone care when he's been boozing it up on his alleged ranch.

This is my own opinion of him years ago, if he found God and uses that land to good use then good for him obviously.
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Didn't everyone forget about this big mouth about 7 years ago? Not sure what he's been doing with his "huge payout" and why should anyone care when he's been boozing it up on his alleged ranch.

This is my own opinion of him years ago, if he found God and uses that land to good use then good for him obviously.
What big pay out and ranch?
I can't find a full article with details, but Cernovich partnered with Alan Dershowitz to sue an Epstein victim.

Summary says the most important thing, emphasis mine:

An alleged Jeffrey Epstein victim has said that right-wing personality Michael Cernovich's request to compel her to pay costs in a Second Circuit appeal is an attempt by Cernovich and Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz to intimidate her, prompting Cernovich to apologize and distance himself from the professor

I backed Cerno's first film about censorship. I was disgusted at how bad it was and how he hyped it like it was going to be the best thing ever and then two weeks after release said that it wasn't that good and the next one would be better.

One of the few grifters I fell for.
I backed Cerno's first film about censorship. I was disgusted at how bad it was and how he hyped it like it was going to be the best thing ever and then two weeks after release said that it wasn't that good and the next one would be better.

One of the few grifters I fell for.
I think Cerno got screwed over by his talentless Jewish 'filmmaker', Loren Feldman. A nasty guy. I don't think Cerno went into the project knowing Feldman was going to make a total hash of it. But he should have hired someone with a decent resume, rather than the hack Feldman.

All online personalities have their issues, some worse than others. I never really followed the guy, but from what I hear he fits the attention seeking model of social media and was lucky to capitalize on it in many ways. I have an acquaintance, actually, that reported to me that he laughs about his role in things, and has that mansion or what not in SoCal. I have no idea what his aim is but if he's not at least getting closer to being a serious Christian or talking about how losing that identity is a death knell for a culture like ours, he's a grifter until proven otherwise.
All online personalities have their issues, some worse than others. I never really followed the guy, but from what I hear he fits the attention seeking model of social media and was lucky to capitalize on it in many ways. I have an acquaintance, actually, that reported to me that he laughs about his role in things, and has that mansion or what not in SoCal. I have no idea what his aim is but if he's not at least getting closer to being a serious Christian or talking about how losing that identity is a death knell for a culture like ours, he's a grifter until proven otherwise.
Well said. I think Roosh, as much as we feel his absence, showed that the last good thing a popular internet personality can do once turned to God and away from internet hustling is to disappear from it.
Well said. I think Roosh, as much as we feel his absence, showed that the last good thing a popular internet personality can do once turned to God and away from internet hustling is to disappear from it.
In this, you are correct, he shows a wonderful example. It can be seen as wise, faithful, and obedient (to his spiritual father and also God our Father), and thus should be commended. I agree.
Well said. I think Roosh, as much as we feel his absence, showed that the last good thing a popular internet personality can do once turned to God and away from internet hustling is to disappear from it.
Similarly with Victor Pride / Brother Nickolas. Not long after he became a believing Christian, he started doing online Bible studies on Zoom. He stopped after just a few months, and I suspect it was because he realized he was too young in the faith to do that. I do miss him and wish him well. I suspect and hope that he will find his way to Orthodoxy, because he had a deep commitment to truth seeking and would probably end up with something very focused on personal holiness, like Orthodoxy.
Didn't everyone forget about this big mouth about 7 years ago? Not sure what he's been doing with his "huge payout" and why should anyone care when he's been boozing it up on his alleged ranch.
If you take him at his word, he quit all booze awhile ago. Abstains completely.

I'm not sure about 7 years ago but nowadays does preach a healthy lifestyle, he home schools, has three kids, none are vaxed, has spoken repeatedly on Orthodoxy.

He has some ego to him but I take him as another dude trying to figure it out like the rest of us. And he's more right than wrong.
If you take him at his word, he quit all booze awhile ago. Abstains completely.

I'm not sure about 7 years ago but nowadays does preach a healthy lifestyle, he home schools, has three kids, none are vaxed, has spoken repeatedly on Orthodoxy.

He has some ego to him but I take him as another dude trying to figure it out like the rest of us. And he's more right than wrong.

This sounds like the most reasonable and accurate take to me.

The one thing that trips people on our side up about Cerno et al is that, one way or another, his drug is clickbait / reactions. When you train yourself to succeed online to such a level that he has, you know the currency is to enrage one or another of the readership avatars. And if you instead try to write/speak in a nuanced and "honest" way, you notice that you get WAYYYYYYY less views and clicks and engagement. So the devil on your shoulder is encouraging you to be divisive, even if it means flaming some of your best supporters, even if it means shitting on your own beliefs, even if it means coming off as a flip-flop artist.

It's the male equivalent of when chicks realize the only way they get any attention online is to sexualize themselves.

There is also the danger of having to do consistent daily content, which means no one piece of content can ever be properly researched, thought out, or cleanly edited. The algo demands that you churn and churn and churn.

This churn produces sloppy thinking and results in your own troops catching friendly fire.
This sounds like the most reasonable and accurate take to me.

The one thing that trips people on our side up about Cerno et al is that, one way or another, his drug is clickbait / reactions. When you train yourself to succeed online to such a level that he has, you know the currency is to enrage one or another of the readership avatars. And if you instead try to write/speak in a nuanced and "honest" way, you notice that you get WAYYYYYYY less views and clicks and engagement. So the devil on your shoulder is encouraging you to be divisive, even if it means flaming some of your best supporters, even if it means shitting on your own beliefs, even if it means coming off as a flip-flop artist.

It's the male equivalent of when chicks realize the only way they get any attention online is to sexualize themselves.

There is also the danger of having to do consistent daily content, which means no one piece of content can ever be properly researched, thought out, or cleanly edited. The algo demands that you churn and churn and churn.

This churn produces sloppy thinking and results in your own troops catching friendly fire.
Point in case. Also notice the sly formulation - leaving room for plausible deniability and backpaddling. But anyone straightforward knows well what he means.

Cernovich turns as easy as a leaf in the wind. He's mostly concerned with himself - ie. the clicks and the gravy train. Not to be taken seriously. There are dozens of more interesting and inspiring 'Twitter analysts' to follow.
