I’m really sorry… I think in my brevity that I wasn’t succinct enough. I was just meaning that “judging” whether someone is a “sincere Christian” or not is not our call to make... That is up to God… that is what my initial post was referring to. We *cannot* determine whether a person is a “true/sincere” Christian.To add, I can’t edit the other post since it exceeded the 60 minutes, so here is the updated version (What I added I put in bold):
You do not know me and what I have been through and what I have seen in my life. I am being vigilant. There is real evil out there and I am not going to have a superficial piety, not saying you do but it appears that way, just making you aware. Then behave hypocritical and self-righteous by accusing others of being “judgmental.” By this logic accusing someone of being judgmental is being judgmental in itself, here appears to be implied to mean this in a negative way.
“I don’t know a person’s heart.” Please, this is intuition and vigilance. Please take out your Bible and read John 7:24 AND I Kings 3:9 about how We are to judge.
Defending and siding with evil and people who willingly reject Christ “Because we are all sinners (clutches pearls)”, while opposing people who willingly accept Christ and being vigilant against evil. God KNOWS a person’s true heart AND He is watching.
Look Starlight, please forgive me for coming off like this but I am trying to see you to understand the reasoning here. To suggest this “we‘re all sinners, then protect and side with the “poor and “lost“ people” who do intentional malice to others, how dare you judge them.” Seriously what would Jesus do. Again, John 7:24 AND I Kings 3:9
Here is more scripture that specifically pertains to what and everything I wrote in the two posts that were back to back and what you quoted from me: Matthew 5:22, Proverbs 13:21, Ecclesiastes 10:12-14, Proverbs 12:18, Colossians 3:7-8, Ephesians 4:29-30
Like I mentioned before I did not want to get into some heavy discussions here. My posts were within the reasons of Christ’s examples and teachings but someone had to be “pious” and knock it and not getting the overall message, so I needed to defend it righteously and even include Biblical scripture to defend what I said.
*Also note how I did not target any specific person in my original posts, while the person replying did accuse me directly of “judgmental“ behaviour in a not positive way.
We should absolutely call out right and wrong and help keep our Christian brothers and sisters on the straight and narrow path by holding each other accountable for our behaviors and actions. We should use discernment regarding people we choose to engage with, absolutely.
I don’t know you, I don’t pretend to. You don’t know me either. We all struggle with something. I screw up all the time but I love God and Jesus… and honestly feel like I’m in a perpetual state of repentance.
If, for you, a person calling someone “stupid” means they aren’t “sincerely Christian,” I would be careful. That’s all I’m trying say.