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The Jewish Question (JQ)


Orthodox Inquirer
Always pray for Talmudic Jews to see the error of their ways, repent, and accept the King of Jews, Jesus Christ.

And just as importantly, pray that Christians actually behave like Christians, and will resist the temptation to betray one another for 30 pieces of silver as did Judas. If Christians actually kept their faith most Talmuds would be broke and living in the ghettos.
Always pray for Talmudic Jews to see the error of their ways, repent, and accept the King of Jews, Jesus Christ.

And just as importantly, pray that Christians actually behave like Christians, and will resist the temptation to betray one another for 30 pieces of silver as did Judas. If Christians actually kept their faith most Talmuds would be broke and living in the ghettos.
We need an amen button! I'm sure it's coming, and there's a lot to do, but I would have used it here!
Always pray for Talmudic Jews to see the error of their ways, repent, and accept the King of Jews, Jesus Christ.

And just as importantly, pray that Christians actually behave like Christians, and will resist the temptation to betray one another for 30 pieces of silver as did Judas. If Christians actually kept their faith most Talmuds would be broke and living in the ghettos.
Christians in the West long ago stopped looking out for each other and their communities. We have become divided, splintered, selfish, and petty materialists. I'll be the first to admit it. I envy what the groups like the Amish have...looking out for each other. Instead, we are reaping the costs of living in every-man-for-himself societies.
This is the most practical sort of thing that separates evangelicals from those in Apostolic faiths (making it that much harder to deal with the JQ):

Spoke with my mum on the phone the other day. One of her first questions "So what do you think of what's going on in Israel?"
I asked her first what she thought.
Let's just say she would fit right in. I really do think people are becoming aware

I wish more people were like your mum. I frequent a cigar lounge where a good amount of time the tv is on either sports or Fox News.

The subject of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict came up with some of the regulars and I knew they would be more than likely shilling for the chews. Good thing I was almost done smoking my cigar when one of them mentioned how Israel has faced hostility in the region and have always been hated by all their neighbors.

I couldn't simply let this opportunity pass to address such brainless talking points so I chipped into the conversation with, "Just something to think about. If all your neighbors hated you, wouldn't you say the problem is more than likely with you instead of the neighbors?" Of course you could hear a pin drop after a few moments of ackward silence then a few of the guys started to kvetch lol! I left shortly after a few more exchanges but I hope a few of those guys realized the line they've been fed is total bs.
Wow. Alex Jones finally calls them out.

He immediately prefaces it with a reference to Hitler hoping that it somehow would still ingratiate the Jews with him but it appears he realizes it's a losing battle. He wants the Jews who oppose communism - good luck with that one sir!

But you're right, it is interesting and could signal something.
I wish more people were like your mum. I frequent a cigar lounge where a good amount of time the tv is on either sports or Fox News.

The subject of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict came up with some of the regulars and I knew they would be more than likely shilling for the chews. Good thing I was almost done smoking my cigar when one of them mentioned how Israel has faced hostility in the region and have always been hated by all their neighbors.

I couldn't simply let this opportunity pass to address such brainless talking points so I chipped into the conversation with, "Just something to think about. If all your neighbors hated you, wouldn't you say the problem is more than likely with you instead of the neighbors?" Of course you could hear a pin drop after a few moments of ackward silence then a few of the guys started to kvetch lol! I left shortly after a few more exchanges but I hope a few of those guys realized the line they've been fed is total bs.

I wish more people were like your mum. I frequent a cigar lounge where a good amount of time the tv is on either sports or Fox News.

The subject of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict came up with some of the regulars and I knew they would be more than likely shilling for the chews. Good thing I was almost done smoking my cigar when one of them mentioned how Israel has faced hostility in the region and have always been hated by all their neighbors.

I couldn't simply let this opportunity pass to address such brainless talking points so I chipped into the conversation with, "Just something to think about. If all your neighbors hated you, wouldn't you say the problem is more than likely with you instead of the neighbors?" Of course you could hear a pin drop after a few moments of ackward silence then a few of the guys started to kvetch lol! I left shortly after a few more exchanges but I hope a few of those guys realized the line they've been fed is total bs.

Nicely done. If people like us don't speak up then nothing will ever be said and ignorance will always remain. I need to learn to say things more delicately, kind of like your example, instead of going full throttle immediately.