Most men don't know this, but most women have the ability to cry at will. As easy for them as moving their hands.They call this “throwing reality a bone”. She breaks character for a millisecond and says she “dissociated” so the innumerable simps and white knights don’t think she’s a whore.
It is amazing how this one performative act, which is really just solipsistic speech, assuages countless men into thinking that she really is just a nice, misunderstood girl.
You see the same thing with female Instagram influencers who trade off their “looks” through a plethora of filters, make-up and outright Photoshop/AI editing, but then every 1000th post shows a “this is reality, me with belly fat/cellulite, and the industry and patriarchy promote body image issues” photo or photos. The women who follow these accounts lap it up and call her “brave” and “empowering” or “inspirational” and “amazing”. Yet the next 999 monetized posts go straight back to the deception these influencer girls were criticizing in the “real me” post.
The sound of a woman crying has a very powerful effect on men. It's hardwired into our brains. And women take full advantage of this.