The Destruction of Modern Women

They call this “throwing reality a bone”. She breaks character for a millisecond and says she “dissociated” so the innumerable simps and white knights don’t think she’s a whore.

It is amazing how this one performative act, which is really just solipsistic speech, assuages countless men into thinking that she really is just a nice, misunderstood girl.

You see the same thing with female Instagram influencers who trade off their “looks” through a plethora of filters, make-up and outright Photoshop/AI editing, but then every 1000th post shows a “this is reality, me with belly fat/cellulite, and the industry and patriarchy promote body image issues” photo or photos. The women who follow these accounts lap it up and call her “brave” and “empowering” or “inspirational” and “amazing”. Yet the next 999 monetized posts go straight back to the deception these influencer girls were criticizing in the “real me” post.
Most men don't know this, but most women have the ability to cry at will. As easy for them as moving their hands.

The sound of a woman crying has a very powerful effect on men. It's hardwired into our brains. And women take full advantage of this.
This is like the 4B witholding sex movement. Incredible courage.....Next minute they're sleeping with 100 men in a day.

It's far more ridiculous than the 4B anti-sex movement. Women can actually go without sex pretty easily, at least for a few months. But for them to go without shopping is like men going without sex. Never gonna happen, not in 1 million years.

I would bet every dollar I own, if I could, that at least 80% of women could not stop mass consumption for even 1 month.
This goes along with that first video that Steady Hands posted, but I've heard women talk about men giving them the ick or alarm bells. Do they have any idea how many of them have alarm bells or give conservative men the ick? I think they're just so used to men simping for them or trying to be nice to them and not tell the truth, that they have zero self-awareness.

They ruin so many opportunities with men and then try to act like it's our fault. If you give me the "ick", I will move on. I guess it's a good thing they make the alarms bells obvious so early on nowadays.
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This goes along with that first video that Steady Hands posted, but I've heard women talk about men giving them the ick or alarm bells. Do they have any idea how many of them have alarm bells or give conservative men the ick? I think they're just so used to men simping for them or trying to be nice to them and not tell the truth, that they have zero self-awareness.

They ruin so many opportunities with men and then try to act like it's our fault. If you give me the "ick", I will move on. I guess it's a good thing they make the alarms bells obvious so early on nowadays.
They don't care, because they don't need to. The ugliest hamplanet you can imagine has at least two men simping for her. Especially if she's on social media such as Discord or Instagram.

If a woman wants sex, she gets it easily. If a woman wants attention, she gets it easily. If a woman wants money, she gets it easily. If the wall hits a woman like a freight truck and she needs a moron to provide everything for her forever, she can get one easily. Until this changes, and I don't think it will within my lifetime, women will continue to not care if virtuous men find them disgusting.
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This goes along with that first video that Steady Hands posted, but I've heard women talk about men giving them the ick or alarm bells. Do they have any idea how many of them have alarm bells or give conservative men the ick? I think they're just so used to men simping for them or trying to be nice to them and not tell the truth, that they have zero self-awareness.

They ruin so many opportunities with men and then try to act like it's our fault. If you give me the "ick", I will move on. I guess it's a good thing they make the alarms bells obvious so early on nowadays.

The ick is just another name for ‘female intuition’ which is so consistently wrong that most women’s lives would improve if they did the opposite of their ‘intuition’

Look at their choice in men. I once knew a girl who was dating a guy with 20 prior convictions because he was a bad boy. She had a Masters degree and was also very attractive.
The ick is just another name for ‘female intuition’ which is so consistently wrong that most women’s lives would improve if they did the opposite of their ‘intuition’

Look at their choice in men. I once knew a girl who was dating a guy with 20 prior convictions because he was a bad boy. She had a Masters degree and was also very attractive.
Yeah definitely. And it's funny because they act like this intuition is some magical power. I'll take my intuition over most of these women's any day. There's a reason God chose men to be leaders.
The ick is just another name for ‘female intuition’ which is so consistently wrong that most women’s lives would improve if they did the opposite of their ‘intuition’
Yes, there is this idea out there that their evolutionary recognition is amazing, when in reality, it's just short term and dark triad selecting, if at all. Men understand the long game and society, which is why they also realize that marriage has its place but also isn't a great thing overall for men. The moderns tell us that is wrong, too, lol.

Most women's lives improve if they follow God and man, respectively. That's pretty much it.
Female Chad is actually a thing, as it turns out. (y) Mods, we need a new emoji.

Glad you liked the vids. Maggie The Substitute seems like a lovely lady with wisdom to offer younger ladies.

I find many women tend to be more open to listening to advice from other women compared to listening to similar advice from men.

This is especially relevant when male commentary comes across as angry or insulting. For instance the guys from The Fresh and Fit Podcast yelling "You had too many bodies!" are unlikely to change the minds of female listeners. Sure, it's entertaining to watch and I've enjoyed watching some of those meltdown or 'gotcha' moments. Yet aggressive putdowns only cause emotional/mental barriers to solidify, thus reducing the power of any communication, no matter the validity of the words that were spoken.

"Ma'am you are a wh0r3"

Will Ferrell Lol GIF by First We Feast

Now, I've read alt-right opinions about how women shouldn't be online, getting attention, and giving advice; "True trad women wouldn't film themselves doing chores, acting as political leaders, heading churches etc".

Although I agree with these points in principle, they seem to reflect a flight of fancy. Indeed, we can only do our best with the reality of our time. With this in mind, we can consider the influential power of female voices to communicate a useful message to women. The intended targets of the communication could be women that you want to influence personally or others more broadly.

Since we're on the topic of sharing dating advice or concepts of relationship dynamics with women, I will illustrate one more resource; Karyn @ The Happy Wife School. God Bless this woman.

The way she uses her own life learnings to elevate the role of men in relationships and to hold women accountable is quite special.


san diego padres yes GIF by MLB

"Women are grown-up children"

Truth This Is True GIF by Ford

Embedded link to an example video:
"10 Ways Your Wife Needs to Change to Make A Good Marriage"

Clap Reaction GIF
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Fake screenshot. Almost definitely made by an Indian, as it portrays an Indian as the voice of reason, and said Indian is obviously edited in. Notice how "Xavier" has significantly less JPEG compression in his username, handle and profile picture than the rest of the image. Pajeets are very unintentionally funny when they make these types of posts.

I mean, look at this meme:
Is it ironic or did an Indian make it with complete sincerity? Genuinely no way to tell.
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