Interesting. It appears that Presidential Actions (which this was) are indeed signed.
Biden signed
ELEVEN of them on Good Friday.
I remember Roosh did a long talk on how the Biden Administration was really a blessing, and the heart of it was it makes you realize the stupid left / right fake wrestling style "fights" that they put up are complete Kabuki theater distraction--with Biden it's so much easier for us to see that it is not and really
*can* not be the president making all these decisions.
I mean, each one of these documents was multiple pages long. It's impossible to read them fully unless that was your only job (I wonder who writes them!) The president may be affixing his signature to forms, but he is fully relying on his cabinet (aka Jews) to decide which forms to give him.
Part of it is just the absurd size the US government has grown to. I'm not one to rely on "The Founding Fathers" arguments, but the Founders could not have imagined it was possible for a president to "Declare" 11 things in a single day. They have grown the executive to the point where one man cannot possibly know everything that is going on.
This is all by design, to give them the ability to do Bay of Pigs type operations without the president's approval.
As silly or absurd as many of the things Biden may say are, we should all remember not to be angry at this senile old man. If anything, the real ideas he once held in his brain were somewhat based (I dont want my kids to grow up in a jungle--can you imagine any politician speaking that way about crime today?). He has long since faded from who that man was, and is not much more than a Weekend at Bernie's type prop at this point. And we should be thankful for that, as it allows us to see he was never the enemy in the first place.
Remember that
they WANT half the country hating Biden and the other half hating Trump.
That is the entire purpose of democracy. To split the country in two, and have two groups vehemently fighting shadows while the real enemy plugs ahead. The more angry people get at Demonrats and the more they literally just can't even believe Conservatards would do such a thing, the better, because then, you just have the people fighting each other, instead of the real enemy.