A look back, almost 100 years ago:
That's what they always say. It's more complicated than that, of course.![]()
"One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory." - Houari Boumedienne (president of Algeria, in a speech at the United Nations in 1974)
Freedom is not free, it is paid with blood. Our blood will pay for the appeasement of Islam.
The behavior is the same, no matter where they are located.
I didn't think Russia was importing monkeys.The actions of monkeys are getting so wild, I stopped reading telegram channels that document things committed by them because it's too infuriating.
But stuff is making it into the main news too, like yet another gang rape of a white woman in Moscow who was walking with her white boyfriend just 3 days ago, by 4 poo monkeys.
Monkeys are running completely wild, they have an immunity from prosecution, basically, and "diasporas" mafia-like ethnic organizations that defend their interests which had bribed their way in to all levels of power in Russia.
It's often seen now that both cops and prosecutors aren't white themselves now, good luck getting justice if you're white.
There's no hope left for Russia. Only in very small pockets of very remote lands with very harsh climate and terrible bugs might preserve Russian ethnic culture and purity of Nordic Russian bloodlines. Much of the blood is tainted by asian shit by now, though, and many millions of Asians are pumped in every year.
That guy got banned and he's full of shit (which is why).I didn't think Russia was importing monkeys.
You'd get this if you realized life is much more than just material gains.Perhaps I prefer Christian communities who answer each day's problems with singing, laughing, thankfulness, coming together... rather than crusades and politics.
What is the response of European Christians who witness the fruits of the Holy Spirit, such as those I have experienced with my own eyes in far flung places? In some Pacific Island nations they communities show true piety and thankfulness that comes with living day by day, not knowing how your next meal will arrive....or if another tribe will come to make trouble. Much respect for pieus Christians, wherever they are. I ask all the faithful to remember that there are no blood lines in the new covenant.
Perhaps I prefer Christian communities who answer each day's problems with singing, laughing, thankfulness, coming together... rather than crusades and politics.
You idiot. Say thank you to the man and/or kick the scumbag in the face!
"Not all neggros are like that you White Nazis..."She'll be reaching left again come the next election.
That's a little bit of a partial portrait you're painting.What is the response of European Christians who witness the fruits of the Holy Spirit, such as those I have experienced with my own eyes in far flung places? In some Pacific Island nations they communities show true piety and thankfulness that comes with living day by day, not knowing how your next meal will arrive....or if another tribe will come to make trouble. Much respect for pieus Christians, wherever they are. I ask all the faithful to remember that there are no blood lines in the new covenant.
Perhaps I prefer Christian communities who answer each day's problems with singing, laughing, thankfulness, coming together... rather than crusades and politics.
I think someone once put that reddit wall of text meme on a thread I started. That's funny, beyond somewhat annoying given my history, since Barron takes the cake. Do you save messages and copy and paste them on top of the more recent ideas? I'd find it hard to believe that most people are reading all of this.That's a little bit of a partial portrait you're painting.
I spent time in Fiji and had a lot of time for the guys who start harvesting sugar cane in the early hours of the morning then break for a game of rugby while its still dark and early and the air is cool.
In rugby Polynesians and Islanders are put on something of a pedestal due to their size, skill, talent and faith in Christianity but a second look is often required to get a full picture.
Ask any Auckland new Zealand cop and the same guy who is singing away in the front row of the congregation on a Sunday morning with a big smile on his face, is the same guy who brutally raped a woman the night before.
I knew a jewish left winger from Auckland and he was all over his credentials with Islanders as he had lived and worked with him. he told me how any time they wanted a woman they would go amongst where the females were sleeping and choose a woman to sleep with, this he felt demonstrated how much more red blooded and manly they were than 'willowy white guys'. When I challenged him on his vaunted feminism and the fact that he said the women "couldn't say no" to these gents, he would get defensive and try and change the subject.
Talk in New Zealand about how their "sporting superstars" get away with domestic violence and assault and battery on wives, sisters girlfriends and cousins.. is avoiding the ethnicity of who all these women beaters are. Fijian star Sevu Reece being the latest Islander/mixed-race brother to beat the absolute spit out of the woman who had the misfortune of dating him.
Famous Islander rugby player Eric Rush (billed as a saintly kind of mentor figure in NZ media) killed a friend of a friend of mine whilst drink driving. Rush is still on a pedestal in NZ media and now has his own chain of supermarket stores..
A mixed friend of mine who was a kick boxing champion went to jail for senselessly throwing a bottle at a random car driver with their window open who then crashed and was badly hurt.
How was jail? Ah sweet as bro, my coach got word in and I was looked after. in there - training with my cousins friends - it really worked for me.
They get away with it more because they are worshipped and coddled.
My rugby team played in the same international tournament as Eric Rush's team. There was a coup in Fiji at the time and their manager, the connected Rhodes Scholar Freemason Bill Calcraft, had to pull every trick imaginable to get players out of Fiji while the airport was contested territory and the world had yet to recognise the new regime.
Bully for us having these players in the tournament. Double bully for us that one of them had his forearm in a fibreglass cast that he went round smashing into everyone's face, leaving them needing stitches. Did the referees do anything when this happened right in front of them, on television no less? - nope, they are coddled.
In the JQ thread we just discussed mixed race Eddie Jones and his obsession with crowbarring "diversity" into the previously white England team.
Well, lets look at those vaunted Pacific Islander additions shall we?
Much hyped Samoan Manu Tuilagi got himself in trouble for jumping off a ferry in Auckland harbour during an England tour - big deal he was just repeating the custom of Samoan men when the ferry gets into Apia and they like to swim the last 50 metres while someone else brings their bags ashore.
So far no problem.. but what about the fact that he missed a World Cup for England after he got drunk and was convicted of assaulting two female police officers?
I know a girl who worked at his club, Leicester. - there were two big issues in the season she worked there -
club captain Tom Youngs was leaving training early to cross the road into Leicester hospital every day where the mother of his kids was battling cancer (she went into remission thankfully until she got the jab and promptly died of a turbo cancer in record time) ...
and in stark contrast Manu Tuilagi was the clubs biggest signing, taking up most of their player budget, but was constantly injured and doing very little to rehab as he just got drunk all the time and chased white girls around Leicester.. He got in a fight over a girl with someone much smaller in the local Casino and got embarrassingly beaten up by a comparative midget, which set his rehab back even further.
He gained a reputation as a thug and a bully who liked to bully women especially. This culminated in an emotional annual club dinner with Tom Youngs' wife as invalid guest of honour coming to a screeching halt as Manu Tuilai flipped out in the middle of the floor screaming at his then white girlfriend in front of the entire club - he had to be held back but could not be calmed down.
French rugby journalists say that the regular fights witnessed between Manu's brothers and co-teammates, Alesana and Freddie, on quiet French village high streets in the locales where they played- are amongst the most brutal things they've ever witnessed. police let it go each time.
As Eddie's England attempted to win the World Cup in 2019 there was one slight snag. Two of his 8 man forward pack, a 1/4 of his pack, refused to even acknowledge each other.
Why? Well Billy and Mako Vunipola were Tongan brothers and when their parents went off to claim benefits in the west they could only afford to take one son. So Mako went and got a head start in adapting to White Western countries while Billy stayed in Tonga hanging out with the other island kids and being spoilt by his many aunties and uncles. Now why should that be a problem?
Well, in later life by all accounts Mako Vunipola became a Tongan Nationalist wanting to make his entire diet, activity and language used as Tongan as possible, a kind of "cultural cringe" if you will. To this his brother Billy just laughed and reminded him that he grew up in the White West and that he was basically a white man in a Tongan body. Because of this Mako refused to acknowledge or speak to his brother Billy.
This was all hushed up by the press.
So you had a multi million pound World Cup campaign where no stone has been left unturned, we're talking visual acuity coaches, NASA style computerised reaction training, endless communication workshops and team building exercises - and a full quarter of your forward pack refuse to even look at each other, and the other players have to relay simple messages between two adults who are in the same room and can hear each other and what has just been said but who are pretending that they can't. how absurd.
When England lost the final and all this stuff came out, it was dismissed with Eddie Jones saying "these islanders are always hardest on themselves in these situations"
Eh? What?
The problems did not go away and, with those two still in the team, Englands performances post World Cup began to nose dive thanks to its Tongan and Samoan "Christian" increment.
Recently Billy Vunipola was filmed with his clothes off, being tasered by Spanish Police at a nightclub in Ibiza.
Veteran jewish rugby journalist (((Nick Cain))) took diversity worship to new levels, saying "Well personally I'm proud of Billy. His club says that he has no problem with alcohol and we know that as we have been told that he has just been off the booze for a whole six months prior to this which proves that he has no problem with alcohol at all.. so any problem that he had in this nightclub, now he has gone back to drinking, were the fault of the Spanish police and not him"
Manu Tuilagi makes up four rugby playing brothers - Henry Alesana Freedie and Manu - there is a fifth brother, the biggest, but he is a transvestite living in Samoa.
Well he is the fourth son and the fourth son in Samoan and Tongan families has to dress like and take on the behaviour and responsibilities of a daughter.
What happens when the other teenage boys in the family have sexual needs that need servicing during their adolescence? Well, what chance do you think a female relative has, let alone a boy raised in dresses, jewellery and perfume as a transvestite?
I remember during the whole Israel Folau saga our then resident Hawaiian Kona just laughing about the vaunted Christianity of Islanders - "homosexuals go to hell do they? ask them what they get up to with their tranny brothers all the while they're growing up!"
When I was in Fiji an Australian tourism worker told me that "80% of the men in Fiji have homosexual tendencies" - I thought that arbitrary percentage figure and even the accusation was absurd given the Bula! Bula! Gentle Giant Cava drinking Christian image of the islanders I had come across through rugby.
Imagine my shock in the nightclubs around Suva Nadi and Nausori as I endeavoured to chat up tourist girls whilst the Fijian men around me kept touching me up, manhandling me and trying to chat me up. I never knew about that.
The Fijians are put on a pedestal in the British Military and nicknamed "Death in the Mist" for their soldiering ability, but it turns out that British Special Forces previously refused to encamp with them, them and the Gurkhas, owing to 'experimentation' and 'cultural practices' that happened when they were all together away from the front lines.
Puts a whole new complexion on 'Pacific Islander Homophobia'. All seems to come under "cultural practices" as a heading, but under "get thee behind me Satan" heading when the actual cultural practices are revealed. Similar to the 'down-low brother' phenomenon amongst black men in the United States.
Not having a pot to piss in (but having a trans brother at home to take care of your needs) is one thing when it comes to Christianity but Fijians in Fiji tell me that the moment a Fijian becomes financially independent (through rugby or the military, say) all the traditional virtues go out the window and they cease to respect their elders whilst setting a negative example for the young.
Their Christianity is not something that, by and large, survives a brush with an affluent western lifestyle. Ask any Auckland Cop.
Eddie Jones considered bringing in another Samoan Deny Solomona into his England team. Only problem was that Deny was pursuing a B celeb lifestyle and dating a reality TV star.
That was fine until fellow Samoan "England" player Ben Te'o was chucked out of camp for fighting with team mates and then Solomona and Manu Tuilagi turned up late and drunk consistently. Seems neither of them could handle the lifestyle and they were both let go of for a while.
"Cultural Issues" was the official line.
Solomona's now ex-wife (white) has said that his cheating becoming public was the best thing that ever happened, as it gave her an out from a frightening, bullying marriage.
Yes, Christianity has neither blood line nor colour bar, which is its strength,
But be careful which group of 'based', happy go lucky, all singing, masculine Christians we put on a pedestal. They have a tendency to fall off..
EDIT: I thought I might add that this is not just the behaviour of a few 'wrong-''uns', the same as we might expect from an English premiership soccer player with more money than sense.
All these players mentioned here publicly pray together before a game, whilst on the pitch and in the changing rooms afterward.
Not only that but they all wear forearm tape on which a Christian Cross is drawn and a bible verse written. Whenever they score, or appear on the Stadium Big Screen for whatever reason, they point to the cross emblazoned on their forearm, make a prayer gesture and then point at the sky. All game, every game.
When NRL star -mixed race Fijian, Jarryd Hayne went to the NFL in America he took it even further by relating every journalists question to Gods almighty plan for him. The 49ers cut him the next week for having a bad attitude and being a divisive presence.
The comment I am replying to characterised white European christianity as "politics and crusades", well.. by the same token "Christian" Polynesian society seems to display the same love affair with superficial virtue signalling and outward professions of faith, (and to heck with actual spiritual conduct in private) that one Martin Luther came to take issue with..
You're not most people Blade Runner.I think someone once put that reddit wall of text meme on a thread I started. That's funny, beyond somewhat annoying given my history, since Barron takes the cake. Do you save messages and copy and paste them on top of the more recent ideas? I'd find it hard to believe that most people are reading all of this.