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The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

He says the "ideology" is losing power over Europe. I can see that as possible, and he is right that it can change quickly. I don't see one issue changing very easily, though, which is getting certain people OUT of a given country/landscape if you want to keep your historical homeland. I can easily see drawing people to go to any given area if the incentives are right, but that might be in a historically different spot, which isn't all bad.

He has a nice presentation. I wonder what his thoughts are on that translation from the German into "re-gathering" once things are too far gone.

I guess we will see what happens, and if the globalists lose out in the next few years, without as much pain and chaos as there could be ....

Thanks for the post.
Martin is a good guy. He still thinks we can steer the boat away from the cliff. It's good he organizes and does events, but I think here in this forum we can say the truth, and the truth is that it's too late. Remigration will NEVER happen. Before we will have a civil war. I talked to some guys that attended the event here in Switzerland, and they all very much think it's possible to get Europe back to better times. I'm not black-pilled, just a realist. We can still do a lot. Make children, go to the countryside, red-pill your neighbors, go to church, pray, buy guns if possible etc but how you want to "clean" your country when we have 40-50% Africans/Muslims etc in Europe? Impossible.
Martin is a good guy. He still thinks we can steer the boat away from the cliff. It's good he organizes and does events, but I think here in this forum we can say the truth, and the truth is that it's too late. Remigration will NEVER happen. Before we will have a civil war. I talked to some guys that attended the event here in Switzerland, and they all very much think it's possible to get Europe back to better times. I'm not black-pilled, just a realist. We can still do a lot. Make children, go to the countryside, red-pill your neighbors, go to church, pray, buy guns if possible etc but how you want to "clean" your country when we have 40-50% Africans/Muslims etc in Europe? Impossible.
I wonder how realistic anyone thinks a right wing leader and/or coup is anymore?

Or do you just repopulate central and eastern europe? Think of what happened to Anatolia and Constantinople? I find it funny when Orthodox people still call it that, after almost 600 years.
I have just found out about the existence of this organization/abomination:

A quick search on Google reveals that there are branches all over the UK.

For those of you who are wanting to check out German fast food, may I recommend this, the world's largest bratwurst restaurant:

Once a german women told me: "But but who is gonna cook your Kebab?" after I told her we have too many Muslims. I can happily live my whole life not eating cheap Kebab anymore that 9 out 10 times is made with the cheapest meat you can find.

Next time your reply is, "You will." (Implication: Women belong in the kitchen.)

I've updated the title of this thread to something more appropriate. Remember, barbarian is the ancient equivalent of the N-word.
I've updated the title of this thread to something more appropriate. Remember, barbarian is the ancient equivalent of the N-word.
Are you sure? It's my understanding that "barbarus" simply meant "not Greek or Roman" or something like "foreigner" in Classical Latin and that the idea of a barbarian necessarily being uncivilized came later, probably because of the relatively uncivilized Germanic and Hunnic tribes who overran the Western Empire in it's final generations.

For example, Romans would have called the Persians or Chinese barbarians, although both were obviously highly civilized. If I recall correctly, Saint Augustine wrote that it didn't matter if the barbarians conquered the Empire as long as they were Christian and didn't seem to mean the term in a pejorative sense.

Are you sure? It's my understanding that "barbarus" simply meant "not Greek or Roman" or something like "foreigner" in Classical Latin and that the idea of a barbarian necessarily being uncivilized came later, probably because of the relatively uncivilized Germanic and Hunnic tribes who overran the Western Empire in it's final generations.

For example, Romans would have called the Persians or Chinese barbarians, although both were obviously highly civilized. If I recall correctly, Saint Augustine wrote that it didn't matter if the barbarians conquered the Empire as long as they were Christian and didn't seem to mean the term in a pejorative sense.

Yes I'm sure. For example Thucydides only uses the word Barbarian once, in his entire 10,000 page book of the Peloponnesian War, because it was considered so extremely insulting in those times.

Also, yes, Christians are called to love even the barbarian. And turn them into non-barbarians. This will be extremely difficult when the government is persecuting Christians and promoting barbarian ways, however. Eventually things will turn around, but it looks like Europe is going into a 500+ year dark age.
After the classical ranks of gold, silver and bronze; I thought that Barbarian was the silver class to the Greeks and Romans. So non-Hellenised and non-Romanised cultures.

Celtic and Germanic tribes would have been considered Barbarians.

Then there was the Savage (Bronze). He was different to the Barbarian.
Eventually things will turn around, but it looks like Europe is going into a 500+ year dark age.
Yes, we tend to have a difficult time considering this, given our predilection to think the "end times" are coming sooner than later, and also that we want to believe that our lifetimes are meaningful, which in general isn't true in the way we think it is.
Once a german women told me: "But but who is gonna cook your Kebab?" after I told her we have too many Muslims. I can happily live my whole life not eating cheap Kebab anymore that 9 out 10 times is made with the cheapest meat you can find.
I gave it up a year or two ago after reading a news article about some shady meat dealers being caught by the police smuggling rotten meat from Poland. And even if the meat is good, I can't swallow it without the addition of some sophisticated sauce (soy crap) , which makes me drink at least half a liter of water at night because I'm thirsty as hell.
As long as European blood stands up to these anti-Christ injustices, it will not enter a dark age, an age of strife to expel all this garbage perhaps, but strife and struggle is better than complete destruction.

These guys have no chance, not a single mention of God or Christ, just another bunch of Pagan losers. Very sad to see Whites throw themselves away like this, I see it as no different than fat people who won't stop eating food. It's a suicidal action. They will all be stomped out ruthlessly by the state because they put a giant target on their heads, and most people won't join them because they stand for basically nothing. Spiritual bankruptcy is why the original Nazi movement lost, and these guys are 1 trillion times weaker by comparison, so they have no chance.

Video showing how they tackled the homelessness crises in Finland. If you had this type of program in an Anglo-sphere country let alone a third world country so many people would abuse the system (and fake homelessness would skyrocket) that it would collapse quickly. Only in a handful of countries like the Nordic countries and possibly the Baltics and Japan and Singapore could you institute such a system without it getting abused.

Amazing when you have a civilised society with social cohesion that people can look after each other without people abusing the system and trying to take advantage.
Didn't Hitler come to the Conclusion that uniting near a century Ago Germany almost impossible because of the 3 sects of Christianity? Much less multiple denominations in the West and even more diverse Western Nations.

Will Christian churches that are Genrally subverted at the Hierarchy stand up for Ethnic Europeans?

I'm not saying those Groups are right, but folks need to be red-pilled somehow before the trip to the Genocide Factory. The Jews grip has been that Good to in alot of cases wipe Ethnic Europeans Race as a Non-Existent Category.

I have No Problem combining Faith with this Movement, but nobody has a correct answer on how to Effectively Red Pill the Masses....I mean does the Tower of Babel need to be the Crux of the White Nationalist Movement?

I mean we do live in Secular Societies run by Secular Governance.
I mean we do live in Secular Societies run by Secular Governance.
These are failing and falling right before our eyes. Regionalism and decentralization will reign again, but first we have to go through the birth pangs of the failure of the God-State complex that has enslaved the minds and souls of so many of our "civilization". Of course, the quickest way that happens is with the decentralized money that has been discovered ;)

You guys do realize that nearly all of the important and hard working people in that decentralized space are either of european or east asian heritage, right? And they are men. We have the answers right in front of us. Soon, it won't matter who wants to print what. But we do still need to maintain our faith and trust in God, and I think these groups can.
Leviticus 19:34 King James Bible
But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.
How should one respond to this quote when people who want to help the poor refugees, use this against people who support restrictive borders.